Saturday, May 21, 2005

1st Annual Yard Sale to Benefit NM Wilderness Alliance

From the NM Wilderness Alliance:

Please help us with the first
New Mexico Wilderness Alliance Yard Sale
June 18th in Albuquerque

Donate your used items to help raise money for our efforts to protect New Mexico's wild landscapes. All donations can be dropped off at the office beginning May 1st. NMWA staff will pick up your items in Albuquerque June 13 to 17th. Please contact Roxanne Pacheco for additional information or to schedule a pick-up at 505/843-8696 or

Each dollar raised at the Yard Sale will be MATCHED by one of our donors!  That's right, each dollar raised is DOUBLED- so your donations are worth twice as much!

If you don't have any used goods to donate, but you'd still like to help, go to:

May 21, 2005 at 01:23 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Special DPBC Meeting 5/26

From Marvin Moss, DPBC Chair:
SPECIAL Democratic Party of Bernalillo County MEETING, MAY 26, 6:00 PM, Law School, Room 2401 - for ward and precinct officers, new and seasoned, and other interested Democrats - a discussion of ward/precinct organization, strategies and procedures.  District coordinators from state HQ will make the presentation and answer questions.  You are urged to attend, especially if you are an officer.

Editor's Note: You can track Democratic Party and other political events at the DPBC website. Click on Calendar of Events on the left-hand side of their main page.

May 21, 2005 at 01:21 PM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, May 20, 2005

MoveOn PAC Urges Citizen Filibusters Nationwide

From MoveOn PAC:
Citizen Filibuster to Stop the Right-Wing Power Grab
Senators are right now debating the future of our courts and our democracy in Washington. Join MoveOn members across the country in round-the-clock, 24-hour Citizen Filibusters starting Tuesday May 24 at 12 Noon to send a message that senators should do the right thing.

This is an emergency. If Republicans succeed, they’ll have complete power to reshape the Supreme Court, appointing justices who oppose the worker protections, women's rights, and environmental laws. This could be the most important decision the Senate makes this decade, because the impact of these lifetime appointments will be felt for a generation.

Please consider changing your schedule for the next couple of days to help out starting this Tuesday, May 24, at 12 noon. Host your own Citizen Filibuster to Stop the Right-Wing Power Grab or sign up for an event near you.
Editor's Note: So far, there are citizen filibusters in New Mexico scheduled for Albuquerque at Senator Pete Domenici's office and Santa Fe at the Federal Courthouse. to sign up for these, find others or create your own event.

May 20, 2005 at 10:20 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Council to Hold Special Hearing on Living Wage Ordinance

Editor's Note: This is THE event in support of fair wages in Albuquerque. We need a very large turnout to counteract the misconceptions about this initiative to put the matter to the voters in October and show that the people are in support of Council Martin Heinrich's efforts. If at all possible, please attend, urge your friends to attend and sign up to testify on behalf of the bill.

From Albuquerque Living Wage:
Next Wednesday, May 25, the City Council will hold a meeting just to debate the proposal to let voters approve an increase in the Albuquerque minimum wage to $7.15.  Please join us! 

We need citizens, business owners, and people who believe that we should reward work with a Living Wage to join our crowd of supporters in person and testify to counteract the alarmist business organizations that are fighting the resolution. The meeting will start at 5:00 PM in the City Council chambers in the basement of 1 Civic Plaza.  In order to testify, one must sign up before 5:30 PM

See you there!

May 19, 2005 at 12:21 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Terrell on Palast: Investigating NM Voting

PALAST IN SANTA FE by Steve Terrell
As published in the Santa Fe New Mexican, May 17, 2005
Read the entire article on Terrell's blog.

In a telephone interview last week, Greg Palast said he’s coming to New Mexico to investigate what he and several progressive activists in the state say are problems with the presidential election here last November. President Bush beat Democrat John Kerry by less than one percent here according to official results.

“I’m coming here more to investigate than talk,” Palast said.
Then last year, Palast created a noisy Internet buzz in a widely circulated article published only days after the election. There Palast wrote, “... it's my job to tell you who got the most votes in the deciding states. Tuesday, in Ohio and New Mexico, it was John Kerry.”

The culprit, Palast argued was “spoilage” — ballots from old punch card machines that were unreadable and provisional ballots that were cast but never counted.

“Hispanic voters in the Enchanted State, who voted more than two to one for Kerry, are five times as likely to have their vote spoil as a white voter,” Palast wrote Counting these uncounted votes would easily overtake the Bush ‘plurality.’”
Palast said last week he wants to look at why there was such a high “undervote” — ballots that were cast but showed no choice for president — in this state and why so many of those tended to be in high Hispanic or American Indian areas.

The statewide undervote rate was 2.45 percent. According to a study for a national organization advocating a recount, Indian precincts in New Mexico had an undervote rate of 6.7 percent , while Hispanic precincts had a 3.5 percent undervote rate.

According to a report by Scripps-Howard News Service New Mexico was one of only four states with an undervote of more than 2 percent in 2004.
Editor's Note: Greg Palast is scheduled to speak at 5 PM Friday at the IBEW Hall in Albuquerque and at 5 PM Saturday at Cloudcliff Cafe and Art Space, 1805 Second Street in Santa Fe. Tickets are $15. For more details click on the event links under Coming Events on the right-hand sidebar on this page.

May 18, 2005 at 08:56 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Ecumenical Voices for Democracy First Forum on Religion and Politics Set for Sunday in ABQ

Citizens take action to prevent misuse of religion in politics: Ecumenical Voices for Democracy, a group of New Mexico citizens organized to combat the misuse of religion in politics, is presenting its first forum on Religion and Politics, "The Use and Abuse of Religion in Politics." The event will take place on Sunday, May 22, at 2 PM at the TVI Main Campus, Smith-Brasher Hall Auditorium, corner of University and Coal in Albuquerque.

Have the Democrats ignored and alienated people of faith? Has the Republican Party misused religion and people of faith to gain power? The forum will utilize a panel composed of religious, academic, and civic leaders to discuss if there is a place for religion in politics, what it should be and how politicians should approach people of faith.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Reese Fullerton, a recognized expert in conflict resolution whose experience includes defusing conflicts in Beirut, Macedonia, and Northern Ireland.

Panel members for the forum include:

  • Rev. Brian Taylor of St. Michaels of All Angels*
  • Prof Rich Wood, Director of Religious Studies, UNM* 
  • Rev. Curtis Brinkley, Assoc. Pastor Hoffmantown Church*
  • Prof Andy Schultz, UNM School of Law, and ACLU Board Member*

(* Titles for identification purposes only.)

Ecumenical Voices for Democracy believes that its mission can best be achieved through a balanced dialogue and by exploring a broad range of topics. Future forums will focus on:

  • Religion, Civil Rights and Individual Liberty
  • Religion and the Sanctity of Life
  • Poverty, Heath and Education Policy
  • Religion's Role in Economic Justice, Labor Policy and International Trade 

The series will present quarterly, moderated forums. The format will include Opening Statements of fact and opinion expressed by panel members. Questions will then be posed by a moderator, and by members of the Audience. The forum will end with closing remarks by the panel members.

A reception will follow in which audience members are encouraged to engage in civil discourse with one another and panel members.

May 17, 2005 at 03:11 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

DPBC Third Thursday Meeting to Focus on UNM Hospital Indigent Care

From Fred Harris:
We're hoping for a good attendance for the Bernalillo County Democratic Forum this Thursday, May 19, 6:00 PM, Room 2401, UNM Law School, 1117 Stanford Drive NE, on "UNM Hospital: Are We Providing Adequate Care for Indigent and Underserved Families?" 

Panel: Fred Harris, Chair; Presenters: Bernalillo Co. Commissioner Deanna Archuleta-Loeser and Dr. Mark Unverzaght, UNM Associate Professor, Family and Community Medicine.

Editor's Note: This event is this month's Third Thursday Meeting of the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County and all Democrats are encouraged to attend. Click for a map.

Also, click to visit the new DPBC website. Included in the site's variety of features is a Forum where you can participate in discussions. Click the "Discussion Forum" tab at the top of the page.

May 17, 2005 at 08:34 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, May 16, 2005

Tonight's the Night


Come on down!

The Albuquerque City Council will discuss Councilor Martin Heinrich's Fair Wage Initiative at tonight's City Council Meeting. Please attend the meeting and sign up to testify on behalf of the bill if you possibly can.

It is extremely important that we have a large turnout so that the Council can see how much support the bill has from ordinary citizens and small business owners.

Council Meetings are held in the Vincent E. Griego Council Chambers on the basement level of the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center building, One Civic Plaza NW (click for map).

All meetings begin at 5:00 PM and you must sign up by that time in order to be allowed to comment on a bill during the meeting.

Click for information on Councilor Heinrich's Fair Wage Initiative.

May 16, 2005 at 01:45 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (3)

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Show Up to Support Hike in Minimum Wage in Albuquerque


From Albuquerque Living Wage:
Come testify to the City Council, on Monday, May 16, about Albuquerque's need for a minimum wage hike to $7.15. You must sign up to testify in the Council chambers before 5:30.

The chambers are in the basement of the City/County building, on the northwest corner of Civic Plaza, off of 5th & Marquette.

The Council needs to hear from you! Whether you own a Living Wage business, earn less than $7.15, or just believe it is the right thing to let the voters decide this issue in October, you need to speak out. Our opposition certainly will.

A huge majority of voters support the Living Wage as do many of our Councilors and economists who have studied the impact of higher minimum wage laws. The National Restaurant Association and the Chamber of Commerce, however, are masters of misinformation, so we need to counter their attack at the Council meeting with a physical presence that signifies our deep support and testimony that reflects our diversity.

Please join us.

Editor's Note: Click for more information on this issue and Martin Heinrich's bill. If you can't attend Monday's City Council Meeting, please about this issue.

Remember, the Democratic Party of New Mexico Endorses a Living Wage. On April 23, the state Democratic Party, at its State Central Committee Meeting in Socorro, approved the following resolution:

Whereas the Democratic Party is, and has always been, the party or ordinary working men and women, in recognition of this fundamental relationship, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF BERNALILLO COUNTY that the DPNM is committed to the establishment and enforcement of a living wage for all New Mexico workers.

May 12, 2005 at 11:51 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Red River to Host NM Young Dems

From Democratic Party of NM:

Thinkblue Historic Red River to Host Annual Convention, May 20-21
Santa Fe, NM – The Young Democrats of Santa Fe County (YDSFC) are hosting the 2005 Young Democrats of New Mexico State Convention in historic and beautiful Red River New Mexico May 20th and 21st, where the state organization will elect a new president among other offices.  Red River is located in scenic North Central New Mexico. 

“Red River is a charming and extraordinary community that offers many amenities to visitors year round.  Red River promises to be an exciting place to hold the 2005 Convention.  Santa Fe County Democrats are looking forward to harnessing the energy and enthusiasm of young Democrats and ensuring continued Democratic representation,” said Young Democrats of Santa Fe County President, Ben R. Lujan.

On Friday, young Democrats will have the opportunity to explore the natural wonders and adventures of Red River, before the convening of standing committees and registration, starting at 5 p.m.  The Young Democrats of New Mexico State Convention begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 21, when outgoing President Sisto Abeyta will welcome attendees.

After hearing from candidates for contested offices, New Mexico’s Young Democrats will elect National Committee Woman, National Committee Man, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, and President.  All New Mexico Democrats under the age of 36 are eligible to cast ballots for these offices.

The Red River Convention Center is located at 101 W. Main Street in Red River, New Mexico.  For detailed information regarding the Red River Convention Center you may call their toll free number at 877-754-1708.
Please pass this info along to young Democrats you know and encourage them to attend. To download more information and registration materials for the Young Democrats' convention, click this link:

Download YoungDemocratsofNewMexico.pdf

May 11, 2005 at 09:22 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)