Monday, August 15, 2005

Wednesday Vigils to Support Cindy Sheehan and Camp Casey


From Democracy for America:

Our sons made the ultimate sacrifice and we want answers. All we're asking is that President Bush sacrifice an hour out of his five-week vacation to talk to us, before the next mother loses her son in Iraq. - Cindy Sheehan, August 12, 2005

By now, you've heard of Cindy Sheehan, mother of Army Specialist Casey Sheehan who was killed in Iraq, and her vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. What you may not know is that Cindy is a regular DFA Meetup participant in Sacramento. Since last Saturday, she has held vigil outside the president's ranch. Cindy says that she won't leave until President Bush meets with her to discuss the war--even if it means spending all of August there.

We need to show that Cindy is not alone. Now, it is critical to demonstrate broad support for Cindy in every corner of the country.

She has asked supporters to start candlelight vigils in their communities to remind people of the terrible price of war. Democracy for America is teaming up with MoveOn and True Majority to organize nationwide "Vigils for Cindy Sheehan" on Wednesday, August 17, starting at 7:30 PM local time. The vigils are an easy way for people across the country to come together to show support for Cindy and speak out against the war.

Click below to organize or attend one in your community:

These vigils aren't rallies or places to give long-winded speeches. They are moments to solemnly come together and mark the sacrifice of Cindy and other families.

Thank you for standing with Cindy.
Tom Hughes, Democracy for America

Check out our co-sponsors--

One Austinite traveled to Crawford to see who else is at Camp Casey, where they're from and why they came. Click on the photo to get his video mini-documentary:

August 15, 2005 at 09:42 AM in Events, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (0)

Eric Griego for Mayor Meet-Up This Week!

From the Eric Griego for Mayor campaign:

Open to all:  Supporters, volunteers, and those who just want to learn more about Eric and the campaign.

Talk about what you're hearing, share your ideas, meet other Griego supporters and get to know Eric!

Every other Thursday from 5:30-6:30 PM
At Campaign Headquarters
1020 Coal SE (east of I-25, entrance on Mulberry)

Next Meet-Up:  August 18th

For more information call Molly at 681-3012.

August 15, 2005 at 09:40 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, August 12, 2005

Fun & A Great Cause: 2005 Valle Vidal Great Outdoor Adventure Set for 8/19-21


WildAlert from The Wilderness Society:

Please Attend : Pack Up the Family and Head to the Hills!!
Join us at the 2005 Valle Vidal Great Outdoor Adventure

If you are looking for a family friendly weekend in the great outdoors AND a fun way to support a good cause, join us at the 2005 Valle Vidal Great Outdoor Adventure, August 19th - 21st, 2005.

This exciting weekend-long event includes a community forum with New Mexico's Governor Richardson, former President of the New Mexico Oil & Gas Association Gary Fonay, and Mayor Danny Cruz of Springer, New Mexico, and will discuss the importance of protecting "New Mexico's Yellowstone." The event includes family friendly activities such as camping, hiking, fishing, horseback riding, wildlife viewing, and the restoration of critical riparian and wetland areas.

For complete event details, please visit this site or contact Oscar Simpson, New Mexico Wildlife Federation, at 505-345-0117 or
Brief History
In 1982, the Pennzoil Company donated 100,000 acres of Vermejo Park (located in northern New Mexico) to the people of the United States, through the Forest Service. It was the largest and most valuable donation of private land to the Forest Service. The area became known as the Valle Vidal unit, named after what the Indians and Spanish referred to as "The Valley of Life."

This 100,000-acre recreational paradise is filled with breathtaking landscapes, wildlife, lush grassy meadows, and sparkling streams set in a backdrop of lush green conifer forest. This majestic landscape starts at an elevation of around 7,800 feet and terminates at 12,544 feet - the summit of Little Costilla Peak is New Mexico's the third highest mountain.

No Management Plan
To date, there is no comprehensive Forest Management Plan for the Valle Vidal. The Multiple Use Area Guide for the Valle Vidal, published in 1982, called for the creation of a Forest Management Plan for the Valle, but was abandoned in the 1990s, and never finished.

An Irresponsible Energy Policy
The Carson National Forest is under a lot of pressure, both from the Bush Administration's Energy Task Force and the insatiable Oil and Gas Industry, to "fast track" the opening of Valle Vidal for energy development. The Carson is currently conducting studies in order to lease 40,000 acres on the Eastern portion of the Valle Vidal for coalbed methane development.

For more information About the Valle Vidal please visit or the USDA Forest Service-Valle Vidal web site at
The Wilderness Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to conserving American wilderness. Our mission is to ensure that future generations will enjoy the clean air and water, wildlife, beauty, and opportunity for recreation and renewal provided by pristine forests, rivers, deserts, and mountains. As a subscriber to WildAlert, you join over 250,000 Wilderness Society members and supporters in our efforts to protect and restore America's wild places.

(Photo courtesy of the Coalition for the Valle Vidal.)

August 12, 2005 at 04:46 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Seniors to Elect Eric Griego Planning Meeting Set for Saturday

Seniors to Elect Eric Griego Planning Meeting
Saturday, August 13th
11AM - Noon

Campaign Headquarters
1020 Coal SE
Just east of I-25, entrance on Mulberry

Only 10 weeks until the election! Help us organize our group, schedule senior events, and brainstorm other ideas.

For more info call Molly at 681-3012

August 11, 2005 at 04:46 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Legislative Election Reform Task Force to Meet Monday

From United Voters of NM:
Hello All, a reminder that you’re invited to come to the next meeting of the Election Reform Task Force, set for next Monday, August 15, at 10 AM in Room 307 at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe.

Bob Stearns reminds that there is usually parking in the state government parking lot east of the Roundhouse. You can check with the Legislature's website for updates. Give us your ideas ( on which issues you believe are most urgent for United Voters NM to pursue in the 2006 legislative session.

Here's the agenda for the MON 8/15 meeting -- nothing here on electronic voting machines:

10:15 AM: Rules for 3rd Party Registration Agents; Registration Forms, Federal Forms, Implementation, Associated Costs – Ernie Marquez, Elections Bureau Director

Noon: Lunch

1:30 PM: Procedures for Voters to Challenge Rejected Provisional Ballots; SecState Appeal Procedures under HAVA; Costs -- Marquez again 

2:30 PM: Timing of Open Registration and Early Voting – Mary Herrera, Bernalillo Cty Clerk

3:00 PM: Address Provisions for Registration and Petition Purposes – Marquez.

Meeting adjourns at 3:30 PM.
Editor's Note: This is a continuation of the effort at the last NM Legislative Session to enact meaningful election reform. These meetings will be held regularly until the next Session in January to map out additional election reform measures and discuss how to implement provisions from the last Session. It's important that we keep up the pressure on election reform and the more people we have in attendance, the more clout we will have in the process. Senator Linda Lopez and Representative Ed Sandoval are Co-Chairs of this Interim Committee.

August 11, 2005 at 10:41 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sign Up for Training as a Lakoff Workshop Facilitator

From Janet Resnick:
I am inviting people interested in becoming George Lakoff workshop facilitators to a training for facilitators on Saturday, Aug 20th, from 11 AM - 3 PM (brown bag lunch) and a followup session on Wednesday evening, Aug 24th, from 6 - 8 PM.

For more information or to sign up, contact me at or call my cell at 505-350-4281. I will then provide you with directions to the meeting location in Albuquerque.

Editor's Note: If you attended one of Janet's workshops on George Lakoff's framing techniques presented in conjunction with our DFA-DFNM Albuquerque Meetup, up in Santa Fe or elsewhere, you know what an excellent experience they are. With so many requests for additional workshops, Janet has decided to train people to hold their own workshops here and around the state. Highly recommended!

And if you don't know about Democratic strategist George Lakoff and his important work on framing issues to our advantage, you should. Here's a few links where you can learn about Lakoff's work and his best-selling books:

Rockridge Institute

Don't Think of an Elephant by George Lakoff: The essential guide for progressives, this book is the antidote to the last forty years of conservative dominance of the national public policy debate.

Wikipedia on Lakoff

August 11, 2005 at 10:23 AM in Books, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

6th District Coalition of Neighborhood Assocations to Hold Mayoral Forum

You are invited to attend a forum for the Candidates for the Mayor of Albuquerque, hosted by the Sixth District Coalition of Neighborhood Associations. The League of Women Voters has generously agreed to moderate this forum.

This forum will be on Sunday, August 28, 3 PM 'til 5 PM, at the Highland Senior Center Auditorium, 131 Monroe, NE.

Questions of the candidates will be presented to the moderator and asked of each candidate only by the moderator. We hope all of you attend and show your support of our democratic process.

Many of you already have this on your calendars, so let this e-mail serve as a reminder. For those of you who have not already confirmed your participation, please RSVP to

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you on the 28th.

Nancy Bearce, President                        
Charles Bennett, Forum Contact
Sixth Dist. Coalition of Neighborhood Associations

August 9, 2005 at 10:13 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, August 08, 2005

Have Your Cake


Please join New Mexicans United to Protect Social Security on Wednesday, August 10 from Noon-1:00 at Civic Plaza to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Social Security

There will be cake, prominent guest speakers, a healthy dose of Bush-Bashing, and things for grassroots activists to do to help kill the new House bill to privatize Social Security.  Please call Carter Bundy at 463-8499 if you have any questions, and we hope to see you there!


August 8, 2005 at 09:34 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

SeedPAC Candidate Forum Set for 8/14

SEEDPAC presents an…
Albuquerque Mayoral and City Councilor
Candidates Forum

Sunday, August 14, 2005
2-5 PM
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
114 Carlisle Boulevard SE

(corner of Silver and Carlisle)

Please Come and listen to the Candidates address progressive issues.

A Mock Election will be held, utilizing the Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) Procedure

Admission:  $5 per person

Seedpac2_1SEEDPAC is a democratic political action committee, formed by Miles Nelson, that is dedicated to supporting the political campaigns of progressive candidates in New Mexico, especially those who advocate sustainable energy policies, universal healthcare, and the building of a grassroots network of activists and volunteers. 

Silent Auction:  Cash or Check
For more information, call 505-262-1810 or email

August 8, 2005 at 09:16 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Tell the President New Mexico Deserves Better

From the League of Conservation Voters:
As you have probably heard by now, President Bush will be at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque this Monday, August 8, to sign the short-sighted Energy Bill into law. Of course, we couldn't let this event happen without having our say on the matter.

This Monday at 10 AM, about an hour before the bill is signed, we are coordinating a press event with local leaders who will talk about the missed opportunities in this Bill and how it harms New Mexico and our most precious resource - water.

Please join us as we show the President that New Mexicans want, and deserve better!

What: Local leaders and coalition of groups discuss Energy Bill's shortcomings
Where: City of Albuquerque Yale Pumping Station located at Central and Yale on the UNM Campus
When: Monday, August 8th. 10:00 AM.

Click here to attend.

For more information please contact our office in Albuquerque at 505-244-1077.

Maggie Toulouse
New Mexico Campaign Manager
League of Conservation Voters

August 7, 2005 at 11:00 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)