Friday, August 31, 2007

(Updated) ABQ City Councilor Benton Introduces Bill to End Iraq War

UPDATE 9/4/07: The City Council Finance & Government Operations Committee WILL NOT hear R293 on Monday, 9/10. Instead it will be heard during the regular Council meeting on Monday, 9/17. Council meetings begin at 5 PM

From the office of Ike Benton:
Last week City Councilman Ike Benton introduced a bill to end the war in Iraq by calling on Congress to withdraw the authorization for war. R-07-293 will go to the Finance & Government Operations committee on Monday, September 10 (5 PM in the Council Committee Room, 9th floor of
City Hall). It may come back to the full Council for a final vote on either September 17, or October 1.

If you have any questions or comments about the legislation, or want to be kept informed of its progress, contact: Kara Shair-Rosenfield, Policy Analyst - City Councilor Isaac Benton, District 3, Albuquerque City Council, tel: 505.768.3186, fax: 505.768.3227, email: Contact info for Albuquerque City Councilors can be found .

August 31, 2007 at 11:37 AM in Events, Iraq War, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Young Voters: Get on the Bus for Change

From the The League of Young Voters-Albuquerque:
The League of Young Voters is embarking on a new journey to educate, empower and inspire young people. We are reclaiming Democracy for our generation!

Introducing the Bus for Change! Starting August 18th we've been going to go into the community on a grassroots level to begin knocking on the door's of young voters to talk to them about the War, Climate Change and Ethics. So why is this so important?? Because a young educated voter base is a force to be reckoned with! The Bus for Change is the vehicle, literally and figuratively for taking back power in our communities. And we're doing all this because what's more sexy than politics? Only a bus full of young people flexing on the powers that be. That's what! So if you're down for the cause - Get on the Bus for Change!

Bus for Change Clean Connection Campaign! For years big land developers have been contributing thousands of dollars to elect politicians who support sprawl developments. This haphazard development has not only increased traffic in our city but also contributed tons of carbon emissions into our atmosphere.

The Bus for Change kicked off our Clean Connection Campaign August 18, to educate other young people on this link between climate change and the local policies that have global repercussions like uncontrolled sprawl. Together we can send a message that sprawl growth is unnacceptable for our city and for the health of the planet. And that young people are tired of developers running things at the expense of our communities.

Help us Make the Clean Connection with other young people. We need you to volunteer your time to make a difference for our city and our planet. Click for a schedule of volunteer events.

For more info: 505/242.4036,

August 31, 2007 at 11:08 AM in Energy, Environment, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

TONIGHT: Take a Stand and Demand that Domenici & Wilson Do the Same

Watch this video, listen to Iraq Vet John Bruhns (who has been blogging on AMERICAblog this month) -- and do what he says. Today, there will be over 700 "Take a Stand" events around the country. You can find one here. Take a Stand. In Albuquerque: UNM Continuing Education Auditorium, 1634 University Blvd. NE, 7 PM. If you can't make it, check in at AMERICAblog tonight for the live blogging on Take a Stand efforts. You might even get some right here.

August 28, 2007 at 04:00 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Events, Iraq War, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Peace, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)

Conservation Community-at-Large Hosts Richardson Campaign Fundraiser 8.30.07

From the DPBC E-News: Please join

Sen. Cisco McSorely, Rep. Elias Barela, Rep. Gail Chasey, Rep. Joni Marie Gutierrez, Rep. Mary Jane Garcia, Rep. Antonio Lujan, Rep. Antonio "Moe" Maestas, Rep. Rick Miera, Rep. Jeff Steinborn, Rep. Jim Trujillo, and Rep. Peter Wirth
Jim Baca, Sandy Buffett, Stephen Capra, Ned Farquhar, LeRoy Garcia, Gregory Green, John Horning, Lisa Jennings, Jenny Parks, Tom Robey, Michael Robinson, Oscar Simpson, Bill Schudlich, and Tom & Connie Young
and other members of New Mexico's conservation community-at-large on a late summer evening in the scenic canyon lands surrounding the beautiful, historic La Capilla Vieja Ranch
at La Cienega
With Honored Guest Governor Bill Richardson

The event is intended to bring together clean energy advocates, animal protection advocates, conservationists, hunters, anglers, and elected officials involved in a myriad of environmental issues and legislation to thank Governor Bill Richardson for all he has done to ensure that New Mexico remains enchanting and to wish him well in his aspirations to become President of the United States in 2008.

Hope to see you at the ranch for refreshments, food and music from 6 PM to 8 PM on Thursday, August 30th. Gates open at 5:30 PM. Suggested contributions of $1000, $500, $250 and $100. No minimum contribution.

Persons making the maximum contribution of $2,300 are welcome to join other members of the Bill Richardson Leadership Circle for a private pre-reception with Governor Bill Richardson from 6:00-6:30 PM.

Please RSVP to Tiffany Deinzer to 505.828.2455 or by email:

Please make checks payable to Richardson for President, Inc. and mail to: P.O. Box 26208, Albuquerque, NM 87125-6208, or bring with you to the event. Contributions to Richardson for President, Inc. are not tax-deductible for Federal income tax purposes, and are limited to $2,300 per individual ($4,600 per couple) per election. Federal multi-candidate PACs may contribute $5,000 per election.

August 28, 2007 at 02:07 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (2)

Reminder: Iraq Summer Take a Stand Events Tonight

Takeastand_2Take a Stand Day events coordinated by the Americans Against Escalation in Iraq's Iraq Summer campaign, MoveOn, TrueMajority Action, Working Assets and others are going around the nation today. Click to find one near you or set up your own. In New Mexico there are events set for Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Los Lunas.

In Albuquerque, you're urged to gather at the 'Iraq Summer' Campaign Take a Stand Townhall:

WHAT: Hundreds of Domenici and Wilson constituents to attend ‘Take A Stand’ Town Hall Meeting to pressure the Senator and Congresswoman to break with Bush and vote to begin responsible redeployment of U.S. troops out of harm’s way in Iraq

WHEN: Tuesday, August 28th, from 7:00 – 8:00 PM

WHERE: UNM Continuing Education Auditorium, 1634 University Blvd, NE, Albuquerque, NM

SPEAKERS: Moderator will be Claudia Iglesias – Iraq Summer Campaign

  • Major General Mel Montano (USANG, Ret.) – Former Adjunct General of New Mexico
  • Martin Heinrich – Albuquerque City Councilor (Dist. 6)
  • Bruce Clark – Marine veteran and father of two active duty soldiers, one currently serving in Iraq
  • Judy Pratt – Activist, former State Senator and 1984 U.S. Senate Candidate against Pete Domenici

The New Mexico 'Iraq Summer' Campaign has been turning up the heat on Senator Pete Domenici and Congresswoman Heather Wilson all summer to start representing their constituents by voting for a safe and responsible end to the Iraq war. The campaign will come to a crescendo on Tuesday, August 28th: 'Take a Stand Day' –- when the campaign will host a public town hall meeting on Iraq in Albuquerque featuring veterans, military families, and community leaders.

Invitations to the TAS town hall, which is already expected to draw hundreds of constituents, were ignored by Senator Domenici’s office and flatly rejected by Congresswoman Wilson’s. In response, the Iraq Summer Campaign will provide an empty chair for both Wilson and Domenici to highlight their disappointing lack of courage to face their constituents and explain their continued support for the President's costly and irresponsible policy of endless war in Iraq. With U.S. forces stretched the breaking point policing a religious civil war that has no end in sight, New Mexicans deserve answers from their representatives in Congress.

This historic forum comes on the heels of a startling pronouncement this month from Lt. Gen. Doug Lute –- a three-star general and President Bush's "War Czar" –- that a military draft is "on the table." This bombshell announcement followed recent statements by General David Petraeus -– the President's top military commander in Iraq -- that U.S. forces should stay in Iraq for another 9 or 10 years. In response, 'Take A Stand' participants will publicly ask Domenici, Wilson: Since you support Bush's endless war in Iraq, do you also support the draft needed to sustain it?

If you'd like to do more to help defeat Domenici and Wilson in the 2008 election, consider making a small donation at the BEAT BACK BUSH NEW MEXICO Act Blue page, a joint effort of the Democracy for New Mexico and blogs designed to counteract the fundraising machinery of Bush and the Republican right wing. Click to see previous posts on the effort.

August 28, 2007 at 11:30 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Beat Back Bush New Mexico, Events, Iraq War, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Peace | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

August 26-28: NM ‘Iraq Summer’ Campaign Comes to a Crescendo in ABQ

From Iraq Summer Campaign:

  • August 26th – 27th: In advance of Bush visit, ‘Iraq Summer’ to Hold “Support the Troops, End the War” Vigil outside Senator Domenici and Congresswoman Heather Wilson’s offices.
  • August 27th: Scores of Albuquerque Veterans, Military Families, Domenici Constituents to Greet President Bush with Sea of “Support the Troops, End the War” Signs Outside Los Ranchos de Albuquerque Mayor Larry Abraham’s residence.
  • August 28th: Nearly 200 Domenici and Wilson Constituents to Attend ‘Iraq Summer’s Flagship ‘Take a Stand Day’ Town Hall Meeting With or Without the Senator and Congresswoman

Albuquerque, NM – Starting Sunday, August 26th, at 8 AM, the New Mexico ‘Iraq Summer’ Campaign -- which has been turning up the heat on Senator Pete Domenici and Congresswoman Heather Wilson all summer to start representing their constituents by voting for the safe and responsible end to the Iraq war -- will come to a crescendo with a flurry of grassroots activity leading up to the campaign’s flagship event on Tuesday, August 28th: ‘Take a Stand Day’ -- a town hall open to all New Mexicans, providing Senator Domenici and Congresswoman Wilson a golden opportunity to face their constituents and explain their continued support of the President’s costly and irresponsible policy of endless war in Iraq.

Invitations to the town hall, which is already expected to draw nearly 200 Albuquerque constituents, were flatly rejected by Congressman Wilson’s office and ignored by Senator Domenici. Just a day before the event, the ‘Iraq Summer’ campaign will be joined by dozens of local veterans, military families and Domenici and Wilson constituents to greet President Bush with a sea of “Support the Troops, End the War” signs as he arrives at the residence of Los Ranchos Mayor Larry Abraham Monday morning.

EVENT 1: August 26-27

  • WHAT: In advance of Bush visit, Dozens of Domenici and Wilson Constituents Assigned Shifts for Solemn ‘Support the Troops, End the War’ Vigil Outside Senator’s and Congresswoman’s offices.
  • WHEN: Starting Sunday, August 26th at 8AM and Ending Monday, August 27th at 12PM
  • WHERE: Outside Senator Pete Domenici and Rep. Heather Wilson offices. Domenici: Albuquerque Plaza; 201 3rd Street, NW, Suite 710; Albuquerque, NM 87102. Wilson: 20 First Plaza, Suite 603; Albuquerque, NM 87102

EVENT 2: August 27

  • WHAT: Scores of Albuquerque Veterans, Military Families, Domenici Constituents to Greet President Bush With Sea of “Support the Troops, End the War” Signs
  • WHEN: Monday, August 27th at 8:30 AM
  • WHERE: Outside Los Ranchos de Albuquerque Mayor Larry Abraham’s residence, Corner of Rio Grande and Green Valley


  • WHAT: Nearly 200 Domenici and Wilson Constituents to Attend ‘Take A Stand’ Town Hall Meeting to Pressure Senator and Congresswoman to Break with Bush and Vote to Begin Responsible Redeployment of U.S. Troops Out of Harm’s Way in Iraq
  • WHEN: Tuesday, August 28th from 7:00 – 8:00 PM
  • WHERE: Continuing Education Auditorium, University of New Mexico; 1634 University Blvd, NE; Albuquerque, NM
  • Speakers:
  • Moderator will be Claudia Iglesias – Iraq Summer Campaign
    • Major General Mel Montano (USANG, Ret.) – Former Adjunct General of New Mexico
    • Martin Heinrich – Albuquerque City Councilor (District 6)
    • Bruce Clark – Marine veteran and father of two active duty soldiers, one currently serving in Iraq
    • Judy Pratt – Activist, former State Senator and 1984 U.S. Senate Candidate against Pete Domenici

For more info contatt Greg Richardson, (512) 484-5990

“Iraq Summer” is a nationwide, 10-week long campaign with nearly 100 organizers in 15 states and 40 congressional districts to turn up the heat on members of Congress who have opposed setting a timeline to bring a safe and responsible end to the war in Iraq. The effort will culminate with a national “Take a Stand” day on August 28th, when Members of Congress will have the opportunity to explain their stance on the war to their constituents in a town hall setting.

CDA, AAEI, and Iraq Summer is a coalition including a wide range of political and nonprofit organizations that are working against our current policy in Iraq. Coalition organizations that are tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the IRC have not endorsed or sponsored this statement or the advertisement referred to therein, and no funds provided were used in producing or distributing this statement or the advertisement.

Editor's Note: For other events related to Bush's visit to Los Ranchos de Albuquerque on Monday, August 26th, to raise funds for "Pajama Pete" Domenici, check these previous posts:

August 26, 2007 at 01:31 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Events, Iraq War, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (3)

(Updated) Monday: Honk to Impeach Bush-Lights On for Impeachment

UPDATE: Event changes: Folks should meet at 8:00 AM to about 9:15 AM at Comanche and Carlisle (KOAT TV, Channel 7). Click for .

From Committee to Elect Jason Call:

  • When: Monday, August 27, 7 AM - 9:30 AM (Bush will be at fundraiser in Albuq. later in the day.)
  • Where: 10 major intersections in Albuquerque (see proposed list below)
  • Who: 10 teams of 4-8 people at each site. Please email us if you can participate.
  • What: Signs will be provided.
  • Why: 40-80 volunteers at 10 intersections will reach 10’s of thousands of commuters. HONK FOR IMPEACHMENT and the LIGHTS ON will let everyone know they are not alone.

Proposed intersections: Yale & Gibson SE, Montgomery & San Mateo NE, Paseo Del Norte & I-25, Ellison and Coors By-pass NW, 4th & Montano NW, Rio Bravo & Isleta, Louisiana & Menaul, others to be added.

For more information contact: Committee to Elect Jason Call, US Cong. 1st Dist. NM Email: or visit

Editor's Note: For other actions on Sunday, August 25 and on Monday, August 26th related to Bush's visit to Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, see this post.

August 26, 2007 at 01:08 PM in Events, Impeachment, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (4)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Los Ranchos Mayor Brags Town Will Pay Zero for Bush Visit

LabrahamLos Ranchos de Albuquerque's "Independent" Mayor Larry Abraham (right) bragged to the media today that his town's taxpayers won't pay a cent for the abundant extra "security" that will be used for George Bush's visit on Monday, August 27. Bush will attend an expensive private fundraiser and photo op (see invitation) for "Pajama Pete" Domenici's campaign at Abraham's home on 13 acres at 7205 Rio Grande Blvd NW in Los Ranchos. There will be no public events during Bush's visit here, yet Albuquerque and other New Mexico communities will have to provide and pay for extra police and other security services. Los Ranchos has no police force.

As reported in an Albuquerque Journal article:

Abraham said his village contracts with the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department for four deputies who handle day-to-day law-enforcement duties there. But Abraham said the village is not paying additional money for security surrounding the Bush visit.

"Absolutely zero," Abraham said earlier this week. "We're not paying any outside police agencies."

Local police play a key role in security any time the president makes an official-business or campaign visit to a U.S. city, racking up thousands of dollars worth of personnel hours as they escort the motorcade to and from Air Force One, seal off busy streets and beef up patrols.

Monday's visit will involve an estimated 150-plus New Mexico law officers. Most will be from the Albuquerque Police Department and the sheriff's department, though State Police and officers from Rio Rancho, Santa Fe, Farmington, Taos and the town of Bernalillo will also pitch in.

"It's not something we could do on our own, either. It takes a large contingent," said Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White, a Republican.

Albuquerque Mayor Marty Chavez agreed that providing security is "an expensive proposition," but added he's not complaining. "Presidents are always welcome in Albuquerque, whether I agree with them or not—and I certainly don't agree with this one," he said.

Another Republican campaign expense to be be borne by taxpayers -- this one by Americans as a whole -- is the cost of Air Force One. According to the Journal, flight costs for Air Force One were estimated at $56,000-plus per hour when Repub Rep. Heather Wilson got a fundraising visit from Bush in August of 2006. And just think, fuel costs have risen dramatically since then.

Attention Albuquerque Journal, Albuquerque Tribune and Santa Fe New Mexican: Wouldn't it be fascinating to see a breakout of what Bush's visit on Monday will cost national, state and local taxpayers? Wouldn't it be great if we had a daily newspaper as interested in obtaining that as we are?

BushlaughRemember when presidents used to add at least one public event to their campaign trips to provide cover for their campaigning on the taxpayers' dime? Of course when you're a president as unpopular and arrogant as Bush, a public event would be more than a little problematic. Besides, Bush doesn't seem to feel any need to interact with the peasantry. Elite donors and controlled audiences guaranteed to be 100 percent loyal to the president are the audiences of choice for The Decider. That way he can remain in his bubble of denial and keep up the guffawing.

New Mexico Democrats and activists will meet at Kelly's Brew Pub on Nob Hill in Albuquerque on Sunday, August 26, from 1-3 PM to collect "Pajama Pete" pajamas and make signs. Demonstrators will gather for a protest of the Bush visit on Monday morning at 8:30 AM at the corner of Rio Grande and Green Valley in Los Ranchos. Click for my previous post about these events and look for future posts on other actions scheduled around Bush's visit to the Albuquerque area.

August 25, 2007 at 06:05 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (2)

NM Democrats to Protest Bush's Support of 'Pajama Pete'

From the Democratic Party of New Mexico:

Activists Will Launch Pajama Collection Drive
Albuquerque, NM - As New Mexicans brace for George W. Bush's fundraising visit, the Democratic Party of New Mexico will join with a coalition of organizations to call attention to Senator Pete Domenici's slumberous attitude concerning working families' priorities. 

Bring Pajamas
GeopeteOn Sunday, August 26 at Kelly's Brew Pub in Albuquerque, 3222 Central Ave. SE, Democrats will collect new and used pajamas for protesters to wear at a rally on the day Bush arrives [see below]. The pajamas will be donated to charity after the Monday event. 

"It's time for Senator Domenici to wake up and focus on the important issues that affect all New Mexicans, including jobs, health care, and ending the war in Iraq," said Chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico Brian Colon.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 2007, 1-3 PM

Petition to Demand Domenici and Wilson Come Clean
The pajama collection drive will be backed by a petition demanding that Domenici and Rep. Heather Wilson come clean about their involvement in the U.S. Attorney scandal and testify under oath about the pressure they put on former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias to push politically sensitive indictments into the courts just before the November, 2006, election.

JammiesDomenici is also known as "Pajama Pete" because he was spotted wandering the halls of Congress wearing clothes that closely resembled pajamas. He has tried to claim that he was wearing hunting gear.

Editor's note: More on the pajamas/hunting pants incident: from Raw Story.

(h/t Land of Enchantment)

Where's the Monday Pajamas Demonstration?
The rally against Bush's visit to the Albuquerque area for the big dollar fundraiser for Domenici in Los Ranchos on Monday, August 27th, will be at the corner of Rio Grande NW and Green Valley in Los Ranchos, just north of the Village Hall at 6718 Rio Grande NW (map). Ample parking available at the Los Ranchos Village Tennis Courts just south of Village Hall (north of Chavez Rd). Meeting at 8:30 AM.

August 25, 2007 at 12:46 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Economy, Populism, Events, Iraq War, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, August 24, 2007

ABQ 6th District Council Candiate Forum Set for 9.23.07

From Charlie Bennett, President, La Mesa Community Improvement Association:

An Albuquerque City Council Candidate Forum for the 6th District is scheduled for Sunday, September 23, from 2-4 PM, at the Highland Senior Center, 131 Monroe NE, in Albuquerque (click for map). The event is sponsored by the Sixth District Coalition of Neighborhood Associations and La Mesa Community Improvement Association. It will be moderated by the League of Women Voters. The  District 6 Coalition is a group of neighborhood leaders elected by 15 neighborhood associations that are chartered by the City of Albuquerque.

All candidates running for the District 6 City Council seat currently held by Martin Heinrich (who's running for Congress in NM-01) have been invited to participate. These include Rey Garduño, Blair Kauffman, Kevin Wilson and Joanie Griffin. Albuquerque's municipal election will take place on October 2nd, 2007. Click to of District 6. You can also type in your address there to determine your City Council District.

August 24, 2007 at 10:41 AM in 2007 Albq. Municipal Elections, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)