Monday, June 25, 2007

SICK O' The System Press Conference & Rally Set for Friday Morning in ABQ

From Charlotte Roybal, Health Action New Mexico:
SICK O' The System Press Conference and Rally
JOIN US: Friday, June 29, 2007
10:00 AM - before the SICKO first showing in ABQ at 11 AM
Century 14 Movie Theatre (SW Corner of 1st and Central)
Filmaker Michael Moore's long awaited documentary "SICKO" will be released in ABQ. Sponsored By:

  • Native Health Care Council
  • Community Coalition for Health Care Access,
  • Health Action NM
  • NM Conference of Churches
  • American Medical Students Association-NM Chapter

See attached flyers to distribute:

Editor's Note: The Progress Report backs up "Sicko's" destruction of four major myths about American health care with the facts. This past Saturday, "Sicko" sold out every single sneak preview held in cities around the nation, including here in Albuquerque. Also check out David Sirota's report on his attendance at a sneak preview of the film in Denver and a rally with Michael Moore at the Colorado state capitol, including this video clip:

June 25, 2007 at 06:00 PM in Events, Film, Healthcare, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (2)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

PARTICIPATE: Governor's Task Force on Ethics Reform

The next meeting of the Governor's Task Force on Ethics and Campaign Finance Reform is scheduled for Wednesday, June 27th, at 9 AM in Room 307 at the State Capitol in Santa Fe. Once again, public participation is urged. Even though it sure seemed like it was certain members of the Democratic leadership in the NM Senate who stopped many of the recommended bills that came out of last year's task force, there's still hope these critical reforms have a real chance for passage at the 2008 Legislative Session. This is especially true IF we keep the pressure on by showing there's strong and unwavering public support for genuine change. The public comment period is tentatively set for 3:00 PM, but that can change depending on how much time other agenda items take up. Here's the tentative agenda:

Tentative Agenda: Governor's Task Force on Ethics Reform
Wednesday, June 27
Room 307, Roundhouse, Santa Fe

  • 9:00 AM  Call to Order: Governor Garrey Carruthers and Dean Suellyn Scarnecchia, Co-Chairs
  • 9:05 AM   Approval of Minutes
  • Working Group Reports:
    • 9:15 AM  Ethics Commission
    • 9:45 AM  Campaign Contribution Limits
    • 10:15 AM  Gift Limitations
  • 10:30 AM  Break
  • Working Group Reports Continued:
    • 10:45 AM  State Treasurer/State Auditor Appointment
    • 11:15 AM  Public Finance
    • 11:45 AM  Legislative Compensation
  • 12:00 Noon  Lunch
  • Working Group Reports Continued:
    • 1:30 PM  Elections Commission
    • 2:00 PM  Procurement Practices
    • 2:30 PM  Transparency in Government
  • 3:00 PM   Public Comment*
  • 3:30 PM  Discussion of Task Force Next Steps
  • 4:00 PM  Adjourn


June 24, 2007 at 10:57 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Peacecraft Organizes Fundraiser for Global Health Partnerships

From Peacecraft in Albuquerque:
Please join us this Saturday, June 23rd for a fun and informative fundraiser for Global Health Partnerships at the Albuquerque Peace & Justice Center, 202 Harvard SE from 6-8 PM! Global Health Partnerships is a local non-profit organization working to improve the health and well-being of the poor and marginalized throughout the world. Currently we are helping to build a health clinic, deliver medical supplies and services, and train health workers in Kisesini, Kenya.

Dr. Angelo Tomedi will speak at the fundraiser about the work he and other volunteers are doing there. We'll also have entertainment, food and beverages. Tickets are $5 students, $7 general admission and are available now at Peacecraft, 3215 Central NE and also at the door. Questions? 505-255-5229 

June 20, 2007 at 09:28 AM in Events, Healthcare | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Participate in Take Back America and AFSCME Events Via Web

Two big political events are taking place in DC over the next few days. The Take Back America conference put on by the Campaign for America's Future is providing a lot of interactive web features that involve Dem prez candidates, bloggers and more. Meanwhile, the AFSCME Leadership Forum includes a presidential candidate forum and more. MyDD, among others, is blogging both conferences.

June 19, 2007 at 10:30 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Events, Labor, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Upcoming Defenders of Wildlife Events in ABQ, Santa Fe, Taos

From Lisa Hummon, New Mexico Outreach Representative, Defenders of Wildlife: Below you'll find a list of upcoming events and meetings in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Taos. I've noted RSVP deadlines for meetings and projects. There is a lot going on right now both in Congress and locally regarding climate change, agricultural policy, and the Mexican wolf, so now is a critical time for us to come together to discuss these issues and spread the word in our communities.

Defenders Meet-Up, ABQ
Date: Tuesday, June 19, 6:15 PM
Location: Flying Star Downtown, on Silver between 7th and 8th, Albuquerque
About: We will be discussing the Live Earth Concerts, Mexican wolf reintroduction, and climate change legislation. ** Please RSVP to me by noon on Tuesday if you would like to attend.

Defenders Meet-Up, Santa Fe
Date: Thursday, June 21, 6:15 PM
Location: Santa Fe Baking Co, 504 W Cordova Rd., Santa Fe
About: We will be discussing the Live Earth Concerts, Mexican wolf reintroduction, and climate change legislation. ** Please RSVP to me by noon on Wednesday if you would like to attend.

Cedro Creek Restoration Work Project
Date: Saturday, June 23, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Location: Tijeras Canyon, near Albuquerque
About: We will be working to restore the Sandia Prep stretch of Cedro Creek in order to reduce erosion, improve water quality, and improve habitat and forage for wildlife.  Sponsored by the Quivira Coalition.
View the project flyer (pdf). ** Please RSVP to me by Thurs, June 21

Taos Solar Music Festival
Date: Friday, June 29 -- Sunday, July 1, times vary

Location: Kit Carson Park, downtown Taos
About: Defenders will have a table in the "Solar Village" just outside of the concert venue.  We will have information about climate change, the Farm Bill, the Mexican wolf, and more.  Visit to see this year's line up and other info. 
** Volunteers Needed

Live Earth Concert Viewings
Date: Saturday, July 7, times TBA
Locations: TBA in Abq, Santa Fe, and Las Cruces
About: These concerts are being organized by Al Gore and others to inspire individuals, businesses, and political leaders to stop the climate crisis. There will be 7 concerts, on 7 continents, on 7/7/07.  Although there is no concert in NM, we can watch the concerts on tv and inspire action in our city, state, and region. Visit to learn more about the concerts. ** Contact me if you are interested in attending or volunteering

Defenders is also looking for volunteers to table at the Albuquerque Growers Market on Saturday mornings. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thanks for all you do!

Lisa Hummon
New Mexico Outreach Representative
Defenders of Wildlife
824 Gold SW
Albuquerque, NM  87108
(505) 248-0118 x5
(505) 248-0187 (fax)

June 18, 2007 at 08:28 AM in Environment, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, June 15, 2007

Garduño and O'Malley Campaigns for ABQ City Council Seats Heat Up

Report and photos by Suzanne Prescott:
The official campaigns for Debbie O'Malley and Rey Garduño have gotten off to a good start. Canvassers in Rey's district and Debbie's district are already collecting signatures. According to Garduño, he already has half of the approximately 550 signatures needed. No count is available from O'Malley who needs approximately 650 signatures.

Debbietiguex2_2Both candidates have events planned for this weekend. District 2 incumbent candidate O'Malley is having a KICK-OFF PARTY at her house tonight (Friday) from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. She's inviting people to stop by and have a bite to eat with other supporters and pick up a petition sheet(s) and walking lists, or sign up to walk on a weekday or weekend with Debbie and other volunteers.

Where:  AT O'Malley's - 839 Fitzgerald Rd. NW (Off of 4th Street, 1 Block S of Candelaria—the street next to Wendy's)
When:  Friday, June 15, 5:30 to 8:00PM
Who: O'Malley supporters

Rey7_2Garduño also plans a get-together at his house. So far he reports that voters are telling him that voters have expressed major concerns about traffic in the district and concerns about the aging infrastructure in District #6. Voters are saying that they would like to see their tax dollars spent to revive the aging infrastructure. The information below is for anyone who has time to help Rey this Saturday.

When:  Saturday, June 16th, 10 AM-1 PM
Where:  At Garduño's - We will meet at our house:  414 Vassar, Dr. NE (Just inside the UNM Campus – from Girard and Campus; go West on Campus into the campus, first right is Vassar, first house is 414 Vassar; If you are having difficulties call 266-4424 or 688-6981 cell.)
Why:  To continue the momentum and possibly finish our Petition Drive. Come to door-knock or if you don’t have the time, stop by to sign a petition and/or take some petition forms with you! 
Who:  All community members that support clean elections and a strong community voice on the City Council. Especially people registered to vote in City Council District 6.

Editor's Note: You can read all our previous posts on the Albuquerque City Council races in our archive. Click to visit Rey Garduño's campaign website.

June 15, 2007 at 09:39 AM in 2007 Albq. Municipal Elections, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Elizabeth Edwards to Host John Edwards Fundraiser in Albuquerque

Elizabeth and John Edwards at recent campaign event

From John Edwards '08:
Elizabeth Edwards will be in Albuquerque this month at a house party to benefit her husband John's presidential campaign:

What: John Edwards for President Fundraiser
with Elizabeth Edwards
Date: Friday, June 22nd
Time: 6 PM
Place: Home of Ron Morgan, 508 Solano SE, ABQ
Tickets: $250, $500, $1000, and $2300
RSVP: Amanda Scott (505) 224-8089 or

June 13, 2007 at 10:57 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (2)

Monday, June 11, 2007

League of Women Voters to Host Talk on Civil Liberties by Ret. Chief Justice Franchini

From the League of Women Voters, Albuquerque/Bernalillo County:

June General Meeting, Thursday, June 14th, at 11:45 AM
Wyndham Hotel, 2910 Yale Boulevard SE, Albuquerque

Chief Justice (Retired) Franchini on the Current Status of Our Civil Liberties: Please call in your reservations to the office for this Thursday's General Meeting. Chief Justice (Retired) Franchini of the New Mexico Supreme Court will speak on the changed status of civil liberties since September 11, 2001 and the implementation of the USA PATRIOT law, and what he sees as the future of habeas corpus in the United States. Come hear Justice Franchini's insights into these critical topics that affect our liberties. Bring your friends along as well. All are welcome.

Luncheon is $15 in advance or payable at the door. Reservations are required by Tuesday noon. Call the office at 505-884-8441 to make a reservation. A fruit plate alternative is available. Please inform the office if you want a fruit plate when you make your reservation.

June 11, 2007 at 10:30 AM in Civil Liberties, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Martin Luther King III in Albuquerque Today and Tomorrow for Poverty Initiative

MlkiiiAccording to a brief item in the Albuquerque Journal, Martin Luther King III, the eldest son of civil rights leader MLK Jr., arrives in Albuquerque today as part of his Realizing the Dream -- Poverty in America Initiative. He'll visit the in the South Valley, tour the South Broadway neighborhood and meet with Mayor Marty Chavez.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 12, he'll tour the Alamosa neighborhood on the SW Mesa, beginning at 9:00 AM at 6013 Sunset Gardens SW, ending the tour with a program at the Alamosa Multipurpose Center gym, located at 6900 Gonzales Road SW (just south of Central off Coors Blvd., 836-8760). Later on Tuesday, King will host a town hall meeting at the South Broadway Cultural Center from 5:30 to 8:30 PM. For more information on the SBCC event: 848-1320.

June 11, 2007 at 09:51 AM in Economy, Populism, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, June 09, 2007

August 2-5, 2007: Yearly Kos II


Anyone else going to the second annual Yearly Kos Convention at McCormick Place on Chicago's lakefront? We've registered, reserved our hotel room and bought our airline tickets. Slots are filling up fast. In fact, the event's room block at the Hyatt next to the convention center has sold out. A second room block, at the Michigan Avenue Hilton Hotel, has just opened. Sounds like this year's YK will be even better than the first gathering in Las Vegas last year, which we regretfully had to miss. We're not missing it this year! After all, I was born and raised in Chicago and haven't seen it in more than 5 years.

Already confirmed for Saturday's Dem presidential candidate forum: Sen. John Edwards, Sen. Barack Obama, and our own Gov. Bill Richardson. Matt Bai, writer for The New York Times Magazine and author of a book on Democratic politics to be released in August, and Joan McCarter, contributing editor at Daily Kos, will moderate. Author and blogger Dr. Jeffrey Feldman will facilitate questions from convention attendees and those submitted in advance from tens of thousands of blog readers.

Just announced: Howard Dean will be the keynote speaker at Thursday evening's kickoff event. Markos and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) will provide the welcoming remarks that night. A reception will be held afterwards. Wesley Clark has also confirmed he'll be the keynote speaker on Friday morning.

In addition to the forum, the conference will include panels and caucuses led by national and international experts; prominent nationally recognized political, issue and policy-oriented speakers; a progressive film screening series; and the most concentrated gathering of high-profile progressive bloggers to date

Yearly Kos is entirely organized by volunteers who came up with the idea on their own last year. They had no idea how large and influential it would become. For more information or to register, visit the Yearly Kos Convention website.

June 9, 2007 at 06:00 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Events, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (2)