Saturday, June 09, 2007

Cornstalk Music Fest and Fundraiser Set for June 16

From the Cornstalk Institute:
The Cornstalk Institute presents
The Festival of the Great Unknowns: A Music Lover's Delight
June 16, 11 AM to Midnite
Tickets to the festival are on sale at Natural Sound on Central and at A pass for the day is $30 for one person or $50 for two, which is more fun anyhow. 
For 15 years the Cornstalk Institute in Albuquerque's South Valley has provided outstanding experiential education programs to Albuquerque's young folk. Mountain biking, hiking, backpacking, climbing, gardening, building and mentoring are among the many activities we use to " educate independent students to become community assets and effective leaders for 21st century democracy."

During the past couple of months, the Institute has been named "Outstanding Prevention Program in the Southwest" and a "Best of 'Burque 'Staff Pick" as the "Best After-School Program You've Probably Never Heard Of" by the Weekly Alibi.

From Noon to Midnite on June 16th, we're presenting The Festival of the Great Unknowns, a music festival at the Institute. Incredible musicians, singers, songwriters, pickers and players from all over the country have donated their time and talent to help us celebrate our 15th year and to raise funds for some of our outstanding students to take some wonderful education expeditions.

Come listen and dance yo butt off to the music of Tucson's Grayhound Soul; Santa Fe geetar whiz Ken Valdez; Madrid singer, songwriter Jim Almand; NYC singer/songwriter Emory Joseph; Red River master tunesmith; Rick Fowler; the inimitable Daddy Long Loin; 'Burque faves Jasper; multi- talented Jeffrey Richards and Bright Carver; the incomparable Cole Mitchell; guitar master Scott Chard from Edmund OK, the good-timing Ditch Dawgs, and from Muscle Shoals Alabama singer/songwriter David Walton and the wonderful Karen Gruber.

We hope you can join us for this music and fun. 

Thanks to you, the kids at Cornstalk will have some wonderful opportunities that would not have been possible otherwise. There are a couple of programs that will be funded as early as this summer, including sending two kids to Camp Winnarainbow, Wavy Gravy's performing arts camp in California, and sending a couple of students on a bike trip in South America. These are talented, deserving young people who would not otherwise have the opportunity for such enriching experiences, so ... a big, heartfelt thanks to each of you. 

Come on and hang out at the festival and enjoy yourselves! The primary vendor for the festival is Johndhi's on Rio Grande, so there will be great food, cold beer, etc. We hope you'll make yourselves at home!

IT"S ONLY MONEY....Good fun for a Good Cause

We're looking  for looking for volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks and chores. Volunteering for a couple of hours is a good way to help and will get you in the festival free. Sign up at

Don't forget your tix for "Maybelline," the 1959 Pontiac Catalina that we're raffling off at the festival!  We're holding a silent raffle for a spanking new Fender Stratocaster signed by two of the world's best players--Robert Cray AND Eric Clapton. Click for raffle flyer (doc).

We would be hugely appreciative if you would pass this along to your friends!

-Directions: Take I-25 south to Rio Bravo. Go west on Rio Bravo past Isleta to the 4th light at Del Rio.  Go right (north) on Del Rio to Barcelona Road. Go left (west) on Barcelona for about 1/2 mile. Cornstalk is the 1st place on the right past the ditch where the cottonwoods get tall. Yellow house, blue trim. You can also come south on Coors if that's easier, then take a left (east) on Barcelona Road (after Arenal but before Rio Bravo). Cornstalk is .6 mile east of Coors on the left. There'll be signs.

Once again, thank you so much for your generosity in taking on this event!  We are so excited that you're going to be part of this, and we truly hope that it is fun for all of you as well. We are grateful for your contribution to the scholarship fund.

Sing. Dance. Eat. Love ... and if we're lucky, change the world. Thems that want to have fun, come. Thems that don't stay home."


June 9, 2007 at 10:19 AM in Education, Events, Music | Permalink | Comments (1)

Friday, June 08, 2007

RSVP Now for Evening with Palestinian Activist Dr. Mona El-Farra

From the Middle East Peace & Justice Alliance:
Dear Friend of Peace: You are cordially invited to a buffet dinner, narrated slideshow, and reception for Dr. Mona El-Farra from Gaza, Palestine, on Monday, June 18, 2007, at 7:00 PM, at the home of Dorothy Morse and Armen Chakerian in Albuquerque's North Valley. Click for flyer (pdf).

Dr. El-Farra is a Palestinian physician, activist, educator, mother, and internationally-recognized human rights leader. She is Director of Gaza Projects for the Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA). Dr. El-Farra travels frequently to Europe to meet with solidarity activists and speak to general audiences about life in Occupied Gaza, as well as how the international community can join Palestinians in their efforts to secure justice. Now you can hear her clear and powerful voice on this, her first U.S. speaking tour.

To further the important work on children's projects in Gaza, we are suggesting a donation of $25 per person. PLEASE JOIN US FOR THIS WORTHY AND INTERESTING EVENING! RSVP by Friday June 15 to Joan Robins (341-2306 or She will provide directions to the event.

If you cannot attend but would like to donate, please send a check made to the Middle East Children's Alliance, c/o MEPJA, Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice, 202 Harvard SE, Albuquerque 87106. Thank you.

June 8, 2007 at 07:00 AM in Current Affairs, Events, Middle East | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Santa Fe for Gore '08 Campaign: Monday Morning Welcome and Visibility Event

From Linda Perrone: The Santa Fe for Gore ’08 Campaign welcomes Vice President Al Gore with a visibility event to show support.

Bernalillo, NM -- Santa Fe for Gore ’08 Campaign members will be rallying to welcome the Former Vice President, Al Gore, to New Mexico.  We will be supporting his efforts to bring attention and call to action steps to combat the climate crisis and to encourage him to run for President, so he can make the necessary changes needed on this and the many other challenges we face to move us forward. This event serves as a kick off for World Environment Day on Tuesday, June 5, 2007. Please join us and show your support, pick up a list of steps you can take and pick up a button, while supplies last.

Who:  Santa Fe for Gore ’08 Campaign
What:  Visibility and Support Rally
When:  Monday, June 4, 2007, 7:30 AM-10:00 AM
Where:  At intersection of Highway 550 & Jemez Dam Rd.

Contact:  Linda Perrone,

Editor's Note: Gore will be speaking at a private event, the Sustainable Operations Summit, at the Tamaya Resort and Spa near Bernalillo on Monday.

June 3, 2007 at 12:22 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Environment, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, June 01, 2007

Inaugural Pride Interfaith Service to Kick-Off ABQ Gay Pride Week


From Equality New Mexico:
Albuquerque church leaders to conduct interfaith service to bring ‘spirit’ into the Albuquerque PRIDE celebration: Saturday, June 2, at 7:00 PM, at the First Unitarian Church at Carlisle and Comanche.

For the first time ever, a PRIDE Interfaith Service will kick-off the Albuquerque Gay PRIDE Week on June 2, 2007. The 7:00 PM event will bring together:

  • Rabbi Joe Black from Congregation Albert
  • Rev. Christine Robinson from First Unitarian Church
  • Rev. Brian Taylor from St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church
  • Rev. Pat Holman from St. Paul’s Lutheran
  • Rev. Judith Maynard from the Metropolitan Community Church
  • Rev. Trey Hammond from La Mesa Presbyterian Church
  • Rev. Lee Albertson from first Congregational Church
  • Rev. Sue Gallagher from United Church of Christ

Ronald A. Hersom, Ministerial Intern of the First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque, will deliver the sermon –- Keepers of the Vision. The service will also feature the New Mexico Women’s Chorus, and the New Mexico Gay Men’s Chorus.

Rabbi Joe Black: We all have the capacity for holiness within us- when we exclude people based on sexual orientation- or any other defining characteristic – we deny their essential holiness and, more importantly we deny our own essential holiness.

The event offerings will be equally divided between RAIN (Religious Alliance for Inclusion and Non-Discrimination) Common Bond (a gay youth organization) and NMAS (New Mexico Aids Services).

Equality New Mexico is fighting for full civil rights for all New Mexicans. Please help us continue the fight, Make A donation online today on our secure web site or send a check to EQNM at 1410 Coal Ave SW ABQ, NM 87104.

Albuquerque PRIDE volunteers are needed. Click for info.

Albuquerque PRIDE Week is June 2 thru June 9, 2007. Visit the Albuquerque Pride website for an event schedule and much more.

June 1, 2007 at 06:28 PM in Civil Liberties, Events, GLBT Rights | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, May 25, 2007

Learn More On Results of NM Health Coverage Study at Health Action NM Community Meeting

From Health Action New Mexico:


  • WHAT: Progress on Mathematica Study comparison of three models of health coverage
  • WHEN: Tuesday, May 29, 2007, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • WHERE: Compass Bank NMSU Foyer
    2444 Louisiana SE (just south of Menaul)
    Park in the lot in the back of building
  • WHO: Panelists - Judith Espinosa, Chief of Staff for Lt. Governor Diane Denish, Chair of Health Coverage for New Mexicans Committee; Nandini Kuehn, Health Policy Consultant; Charlotte Roybal, Health Care for All Campaign

Editor's Note: If you care about New Mexico's severe problems with health care coverage and how best to solve them, you need to get informed on what Mathematica determined from its recently completed study of three models of coverage. Mathematica's preliminary findings have been released and this community meeting will focus on reporting and explaining them so that ordinary people, as well as those in the health care field, can understand what's at stake.

The Health Coverage for New Mexicans Committee was appointed by Gov. Richardson to come up with recommendations on how best to expand health coverage to all our citizens, and the results of the Mathematic study will figure prominently in that decision. Our 2008 Legislative Session will be dealing with this issue and now is the time to get informed so we can be active in advocating on behalf of the best option. You can start now by contacting Committee members and FAIR BlogGovernor Richardson and urging them to take bold action to provide health care coverage for all. If we want real change, we have to keep the pressure on.

Visit the Health Action New Mexico website for an abundance of information on this issue.

May 25, 2007 at 10:01 AM in Events, Healthcare | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Memorial Day: Democratic Party of Bernalillo County Picnic


Kickem_2Can you surrey? Can you picnic? Okay, I'm showing my generational origins by harkening back to that old Laura Nyro song, but you get the idea. The DPBC is hosting a Memorial Day picnic for all Democrats at the Raymond G. Sanchez Community Center at 9800 Fourth Street NW in Albuquerque. (Click for map.) Bring a blanket, bring a picnic basket and meet fellow Dems on Monday, May 28th, from Noon to 3:00 PM for food, fun and games. Click for a (PDF) and spread the word. For more info call the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County at 830-3650, Ext. 22.

May 23, 2007 at 02:08 PM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (1)

Monday, May 21, 2007

ABQ Chapter of UN Association Announces Annual Public Meeting

Arms_2From Bill Pratt:
The Albuquerque Chapter of the United Nations Association has announced its annual public meeting. This year's program will focus on the proliferation of small arms and light weapons in developing countries, and the United Nations response.

WHEN: Saturday, June 9, 2007 at 3:30 PM
WHERE: Albq. Peace and Justice Center, 201 Harvard SE
COST: None
INVITATION: All are welcome

PROGRAM: Showing of two documentaries from the World Security Institute:

  • : Cheap, portable, easy to use and widely available, small arms are responsible for 90% of conflict related deaths since WW II.
  • : Unregulated trade in small arms is reflected in bloody regional conflicts and in the epidemic of violence in our cities.

The Speaker will be Representative Elias Barela: NM House of Representatives, District 8 Valencia County; Veteran, US Army Lt. Colonel, NM National Guard; Attorney

Arms2Rep. Barela will relate his past experiences in Latin America while on active duty with the US Army as well as the current dangers facing US military personnel resulting from the proliferation of small arms and light weapons in the hands of insurgencies and corrupt governments. Using his background as an attorney and legislator, Rep. Barela will explain the processes of developing laws and treaties that would reduce the illicit trafficking in such weapons.

For more information email Bill Pratt:

May 21, 2007 at 12:44 PM in Events, Peace | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tonight on KUNM's 'Espejos de Aztlan': Creators of Play About Working Poor Fighting Injustice

From Javier Benavidez:
Check out KUNM 89.9 FM tonight, Monday, May 21st, at 8:00 PM for a half-hour live interview by host Javier Benavidez on "Espejos de Aztlan" with creators of the political theatrical production "We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay!" Written by Nobel Peace Prize for Literation winner Dario Fo and locally produced by the Southwest Organizing Project and OmniRootz Productions, the play focuses on the desperation of the working poor in one neighborhood faced with ridiculously high food costs and the families who join in protest to fight the associated economic injustices. Local Stefani Willis directs the play which features local youth actors Venessa Katzenberger, Cherish Henson, Virginia Hampton, Ife Hampton and Shrayas Jatkar. Locas Enrique Cardiel, Rosina Roibal, Patrick Clark create the production's music score.

The Albuquerque running of "We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay!" will conclude with three productions on Friday, May 25th at 8:15 PM, Saturday, May 26th at 8:15 PM and Sunday, May 27th at 3:15 PM. Each play takes place at the Out ch’Yonda Live Artz Studio, 929 4th St. SW (9 blocks south of Central Avenue). For more information, contact Out ch'Yonda at 385- 5634 or the Southwest Organizing Project at 247-8832.

Espejos has been on-air since 1979 and is part of the Raices Colectiva which conducts programming on news, culture and music from a Latino perspective on KUNM 89.9FM.

May 21, 2007 at 10:30 AM in Economy, Populism, Events, Media | Permalink | Comments (2)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rey Garduño Hosts Signing Party Saturday

From Rey Garduño, Candidate for Albuquerque City Council District 6:

We are moving forward at a steady and measured pace with The Clean Elections process. We turned in to the City Clerk about a third of the necessary signatures and contributions on Tuesday the 15th; albeit, they need to be vetted. This is great; now, we need commitments from all of us to get at least five (5) of our friends and neighbors to come to a “Signing” Party at my house at 414 Vassar, NE in the UNM Campus (Directions below) from 10 AM - 12 PM this Saturday, May 19th. 

What is this signing party you ask? Quite simply it will be a centralized place where we can ask folks to sign the qualifying form and contribute $5 to democracy. This will qualify me to run as a clean candidate for City Council District 6 this fall, and not have to take campaign contributions from special interests. It is most urgent that we gather these signatures as soon as possible, our deadline is May 29; having begun the process now I can take the forms on a weekly basis to verify the signatures. The sooner we have 271 qualifying signatures the sooner we can begin the campaign and formulate how we are going to improve on the good initiatives already in District 6. Furthermore, we can build a framework cooperatively with the rest of the city to make this a great community.

Thank you in advance for your dedication to Democracy, to our community and my campaign.

Gracias, Rey Garduño

Directions to 414 Vassar NE: From Girard at Campus [street between Central and Lomas] you would go West on Campus into UNM campus turn North or right onto Vassar, the first house on the right is 414 Vassar).

Editor's Note: To determine your City Council District, . To read our previous posts about Rey Garduño's campaign for City Council, click here and here. You can also visit his website:

May 16, 2007 at 06:28 PM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

League of Young Voters Hosts Benefit at Artichoke


Artichoke Café Soiree: League Fundraiser Extraordinaire
Come support socially-responsible young people, as we create positive changes in our community!

Tuesday, May 22nd, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM
The Artichoke Café, 424 Central Ave. SE

Friends, food, and fun. Need we say more?  In a nutshell, we're having this fundraiser/mixer for our fall/spring program work across the state. We also had this craving for some awesome Artichoke appetizers ... so that worked out well ... Oh yeah, we'll have some tunes from La Luna Quartet. Sounds pretty cool, huh? More info? Contact Chelsea Van Deventer at

May 13, 2007 at 11:44 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)