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Friday, October 17, 2008

10/22: LWV Judicial Forum Set for UNM Law School

Bring your friends, neighbors, relatives to learn about:
Safeguarding U.S. Democracy
by Promoting An Independent Judiciary
A Judicial Forum Sponsored by the
League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico
Wednesday, October 22 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM
Light Refreshments: 5:30-6:00 PM
provided by the American Association of University Women
Forum begins: 6:00 PM
UNM School of Law, Bondurant Lecture Hall
1117 Stanford Dr.NE
Candidates: Justice Charles Daniels, Supreme Court;
Judge Reed Sheppard, 2nd Judicial District Court;
Judge Maria Dominguez, Metropolitan Court; and
Edward L Benavidez, Public Defenders Office,
candidate for the Metropolitan Court.

Focus: To educate the public about the judicial selection process in New Mexico, the pivotal role the judiciary plays in our democratic system of checks and balances, and to discuss the challenges to our independent judiciary. This forum is supported by a grant from the League of Women Voters Education Fund and the Program on Constitutional and Legal Policy of the Open Society Institute. None of these candidates have opposition in the General Election.

Note: Click to download the nonpartisan 2008 Voters' Guide compiled by the League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico. It provides excellent info on candidates, ballot questions, the voting process and more.

October 17, 2008 at 08:50 AM in 2008 Judicial Elections, Events, Justice | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

10/17: Democrats for Rick Lass Press Conference in Santa Fe

From Democrats for Rick Lass:
Democrats for Rick Lass will announce its plans for support of Public Regulation Commission candidate Rick Lass at a press conference to be held at 2:00 PM Friday in front of the P.E.R.A building @ 1120 Paseo De Peralta in Santa Fe. Come and show your support and join us. Everyone is welcome.

Democrats for Rick Lass is a independent political committee formed last month by long time Santa Fe Democrat Bernie Logue Y Perea, Lawyer John Howard, former State Democratic Chair Earl Potter, Charlotte Roybal, Gideon Elliot, Dr. Leslie Lakind and others. Its purpose is to urge party members to support Rick Lass.

“Frankly, as Democrats we are embarrassed by Jerome Block Jr.’s behavior since he was nominated,” said Logue Y Perea. “Rick Lass has a record of dedication to important public issues, and we believe he will serve all citizens well at the PRC.”

Donate and Sign Petition: Yesterday the organization opened a web site where Democrats can sign a petition of support for Lass and make contributions at Democrats For Rick Lass PAC. “Already we’re had 25 persons sign up” said Perea “ We also reported $6,968.00 in contributions in our state filing on Tuesday. You can watch an interview with Rick Lass from New Mexico In Focus .

October 16, 2008 at 01:37 PM in 2008 PRC Election, Events | Permalink | Comments (2)

10/20: NM and Our National Security Future: How to Frame an Argument for Change

LkellyNote: Keep an eye out for a guest blog by Lorelei Kelly that will go up soon.

"New Mexico and Our National Security Future: How to Frame an Argument for Change" is a session on how to talk about progressive national security during Get Out the Vote or other public outreach that individuals might undertake. Lorelei Kelly will help peace and justice activists frame national security in a way that presents a compelling and realistic vision for moving forward.

Monday, October 20, 7-9 PM
Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice
202 Harvard SE, Abq. NM 87106
(505) 268 9557

Lorelei--who is originally from Farmington, NM--works to educate elected leaders and the public about today's real security need and how to bring our policy tools into alignment with new threats. Part of her goal is to bring more diverse voices into national security decision making.

In addition to working with the underground democracy movements of eastern Europe in 1989, Lorelei's professional background includes teaching at Stanford University's Center on Conflict and Negotiation, working on bipartisan national security education in Congress, and working as a professional mediator in both domestic and international conflict resolution settings. She recently co authored "A Woman's Guide to Talking About War and Peace" which is available free online at More info at or 202-487-7728. Click for an excellent piece written by Lorelei for Huffington Post.

October 16, 2008 at 12:00 PM in Events, International Relations, Military Affairs, Peace | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-01: Heinrich & White to Debate at Congregation Albert on 10/26

Dem Martin Heinrich and Repub Darren White, Congressional candidates in NM-01, will debate on Sunday, October 26, 2008 at Congregation Albert Brotherhood, 3800 Lousiana NE in Albuquerque:

9:30 AM: Breakfast (See pricing below)
10:45 AM: Debate (FREE to the public-Doors open at 10:30 AM)

***Breakfast Reservations are required***
Make your reservation early by calling 883-1818, ext 3203
Brotherhood Members $8 / Non-Members $11

Congregation Albert Brotherhood - Winner of the 2006/2007 MRJ National Harris Award for Best Local Community Service Programming

October 16, 2008 at 11:33 AM in Events, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama/Udall Campaign ABQ Debate Watch Parties Tonight, and More

From the Albuquerque for Obama Facebook group:

NOB HILL FINAL DEBATE WATCH AND EARLY VOTE KICKOFF PARTY AT KELLY'S BREW PUB (with the U.S Senate debate to follow): FEATURING JILL COOPER UDALL. Located at 3222 Central Ave. All ages welcome! Presidential Debate 6-8:30 PM, Senate Debate 9-10 PM. More info: Facebook

DOWNTOWN FINAL DEBATE WATCH PARTY AT ONE UP LOUNGE: Our One Up parties have all been hugely successful with 150+ people showing up to sip cocktails, enjoy appetizers, and watch the debate at this hip downtown lounge. If you haven't been to one of our One Up parties, now is the time! All ages welcome! Presidential Debate 6-8:30 PM, One Up Lounge, 302 Central (2nd and Central).

EARLY VOTE OUTREACH AT UNM: Tabling and Outreach Spreading the Word about Early Vote ON CAMPUS. Tuesday-Friday 12-8 PM (Oct. 21-Oct. 24, Oct. 28-Oct. 31) at Mesa Vista, LOOK FOR OUR TABLE. Please email to sign up for a two hour shift, call 505-553-6860, or come to our table on campus! We greatly need your help: There is early voting on campus starting 10/18 and we have to get the word out!

For more debate watch parties and other events around NM, visit New Mexico for Obama.

October 15, 2008 at 11:21 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Details Released: Joe Biden to Host Change We Need Rally on Mesilla Plaza on Friday

The Obama campaign announced that Senator Joe Biden will host a Change We Need rally at the historic Mesilla Plaza at Calle de Guadelupe and Calle de Parian in Mesilla, New Mexico at 1:30 PM on Friday, October 17th. "Doors" open at 11:30 AM.

The event is free and open to the public; tickets are not required but an RSVP is strongly encouraged. To RSVP please visit the New Mexico for Obama page. (I'm not seeing anything there yet, but an event notice should be up soon.) A limited number of preferred viewing tickets will be available on a first come first serve basis at one of our ticket distribution locations listed below.

**Tickets will be available on Thursday from 9AM to 9PM**

Campaign for Change - Las Cruces Office
255 East Lohman Ave, Las Cruces, NM 88001

Campaign for Change - Anthony Office
880 Anthony Drive, Suite 13, Anthony, NM 88021

Campaign for Change - Deming Office
501 East Spruce Street, Suite B, Deming, NM 88030

Campaign for Change - Alamogordo Office
1517A 10th Street, Alamogordo, NM 88310

Limited Parking near site in public lots. Carpooling strongly encouraged. For security reasons, do not bring bags or umbrellas. Please limit personal belongings. No signs or banners permitted.

October 15, 2008 at 08:58 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10/15: AZ Gov. Napolitano to Stump for Obama at Rally in Los Lunas

Images1On Wednesday, Governor Janet Napolitano from Arizona -- who was born and raised in Albuquerque --will host a Change We Need rally in Los Lunas. She'll talk to supporters about the importance of this year’s election and encourage voters to participate in Early Vote. The rally is scheduled for 3:05 PM at 435 Luna Street SE on October 15, 2008. Click for map. The public is invited.

Gov. Napolitano will also host two invitation-only events in Albuquerque on Wednesday. One is a roundtable to discuss New Mexicans’ concerns with the current state of the economy and its impact on women. Napolitano and members of the local community will discuss Senator Obama’s commitment to equal pay and his plan to strengthen the economy and support New Mexico’s working families. Napolitano will later host a presidential debate watch party at the home of an Obama supporter in Albuquerque with women from around the region.

October 14, 2008 at 01:16 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-Sen: Udall at Back-to-Back Student Events Today at UNM

Dem U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall will host back-to-back events today, October 14, 2008 at UNM in Albuquerque. They'll focus on addressing issues important to students and encouraging participation by young people in the upcoming election as well as Tom Udall’s record of doing what’s right for New Mexico. First up, Tom will hold a town hall meeting discussion today at 11:30 to 1:00 PM at the UNM Student Union Building. That will be followed by a get out the vote rally at the UNM Student Union Building Theater from 1:30 to 3:00 PM.

October 14, 2008 at 10:51 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-01: Celebrate Martin Heinrich's Birthday Tonight With Bluegrass Bands at O'Niell's Pub

Visiting Iowa Congressman Bruce Braley (D, IA-01) and Martin Heinrich talk about family, the future and Congressional service at DPNM HQ in Albuquerque recently.

This is a fun one. Martin's wife Julie has invited one and all to celebrate NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich's birthday tonight: This Friday is Martin's 37th birthday and we're throwing an early birthday party for him tonight at O'Niell's. I hope you can make it! Here's the scoop. The party is at 6 PM, Tuesday, October 14th, at O'Niell's Pub (4310 Central Ave. SE near the corner of Central & Washington). And, we're having blue grass bands play to celebrate turning New Mexico into a blue state!

In lieu of gifts, we're asking everyone to contribute at least $25 (or $37 in honor of Martin's birthday!) to the campaign. It's going to be a great time and we hope that you can make it! RSVP now.

Martin, the boys and I have been on the campaign trail for over a year and a half and I can't believe that the election has started and voting is underway. We've been to every corner of the district and we have a lot of stories to tell.

When Martin and I made the decision to run for Congress, we did it because of our kids. Like so many of you, we knew that the country that we love so much was off on the wrong track.

Two long terms of George Bush, Dick Cheney and the Washington Republicans produced both a quagmire in Iraq that's cost us hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of lives and an economic disaster the likes of which haven't been seen since the Great Depression.

We can't change Washington by sending another Republican who has steadfastly towed the Bush/Cheney line. We need to send Washington a message that it's time for real change by turning this Congressional District - and all of New Mexico - blue.

I hope you'll join us for Martin's birthday party tonight. Thanks so much for your support.

Julie Heinrich

Note: If you can't attend, you can still donate online to Martin's campaign and help turn NM-01 as BLUE AS A BLUEGRASS BAND!

Rep. Bruce Braley was first elected to Northeast Iowa's First District in 2006 and was the first Democrat to represent the district since 1979. Sound familiar? If we do all we can to help, Martin Heinrich can be the first Democrat to represent New Mexico's First District!

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October 14, 2008 at 09:01 AM in Events, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tonight in Espanola: Mayor Joe Maestas to Host Economic Roundtable and Discussion of Obama Economic Plan

JmaestasEspanola Mayor Joe Maestas will host a roundtable this evening, October 14, 2008, to discuss New Mexican’s concerns with the current state of the economy. Mayor Maestas and members of the Espanola community will discuss the economic challenges faced by New Mexican families from skyrocketing healthcare costs to the housing crisis. They will also discuss Sen. Obama's plan to strengthen the economy and support working families. The event is set for 6:30 PM at the Espanola Senior Services Center at 735 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Road.

October 14, 2008 at 08:19 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Economy, Populism, Events, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)


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