Wednesday, March 01, 2006

LIVE WEBCAST: Governor Richardson Signs Paper Ballot Bill Thursday Morning

At last! Senator Linda Lopez's bill requiring paper ballots and optical-scan machines to be used in all New Mexico counties (SB 295) will be signed by Governor Bill Richardson tomorrow morning:

March 2, at 11:00 AM
Second Floor, Santa Fe County Building
102 Grant Avenue, Santa Fe

The chamber holds about 200 people, and election reform activists are encouraged to attend. Please RSVP to Terry Riley at this email if you plan on coming.

The bill signing ceremony will also be WEBCAST LIVE as it happens. This link will go live tomorrow morning, where you can watch the bill signing on your computer:

Governor Richardson's leadership on this issue, coupled with long hours and hard work by a multitude of grassroots activists, election reform groups and legislators, makes our state a model for others facing similar challenges.

As we've said before, this is a major victory in the campaign to have our votes counted accurately. DNC Chair Howard Dean also noted the importance of this successful effort when he visited New Mexico last week.

Be a part of history: attend the bill signing in person or by checking out the live webcast!

Click to view two statements released by Governor Bill Richardson on this important event: Download Email-Announcement.doc and Download OpenLetter.doc.

For background on the paper ballot bill and how it came to be, check out these earlier posts on DFNM (latest posts come first):

Victory on Paper Ballots!

Paper Ballots Bill Passes House

Paper Ballots Bill Passes Senate

Paper Ballots Bill Heads to Senate

Paper Ballots Bill Passes in Senate Rules Committee Despite Republican Rants

Push Now for Senate Paper Ballots Bill

Click to Support Paper Ballot Bills

NM County Clerks Balk As Paper Ballot Legislation Moves Forward

NM Sen. Lopez Introduces Paper Ballot Voting Machine Bill

A Message From Paul Stokes

Agreement Reached On NM Voting Machine Purchase Freeze

NM Voters Seek Order Barring Purchase of More Touchscreen Voting Machines

Further Investigation Reveals NM Voting Machine Purchase May Violate State Law

Report: Yesterday's Election Reform Task Force Meeting

March 1, 2006 at 12:25 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Free Event With John Edwards Thursday in Belen

In addition to John Edwards' luncheon benefit in Albuquerque on Thursday for CD1 Congressional candidate Patricia Madrid, he'll be appearing at this free event that day in Belen:

From John Edwards of One America for All of Us:
You are cordially invited to an appreciation celebration. Please join New Mexico State Senator Michael S. Sanchez of Valencia County, and special guest Senator John Edwards as they say, "Thank You, Valencia County".

When is it? Thursday, March 2, 2006 , 4:00 to 6:00 PM

Where is it? Holiday Inn Express, 2110 Camino Del Llano, Belen, NM 87002

Who can attend? Anyone--bring your family and friends!

How much does it cost? Nothing--admission is free.

February 28, 2006 at 03:20 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, February 27, 2006

Taos Hosts Pulitzer Prize-Winning War Correspondent

From the Action Coalition of Taos and the Democracy Network of Taos:
The Christian Right & the War on America
Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize Winning War Correspondent
Thursday, March 2 • Taos Center for the Arts • 7:00 PM
Students Free • General Public $12

Chris Hedges will be speaking about the control the fundamentalist right has on the Bush Administration and their policies. Hedges is a Harvard divinity school graduate and a reporter for The New York Times. He was a war correspondent for nearly two decades in Central America, Africa, the Middle East, and the Balkans.

Hedges shared in a 2001 Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of global terrorism. He is the author of War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning and his new book is, Losing Moses on the Freeway: America's Broken Covenant with the Ten Commandments.

Action Coalition of Taos
Democracy Network of Taos
For more info: 776-1932

We'll be at Cid's on Monday for advance ticket sales 4-6 PM. We have pre-sold 150 tickets already.

Editor's Note: Click for some background on Chris Hedges. He will also be speaking with Amy Goodman at the Lensic Theater in Santa Fe on March 1st, but that appearance is sold out. This Taos event is your best chance to catch what he has to say.

February 27, 2006 at 11:02 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, February 23, 2006

ABQ Code Pink: March Events

(Click on image for larger version.)

February 23, 2006 at 09:48 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

LAST CHANCE: RSVP to Meet DNC Chair Howard Dean This Thursday


Ana Canales and others have volunteered to make lunch for this week's Dean event. To ensure there's enough for all, it's important that you RSVP FOR THE EVENT BY CALLING THE STATE PARTY AT: 830-3650 if you plan to attend. This is an excellent chance to meet Governor Dean and get his take on what the Party will be doing to turn the tables on the Republicans. Reserve now:

Thinkblue_1The Democratic Party of NM
Invites You to Meet
DNC Chair Howard Dean

Thursday, February 23, 2006
Noon to 2:00 PM

Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall
510 San Pedro Dr. SE
Albuquerque NM (Click for map)

Suggested Donation $35.00
Lunch will be served

Watch the DNC video (Windows) on Dean's strategies for rebuilding the Democratic Party from the ground up. (Right-click and choose "Save Target as" for a >Quicktime version of the video.)

February 21, 2006 at 03:04 PM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Join LCV Wednesday for Release of National Environmental Scorecard

From Maggie Toulouse, SW Campaign Manager, League of Conservation Voters: Your members of Congress represent you -- and you deserve to know how your congressional representatives vote on important environmental and conservation issues. Please join the League of Conservation Voters for the official release of our 2005 National Environmental Scorecard and to honor Rep. Tom Udall (invited).

Click here to attend the Release Party!

Learn about key environmental bills and how your Representative and Senators voted last year on legislation related to energy policy, global warming, water quality, forest preservation, and endangered species. We've also invited Rep. Tom Udall to honor his stellar environmental record.

WHAT:   LCV Environmental Scorecard Release Party
WHEN:   Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, 6:30 PM
WHERE:  Slate Street Cafe Wine Loft, 515 Slate Ave., NW, Albuquerque

Join us for our release party and receive a copy of the Scorecard and a free LCV t-shirt. You can also find out how to get involved with LCV's grassroots campaigns.

During the first session of the 109th Congress, your representatives in Washington, D.C., cast many important votes on key environmental and public health legislation. This is your opportunity to help LCV educate voters on environmental legislation and reveal the environmental voting records of those members of Congress who represent you and your family.

For more information, or to RSVP, please contact us 505-244-1077 or email me at

February 21, 2006 at 10:58 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, February 20, 2006

Visiting Filmmaker to Answer Questions on Election Fraud

From the AMERICAN GI FORUM OF NEW MEXICO, National Veterans Family Organization, Albuquerque Chapter: Come and find out what happened in New Mexico!

Penny Little, movie producer and director of the movie "Electile Dysfunction," will be making an exclusive New Mexico appearance for a special showing of her film. In addition, several local election reform advocates will be included on a panel discussion to answer questions on how to get activated and how to contribute to bringing integrity to the voting process and establishing true VOTER REFORM. This exciting event will be held on Wednesday, February 22nd at 6:30 PM at The American GI Forum, 3301 Mountain Rd. NW in Albuquerque, near Old Town.

"Electile Dysfunction" is a 55 minute investigative documentary film by exploring the story behind the scenes of the November 2004 Presidential election, showing a complicated and technical subject in lively montage style, interviews interlaced with dark humor, short animations and musical interludes. Beginning with historical interviews in 2003 from people in the street, celebrities and experts, background information on electronic voting machines, the storyline moves to the role the media plays, felon purge lists as a means to disenfranchise voters, a stolen election in Alabama 2002, and then on to irregularities in Florida,Ohio, and New Mexico in the November 2004 election.

Featured in “Electile Dysfunction,” are journalists, authors, Congressmen, prominent computer scientists, celebrities, journalists, civil rights organizations, voting rights watchdogs, international poll watchers, election officials and everyday voters.

Penny is the Coordinating Director of People to People TV, located in Santa Barbara, California.  In the summer of 2005, Penny toured major cities in Europe with a preview cut of her film project "Dust and Deceit". Other film projects include working as a producer/editor for the film "Waging Peace" with Academy Award winning documentary filmmaker Barbara Trent. 

For more information, go to:
For event information:please call: Event Coordinator-Karen Borch 247-4910


Refreshments will be served.

“Education is Our Freedom and Freedom Should be Everybody’s Business”
3301 Mountain Road N.W.   Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104
Office (505) 247-4910  Fax (505) 247-2993

February 20, 2006 at 10:06 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (2)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Help Kick Off Emerge New Mexico

The Honorable Diane Denish, Lieutenant Governor, and The Honorable Patricia Madrid, Attorney General and candidate for Congress, invite you to join in a kickoff celebration of:

Recruiting and training Women Democrats for elected office for a better New Mexico

Tuesday, February 21, 2006, 6:30-8:30 PM
At the home of Randi McGinn
2105 Campbell Rd N.W. , Albuquerque
UPDATE: This event has outgrown the private home and has been moved to:
Slate Street Cafe
515 Slate St. NW
Albuquerque NM 87102
Phone 243-2210
Free munchies and cash bar
Please RSVP
to 505.920.6002
A $50 Contribution is requested for Training Scholarships

Check out their new website at

February 18, 2006 at 08:30 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (4)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

DPBC to Hold Candidate Forum 2/16

The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County invites you to attend our:

Candidate Forum to be held on Thursday, February 16, at 6:00 PM at the UNM Law School, Room 2401, at 1117 Stanford NE in Albuquerque. 

We are inviting candidates for the following offices: Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Auditor, State Treasurer, and State Land Commissioner. There will be a series of questions for each candidate as well as several minutes for each candidate to introduce themselves. We hope you will be able to attend this informative meeting.

Terri Holland, Executive Director
Democratic Party of Bernalillo County
130 Alvarado NE, Suite 400
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Fax - 505-265-0327
C - 505-417-3972

February 15, 2006 at 10:16 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, February 13, 2006

DNC Chairman Howard Dean Coming to NM!


It's been confirmed that DNC Chairman Howard Dean will be visiting New Mexico! Details about his full schedule have yet to be ironed out but we know this event is a go:

The Democratic Party of NM Invites You to Meet
DNC Chair Howard Dean
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Noon to 2:00 PM
Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall
510 San Pedro Dr. SE
Albuquerque NM
Suggested Donation $35.00
Lunch will be served

Click for flyer (doc) or flyer (PDF). Pass it on.


February 13, 2006 at 10:51 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (7)