Saturday, April 29, 2006

Immigrants’ Rights Group Sponsors "Worker’s Day Family Picnic" Monday in SF

March in Santa Fe 4/19/06
(Photo Courtesy Somos Un Pueblo Unido)

From Somos Un Pueblo Unido:
Immigrant workers and local businesses will participate in a nationwide boycott and mobilization in support of immigration reform.

What: Worker’s Day Family Picnic supporting the nationwide boycott and mobilization for immigration reform. This event is sponsored by Somos Un Pueblo Unido, a membership-based New Mexico immigrants’ rights organization.

When: Monday, May 1, 2006 -- 1:00 to 6:00 PM

Where: Franklin Miles Park (corner of Camino Carlos Rey & Siringo Rd., Santa Fe)

Entertainment: Live Music (Mónica y Flechazo, Andé Marimba, Danzantes Aztecas Anahuac Grupo Eclipse)

Click for flyer in or .

In support of the national boycott and mobilization for comprehensive immigration reform, Somos Un Pueblo Unido is organizing a "Worker’s Day Family Picnic" with food, music and entertainment for Santa Fe’s working families.

To demonstrate the positive economic impact of immigrants in the local and national economy, hundreds of immigrant families and supporters in Santa Fe will participate in the "Paro" (boycott) on May 1st. Many will choose not to go to work or send their children to school. Others will participate by buying nothing and wearing a white ribbon.

Participants in this mobilization are calling on Congress to negotiate a workable immigration reform that: does not criminalize undocumented immigrants; provides a path to permanent legal residence and citizenship for undocumented workers and students; and provides future immigrant workers with safe and legal means to immigrate with full workplace protections.

Several local businesses are supporting this effort by closing their doors on May 1st, supporting their immigrant workers who decide to participate in the mobilization, or donating food to the event.

An initial list of supporting businesses includes:

Harry’s Road House
Posole Mío
El Palenque
Pollo Real
Lucero’s Lathing and Plastering
Red Enchilada
Carreras Auto Sales
La Familia Mexicana
Lorena’s Boutique  El Paisano
Ten Thousand Waves
Cloudcliff Bakery and Artspace
Laura’s Café
Alicia’s Tortillería
Mariscos La Playa in Española
Castro’s New Mexican Food
Llantera California  Mariscos La Playa in Santa Fe
El Tesoro
Mariscos Costa Azul
Wild Western Wear
La Cabaña
Chihuahua Tires
Castillo’s Auto Repair
Southside Plaza Café
Zia Diner
Tara’s Organic Ice Cream

Somos Un Pueblo Unido
1205 Parkway Dr, Suite B
Sante Fe, NM   87507
Telephone: 505-424-7832
Fax: 505-438-8518

Los derechos de los inmigrantes son derechos humanos.

April 29, 2006 at 10:22 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, April 28, 2006

Gathering Of Nations Pow Wow This Weekend in Albuquerque

Photo © Gathering of Nations, Ltd.

Always fabulous. Barbara Grothus at Duke City Fix has all the info. Friday and Saturday at the Pit, 10AM-10PM.

April 28, 2006 at 02:25 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

RSVP for May Open House & Fundraiser for Madrid Campaign

Please RSVP now for:
Candidate for U.S. Congress
WHEN: Sunday May 7, 2006  TIME: 3:00 - 5:00 PM
WHERE: John & Cheryl Gordon Home, 10405 Cielito Lindo NE

Wiggle_2Here is a great opportunity to meet and talk to your Democratic candidate for the United States House of Representatives - New Mexico's awesome Attorney General Patricia Madrid. It is extremely important for the people in Congressional District 1 to send someone to Washington D.C. who will seriously and aggressively question the poor performance of the Bush Administration and not give their failed polices a free pass. Drop by and talk to Ms. Madrid about current issues and legislation facing our country and see why Patricia Madrid is the best candidate to represent the people of Congressional District 1 in Washington D.C.

Click to check out event flyer for more information. PLEASE RSVP BY MAY 1: Call Cheryl Gordon at 294-1569 or email

April 27, 2006 at 09:48 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Governor Bill Richardson to Hold Office Hours in Albuquerque

From the State of New Mexico, Office of the Governor:
SANTA FE – Governor Bill Richardson will hold open office hours in Albuquerque on Monday, May 1, 2006. In order to accommodate as many people as possible, the Governor will accept meetings with constituents who have not otherwise had a chance to meet with him during the past six months.

Governor Richardson will meet with constituents in his Albuquerque office from 2:30 to 5:30 PM –on a first-come, first-served basis. The Albuquerque office is located on the second floor of the Bank of the West Building at the corner of Central Avenue and San Mateo Boulevard SE in Albuquerque. No prior appointment is necessary.

Those wanting a meeting should simply come to Albuquerque location at the specified time. Meetings will be limited to five minutes each. For security reasons, constituents should be prepared to present valid, photo identification. Constituents who need help resolving problems or concerns, or they have a legislative proposal, should bring documentation with them to the meeting with the Governor.

For more information, contact Yasine Mogharreban at the Office of the Governor, 505-476-2299,

April 27, 2006 at 09:14 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Angry About Gas Prices? Attend This Forum

I'm passing this along from Communities United to Strengthen America. You may recall that this group made a presentation about their issues-based, nonprofit and nonpartisan work at a recent DFA-DFNM Meetup:

Communities United to Strengthen America cordially invites you to attend our inaugural community education event:

The Domino Effect:
Connecting the Dots on Rising Gas Prices
Thursday, April 27, 2006 @ 7:00pm
Albuquerque Academy
Gardenhire Hall
6400 Wyoming Blvd NE

Featured Guests:
Micha Gisser, Ph.D. – The Rio Grande Foundation
Ben Luce, Ph.D. – Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy
Mark Mathis – Citizen's Alliance for Responsible Energy
Lawrence Waldman, Ph.D – UNM Bureau of Business and Economic Research

Communities United to Strengthen America is a 501(c) 4 organization. Contributions made to Communities United to Strengthen America are not tax deductible. For more information, please contact Martin M. Gutierrez or Irene E. Parra at 237.0120

April 26, 2006 at 09:18 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

ACTION ALERT: Roadless Rule Public Hearing Wednesday

IMPORTANT! From the NM Wilderness Alliance:
Voice your support
for New Mexico's roadless national forests!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006, 7-9 PM
UNM Conference Center Auditorium

(NE Corner of Indian School & University)
Or Submit Written Comments by 5/1/06

The State of New Mexico is soliciting public comments on Governor Bill Richardson's petition to protect 1.6 million acres of roadless natoinal forests in the state. This is your opportunity to provide your suggestions for protecting roadless areas. Suggestions can also be mailed to Secretary Joanna Prukop, EMNRD, 1220 S. St. Frances Dr., Santa Fe, NM 87505. Letters must be postmarked by May 1, 2006 to be considered for the petition.

For more information, contact Nathan Newcomer at 505-843-8696 or

Editor's Note: Here's some background on this issue regarding Bush's move to ditch Clinton-era regulations thats ban roads within many national forests to protect vital habitat.

April 25, 2006 at 01:51 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

(Sorta) Live Blogging: ABQ Minimum Wage Debate

Note: This post starts at the bottom and works up to here as I kept adding updates at the top. You know what to do to read it in order. Make sure you have some snacks before you start!
FINAL UPDATE: We won! Minimum wage passes 6-3! Repubs Harris, Mayer, Winter vote no. See David Sirota's column on Working for Change that praises the ABQ City Council and, especially, Martin Heinrich. Congrats to all who worked on this issue with special thanks to Matthew Henderson of NM ACORN and Carter Bundy of ASFCME.

BREAK: I'm taking a break because, as Lennon once said, "I've got blisters on my fingers!" Back later. The vast majority of those speaking are for the bill. If the councilors voted according to those testifying, we'd be outta here and the Albuquerque wage raise would be a reality.

In fact, it strikes me that THE DEAL has already been made amongst the councilors and that this citizen testimony is probably meant merely to bolster the pretense that democracy is in action. Well, I guess it is in some ways, but we all know that the real action takes place behind the scenes when compromises among politicos are made on issues like this. What I've heard is that Heinrich's bill will pass with only one amendment by Cadigan that allows employers to deduct what they pay for employee health insurance from the minimum. If that's true, we've taken a big step forward. Of course $7.50 isn't really enough to live with dignity, but at least it's a good start.

UPDATE 7:50: Minister from First Unitarian Church: Federal minimum would be $10.70 if it had kept up with inflation. All have had raises since 1997 when minimum rate was last raised, but not the poor who work for minimum wage. Is a moral issue. If you are secure and ignore the plight of those less so, it is immoral. Say it brother! Next up a Quaker representing Interfaith who speaks of family time with children. If parents have to work two jobs or long hours for little money, not enough time with children. Take that you family values Repubs on the Council.

UPDATE 7:35: Legislator Kent Cravens representing PAVE - Protecting Albuquerque's Vibrant Economy.Got it. Another one that wants the wages changed at the federal level. Again, he's a Republican and I haven't noticed any big surge in the Repub controlled Congress pushing for this. He's afraid people will think we are against .... well everything American, isn't it?

He's evidently representing all the businesses that pay shit wages and no doubt provide no benefits, but you can guarantee that the owners have homes in High Desert or some McMansion on the West Side. Sez it's not about the money, it's ABOUT THE PERCEPTION IN THE GLOBAL MARKET! I guess he doesn't give a shit if people can't eat on what his friends pay. He's in LOVE WITH ALBUQUERQUE -- just not the people who work for unlivable pay. He thinks if the Albuquerque boat rises --- all the poor people will too. Can't have that!

Loony Harris says he was SO scared that the referendum nearly passed and there would be a huge exodus from Albuquerque! Cravens claims Eclipse said they wouldn't build here if the minimum wage bill passed. Right. Eclipse is paying people less than $7.50 an hour.  NOT! Blah, blah, blah Cravens whines on about nasty unions and threats to Albuquerque. O'Malley counters that, hey, we have subsidized Eclipse significantly. They're here cuz they got a great deal, not because our minimum wage was $5.15 an hour. You go girl!

UPDATE 7:25: The Hispano Chamber wants to phase in the wage over three years to $6.50 max. I guess these misers believe in forced servitude. I wonder which part of the Hispanic population they represent. No I don't. I know which one. The ones who drive Hummers and those massive tricked out, lumbering pickups. Now comes a loooooony who thinks if we raise the wage to $6.75 and then $7.50 in 2009, flocks of more intelligent and skilled workers will flood into Albuquerque and take the jobs of the poor. Yowsa. This one wins the nut prize, so far! Can't you see it -- the word passing around America that you can get $7.50 an hour in Turkey Town and masses of experienced workers rushing here to take advantage....

UPDATE 7:20: Our own Anne Kasse gives a wise and well reasoned presentation and invites the Council members to try to live on either $5.15 or $7.50 an hour. They'd be taking home $780 or $1,070 at those two rates. As she said, it's a MORAL ISSUE, not just an economic one.

Next comes our own Robb Chavez, the guy who got the impeach Bush resolution passed at the State Democratic Convention last month, says the Council should take advantage of the fact that labor, the Chamber and Wal-Mart are all in agreement on this bill and that the millenium may really be coming. Ain't it da trute.

UPDATE 7:15:  Our own Don Schiff does a terrific job talking about how this bill is a "bitter pill" because it doesn't raise the wage to AT LEAST $7.50 or provide raises for inflation. But he sez a good compromise means no-one is very happy, so this is a good one. Vote for it!

Followed by a guy in a beret holding a child who says it would be "against the American way" to vote against this! Then a guy in a cap suggests that businesses don't need to raise prices with this small increase in the wage, as they make enough money as it is. So there. A senior citizen said the price of gasoline and milk are what is causing inflation, not a small raise for our poorest workers. Cost of living going up due to the expensive war and money being wasted by Bush!

UPDATE 7:05 PM: Our own Terry Riley does well bagging the increase in millionaires while those lower on the economic scale have to dig deep to eat and buy gas -- the price of which is rising astronomically. Wingo Harris claims that the increase in millionaires is helping the poor. Groans and moans from the audience. Heinrich has to shush people.

Followed by a whiner who chants the right wing mantra that the raise should be done at the federal level. Funny though, these types never seem to support such measures at the state or local level when push comes to shove. Excuses, excuses. This guy is worried about the uneven playing field for him. I think he should move to Mississippi or Lousiana and see what comes of it.

UPDATE 6:50: NM Sen. Dede Feldman, one our best progressive stars, steps up. They're hitting her on Social Security recipients. Suddenly these right-wingos care about seniors. Hmmm. Mayer of course has no proof that prices will skyrocket because poor workers are making a meager $7.50 by 2009. Point made that with only 40,000 workers getting a raise, very unlikely that prices will put seniors in jeopardy. No kidding. I love it how the only time Repubs bring up the needs of the needy is when it's to stop poor people getting more money in any way.

GO KEEGAN KING! GO KEEGAN KING. Now HE's cute. Even I think so, and I'm gay. I know Keegan and he is a sweetie. He's now working for the League of Young Voters, which we certainly need more of!

UPDATE 6:44 PM: Carter Bundy of AFSCME (yay) up. Lookin good. He kisses some ass about the bill and then pushes to NOT have many amendments. Should teenagers be exempted asks Heinrich. Carter says there are unintended consequences for this -- businesses migh fire adults to hire teenagers for job to save money.

Right wingo Harris questioning again. Claims Wal-Mart supports minimum wage nationally. Carter says it's true that they support raise in federal minimum wage. No details.

Nasty Sally Mayer pipes in with talk about the THREAT of another referendum. How do we know you won't do that anyway, she sez. "Hates that threat hanging out there." I bet. Carter says going through a referendum is hell and his dog is inside 24 hours a day when he's doing that. Let's not have animal cruelty! Thinks a new referendum would raise to $7.50 right away and add indexing. Not really a higher amount. It's not a threat -- we believe in this issue strongly. We want to avoid that battle of another referendum. Bundy goes on record: I will say publicly that if Heinrich's bill passes and the only amendment is Cadigan's healthcare offset, we won't do a referendum this year or thru the time period of this bill. Perhaps in 2009 or 10 if necessary to have an adjustment.

UPDATE 6:30 PM: Oh here comes Teri Cole -- queen supreme of the Greater (not Lesser) ABQ Chamber of Commerce. She's the one who worked so hard to defeat the last min wage ballot initiative. HOWEVER, she will NOT OPPOSE Heinrich's bill despite their preference for a national or state minimum wage instead. As if the right wingos who run both Houses of Congress would EVER vote for a minimum wage raise. Whats is she smoking? But hey, why aren't we going for a stronger bill on the ballot! She admits the Chamber would lose if that happens, and the measure would be much less "desireable."

Councilor Harris (right wingo Repub) says he wants no minimum wage in city because it "perverts" the economy. I'll bet he doesn't think the high wages paid only to Lab workers by the federal government "perverts" the economy. He's one of those who believes all our restaurants will move to Rio Rancho (for the beauty) if a meager $7.50 per hour wage is paid. Right.

UPDATE 6:20 PM: I hear a baby crying in the hall and someone is explaining the difference between this bill and the one that was on the ballot last Fall. One, it'll apply to all employers, not just those with more than 11 employeers. He's also explaining how the requirements will be enforced, claiming there is much less paperwork and intrusion for employers to worry about.

Heinrich moves for a DO PASS on the bill and opens discussion.

NM Labor Secretary Conrad Chino opens and voices his support for Heinrich's bill and says Governor Richardson also supports it, as is -- i.e. it does NOT need any amendments!

Facts he presents: Our unemployment rate is very low and we have one of the highest job creation rates in the nation. This bill will have no impact on jobs or inflation. Bill would affect 38,000 workers here, the vast majority of them adults working full time. More Hispanics and African-Americans than other ethnic groups.


The best laid plans.... I'm supposed to be at the live-blogging event organized by Duke City Fix at the City Council tonight but things haven't worked out as planned. The laptop I was supposed to borrow fell through and I didn't think it would do much good to show up without a way to, well, blog!

So instead I'll be blogging here at my PC while watching the live feed from the Council Chambers. I guess it has its rewards. I can blog in my baggy old clothes, I can get to the bathroom quickly, I can munch and sip while I keyboard and I can play with our parakeets, lovebird and parrot in between segments. Of course the downside is that I'm not part of the growing community of bloggers who are gathered at the event tonight. Maybe next time!

I'll be weighing in here as the Council meeting progresses. You can also check out the other bloggers who are participating.

April 20, 2006 at 04:16 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (3)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Celebrate at New Judge Fiesta

You're Invited:
MAY 4, 2006, 5:00 - 8:30 PM

6633 Guadalupe Trail NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque
All Are Welcome!

Please help the newest judges of the Bernalillo County District Court celebrate their June primary victories a whole month early (they went unopposed)!  Judge Carl Butkus, Judge Clay Campbell, Judge Kenneth Martinez and Judge Monica Zamora invite you to an informal evening of fun and music at the home of Jerry Roehl.  Dance to the music of Al Hurricane & Al Hurricane, Jr.!  Campaign contributions will be gratefully accepted, and divided equally between the Committee to Keep District Judge Carl J. Butkus and the Committee to Keep Judge Campbell, each of whom will have opposition in the November General Election.

Directions: From Central take Rio Grande north about 4 miles to Chavez Rd. Turn right (east) on Chavez and go about a half mile to Guadalupe Trail. Turn left (north) on Guadalupe. Third house on the left is 6633 Guadalupe. Parking at Taft Middle School, across the street from the Fiesta!

April 19, 2006 at 04:12 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Religion and Politics Forum Resumes 4/30

From Ecumenical Voices for Democracy:

Religion and Politics Forum
Topic: Faith, War & the Politics of Fear

April 30, 2006
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
TVI Smith-Brasher Hall

Corner of University & Coal
Suggested Donation $5.00
Moderator: Dr. Richard Wood, UNM
Panelists: Noel H. Pugach, UNM History Professor; John Wymore, Psychologist, Gestalt Center; Holly Beaumont, Disciples of Christ Minister; and Steven Fish, Col. US Air Force, Retired.

Topic: Faith, War & the Politics of Fear: The politics of fear has been used throughout history by political leaders to manipulate a citizenry into supporting leaders who then claim to be able to protect them from harm. But religious faith is ultimately about trust and hope. Can religious leaders use faith to counteract the politics of fear?

Presented by: Ecumenical Voices for Democracy, an organization that has been presenting a timely and thought-provoking series of public forums on various topics related to religion and politics since May 2005. The organization's goal is to combat the misuse of religion by encouraging a conversation that reflects constitutional values by promoting human worth and dignity, individual liberty, and the common good.

April 15, 2006 at 03:49 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (3)

Friday, April 14, 2006

Join LCV & Sierra Club for NM Earth Day Events

From Maggie Toulouse, SW Campaign Manager, League of Conservation Voters:

Next Saturday, April 22 is Earth Day 2006!
The League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club will be holding an Earth Day gathering and community canvass in Albuquerque to commemorate this important event. Please join us and local leaders as we plan to make the environment a key issue in this year's important election.

We will begin the morning with a rally featuring guest speakers who are leaders and experts on local and national conservation issues. Following the rally, we'll take to the Albuquerque streets to inform voters about issues facing New Mexicans, such as the threat to our precious state and national resource, the northern New Mexico Valle Vidal.

These events will take a few hours of your time, but the impact to the future of our environment could be momentous. Please consider donating your precious time to the cause.

We'll provide refreshments, a dynamic presentation and thorough training. All you have to provide is yourself (and some comfortable shoes).

What: Earth Day Gathering and Community Canvass with LCV and Sierra Club
When: Saturday, April 22
9:30 AM - Speakers begin
10:30 AM - Canvass begins
Where: Immanuel Presbyterian Church - Fellowship Hall
114 Carlisle SE, Albuquerque
To attend click here.

I hope you'll be able to attend this very important event. Together we can make a tremendous difference.

April 14, 2006 at 11:13 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)