Thursday, June 02, 2005


From Terri Holland, Executive Director, Democratic Party of Bernalillo County:

We need 20 electronic roasting pans to keep the chili warm at our Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, June 18th.  We would need to have them dropped by the county Headquarters before Friday the 17th at 130 Alvarado NE, Suite 400 between 8 AM and 5 PM (or we can pick them up at your home).  Please call me at 256-1855 and let me know if you can help.  The environmental department insists that we use either roasting pans or NSF approved crock pots.  If you have either one - we would be so grateful.  They would be available for pickup the following Monday.

We also are in need of a copier, a fax machine, enclosed storage shelves, several side chairs for an office, copy paper,  coffee pot, microwave and smaller regular refrigerator or dorm type refrigerator.  If you have any of these items to spare please call.

We are now at the headquarters 5 days a week, 8 am until 5 PM.  Stop by anytime, I'd be happy to visit with you. Thank you.
Editor's Note: If you can't be a cook at the DPBC Chili (Chile) Cookoff Benefit, please attend and bring your friends and neighbors! Click on the Cookoff link under Coming Events on the right-hand sidebar on this page for a flyer with all the info.

Visit the for a copy of the rules for those interested in entering the Cookoff competition.

June 2, 2005 at 09:48 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Judy Espinosa to Officially Announce Mayoral Candidacy Saturday



June 1, 2005 at 05:58 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Living Wage Petition & Council Action on Heinrich Bill

From Albuquerque Living Wage:

Living Wage Petitioning Underway
In light of the Albuquerque City Council’s & Mayor’s opposition to placing a Living Wage measure on the October ballot, the Campaign launched a direct voter initiative on May 19.  We need to collect 13,393 signatures of registered voters within the City of Albuquerque by July 18 to qualify our measure for the ballot.

Download a Petition NOW!
Go to to download the petition, the text of the measure, and instructions today, and help us reach our goal.  We have already collected over 2,400 signatures and are working to collect 27,000 in order to guarantee that we have enough valid signatures to qualify.

The Council Fight Goes on
We have not given up on the Albuquerque City Council, however.  About 190 supporters overwhelmed the opposition and the Council at its special hearing on Councilor Heinrich’s Fair Wage bill on May 25.  Citizens giving testimony in support outnumbered opponents 5 to 1.  Councilor Miguel Gomez also read a letter of support from former Senator John Edwards, who is supporting minimum wage campaigns across the country.  Nevertheless, the Council postponed its vote until Monday, June 6.  The Council will not take testimony on the Fair Wage bill on the 6th, but we encourage people to come, speak during public comment at the start of the meeting, and hold our Council accountable to the will of the people!  Councilors Heinrich, Griego, Gomez, and O’Malley remain in strong support.  Councilors Cadigan and Winter remain skeptical but undecided.

May 31, 2005 at 02:53 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (1)

LCV Needs You Thursday


From League of Conservation Voters:

Thursday, June 2 - 10 AM:
Press Conference and Protest
Against Congresswoman Heather Wilson
Galeria Building (Heather's office)
2nd and Copper - Downtown ABQ

We will be staging a protest against Congresswoman Wilson's vote to allow corporations to poison groundwater - including the Edgewood water supply in her home district - with the toxic substance MTBE, a gasoline additive. This vote would allow corporations to poison ground water with MTBE and not be responsible for cleaning up a polluted supply.

As always, if you have any questions regarding the above-listed events, please call us at 505-244-1077 or e-mail us! Thank you, and see you all soon!

Maggie Toulouse
SW Region Campaign Manager
League of Conservation Voters
400 Gold Ave. SW, Suite 110
Albuquerque, NM 87120
(505) 244-1077

May 31, 2005 at 12:37 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, May 27, 2005

Rep. Xavier Becerra and Councilor Miguel Gomez Set for Social Security Town Hall

House Ways and Means Committee Member, Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-CA), Participates in Town Hall on Social Security with City Council member Miguel Gomez
Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus' Social Security Task Force Visits Albuquerque to Discuss the Pitfalls of Privatization

ALBURQUERQUE, NM –New Mexicans United to Protect Social Security announces that Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-CA), an opponent of the president's scheme to privatize Social Security and a member of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, will participate in a Social Security town hall meeting this Wednesday, June 1, at 10:00 AM with City Councilmember Miguel Gomez.

Congressman Becerra, along with Councilman Gomez, will discuss the president's disastrous Social Security privatization plan that will slash middle-class benefits and lead to explosive new debts, adding $5 trillion over the next 20 years to our national debt, which is already at the unacceptable $7.8 trillion.

WHO:  Social Security Town Hall with Congressman Becerra and City Councilman Miguel Gomez -- Open to the Public

WHEN:  Wednesday, June 1st at 10:00AM

WHERE:  Los Volcanes Senior Citizens Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico

(Editor's Note: Click for a map and directions to Los Volcanes)

May 27, 2005 at 01:04 PM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (1)

Enter a Team in the Chili Cookoff!

You're all invited to enter a team in the First Annual Chili (or Chile) Cookoff to benefit the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County. Click the image above for details on how to enter the competition.

The Cookoff is scheduled for Saturday, June 18th, Noon to 4:00 PM, at Horizon Academy Northwest, 7939 Fourth Street NW, one mile North of Osuna. Click for a map. Deadline for registration of cookoff teams is June 10th.

To make this event a success, the Party needs donations, sponsors, volunteers and chili entries. If you or someone you know know can participate in any of these categories, please contact Jane Ronca-Washburn at 323-6162 or Ana Canales at 275-1283.

Pass it on!

May 27, 2005 at 09:50 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

JOIN UP: League of Conservation Voters Days of Action on Energy Bill

From NM League of Conservation Voters:
In the next couple of weeks we are embarking on a big public campaign to hold our elected officials accountable on the controversial Energy Bill that is working its way through Congress.

The House has already cast their votes and now it's up to our own Senators Pete Domenici and Jeff Bingaman to craft a bill that helps solve America's energy problems - not give more money to big oil and corporate ruin of our environment.

Please join us for these important upcoming events and help us hold our Congressional delegation accountable! (See below.)

Saturday, May 28 - 10 AM; 12 PM; and 2 PM: Canvass
LCV New Mexico Office: 400 Gold Ave. SW (4th & Gold), Suite 110 (ground floor - 4th St. entrance)

We will be talking to voters in Albuquerque to let them know about the upcoming energy bill vote, to inform them of Congresswoman Wilson's votes on the issue, and to urge them to contact Senator Domenici to craft a bill that is smart, clean, and conservationist.

Please come for a shift at 10 AM, 12 PM, or 2 PM - whichever fits your schedule best.

Saturday, May 28 - 10 AM - 2 PM: Letter Writing
LCV New Mexico Office: 400 Gold Ave. SW (4th & Gold), Suite 110 (ground floor - 4th St. entrance)

If you cannot canvass or if you only have a short period of time to help, please stop by the office on Saturday and help us write letters to voters we cannot contact at the door. Having a personal letter delivered will have a strong effect on voters' desire to take action and contact their congressional representative.

Thursday, June 2 - 10 AM: Press Conference and Protest against Congresswoman Heather Wilson
Galeria Building (Heather's office) - 2nd and Copper - Downtown

We will be staging a protest against Congresswoman Wilson's vote to allow corporations to poison groundwater - including the Edgewood water supply in her home district - with the toxic substance MTBE, a gasoline additive. This vote would allow corporations to poison ground water with MTBE and not be responsible for cleaning up a polluted supply.

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Night - 5:30 - 8 PM: Volunteer Outreach and Office Work

We need your help contacting and scheduling volunteers as well as help with various office needs such as data entry. We can also use general office help whenever your schedule permits - just let us know when you are available.

As always, if you have any questions regarding the above-listed events, please call us at 505-244-1077 or e-mail us! Thank you, and see you all soon!

Maggie Toulouse
SW Region Campaign Manager
League of Conservation Voters
400 Gold Ave. SW, Suite 110
Albuquerque, NM 87120
(505) 244-1077

May 25, 2005 at 10:12 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Human Needs Coordinating Council to Hold Fundraising Celebration

Save the Date – Join the Human Needs Coordinating Council for Fun, Food, Dancing, Celebration, and Silent Auction from 4 to 7 PM, Sunday, June 12, 2005.

The fundraiser will be held at the Outpost Performance Space at 210 Yale SE, 2 blocks south of Central Ave. The band, “Nosotros” will play.  “Nosotros” received the 2004 New Mexico Music Industry Album of the Year Award. Proceeds will go towards rural organizing and education to increase health care access and coverage for all New Mexicans. 

Requested minimum donation of $25 per person.  RSVP today!  Send a check to:  HNCC, PO Box 16737, Abq, NM 87191.   For more information, call Anita at 899-0392.  Event hosted by: HNCC Steering Committee Members, Charlotte Roybal, and Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino.   

PO Box 16737 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87191
Phone:  (505) 265-5005 Fax:  (505) 265-4677
Website:   E-mail:

May 24, 2005 at 01:55 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, May 23, 2005

REMINDER: MoveOn Filibusters Tueday at Noon

There are now MoveON PAC demonstrations in support of preserving the right to have Senate filibusters scheduled in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Taos, El Prado and Las Cruces at Noon tomorrow (Tuesday). Click for more information and to for a Citizen Filibuster to Stop the Right-Wing Power Grab.

May 23, 2005 at 11:45 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Living Wage Politics: Special City Council Meeting Wednesday!

From Terry Riley:
Living Wage.  This isn't about sneaking some unearned benefit.  This is about being paid more than people are currently being paid because the existing minimum wage is inadequate.  Now, that is a simple statement but the problem is really that simple.  There are people who are making the issue sound difficult.  They say that if you give a raise at the bottom of the wage scale then everybody will want a raise and the cost of everything will go up.  Excuse me!  The prices on everything have already gone up!  Gas at $2.20 per gallon.  If you ignore everything else, that alone is proof that $5.15 per hour is not a living wage.

If you approach this problem as a business owner and in a totally selfish manner you can still justify better pay in an ever tightening economy.  Think about how these things affect an employee's value to you.  No wonder you don't think they are worth more money, you made them too expensive to hire.

  • Employees who make less than a living wage will not own a reliable car.
  • Employees who make less than a living wage will not have reliable child care.
  • Employees who make less than a living wage will need food stamps just to get by.
  • Employees who make less than a living wage will have to use tax supported health care.
  • Employees who make less than a living wage will have to use tax supported legal aid.
  • Employees who make less than a living wage will have to use tax supported housing.
  • Employees who make less than a living wage will change jobs with no notice. 
  • Employees who make less than a living wage will be sick more often than others. 
  • Employees who make less than a living wage will experience more domestic abuse.
  • Employees who make less than a living wage will be more likely to steal from an employer.

Some people argue that if somebody wants to make more money they should work harder or get a better education.  How do you get a better education if you are working 60 or more hours per week at two or three jobs so you can pay most of your bills?  How can you get ahead when predatory lending is legal for paycheck loans, title loans, and tax refund loans?

How can we not support a living wage?  Don't fool yourself, this is not really a good wage.  For example, you wouldn't want to only be paid $7.15 per hour, would you?

The Albuquerque City Council is holding a special session this Wednesday, May 25th at 5 PM in the City Council Chambers which is downstairs in the City -County Building.  That is just west of the Civic Plaza downtown at the corner of Marquette and 3rd Street.

The present action is only to put this issue on the ballot in October so that the voters can choose.  The polls show that 70% of the citizens of Albuquerque support this.

I promised the City Council a large turnout in support of this measure when they deferred dealing with it at the last regular City Council meeting.  We really have to show up in large numbers because it is not clear that we have enough support to pass this.  Please don't let this opportunity to improve living conditions in Albuquerque drop.  The people deserve it and we KNOW that this kind of help is not coming from the state or federal governments.

Terry Riley
Veterans for Peace - Albuquerque
Veterans for Common Sense
Military Families Speak Out
Stop the War Machine
New Mexico Democratic Friends

May 23, 2005 at 08:32 AM in Current Affairs, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)