Friday, June 16, 2006

ABQ Civic Plaza Today: Heather = Bush

(Click on image for larger version.)

OilcanheatherIt's bad enough that Republican Rep. Heather Wilson votes with Bush almost all the time, rubberstamping many of the worst of his initiatives, like the Iraq War, neverending tax cuts for our wealthiest citizens and subsidies to oil companies that are making windfall profits. Now she's been named to the League of Conservation Voters' Dirty Dozen According to LCV:

Rep. Wilson treats oil companies like royalty. Representative Wilson recently voted against an amendment to limit royalty relief — code for “taxpayer rip-off” for companies wanting to drill off our shores. In 2005, the world’s biggest oil companies recorded more than $111 billion in combined profits – they don’t need another government handout to help them destroy our environment.

If you wonder why, consider that Wilson has collected $396,370 from oil and gas contributions over the course of her career. During that time, she's voted according to LCV's environmental recommendations only 16% percent of the time. Read the Dirty Dozen report for more on why Wilson is ranked as one of the top twelve anti-environmental members of Congress in the nation. She's right up there with the likes of Sen. Rick Santorum (PA), Rep. Katherine Harris (FL) and Rep. Bob Ney (OH). Dirty indeed.

But now we have an alternative to Heather -- visit the Patricia Madrid for Congress website and learn how you can help AG Madrid beat Wilson this Fall and get rid of Heather's dirty dealing once and for all. While President Bush and Heather Wilson enjoy $1,000-a-plate lunches, why don't you take $10 and contribute it to Madrid's campaign?  See you on the Civic Plaza starting at 2:00 PM this afternoon!

June 16, 2006 at 10:23 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

CodePink Photo-Op with Bush Friday

We're hoping for a big turnout for Friday's demonstration on Albuquerque's Civic Plaza in response to the Bush big-dollar fundraiser for our pseudo-moderate Congresswoman, Heather Wilson. Joining the action is CodePink, who'll provide an opportunity to have your photo taken with Cardboard Bush for a mere red cent. Quite a bargain!

If you're one of the Republican insiders invited to the fundraiser, you'll be forced to pay $5,000 for the privilege, albeit with the fleshy version of The Decider. I'll take the cardboard model myself. Cardboard doesn't lie incessantly or coin moronic nicknames. Also be on the lookout for 200 large black helium balloons provided by the powerfully creative PAC 505. They'll be tethered around town at homes, offices, cars and other locations. Black. Mourning Black. As in Black Cloud hanging over Bush's visit with his rubberstamp, Heather Wilson.

Click on image for larger version.

June 15, 2006 at 10:51 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

FRIDAY: Join the ABQ Protest Against Bush


From the Democratic Party of New Mexico:

Protest the Bush/Wilson Agenda
that is Clouding New Mexico’s Future!
Albuquerque Civic Plaza
(Across from Hyatt Regency)
Friday, June 16, 2006 3-5 PM
(Or Until Bush Leaves)

At the 2004 Republican Convention, Heather Wilson called George W. Bush her “beacon.” She continues to turn the other cheek to his failed policies and the culture of corruption plaguing Washington, DC, voting for his agenda 90% of the time. Friday, Bush is coming to Albuquerque to raise money for his rubber stamp Republican, Heather Wilson.

Blackballoon_2 That is why large BLACK BALLOONS will be tethered to homes and offices across the metro area, symbolizing the “black cloud” that Bush and Wilson’s failures have cast over our communities.

Join us on Civic Plaza to protest Bush’s visit. We want to send the message that, together, New Mexicans can do better! FOR MORE INFORMATION, AND TO RSVP, CONTACT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF NEW MEXICO AT 505-830-3650.

PASS IT ON: Click for an event flyer.

June 14, 2006 at 06:10 PM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Get Your Tix NOW for Saturday's Palast Appearance in ABQ

Greg Palast at Voter Action fundraiser, Corrales NM, 5.20.05

The world renowned investigative reporter Greg Palast will be in downtown Albuquerque this Saturday, June 17, at 7:00 PM, at St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral, 318 Silver Avenue SW. He'll be discussing and signing his powerful new book, Armed Madhouse, and speaking about the latest in BushCo madness. Check out our previous post for background. Democracy for New Mexico is one of the community sponsors for this event, along with the Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice, KUNM-FM, the League of Independent Voters and Voter Action.

Tickets: Tickets are the price of one book ($25.95 plus tax) purchased from Bookworks or at the event and are going fast, so get yours NOW. You can avoid long lines by purchasing your book/ticket ahead of time by phone from Albuquerque's Bookworks at 505-344-8139. You can then pick it up at the event. Ticket/book purchasers can buy a companion ticket for $10—which can be used for a $5 discount on the book at the event only.

Friday Radio Interview: Greg Palast will be interviewed by Brad Hockmeyer live on KTAO Radio FM 101.9, Taos, NM on Friday, June 16th at 9:30 AM MDT. This has been booked as a generous 25 minute interview. Presently down but possible available on Friday is streaming live video. Armed Madhouse includes discussion of electronic voting machine snafus and other 2004 election problems in New Mexico, and Palast may well discuss some of them during this interview.

And here's a recent interview with Greg published in the Alibi.


From Greg Palast: ANNE COULTER AND I HAVE BOTH LAUNCHED OUR BOOKS THIS WEEK -- hers to promote the latest flavor of hate and militant ignorance; mine -- Armed Madhouse:  Who's Afraid of Osama Wolf?, The Scheme to Steal '08 and other Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Class War -- reports the unvarnished truth about today's political climate here and around the world.(There's no truth to the rumor Coulter chose to release her book on 06-06-06 in honor of her father's birthday.)

I'm asking you to buy (or order) Armed Madhouse THIS WEEK, right NOW in fact. 

Why right now?  Amazon and the industry have set up this Coulter vs. Palast 'launch week' as the Battle of The Books: Can progressives match the forces of darkness (they call them "conservatives")?

Coulter has a million-dollar Right Wing campaign behind her -- thereby allowing her and other hate-salesmen to control the media and the national discussion. The Coulter crew buys and dumps massive amounts of books, buying her way onto the bestseller list. I have only you.

Armed Madhouse details the fix of the 2004 election, the Bush Administration's confidential, and surprising, plans for Iraq's oil, the untold story of the destruction of New Orleans, the dark, misunderstood economics of the rise of the India-China colossus, Ken Lay's unindicted co-conspirators and many more tales of the current regime you won't get on your nightly news.

Don't be fooled by the fact that the book is entertaining -- this is my most serious investigative reporting yet, connecting Venezuela's petrodollars, 3.6 million missing ballots, Thomas Friedman, Hurricane Katrina and, the death of General Motors and the Arnold Schwarzenegger's tawdry little gatherings with Ken Lay.

Hear excerpts from Armed Madhouse read by Amy Goodman, Randi Rhodes, Larry David, Janeane Garofalo and others at

June 14, 2006 at 10:49 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

DPBC Third Thursday Meeting to Focus on Campaign Finance Reform

From the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County e-news:
Thursday, June 15, UNM Law School, Room 2401, 6 PM
All Democrats Welcome!

Speaker: Jack Taylor, State Chair, Common Cause New Mexico since 2002 and Member, National Governing Board of Common Cause.

Subject: CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM: A discussion of current ethics-in-government issues and the question of ethics education and enforcement. Click for map:

If you are a registered Democrat that would like to be added to the e-news, please send your name, e-mail address and County to

June 13, 2006 at 12:16 PM in Democratic Party, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Upcoming Defenders of Wildlife Events in NM

From Defenders of Wildlife:
You're invited to several very special events featuring New Mexico's wildlife and wild lands throughout the month of June. Please join Defenders of Wildlife and meet other wildlife supporters and learn about crucial issues facing the animals we all care about.

RSVP now for a Wildlife Event!

Please join me at any or all of the events below this month. There are several chances to get involved...

Thursday, June 15th; Defenders of Wildlife Meet & Greet; Sleeping Dog Tavern, 114 W. San Francisco St, Santa Fe, NM; 6:00 - 7:30 PM. Join me to hear about the work we’re doing in New Mexico, learn how you can get more involved, and most importantly to socialize with other wildlife supporters. * First five people to sign up will receive a free Defenders t-shirt!

Saturday, June 17th; Rio Grande Restoration Project & Bosque Bash (sponsored by the NM Wildlife Federation and the Office of Resources Trustees); Restoration Project starts at 8:30 AM/10:30 AM --  City Open Space Shining River parking area, south of Paseo del Norte and west off Rio Grande Blvd, Albuquerque, NM; Bosque Bash starts at 11:00 AM; Los Amigos Roundup, 10601 Fourth St NW, Albuquerque, NM (north of El Pinto Restaurant — watch for signs!) Join me and other state conservation groups and plant native vegetation to restore wildlife habitat in the Rio Grande Bosque. You'll also be able to celebrate later that day with live music, speakers, demonstrations, raffle, games, an outdoor gear swap, and an all-you-can-eat BBQ! For more info visit:

Thursday, June 22nd; Defenders of Wildlife Meet & Greet: Kelly’s Brewery, 3200 Central Ave, Albuquerque, NM; 6:00 - 7:30 PM. Join me to hear about the work we’re doing in New Mexico, learn how you can get more involved, and most importantly to socialize with other wildlife supporters.  * First five people to sign up will receive a free Defenders t-shirt!

Friday, June 23rd through Sunday, June 25th; Taos Solar Music Festival: Kit Carson Park, downtown Taos, NM; Friday, 3:00 - 9:00 PM; Saturday, 11:00 AM - 8:30 PM and Sunday, 12:00 - 7:00 PM. Celebrate alternative fuels and renewable energy at this great event. Headlining artists include Michael Franti of Spearhead and Ani DiFranco! You can also volunteer at the Defenders of Wildlife booth in the Solar Village. For more information, visit:

Take the first step! RSVP for any of these great events.

Now is your chance to make a difference. Please seriously consider joining me and learning more about New Mexico's great wildlife heritage and the ways in which you can help protect it. Future generations will thank you. 

Lisa Hummon
Outreach Representative
Defenders of Wildlife

If you can't make it to any of these events, but are interested in getting involved in our efforts, please contact me at: lhummon@defenders.

June 13, 2006 at 10:41 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, June 12, 2006

Winona LaDuke Heads Rally & Fundraiser to Support Valle Vidal



Click on images for larger versions, or download pdf files of side one and side two of this flyer.

June 12, 2006 at 09:53 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

MD Citizens' Health Initiative Featured at Next Health Action NM Community Meeting

From Health Action NM:
Join us for an important discussion
about health care for all:

Wednesday, June 14: 7 PM - 8:30 PM
Special Guest Vinny De Marco

President of the Maryland Citizens' Health Initiative, the lead organization in MD that worked to pass MD's Fair Share Health Care Act, which included a veto override in the Maryland legislature. Vinny will present Maryland's Health Care for All Campaign strategic plan.

First Unitarian Church, Sanctuary

3701 Carlisle Boulevard NE
Albuquerque, NM (corner of Carlisle & Comanche)

It is time to move forward in New Mexico. Initiatives in other states although some may be incremental, are moving toward reform. The more New Mexicans voice their concerns to policy makers about the rising cost of health care and lack of access to health care, the more demand for this discussion.

Health Care reform advocates across the country know his name and many have heard him speak. Now he is coming to Albuquerque to share his experiences with New Mexicans. The Citizens' Health Initiative is a coalition of organizations seeking to ensure quality, affordable health care for all Marylanders. The Initiative led the effort to pass the Fair Share Health Care Act that requires large corporations to spend a fair amount on health care. Vinny also consults for national organizations, such as the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, the Brady Campaign to Reduce Gun Violence, and the American Medical Society's Underage Drinking Reduction Project. He brings us vast experience in organizing issue campaigns and will be sharing his experiences with us. Do not miss this important event. Go to for more details on the Maryland Campaign.

Charlotte Roybal
Health Action New Mexico
1-505-930-0563 (cell)

June 12, 2006 at 09:51 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, June 08, 2006

A Penny For Your Bush Photo!


(Click on image for larger version.)
To contact Albuquerque Code Pink email:

June 8, 2006 at 10:20 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, June 05, 2006

ACTION ALERT: Common Cause Ethics and Campaign Reform Kick-Off

From Common Cause NM:
As November approaches, Common Cause New Mexico plans to use the election season to ask that every candidate pledge his or her support for ethics and campaign reforms. Every aspiring elected official should commit to supporting good government, and we intend to make sure that they do.

We're launching this campaign on Wednesday, June 21, with a kickoff event at the home of Common Cause board member Eric Griego in Albuquerque!

Please join us!  Reserve your spot online for this great event:

The event will be hosted by Eric Griego, Michele Rizek, State Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino, former State Senator Richard Romero, former Albuquerque City Councilor Hess Yntema, Bernalillo County Commissioner Deanna Archuleta-Loeser, Albuquerque City Council President Martin Heinrich, State Senator Dede Feldman, former U.S. Senator Fred Harris, Albuquerque City Councilor Isaac Benton, Albuquerque City Councilor Debbie O'Malley, State Senator Cisco McSorley, Public Regulation Commissioner Jason Marks and Albuquerque City Councilor Michael Cadigan.

When: Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 6:00 - 8:00 PM

Where: The home of Michele Rizek and Eric Griego: 1421 Marble NW (three blocks from Tiguex Park, near Old Town).  Go here for a map.

Suggested donation: $50 per person to Common Cause New Mexico (please note that Common Cause does not accept donations from active candidate committees).

Getting elected officials and candidates for public office to commit to ethics and campaign reform is critical.  Please join me at this important event to learn more about how Common Cause will work for much needed reform during the summer and fall, and how you can get involved in our efforts.

Sign up to join us today!  Or, if you cannot come, please consider making a contribution to our campaign efforts anyway:

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you at Eric and Michele's on June 21!

Matt Brix, Executive Director

June 5, 2006 at 09:29 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Events | Permalink | Comments (3)