Friday, August 24, 2007

ABQ 6th District Council Candiate Forum Set for 9.23.07

From Charlie Bennett, President, La Mesa Community Improvement Association:

An Albuquerque City Council Candidate Forum for the 6th District is scheduled for Sunday, September 23, from 2-4 PM, at the Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE, in Albuquerque (click for map). The event is sponsored by the Sixth District Coalition of Neighborhood Associations and La Mesa Community Improvement Association. It will be moderated by the League of Women Voters. The  District 6 Coalition is a group of neighborhood leaders elected by 15 neighborhood associations that are chartered by the City of Albuquerque.

All candidates running for the District 6 City Council seat currently held by Martin Heinrich (who's running for Congress in NM-01) have been invited to participate. These include Rey Garduño, Blair Kauffman, Kevin Wilson and Joanie Griffin. Albuquerque's municipal election will take place on October 2nd, 2007. Click to of District 6. You can also type in your address there to determine your City Council District.

August 24, 2007 at 10:41 AM in 2007 Albq. Municipal Elections, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

This Saturday: Fundraiser for Reelection of Bernalillo County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver

Please join us for a fundraiser to keep Maggie Toulouse Oliver as Bernalillo County Clerk:

Where: At the lovely home of Jennifer Conn and Chris Catechis 5733 Guadalupe Trail, Albuquerque - Map

When: Saturday, August 25, 2007, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

$50 Suggested Contribution
Please RSVP to 505.231.2569


Robert Adams, Alexis Blizman and Beth Adams,
Anathea Chino, Jennifer Conn and Chris Catechis,
Matt Farrauto, Chris Garcia, Michael Garcia,
Laura Harris, Marshall Martinez, Michelle Penson,
Matt Rivera, Giovanna Rossi, Christopher Salas,
Laura Sanchez, Carlos Trujillo, DeAnza Valencia


DIRECTIONS TO 5733 GUADALUPE TRAIL: Take I-25 to Montgomery/Montano Exit - Go West on Montano to 4th Street - At 4th Street take a right going North - The very first street on the left (right after Pawn City) is Gene - Take a left on  Gene going west to Guadalupe Trail (it will T with the street) - At Guadalupe Trail take a right - You will see a white wood fence in front of a two story immediately on your left - Immediately afterthat house is a small dirt road we are the second house on the dirt road (5733) - Park anywhere on Guadalupe.

August 22, 2007 at 12:43 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

(Updated) Today, 2 PM, ABQ Peace & Justice Center: TV Ad Release Calling on Domenici to Vote to End Iraq War

Pete2UPDATE: Here's the TV ad that was released today. Dial away.
Isn't it time for Sen. Pete Domenici to see things as they are at last and vote to bring the war in Iraq to an end? Domenici has tried to get a lot of political mileage out of making a few public statements admitting Bush's Iraq strategy is on the wrong track, but he's still rubberstamping Bush's policies whenever push comes to shove. Americans United for Change, part of the coalition supporting the Iraq Summer Campaign folks, will unveil a new TV ad today that calls him on his lack of real action to end the war and bring our troops home. The ad is part of an ongoing effort to turn up the heat on Domenici in advance of "Take a Stand Day" on August 28th:

“With the war in Iraq now well into its 5th year and as U.S. forces continue to suffer tragic consequences there policing an endless religious civil war, Americans United for Change will unveil a TV ad campaign on Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at 2:00 PM at the Albuquerque Peace and Justice Center calling on Pete Domenici to vote to bring the war in Iraq to a safe and responsible end and criticizing him for continuing to stand with President Bush and his failed strategy in Iraq. You're invited to attend."

  • WHO: Americans United for Change, Iraq Summer Campaign, Veterans and Iraq Servicemen Family Members
  • WHAT: Unveiling new TV ad blitz calling on Senator Pete Domenici to "Take a Stand" and vote to bring war in Iraq to safe and responsible end
  • WHERE: Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice, 202 Harvard SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 (Map)
  • WHEN: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at 2:00 PM

Handshake"The ad comes in advance of a forthcoming White House written report to Congress on the status of the war in September and as part of the Iraq Summer Campaign sponsored by the coalition Americans Against Escalation in Iraq, of which Americans United for Change is a leading partner. The ads are also running in advance of the coalition's national "Take a Stand Day" on August 28th during which thousands of citizens will attend hundreds of town hall meetings and vigils calling on Republicans in Congress to Take a Stand and vote to safely and responsibly end the war in Iraq."

Show Your Support for Ending the War at Albuquerque's "Take a Stand Day" Event: In Albuquerque, the August 28th "Take a Stand Day" event will be held at the UNM Continuing Education Auditorium at 1634 University NE at 7:00 PM (map). Both Sen. Domenici and Rep. Heather Wilson have been invited to attend and respond to constituent calls for an end to the Iraq occupation. Neither one has so far accepted the invitation. For one thing, Domenici will probably be completely pooped from attending that private, big dollar fundraiser in Los Ranchos the night before, where George Bush is scheduled to appear for expensive photo ops and backslapping on behalf of Pete's reelection campaign. You know how tedious and draining it can be to witness The Decider's sophomoric antics!

Martin Heinrich, running for Congress in NM-01, Wilson's district, has indicated he'll attend the "Take a Stand Day" event on 8/28, and anyone who wants to see our troops come home as soon as possible is also urged to attend.

Click to sign up for updates.

August 22, 2007 at 09:53 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Events, Iraq War, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Public Meetings This Week: Speak Up On NM Health Care Reform

From the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign:
Speak Up in Your Community! Public forums (sponsored by Health Care for All, with other organizations) are being held around the state to discuss the results of the Mathematica study and the direction of health care reform in New Mexico.

Below are the forums taking place in the next two weeks.

  • Taos County, Wednesday, August 22 (Taos Convention Center, Rio Grande Hall, 120 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos), 6:00-8:00 PM
  • Sandoval County, Thursday, August 23 (Meadowlark Senior Center, 4330 Meadowlark Lane, Rio Rancho), 7:00- 8:30 PM
  • San Miguel County, Tuesday, August 28 (Luna Community College, 366 Luna Drive, Las Vegas), 4:00-6:00 PM

September forums are currently scheduled for Carlsbad, Bayard, Santa Fe, Roswell, and Los Alamos. We'll keep you posted.

Here's Your Chance to Influence the Interim Legislative Committee: The Interim Legislative Health and Human Services Committee is also holding meetings this week. The meetings focus on the study and the path New Mexico should follow in regard to health care reform. Presentations on the results of the Mathematica study will be made on Wednesday, August 22, and Thursday, August 23. You can check out the agenda for the Zuni and Gallup meetings here.

  • Zuni: The Interim Health and Human Services Committee will meet at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, August 22, in Zuni at the UNM Gallup/Zuni Campus, Room 102. Public comment is scheduled for 5:20 PM.
  • Gallup: The committee will meet on Thursday and Friday, August 23 and 24, in Gallup at UNM Gallup, Gurley Hall, Room 205/207. Thursday's meeting begins at 10:30 AM, with public comment scheduled for 5:15 PM. Friday's meeting begins at 9:00 AM.

September interim committee meetings are tentatively scheduled for Hobbs and Roswell. We'll let you know more when the committee schedule is firm.

Please Make a Point of Attending the Forums and Interim Committee Meetings in Your Area: It is very important that those of you who live in these communities attend and make the forum organizers and the interim committee members aware of your support for the Health Security Act.

Here are some possible talking points.

  • The Mathematica study clearly indicates that the Health Security Act is the only proposal that reduces health care costs and covers everyone. Only the Health Security Act costs less than the current system. It is the only model that saves money. Even after five years of operation, the other two models still cost more than the current system.
  • Taxpayer dollars have been spent on a study, which is being ignored.
  • This is the second time that a New Mexico study has concluded that including all or most New Mexicans in one health risk pool will save hundreds of millions of dollars. (The first was in 1994.)
  • Solutions that rely on the private insurance system are not acceptable.
  • The Health Security Act has had input from thousands of New Mexicans over the years. The Act is supported by 128 organizations and 26 counties and cities. It is the only proposal with public support.
  • It is time to pass the Health Security Act (explain why you support it).

If you want us to send you a copy of the Mathematica study's results, contact Josette (see below). Let us know what happens at the meetings you are able to attend. Your feedback is always important to us.

Contacting the Governor: Governor Richardson has publicly stated that he does not like any of the models that were studied by his Health Coverage for New Mexicans Committee and that he is committed to a system where private insurers play a dominant role. Despite the study's conclusion that the Health Security Act would save New Mexico hundreds of millions of dollars, the Act does not have the Governor's support.

Please contact Governor Richardson and ask him to support the Health Security Act. His office can be reached at 505-476-2200. If you prefer to write him a letter, his mailing address is Office of the Governor, 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Room 400, Santa Fe, NM 87501. You can also email him through his website.

If you have any questions, contact Josette at 505-771-8763 or

August 21, 2007 at 07:00 AM in Events, Healthcare, Local Politics, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Check Out NM Black Expo August 24-25

From the NM Office of African-American Affairs:
The Inaugural New Mexico Black Expo 2007, "The African-American Experience in New Mexico," will be held in Albuquerque on August 24-25, presented by the NM Office of African-American Affairs and cosponsored by Isshin Ryu Club Inc.

This event will promote the Black Experience in the state. On Friday evening, at 6:00 PM, Ms. Gianni North, and African American writer and filmmaker, will show her film on HIV-AIDS in the Black community. A short question and answer period will follow. A panel of statewide community representatives will discuss “Issues in the Black Community”. The location is the newly opened African American Performing Arts Center and Exhibit Hall at 310 San Pedro NE on the State Fair Grounds.

Starting at 10:00 AM on Saturday morning at Civic Plaza, there will be vendors, informational booths, speakers, food, and live entertainment. Health screenings, arts and crafts, and voter registration will also be part of the activities. The Expo will conclude at 7:00 PM. Here's a DETAILED SCHEDULE:

PLEASE DISTRIBUTE attached flyer:

Friday, Night (August 24th, 6 PM - 9 PM, African American Performing Arts Center, State EXPO Fairgrounds)

6:00 PM: Film - Affected: The AIDS Project By Gianni-Amber North

6:30 PM: Film Discussion with Writer/Director Gianni-Amber North and Kenneth Winfrey

7:00 PM: Community Panel Discussion: "Contemporary Black Issues in New Mexico "

  • Phyllis Hubbard D.D., Ayurvedic Practitioner and N.D. Pending (Albuquerque, NM)
  • Dr. Nancy Lopez, Professor of Sociology, UNM, Author of Hopeful Girls, Troubled Boys: Race and Gender Disparity in Urban Education
  • Festus Addo-Yobo, Black Programs Director, NMSU (Las Cruces, NM)
  • Gloria Brown-Lopez & Child, Parent, Graduate Student & Professor NMHU (Las Vegas, NM)
  • Kenneth Winfrey, Artists, Activist, Web/Graphics Guru (Albuquerque, NM)
  • Sylvester Stanley, Gallup Police Department (Gallup, NM)
  • Barbara Laval, National Science Education Institute for Excellence in Astrobiology and Astrophysics, UCLA (Los Angeles, CA)


9:00 PM: End (Promote Saturday Activities)

Saturday (August 25th, 10 AM - 7 PM, Civic Plaza, Downtown Albuquerque)

Vendors are set up and open for business and the informational tables are on hand

Main Stage

10:00 AM: Parental Advisory (Education w/ David Gregory Cox, Mary Juzang & Jasper Mathews)

11:15 AM: Fiscal Responsibility in the Black Community (Finance w/ Ron Hinson & Gerald Watson)

12:00 PM: OFFICIAL START OF CEREMONY: Dr. Harold Bailey-Open/ Eugene Pickett-Drums/Dr. Sina Aurelia Soul-Both National Anthems

12:30 PM: New Mexico Mass Choir (Music)

1:00 PM: Macedonia Youth Drill Team (Step Team)

1:30 PM: Steven Harrison (Music)

2:00 PM: Chris Dracup (Music)

2:30 PM: Voices of Angels (African Refugees) (Song)

3:00 PM: Eulogistic Alliance (Music)

3:30 PM: Poetry Interlude (Grace, Jazz Cuffee, Yagazi) (Poetry)

4:00 PM: Phocus (Music)

4:30 PM: Isshin Ryu (Martial Arts Demonstration)

5:00 PM: Sweet Life (Music)

5:30 PM: JMAR (Music)

6:00 PM: Dr. Bailey, Closing Remarks

More Info:
Hakim Bellamy
Social and Community Programs Coordinator
New Mexico State Office of African American Affairs
1015 Tijeras NW, Suite 102
Albuquerque , NM 87102
Office: (505) 222-9442
Toll Free: (866) 747-6935
Fax: (505) 222-9489

August 18, 2007 at 01:04 PM in Events, Minority Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

RSVP for NM Wilderness Alliance Grand Opening in Santa Fe


New Mexico Wilderness Alliance invites you to celebrate the GRAND OPENING of our new Santa Fe Office!

Thursday, August 23, 2007, 5:00 - 7:30 PM
341 East Alameda Street, Santa Fe, M 87501

Come join us for hors d’oeuvres and refreshing beverages. Be a part of history! Call David Ehrman at (505) 216-9719 to let us know you can attend.  Join other NMWA members for this celebration as we grow in the state capitol. Free parking is available at the old St. Vincent’s Hospital parking lot located on Paseo de Peralta between East Palace Avenue and East Alameda Street (a five minute walk). There is no parking at the NMWA office.

Info on other coming events and actions:

September 13-15, 2007
Taos Convention Center, NM

Educational sessions will address topics ranging from cultural heritage of the night sky, storytelling and star lore, night sky tourism, lighting ordinance efforts, and the impact of artificial lighting upon wildlife and the natural world. Featured and keynote speakers include: Anna Sofaer, Chaco Canyon “sun dagger” discoverer; Alan Hale, co-discoverer of Comet Hale-Bopp; and Robert L. Gent, President of the International Dark-Sky Association

For the complete three-day conference brochure and on-line registration, please go to or call 505.989.7745. Hosted by the Night Sky Program of the New Mexico Heritage Preservation Alliance (Santa Fe) along with co-sponsor The International Dark-Sky Association (Tucson). Photo: Fajada Butte, Marko Kecman

A New Way to Help Mexican Wolves
One of the ongoing battles for Mexican Wolves is convincing the politicians and agencies that people want to see wolves, and convincing reluctant locals that wolf tourism really can help the economy. Now, there’s an easy way to bring home this message. The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish is offering an opportunity to go out with their wolf biologist, Ellen Heilhecker, as she monitors Mexican wolves in the Gila National Forest.   They will use a lottery system to decide who gets to go – and that’s the opportunity!  We want them to be amazed when 1000 people sign up for the chance. 

Please help us reach this goal – even if you don’t plan to go looking for lobos.  And if you do win, the cost is $74. Just applying will cost you $6, but believe me that 2-lattes-worth will send a great message about wolves.  And if you do win, you will get to learn how NMDG&F uses radio telemetry equipment, GPS units, and digital trail cameras in keeping track of approximately 15 collared lobos currently in the wild in the state.

Please go to and click on the "Wildlife Adventures" sheep photo at the top of the page. The sign-up process is complicated, and it appears you take pot luck on dates, but this is a really cool deal. The three dates for the adventures are 9/23, 10/13, and 10/20.  Good Luck!

Santa Fe National Forest needs your input on the Travel Management Rule
The Rule is intended to limit the use of off road vehicles in the forest. This is your chance to have a say on which trails will be free of noise, exhaust fumes, dust and erosion and which will be reserved for Wildlife and quiet recreation.  Please attend the Public Meetings this week. The forest needs your support!

JEMEZ SPRINGS: Wednesday August 22nd 6 to 8 PM
Walatowa Vistor Center
7413 Hwy 4
Jemez Pueblo, NM

ALBUQUERQUE: Thursday August 23rd 6 to 8 PM
UNM Continuing Education Building
1634 University Blvd. Room C
Albuquerque, NM

For more information call Craig or Scial at 505-843-8696. E-mail  or

To receive news alerts from the NM Wilderness Alliance, sign up at the NM Wild Action Center.

August 18, 2007 at 11:00 AM in Environment, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Progressive Women Offer Forum on Ethics Reform

From Progressive Women Issues Matter:
We welcome you to a forum for an important discussion:
“Ethics Reform”
Saturday, September 15, 2007
UNM Law School, Room 2401, ABQ
2:00 - 4:30 PM, No charge

Senator Michael Sanchez
Senator Dede Feldman
Representative Mimi Stewart
Stuart Bluestone, Attorney General’s Office
Matt Brix, Center for Civic Policy
Dr. Patricio Larragoite, Moderator

Opportunities for questions. For more information please call:
MarySue Gutierrez 899-4642
Zora Hesse 265-3031
Imogene Lindsay 299-7454

August 16, 2007 at 09:07 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Early Bird Registration Ends Today for Workshop on Nonprofit Advocacy

Alliance for Justice Presents Worry-Free Advocacy: Understanding the Rules of Nonprofit Advocacy and Election-Related Activity, cosponsored by America Votes, Center for Civil Policy. Read my previous post for more info on this August 29th workshop at the AFSCME office in Albuquerque. By registering today, you'll save $20 on the already reasonable fee.

August 15, 2007 at 12:19 PM in Education, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

More Health Care Community Forums Scheduled

More health care community forums, sponsored by the Health Care for All campaign and other groups. Attend and express your views on universal health care in New Mexico:

Farmington: Aug. 16, 9-11am and 6-8pm (location to be determined). Call the Community Health Care Fund, 505-564-3628.

Taos: Aug. 22, 6-8pm (location to be determined). Call the Taos Co. Health Council, 505-776-8705.

Rio Rancho: Aug. 23, 7-8:30pm at the Meadowlark Senior Center, 4330 Meadowlark Lane. Call the Sandoval Co. Community Health Alliance, 505-771-7941.

Las Vegas: Aug. 28, 4-6pm at Luna Community College, 366 Luna Dr. Call the San Miguel Co. Health Council, 505-454-1401

Carlsbad: Sept. 10, 5:30-7:30pm, at NMSU-Carlsbad, Room 101, 1500 University Dr. Call the Eddy Co. Community Health Council, 505-887-9511.

Bayard: Sept. 11, 6-8pm at the Bayard Community Center, 290 Hurley Ave. Call the NMSW NM Council of Governments, 505-388-1509.

Santa Fe: Sept. 18, 10am-12pm at St John’s Methodist, 1200 Old Pecos Trail (pending) and 5:30-7:30pm at Santa Fe County Chambers, 102 Grant St. (confirmed). Call the Santa Fe Co. Health and Human Services Dept., 505-992-9840.

Roswell: Sept. 20, 2-4pm at ENMU-Roswell, Occupational Tech. Center Bldg., Room 124. Call Barbara Thompson, 505-623-61723.

Los Alamos: Sept. 20, 7-9pm at Fuller Lodge, 2132 Central Ave. Call the League of Women Voters, 505-662-5900.

Gallup: Oct. 4 (time and location to be determined). Call the McKinley Community Health Alliance, 505-863-5107.

August 4, 2007 at 01:16 PM in Events, Healthcare, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


MplacechgoI'm headed to YearlyKos at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, so things may be a bit slow around here for awhile. I set up some auto-posts and I'll try to check in when I can, but no guarantees. There's so much going on at the convention that I think down time and web time will be hard to muster. Very exciting.

Lots of sources will be covering the gathering so you can follow things right from your couch or computer. A YearlyKos follow it at home page will have frequently updated links to all the coverage they know about. Both CSPAN and CNN plan TV and web video coverage -- no details yet. Talking Points Memo will have something called TPMtv with interviews and live coverage. So will PoliticsTV and UstreamTV online. No doubt participants will be uploading stuff to YouTube and flickr. And I'm sure just about every progressive blog will be on the story to some extent.


There are a multitude of panel discussions, workshops, roundtables and film screenings, which you can browse in the convention schedule. Major events, official and unofficial, include (all times Central Daylight Time):

Wednesday, August 1

  • Evening: Various receptions and parties
  • 8-9:30 PM: DFA Health Care Forum with Jim Dean, health care advocates and experts

Thursday, August 2

  • All day: Interest group and blogger caucuses, panels, workshops, roundtables, films
  • 7-9 PM: Kickoff keynote speech by DNC Chair Howard Dean, with welcomes from Markos and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)
  • 9-10 PM: DFA Grassroots Victory Caucus

Friday, August 3

  • All day: roundtables, panel discussions, workshops, films
  • 8-9 AM: Keynote speech by Wesley Clark
  • Luncheon speech by Andy Stern of SEIU
  • 5:30-7:30 PM: Netroots Candidate Celebration (one of the cosponsors is Don Wiviott, Dem candidate for NM Senate)

Saturday, August 4

  • All day: roundtables, panel discussions, workshops, films
  • 8-9AM: Ask the Leaders Forum with Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Harry Reid, Sen. Chuck Schumer, Rep. Rahm Emanuel
  • 1-2:45 PM: Presidential Candidate Forum with Bill Richardson, John Edwards, Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Mike Gravel
  • 3-3:45 PM: Individual breakout sessions with presidential candidates
  • 4:30-6:30 PM: Teamsters' Rally and BBQ
  • 7-10 PM: Closing Keynote by Markos plus surprises

Sunday, August 5

  • 11AM-1PM: Bloggers' Brunch

Other Info:

August 1, 2007 at 07:34 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Current Affairs, Democratic Party, DFA, Education, Events, Media, Public Policy, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)