Saturday, October 29, 2005

Join Mayor Martin J. Chávez for 4 Duke City Dialogues

Editor's Note: It would be great to see some progressives attend one or more of these sessions to add our perspective to the discussions. You need to RSVP (see below).

From the Mayor's Office:
Come with thoughts on the following new focus areas for the City of Albuquerque, and be prepared to share your ideas with others. Help us elevate our community ever higher over the next four years! The sessions:

I.  Education
What does the community need from its education providers?  Learn about other models of public school governance and discuss ways to enhance the city’s relationship with the school system.
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2005, 4:00 to 8:00 PM
Bear Canyon Senior Center, 4645 Pitt NE

II.  Transportation
Offer feedback to the City’s short term transportation plan, hear about existing programs you might not be aware of, and help us set the stage for an enhanced mass transit matrix and light rail.
Wednesday, November 9th, 2005, 4:00 to 8:00 PM
Los Volcanes Senior Center, 6500 Los Volcanes NW

III.  Public Safety 
How can prevention/intervention techniques help Albuquerque combat crime?  Come understand some of the new trends in Community Oriented Policing and then talk about how you can help make it work.   
Wednesday, November 16th, 2005, 4:00 to 8:00 PM
Barelas Senior Center, 714 7th St. SW

IV.  Animal Issues
How can Albuquerque become a more animal-friendly community?  Join us in discussion on creating a "live-exit" culture at our shelters, promoting spay/neuter and adoption, improving the care and treatment of pets, and better living with surrounding wildlife. 
Saturday, November 12th, 2005 (Call 311 for time)
Rio Grande Zoo, Education Building, 903 10th St. SW

(enter through the main entrance, participants will be directed from there)

Refreshments Provided! Seating is limited so RSVP’s are encouraged. Please call 311 for more information.

A.J. Carian, Assistant to the Mayor
(505) 768-3047,

October 29, 2005 at 10:54 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, October 28, 2005

EQNM Hosts Sweet Meet and Greet Fundraiser


(Click on image for larger version.)

October 28, 2005 at 01:31 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Host a November 15 DNC National Organizing Kickoff Event

Editor's Note: Mary Ellen and I will be hosting one of these November 15th house parties for our precinct and neighborhood. Besides providing an opportunity to get together with neighbors to encourage them to get more involved, these events will feature a conference call with Howard Dean. It would be great if we had a host for a party in every precinct. You don't have to be a precinct or ward officer to host one. You can learn more about the events, sign up to host one or find one to attend by visiting the DNC's National Organizing Kickoff page.

20051024_eventsbtnFrom DNC Chair Howard Dean:
On November 15th, thousands of Democrats will experience our 50-state strategy up close and in person.

In many places there are vitally important elections in just a few weeks -- but we can't afford to stop organizing and stop building after Election Day. Next year's elections will be a national referendum on the Republican culture of corruption in Washington and in the states. We cannot wait until a few months before the election to get ready -- we need to start organizing right now.

On the evening of November 15th, ordinary Americans will open up their homes to their friends and neighbors for a night of planning and action -- our National Organizing Kickoff.

Will you host an Organizing Kickoff meeting on November 15th? It's easy, and you can get started right away:

Hosts of National Organizing Kickoff meetings can download all of the materials for a successful meeting. Information from the national and state party will include a briefing on our party-building efforts nationally and locally, a survey of the political landscape in your state and information about opportunities to take action locally.

I will be joining all of the meetings that night in a nationwide conference call.

Every one of us needs to take responsibility for the Democratic organization in our neighborhoods, and this is everyone's opportunity to come together and focus. We have to be organized to get our message out -- we need a network in place now to persuade voters and activate our supporters.

It's up to you to make sure that everyone in your neighborhood is plugged in and ready to do as much as they can. Sign up to host your National Organizing Kickoff event now.

To make an impact everywhere we need to organize everywhere. That's what you mandated, and that's why our party has taken the unprecedented step putting organizers on the ground and building state parties across the country.

The event you host will bring everyone up to speed on our progress, our opportunities and the work ahead. Everyone must commit to working on Election Day 2006 -- but the meeting you host now will help create the road map for a year of sustained commitment until then.

As Republican leaders are investigated and indicted, Americans everywhere are tired of politics as usual. The culture of corruption that Republicans have brought to Washington, DC and statehouses across the country is making more and more people realize that we need change.

Hosting a local Organizing Kickoff meeting is the most important step you can take right now to make sure that our party is in a position to change things next year. When you sign up to be a host you will have access to materials to make planning easy:

You'll be hearing more about these meetings in the coming weeks. Thank you for your time and your commitment to the idea that together, America can do better.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

October 27, 2005 at 09:45 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Honor the Fallen Tomorrow

Editor's Note: Move On, Democracy for America, True Majority and the American Friends Service Commitee are all invoved with this or similar events. Here's the event announcement sent out by DFA:

Today marks the day that 2,000 brave servicemen and women have sacrificed their lives for the war in Iraq. Most of us cannot imagine what it must be like for their sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. But as a nation, we can take a moment to send our gratitude and support to those families.

Democracy for America is joining with MoveOn and TrueMajority to host candlelight vigils across the country and offer our condolences to the families and friends of the American servicemen and women who have given their lives. The vigils will take place at 6:30 PM tomorrow night, Wednesday, October 26. To find a vigil in your community, visit:

If there is not a vigil already planned in your community, then sign up to host one yourself. It's easy. All you need to do is find a place for people to congregate, register it online and gather the group together when people arrive. To host a vigil, visit:

These vigils aren't rallies or places to give long-winded speeches. They are moments to solemnly come together and mark the sacrifice of those who have died and their families.

If you can't join a vigil in your community, then please join the "Honor the Fallen" campaign and write a letter to the editor to your local newspaper asking them to place all casualty reports on the front page. With this one small action, we can continue to honor the fallen and remind the public of the dangers that our troops face everyday.

Thanks for all you do,

Tom Hughes
Executive Director
Democracy for America

October 25, 2005 at 12:30 PM in Events, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (1)

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Join Citizens for Global Solutions at Annual Conference and Event Honoring Stewart Udall

You are invited! Join us for a weekend loaded with fun, learning, entertainment and action!
La Fonda Hotel
Santa Fe, New Mexico
November 4-6

“Global Solutions, Local Connections” will bring together renowned authors, leading policymakers, and activists from New Mexico and beyond to discuss how we can work together to find solutions to problems facing citizens of New Mexico, the United States, and the world — challenges like climate change, renewable energy, water conservation, genocide, globalization, and United Nations reform. Come learn more about the issues affecting New Mexico and the world — and more about how you can take action and make a difference. Click for flyer.

In addition, please join Citizens for Global Solutions as we honor Stewart Udall for his extraordinary contributions as one of the founders of the international environmental movement

Saturday, November 5, 2005
6:30 to 8:30 PM
Manitou Gallery
123 West Palace Avenue
Santa Fe , New Mexico

Suggested donation: $50 ($25 if attending the CGS annual meeting). Please RVSP by Wednesday, November 2, 2005 to Min Yoo at or 202-546-3950, extension 109.

Citizens for Global Solutions is a national non-partisan membership organization dedicated to the idea that the world must find solutions to those problems that no nation, no matter how powerful, can solve on its own.  This reception is being held in conjunction with the Citizens for Global Solutions' 2005 Annual Meeting, "Global Solutions, Local Connections: Making the Global Local One Activist at a Time," at the La Fonda from November 4 to 6, 2005.  For more information or to register, please go to our website, , or call Erica Tafoya at 202-546-3950, extension 124.

Host Committee Co-Chairs for Udall Reception
Gay Dillingham
Kimi Green
Earl James

Host Committee for Udall Reception
Kenny Ausubel
Stan Euston
Ana Gallegos y Reinhardt
Hugo Hinojosa
Owen Lopez
Penelope Penland
Arturo Sandoval
Selena Sermeno
Janice Varel

October 22, 2005 at 11:41 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, October 21, 2005

Artist Retreat/Call for Art by NM Wilderness Alliance

The New Mexico Wilderness Alliance has two upcoming Wilderness Art events that will nurture the artist in you and help raise money for wilderness protection.  Please read on for information about an Artist Retreat and a Call for Wild Art!

The Organ Mountains Artist Retreat
November 4th-6th: Learn about art and wilderness!
Spend 3 days and 2 nights at the beautiful Meson de Mesilla B&B in Historic Old Mesilla located in southern New Mexico near Las Cruces.  Enjoy guided painting trips to the Organ Mountains with outdoor "plein air" painting instructor, Michelle Chrisman, and New Mexico Wilderness Alliance guide.  The retreat will begin at noon on Friday and end at noon on Sunday.  Nightly activities include:
    -Guest Speaker:  Anthony Howell will be giving a presentation on NM Rock Art.
    -Slide show on Wilderness and Wildlands Art
    -Group critiques  and Activist Film: MONUMENTAL

The retreat is for artists of all levels and media
Retreat cost with private room and breakfast: $375
50% deposit required by Octover 26th
Space is limited, so call now for reservations. Proceeds to benefit the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance.

Contact: Trisha London at New Mexico Wilderness Alliance: 505/843-8696 or

Don’t miss this great opportunity to paint on location with wilderness painter, Michelle Chrisman, founder of Wildlands Painted! art show (2003 and 2004).  Michelle will teach the basics of outdoor landscape painting, based on the principals of French Impressionists.  Artwork produced during the retreat will also be considered for the Wildlands Art! 2006 exhibit (see below).

Call for Art - Wildlands Art! 2006 Exhibit and Fundraiser
The New Mexico Wilderness Alliance is seeking artwork of New Mexico's wilderness areas and wildlands for a juried artshow: Wildlands Art! 2006.  The show will be an exhibit and fundraiser for the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance and will be held in March 2003 at the Albuquerque Arts Alliance Gallery located at 1100 San Mateo NE.  All original artwork and various media will be considered including (but not limited to): photography, sculpture, painting and mixed media.  All submissions must be received by February 1, 2006.  Finalists will be selected by February 10th and included in the exhibit for the month of March.  A certain percentage of all sales made during Wildlands Art! 2006 will benefit the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance.

Submission Requirements:

1) Up to five images of original artwork in JPEG format can be emailed or sent on CD to the NMWA address listed below.

2) Annotated image list that clearly indicates the title, dimension, material, date of work and location.  Image names should match JPEG image names.

3) Professional resume or personal contact information including email and phone number.

Send or email materials no later than February 1, 2006 to:

Wildlands Art! 2006
New Mexico Wilderness Alliance
PO Box 25464
Albuquerque, NM 87125

Please contact for additional information.

October 21, 2005 at 01:52 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Help Oppose Assault On Prime Agricultural Land in South Valley

From Zoe Economou:

It's very important to have a good turnout of activists at the next Bernalillo County Commission meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 5:30 PM at the City/County Building 5th & Marquette. 

They will be considering a 54 acre shopping mall next to the Wal-Mart on Coors and Rio Bravo.  The proposed mall is on prime agricultural land, fast-disappearing in the South Valley, as is the Wal-Mart that was shoved down our throats by the City Council. We need MANY warm bodies and people to sign up in opposition to yet another doomed strip/big box wasteland brought to us by John Black and the Black Family Trust (Cottonwood Mall).

If you have any questions please contact Zoe Economou at or 873-3096.

October 21, 2005 at 10:55 AM in Current Affairs, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, October 20, 2005

LWV Offers Free Program on Building a Better Health Care System

From the League of Women Voters:

Saturday, October 29th from 1 to 3 PM
Smith Brasher Hall on the TVI Main Campus

717 University Avenue in Albuquerque.
Admission is free!

Sponsored by The League of Women Voters / Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Education Fund as part of the By the People national Deliberation Week


  • President of the National Coalition on Health Care, Dr. Henry E. Simmons, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.P
  • State Senator Dede Feldman, co-chair of the Legislative Health & Human Services Committee
  • Moderator  will be Carol Pierce Philips, public health consultant and former President, LWV/ABC

The National Coalition on Health Care is the nation’s largest and most  broadly representative alliance working to improve America’s health care. The Coalition, which was founded in 1990 and is non-profit and rigorously non-partisan, is comprised of almost 100 organizations, employing or representing about 150 million Americans. Members are united in the belief that we need – and can achieve – better, more affordable health care for all Americans.

For further information contact the League of Women Voters/ABC Education Fund at 505-884-8441 or visit their website. The program is funded by MacNeil/Lehrer Productions and The League of Women Voters of the United States Education Fund

October 20, 2005 at 02:31 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Reminder: DPBC Third Thursday Meeting on Healthcare Tomorrow

From the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County:

Third Thursday meeting, October 20
6:00 PM, UNM Law School, Room 2401
All Democrats Welcome
Topic: Time to Confront the Health-Care Crisis
Speaker:  Mary Feldblum, Executive Director, Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign

The New Mexico Health Care Plan (the Health Security Act) is gaining broad support. The Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign, a growing coalition of 105 organizations, has been receiving public input for over ten years and is proposing that New Mexico set up its own health plan with freedom of choice of provider and a comprehensive benefits package. Private insurers could offer supplemental packages as they presently do with Medicare.

October 19, 2005 at 01:51 PM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Update From Conservation Voters

From the League of Conservation Voters:
First I want to say thank you to all those who helped with the Conservation Voters New Mexico campaign to elect pro-conservation candidates in the Albuquerque election October 4. Thanks to your efforts, CVNM helped keep City Council District 3 in safe hands with newly-elected Councilor Issac Benton. And CVNM's mayoral candidate, Eric Griego, defied the financial odds to come just short of forcing Martin Chavez to a runoff, despite the $1.2 million Chavez warchest. Finally, District 9 candidate Chris Catechis may not be out yet -- he is seeking a recount after falling a mere 130 votes short of a runoff himself.

This local campaign brings to mind that the 2006 Congressional mid-term elections are only a year away. Many of you pounded the pavement last year during LCV's grassroots campaign, helping us contact tens of thousands of New Mexicans on the ground -- and we’re getting an early start on energizing our grassroots for '06!

As you know, we have been working on a campaign here in New Mexico to help protect the Valle Vidal near Raton. The El Paso Corporation's proposed mineral extraction now threatens this lush mountain basin -- home to wildlife, scenic vistas, and recreational opportunities. Don’t let corporate greed sacrifice one of New Mexico's national treasures. Help us with our grassroots campaign to protect the Valle Vidal.

You can help protect the Valle and fight against this corporate greed by signing up below. We will be going door-to-door to educate voters about the issue. We will also be asking citizens to take action by contacting Representative Wilson and Senator Domenici to persuade them to sign onto legislation that would protect the Valle for future generations

Sign up below:

Valle Vidal Community Canvass
Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 10 AM
LCV New Mexico Office - 400 Gold Ave. SW, Suite 100
To sign up click here

Valle Vidal Community Canvass
Saturday, November 12, 2005 - 10 AM
LCV New Mexico Office - 400 Gold Ave. SW, Suite 100
To sign up click here

I hope you will be a part of our team as we mobilize our grassroots and continue our efforts into the 2006 election season! Thanks again for all you do to help!

Maggie Toulouse
Campaign Manager, Southwest
League of Conservation Voters

October 19, 2005 at 11:29 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (1)