Thursday, July 12, 2007

ACTION ALERT: Community Forum on Health Care Reform Set for ABQ, 07.17.07

Editor's Note: Attention Albuquerque area grassroots; this is your chance to speak your mind and help shape the discussion of what the legislature needs to do to most effectively reform New Mexico's health care system so that it provides universal coverage and high quality care. If you're concerned about health care, now is the time to learn more about the results of the recent health care study by Mathematica and make your views known about the best path to pursue on this issue. 

From Health Action New Mexico:
Community Forum: “Achieving Health Care for All”
Presentation, Discussion on NM Health Care Reform Study

Join members of the community to discuss the results of a state-sponsored study comparing various models of universal health care, the work of the Governor and Legislative Health Coverage for New Mexicans Committee, and achieving health care for all people living in New Mexico.

  • When: Tuesday, July 17th, 2007, 6:00-8:00 PM
  • Where: First Unitarian Church, 3701 Carlisle NE, SW corner of Comanche and Carlisle in NE Albuquerque
  • Light refreshments
  • Spanish interpretation provided
  • For More Information Call Leigh Mason, 975-9667
  • Click for flyer (doc) you can distribute or post

Local Cosponsors:

  • Bernalillo County Community Health Council
  • Native American Health Care Council of New Mexico
  • St. Joseph’s Community Health

Statewide Sponsors:

  • Health Care for All Campaign
  • New Mexico Voices for Children
  • League of Women Voters NM
  • AARP
  • NM Conference of Churches
  • NM Coalition for the Homeless
  • Health Action NM

Additional community forums will be held in Las Cruces, Silver City, Santa Fe, Roswell, Taos, Rio Rancho, Las Vegas, and Gallup during the period of July throught September. More information will be released as it's available.

July 12, 2007 at 12:12 PM in Events, Healthcare, Local Politics, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Join Noted NM Activist and Rancher Tweeti Blancett for a Discussion on Oil and Gas Drilling in Santa Fe County

Editor's Note -- Background on this issue and the Blancetts: Here's some excellent material from Orion Magazine about the battle against irresponsible oil and gas drilling in New Mexico and other parts of the West. And here's a video in the fine Sierra Club Chronicles series about the Blancett's fight against the drillers on their ranch in Northwestern New Mexico and beyond.

Tweeti Blancett and her husband, Linn

From Drilling Santa Fe:
On Tuesday, July 17, 2007, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, Tweeti Blancett, longtime activist and New Mexico rancher, will present her graphic story of the ravages of oil and gas exploration and production in the San Juan Basin. Join Tweeti at the El Dorado Community Center, 1 Hacienda Loop, Santa Fe. Admission is free. Click for flyer.

Oil and gas exploration and production have not been an issue in Santa Fe County since the '80s. As energy prices skyrocket and as federal environmental regulations ease, the situation is quickly changing. Tweeti will discuss these changes.

In 2006, an oil company leased the mineral rights to 64,000 acres of private lands between the villages of Galisteo and Cerillos. In March 2007, over 6,000 acres of state-owned mineral rights between the village of Galisteo and County Roads 44/45 were leased by oil and gas interests. Already, one 1980's well in the Galisteo watershed has been revisited with high-pressure injections of possibly toxic chemicals to get the high grade oil flowing. Applications for more wells are pending.

Most of the land in Santa Fe County is a "split-estate." This means that even though one owns the surface of the land, the mineral rights belong to someone else. In Santa Fe County that "someone else" is likely to be oil and gas interests that can invade property, bulldoze a large site, set up a pit and drill through the water table for oil and gas.

It is critical that the County protect Santa Fe's many natural resources and quality of life, enforce its existing regulations, and strengthen certain provisions to address oil and gas production. Oil companies are now arguing that less stringent State regulations preempt local regulations, but citizens in other areas of New Mexico have fought back against the influence of the oil and gas industry. Counties can protect residents, wildlife and water.

Tweeti Blancett has traveled tirelessly for years speaking to groups from Montana to Otero Mesa. She brings together ranchers and environmentalists with a common message -- protect our land and water. Encourage local governments to stand up to the threats of immensely powerful industries. It is time for the citizens of Santa Fe County to hear her message.

For more information on this event and the issue, visit and or email us at

July 10, 2007 at 01:44 PM in Energy, Environment, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, July 09, 2007

RFK Jr. at Live Earth: See You On The Barricades

Audio (with photo) of RFK Jr. at Live Earth, Giants Stadium

The full text of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s kickass speech at this past weekend's Live Earth can be found at BradBlog, along with non-MSN video to accompany the sound. If you can only find the time to pay attention to one aspect of Live Earth, RFK Jr.'s no holds barred rant is the one to check out. Talk about speaking truth to power. Changing light bulbs is good. Changing the very power structure that controls how policy is made is paramount -- in other words, a paradigm change. Please read or see or listen to the whole thing, but here are a few excerpts:

The most important thing you can do is to get involved in the political process and get rid of all of these rotten politicians that we have in Washington D.C. -- Who are nothing more than corporate toadies for companies like Exxon and Southern Company, these villainous companies that consistently put their private financial interest ahead of American interest and ahead of the interest of all of humanity. This is treason and we need to start treating them now as traitors.

... And I want you to remember this, that we are not protecting the environment for the sake of the fishes and the birds, we are protecting it because nature is the infrastructure of our communities. And if we want to meet our obligation as a generation, as a civilization, as a nation, which is to create communities for our children that provide them with the same opportunities for dignity, and enrichment, and good health, and prosperity, and stability as the communities that our parents gave us, we've got to start by protecting our environmental infrastructure.

The air we breathe, the water we drink, the wildlife, the public lands, the things that connect us to our past to our history that provide context to our communities and that are the source, ultimately, of our values and our virtues and our character as a people and the future of our children.

And I will see all of you on the barricades.

There's been a lot of negative punditry about Live Earth in the mainstream media and on the web. Yeah, I know, the concerts used significant amounts of energy, much of the music wasn't someone's cup of tea, nothing will come of it, there's nothing we can do. In my opinion there's way too much of that  "I'm too cool to watch something like this and I'm gonna prove it by mocking it in print" attitude, even from certain segments of the progressive community.

I beg to differ. It was what it was, but I think it had incredibly strong elements of activism and leadership and inspired musicianship behind it and within it and reaching outside it. Remember, as Al Gore said many times, this was the KICKOFF to a 3-year MOVEMENT, not just a single event. Thousands of people worked hard all over the globe to make it happen, to try and incite ordinary people to action. There were many musical and rhetorical gems, some of which I'll be posting later. And make no mistake about it -- the messages about the seriousness of our environmental emergency penetrated everyone who tuned in via TV, webstream or radio at some level. It's a start. We have to start somewhere. There is no time to waste.

As the Pranksters used to ask, "Are you on the bus (powered by biofueld) or off the bus? Sign the pledge now. Stop being cynical. It's no a longer a luxury we can afford.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. website

Global Warming: A Real Solution, an incredibly hopeful must-read article by RFK Jr. that originally appeared in the 06.18.07 edition of Rolling Stone.

P.S. You can now watch video segments of all the performances and speeches on demand at the Live Earth website.

July 9, 2007 at 01:50 PM in Energy, Environment, Events, Music | Permalink | Comments (2)

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Education to be Focus of Next LWV Luncheon

From League of Women Voters, Albuquerque/Bernalillo County: Dr. Pauline Rindome, Director of the Legislative Education Action Committee (LESC), will be the keynote speaker at the League of Women Voter's July Luncheon Meeting. She will discuss issues in New Mexico's K-12 Public Education System. The luncheon will be held at the Wyndham Hotel, 2910 Yale Blvd SE, on Thursday, July, 12, 2007 at 11:45 AM. Reservations are required! Contact the Office (505) 884-8441, Monday - Thursday before Noon. For more information about the League visit,

CONTACT PERSONS: Carolyne DeVore-Parks, Public Relations Director (505)818-7974,; or Dick Mason, Health Care Chair, (505)994-0685,

July 8, 2007 at 03:47 PM in Education, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Al Gore: Sign the Live Earth Pledge

First, if you haven't yet done so, read Al Gore's compelling NY Times op-ed. Then read his letter urging humans to sign the Live Earth Pledge and click the link to do it:

On 7.7.07 more than two billion people will come together during Live Earth. That number is unfathomable - more than one-fourth of the world’s population will participate in a single event and demand a solution to the climate crisis. This unique moment presents us with a unique choice.

Do we use this unprecedented opportunity to organize a global movement that will last beyond 7.7.07? Or do we let the moment pass?

I know my answer - and I think I know yours. That’s why I am issuing this challenge: Let’s use this moment to pledge our support to solving the climate crisis. Just as important – let’s ask everyone we know to join us as part of this movement.

Sign the 07.07.07 Live Earth Pledge.



1. To demand that my country join an international treaty within the next 2 years that cuts global warming pollution by 90% in developed countries and by more than half worldwide in time for the next generation to inherit a healthy earth;

2. To take personal action to help solve the climate crisis by reducing my own CO2 pollution as much as I can and offsetting the rest to become "carbon neutral;"

3. To fight for a moratorium on the construction of any new generating facility that burns coal without the capacity to safely trap and store the CO2;

4. To work for a dramatic increase in the energy efficiency of my home, workplace, school, place of worship, and means of transportation;

5. To fight for laws and policies that expand the use of renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on oil and coal;

6. To plant new trees and to join with others in preserving and protecting forests; and,

7. To buy from businesses and support leaders who share my commitment to solving the climate crisis and building a sustainable, just, and prosperous world for the 21st century.

Together we were able to make March’s Congressional hearings a huge moment by collecting more than 500,000 messages and demonstrating the significant public support for solving the climate crisis to our elected leaders and the media. Our next opportunity to demonstrate this growing movement will come on 7.7.07

Live Earth will not just be a 24-hour concert – but the launch of a massive campaign to demonstrate that the political will exists to solve the climate crisis.

As our movement grows larger we will shake loose the paralysis currently gripping our political system. Working together we can get it done.

Thank you,

Al Gore

Our previous posts on Live Earth are here and here. They include links for watching the concerts online, on TV, at local events and more. Live video and footage from concerts earlier today available here.

July 7, 2007 at 12:46 PM in Energy, Environment, Events, Music | Permalink | Comments (1)

Friday, July 06, 2007

Where and When Can I See Live Earth? (Starts Tonight)

From Live Earth:
MSN will stream the Live Earth concerts LIVE from all seven continents starting from Sydney, Australia and continuing geographically and chronologically across the globe. Log on tonight -- Friday, July 6th -- at  7:15 PM (MT) (since it's tomorrow already in Australia) for the start of what is destined to be an incomparable 24 hours. Watch the Al Gore webcast video.


USA START TIME (MDT): Summary Sheet
Live Earth Sydney - 7:10 PM, 7/6
Live Earth Tokyo  - 9:00 PM, 7/6 
Live Earth Shanghai - 5:00 AM, 7/7 
Live Earth Hamburg - 6:00 AM, 7/7
Live Earth London - 6:30 AM, 7/7
Live Earth Johannesburg - 10:00 AM, 7/7
Live Earth New York - 12:30 PM, 7/7 
Live Earth Rio de Janeiro - 1:00 PM, 7/7

Due to the global nature of this event, all times are subject to change. Stay tuned to for the most current information on all the Live Earth concerts.

Live Earth will be transmitted worldwide in standard and high definition across multiple media channels - TV, radio, Internet and wireless channels. In the US, highlights from all Live Earth concerts and events will air on NBC at 8:00 PM on Saturday, 07.07.07. Visit for a more expansive list of International Broadcast Partners or click this direct link to on the air providers. Don't wanna watch it alone? There are over 8000 Friends of Live Earth events happening worldwide. Find one near you right here. Washington DC concert added.

Note: I'd double check online with the MSN and Live Earth sites as the events near their stated start times as last minute changes are to be expected. One event that doesn't yet show on the schedule is today's addition of a Live Earth event in Washington DC in the form of a Mother Earth concert and program hosted by Native Americans at the National Museum of the American Indian. Besides Native American speakers and musicians, including Albuquerque reggae band Native Roots, the event will feature a performance by Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. It looks like it's scheduled for Saturday at 8:30 AM MDT. It's unclear when the band of scientists in Anarctica will perform!

Also see our earlier post on LIve Earth, which includes links to local viewing gatherings.

July 6, 2007 at 03:20 PM in Energy, Environment, Events, Music, Native Americans, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

NM League of Young Voters Presents 2007 Youth Power Summit

YouthpowersummitFrom the NM League of Young Voters: Join us for an exciting week of networking, team-building, and workshops for New Mexico's future Leaders at our Youth Power Summit!

WHAT:  A Five (5) Day Summit to work with organizers from around the state and country. With a plethora of organizing, planning, and campaign training sessions, this summit is designed to enhance skill-sets and recharge young activists to continue to fight for their communities!

WHEN:  Monday, July 30--Friday, August 3

WHERE:  The University of New Mexico, Main Campus (Albuquerque, NM)

WHY:  Faceless industries and special interests have dictated the way things play out in our communities for far too long. The League of Young Voters believes that we must strengthen alliances, and deepen our organizing skills, so that we can begin to design the future that our children will live in. Together, we can do great things!

*You can peruse a listing of our trainings here.

Need more info? Wanna come? Hit us up! Phone: (505) 242-4036; Email:

July 5, 2007 at 10:38 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, July 02, 2007

DFA-DFNM July Meetup Cancelled; Dem Picnic July 4th at Elena Gallegos

4thAs we mentioned at the last Meetup, we're cancelling our Albuquerque DFA-DFNM Meetup scheduled for July 5th due to the Independence Day holiday week. Our regular Meetup schedule will resume on August 2nd when our confirmed guest speaker will be Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich. He'll be talking about his campaign and platform, as well as taking your questions. Mark your calendars! If you'd like to join our group and email list, visit our Meetup page.

Everyone is encouraged to attend the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County's 4th of July Picnic and to invite your friends and neighbors. All are welcome:

Wednesday, July 4th
Noon to 3:00 PM
Elena Gallegos Picnic Area, Sandia Heights
Free food, nonalcoholic beverages, horseshoes, volleyball ...

Park entrance is near Tramway & Academy. If you're going North on Tramway, take the first right North of Academy, which is Simms Park Road. Go 1/2 mile to entrance and follow signs. Tell them you're going to the Dem Picnic and the entry fee will be waived.

Feel free to bring your own food or side dishes, salads, desserts, water, etc. The turnout was so good at the last picnic that the Party ran out of food!

Click for more info at the .

July 2, 2007 at 11:20 AM in Democratic Party, DFNM - Albq, Events, MeetUp | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Play Provides Satirical Look at Border Fence Issues


The Fence is a play by Johanna Siegmann that provides satirical insight about a variety issues surrounding a border fence between the U.S. and Mexico, illuminating the daily struggles of families whole members must cross the border in the course of their lives.

Friday and Saturday July 6 & 7: 8 PM; Sunday July 8: 2 PM
Albq. Journal Theatre, National Hispanic Cultural Center
$10, $15, $20 with $2 NHCC member discount
Show info: 505-724-4771; National Hispanic Cultural Center.

The Fence takes place on a small dirt road on the United States/Mexico border. When Gina, a hard-working mother and wife, tries to come home to Mexico after a long day's work in the U.S., she is faced with an enormous fence that has magically sprung up between the two countries. During her struggle to return home, the play presents us with a wide and often hilarious array of characters, all of whom are frustrated by this new development.

June 30, 2007 at 10:38 AM in Events, Immigration | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, June 29, 2007

Noted Author and PBS Essayist Richard Rodriguez to Lecture at UNM


From UNM Today:
Richard Rodriguez, a contributing editor at New American Media in San Francisco, will present “The Browning of America: Race, Religion and Ethnicity in an Erotic Age” at 7 PM on Saturday, July 7, at Rodey Theater in the Center for the Arts at the University of New Mexico as part of the Sunset Lecture Series sponsored by University Libraries. The event is free and the public is welcome.

Rodriguez is a noted contributing editor for Harper’s Magazine and appears as an essayist on “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer" on PBS. The sometimes controversial Rodriguez writes regularly for newspapers in both the United States and England, and he has written an autobiographical trilogy on class, ethnicity and race that includes “Hunger of Memory” (1982), “Days of Obligation: An Argument with my Mexican Father,” (1992) and “Brown: The Last Discovery of America” (2002). Currently he is working on a book concerned with the ecology of the desert and monotheism.

Editor's Note: To get a taste of Rodriguez's famously iconoclastic and complex views, check out this video of a News Hour discussion between Rodriguez and Margaret Carlson, or this print interview by Scott London. Other materials on or by Rodriguez can be found here.

June 29, 2007 at 12:19 PM in Books, Current Affairs, Events, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)