Friday, June 27, 2008
RSVP for Children's Cabinet Town Hall on Building NM's Workforce
From :
As chair of the New Mexico Children’s Cabinet, I want to hear from YOU. Please join us, along with youths, business leaders, educators, and community groups at the Children’s Cabinet Career Cluster Initiative Town Hall on Monday, June 30th, from 9 AM to 3 PM. This is an AmericaSpeaks 21st Century Town Meeting and will take place at the Hilton Albuquerque Hotel located at 1901 University Blvd. NE. Breakfast, lunch, and parking will be provided.
We will be developing a long-term plan for building a more powerful workforce in New Mexico. You can contribute recommendations that the Children’s Cabinet will consider over the next 6 months and into the January legislative session on how to strengthen New Mexico’s workforce. The Town Hall will use technology to meld small-group discussions into large-group priorities. Key constituencies will join forces to build a more powerful workforce in New Mexico and the focus of the day is your input.
The goals of the Town Hall are:
- To build a bridge between youths and business
- To provide an opportunity for business leaders to define their needs
- To allow participants to learn more about New Mexico’s emerging markets and the Career Cluster Initiative
- By Phone: (505) 222-6651
- By Fax: (505) 841-6412
- By Mail: The NM Children’s Cabinet, 5301 Central NE, Suite 1510, Albuquerque, NM 87108
- By Email:
I hope to see you there.
Technorati Tags:
June 27, 2008 at 01:11 PM in Business, Economy, Populism, Education, Events, Labor | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Four Democratic Governors in One Room
From Brian S. Colón, Chair, Democratic Party of New Mexico:
It is a great year for Democrats as we come together after an exhilarating primary season that registered more voters, trained more volunteers and activated more individuals to become involved with the Democratic Party than ever before.
On June 24th, the Democratic Party of New Mexico will host an historic event as we bring together four Democratic Governors for the first time. We will honor Governors Bill Richardson, Bruce King, Toney Anaya and Jerry Apodaca for their service to New Mexico. This is the first time Democrats have been able to thank all four Governors in one evening.
Please join us at the Democratic Party of New Mexico's Democratic Governors' Unity Reception and be a part of history.
Where: Sandia Resort and Casino
When: Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
Get your E-Ticket
Click for Invitation (doc)
I hope you will be able to support the party and attend this historic event.
P.S. I know you don't want to miss this exciting event, but if you can't make it, please consider contributing to the party to help us prepare for the Republican smear campaign ahead.
Democratic Governors'
UNITY Reception
Sponsored By
Coast Range Investments, Mr. David Buchholtz,
Angela & Nestor Romero, Drew Setter & Associates,
Hon. Hector H. Balderas, Peterson Properties,
Committee to Elect Brian Egolf, NM Federation of Labor,
AFSCME, Robles, Rael & Anaya, P.C.
We will honor four Democratic Governors
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sandia Resort and Casino
Council Levels - Hummingbird B
5:00 - 6:00
General Ticket - Salon D
5:30 - 7:00 PM
Technorati Tags:
June 19, 2008 at 10:59 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sprouts for Change: Obamarama T-Shirt Art Show July 6 in Santa Fe
My problem with this creative project is that there are too many outstanding designs to choose from, produced by some of our treasured artists to just folks. I''ll have to buy at least two ....
More than 50 T-shirts inspired by Barack Obama and designed by a diverse cross section of people young and old, ranging in age from seven to ninety, will be exhibited at Obamarama, an art event at Hahn Ross Gallery, 409 Canyon Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Obamarama will take place July 6, from 4:00-7:00 PM, and is sponsored by Sprouts for Change and members of Santa Fe Grassroots for Obama.
Can't Make It to Art Show? Buy Online
T-shirts will be given to New Mexico delegates to wear at the Democratic Convention in August. The T-shirts can be purchased at the event or online. Proceeds will benefit Meds and Food for Kids. In addition to being displayed on the Sprouts for Challenge virtual gallery, the exhibit of 50 T-shirts will be made available to other art galleries nationally.
Technorati Tags:
June 18, 2008 at 10:16 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Santa Fe Politics, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (0)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Meet Jim Dean at June 21-22 DFA Campaign Academy in ABQ
Jim Dean at YearlyKos convention last year in Chicago
It's just been confirmed. We're very excited that the much-in-demand Democracy for America Chair, Jim Dean (who just happens to be the brother of DNC Chair Howard Dean) will be coming to Albuquerque to be a part of DFA's Campaign Academy in Albuquerque on June 21-22 at UNM Law School. Jim will attend Saturday's morning session and is expected to give another of his famous barn-burner speeches during lunch that day. RSVP for the Training Academy, and come on down and be a part of the action.
As I posted previously, the DFA Campaign Academy is a must-attend event for anyone involved with a progressive campaign in any capacity. The training empowers everyday citizens to manage successful campaigns, become grounded in the mechanics of successful campaigns and even run for office themselves. Co-organized by local activists in Albuquerque's DFA-Democracy for New Mexico, the training is shaped to fit the needs of local grassroots activists like you.
Refreshments will be provided throughout the day and a social event will be organized Saturday evening so you can mingle and network with other activists in your area. The training will run from 9 AM to 6 PM on Saturday and Sunday.
If you are a candidate running for office and plan on attending, please email DFA at training(at) and let them know.
Campaigns are encouraged to send representatives from among their staff and volunteers to take advantage of some of the best campaign training available anywhere.
Slots are filling up fast, so sign up today.
To learn more and/or RSVP, visit
The DFA Campaign Academy brings together dozens of local activists and candidates for two days of intensive campaign training. Top campaign professionals give you a step-by-step guide to running a winning grassroots campaign. Sessions include: field planning and targeting, voter contact, fundraising, communications, volunteer recruitment and much more.
DFA has extensive experience running highly acclaimed and heavily attended training academies all over the country. We're very pleased to have them presenting a two-day session in Albuquerque this election cycle.
Join DFA Chairman Jim Dean and dozens of local grassroots activists in Albuquerque for two days of energizing campaign training.
Here's the important info on the weekend.
- Where: UNM Law School, 1117 Stanford NE, Albuquerque, NM 87131 (Room 2401 plus breakouts)
- Tuition Cost:
- $60 if paid in advance
- $70 the day of the training
- $30 discounted rate for students or low income attendees
The Albuquerque DFA-Democracy for New Mexico Meetup is a coalition partner of the national organization Democracy for America. DFA, located in Burlington, VT, has coalition partners in virtually every state in the union. DFA originated as the Dean for America campaign. After Howard Dean withdrew from the 2004 presidential race, DFA became Democracy for America and changed its mission to progressive grassroots activism. It's now the nation's largest progressive political action community.
Technorati Tags:
June 15, 2008 at 01:20 PM in Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Education, Events | Permalink | Comments (2)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
"Blackwater" Author Jeremy Scahill's Book Tour to Stop in ABQ
Nation Books author Jeremy Scahill will appear in Albuquerque later this month to sign and discuss his powerful book, Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army. The event is cosponsored by KUNM Community Radio and Bookworks bookstore. A thoroughly revised and updated paperback edition of the revealing New York Times best seller was launched this month.
According to the publisher, the book tells the unauthorized story of the epic rise of one of the most powerful and secretive forces to emerge from the U.S. military-industrial complex, hailed by the Bush administration as a revolution in military affairs, but considered by others as a dire threat to American democracy.
Blackwater USA is the powerful private army that the U.S. government quietly hired to operate in international war zones and on American soil. With its own military base, a fleet of twenty aircraft, and twenty-thousand troops at the ready, Blackwater is the elite Praetorian Guard for the "global war on terror." Blackwater was also hired during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina by the Department of Homeland Security, as well as by private clients, including communications, petrochemical and insurance companies.
Jeremy Scahill: Blackwater
Booksigning & Discussion
Friday, June 27, 2008, 7:00 PM
UNM Continuing Education Center
1634 University Blvd, Albuquerque, NM
Co-sponsored by KUNM Community Radio and Bookworks bookstoreTickets on Sale at with proceeds to benefit KUNM. General admission $10.00 or buy a book with your ticket and receive admission for 2. Get your tickets at Bookworks (4022 Rio Grande Blvd. NW) or at the door. Call (505)344-8139 for more info.
Blackwater in New Orleans after Katrina
Jeremy Scahill is a Polk Award-winning investigative journalist. He is a frequent contributor to The Nation magazine and a correspondent for the national radio show Democracy Now! Scahill has reported extensively from Iraq, the former Yugoslavia, and Nigeria. He is currently a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute. Scahill lives in Brooklyn, New York
Paperback Edition Has New Material
For more on the new edition of Blackwater, check out Amy Goodman's June 2nd interview with Scahill on Democracy Now! The paperback version of Scahill's book has more than 100 pages of new material, including a section that carefully details the circumstances surrounding the killing of 17 Iraqi civilians last September by Blackwater forces in Baghdad's Nisour Square. He tells Goodman:
... what's become very, very clear over the past year is that without Blackwater, the occupation of Iraq would be untenable. I mean, this is a company now that has become so central to the US occupation that it can be responsible for one of the single greatest killing sprees of Iraqi civilians and face basically no consequences for that action and in fact continue to win hundreds of millions of dollars in US State Department contracts.
Blackwater in Iraq was awarded over $100 million in contracts just in the two weeks following the Nisour Square shooting. It's had over a billion dollars in contracts from the United States State Department. And the men who were alleged to have been responsible for those killings at Nisour Square, to this day, are walking around as free individuals.
Your Own Private CIA
The paperbook edition of Blackwater also delves into the company's recent development of something called Total Intelligence Solutions -- essentially a privatized, globalized version of the CIA. According to Scahill, Blackwater's owner Eric Prince has joined forces with former high-level U.S. intelligence honchos to build:
.. what they call a "global fusion center" in Total Intelligence Solutions headquarters, which is modeled after the CIA's Counterterrorism Center that [Cofer] Black once ran, with huge plasma-screen TVs, analysts sitting at desks. They have about a hundred people now working for the company, and they're marketing what they say in their literature are CIA-type services -- what they say -- to Fortune 1000 corporations and foreign governments, and the United States government, as well.
Cahill goes on to explain:
The US has sixteen intelligence agencies now under one umbrella. 70 percent of their combined budget is now in the hands of the private sector. You have private contractors working basically at every level of the US intelligence apparatus.
And so, what we see now, through Total Intelligence Solutions, is that Erik Prince is taking the decades and decades of CIA experience, the careers of people like Cofer Black, Robert Richer, Enrique Prado, and putting all of their contacts, their knowledge, their networks, their intimate relationships with governments and heads of state around the world, on the open market for bidding. You know, services that were once the realm of sovereign governments are now on the open market for bidding. And Blackwater has some of the heaviest hitters in the history of US intelligence, whose services are now available for private hire.
What's Next for Blackwater?
Scahill reports that Blackwater intends to go "full spectrum" in their services, including establishing mysterious new facilities in the United States:
Erik Prince, the owner of Blackwater, says that in the future Blackwater is going to be a full-spectrum operation. That's what he talks about. So they're manufacturing their own armored vehicle, which can go sixty-five miles an hour, and they're trying to get it licensed for use on US highways, which raises questions about what they want to do with these. They're also making a surveillance blimp that could be used by the Department of Homeland Security, for instance, Blackwater says, in monitoring the US-Mexico border.
The other thing that's happened is that Blackwater recently was defeated in its attempt to open up a private base in the south of California in a tiny town called Potrero. They were run out of town, basically, by 850 people ... They have another one in Illinois.
Chilling as hell, isn't it? Clearly, Cahill's appearance in Albuquerque is a must-see for anyone interested in the dangers that privatized, corporatized "defense" and homeland security companies pose to civil liberties and national sovereignty around the world. Imagine what's to come if companies like Blackwater are allowed to continue to provide their lucrative, secretive services to the highest bidders, both at home and abroad, without any meaningful oversight of any kind from American or international agencies or watchdogs. The "security services" they provided during Katrina were just a test run.
Excellent resources:
- Jeremy Scahill's Blackwater Book Channel on YouTube
Technorati Tags:
June 14, 2008 at 01:30 PM in Books, Events, Iraq War, Military Affairs | Permalink | Comments (0)
Sandoval County Dem Women to Host Potluck
From Janice Saxton, President, Democratic Women of Sandoval County: On Wednesday, June 18, at 6:30 PM, the Democratic Women of Sandoval County will meet for a potluck dinner at UU Westside Congregation Church, 1650 Abrazo, Rio Rancho. Please bring a dish to share. Coffee, tea, and water will be available. There will be a business meeting beginning at 7:15 PM. The public is encouraged to attend. Guests are welcome. For info call Janice Saxton at 867-1139 or email
June 14, 2008 at 11:19 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
News from SAGE Council
From SAGE Council:
The Native American Voters Alliance (NAVA) Get Out the Vote program such a success. Overall, we made over 11,000 phone calls and 1,000 doorknocks concentrating in Albuquerque as well as Laguna, Acoma, and Isleta Pueblos. Voter turnout doubled in Laguna and nearly tripled in Acoma. This is a huge success for NAVA as we prepare to move forward with the general elections. Thank you to our many volunteers who dedicated a lot of time and energy into making this victory possible!
Mt. Taylor Thunder Run: June 21st-22nd
SAGE will be doing a prayer run to Mt. Taylor June 21st and 22nd. The run is to honor and recognize the sacredness of Mt. Taylor. Runners will come from different directions and meet up at the base of Mt. Taylor. The run from Albuquerque will begin at the Petroglyphs the morning of the 21st and head west towards Mt. Taylor. Saturday night we will camp out at the base of Mt. Taylor. Sunday morning will begin with a prayer ceremony and then we will finish with the last leg of the run to the peak of Mt. Taylor.
Currently, Mt. Taylor is under threats from the uranium industry who want to reopen their mines. We hope that with this run we can convey the sacredness and significance of Mt. Taylor to these outside interests. Included in the run will be time for cultural learning opportunities as the youth and elders unite. We hope you can join us for this important event! Please call Theron, Chris, or Bruce at 260-4696 if you would like to participate.
NAVA Convention: July 31st-August 1st
The 2nd Annual NAVA Convention, co-sponsored by Picuris Pueblo, is scheduled for July 31st and August 1st at the Hotel Santa Fe in Santa Fe. We will have keynote speakers, trainings, time for people to meet and collaborate on different projects, and a meet and greet with elected officials. This is sure to be an exciting event, so make sure you mark your calendars! Trainings will include message development, power analysis, and the ins and outs of civic engagement. Please call Laurie at 260-4696 for more info!
Protect Mt. Taylor: June 14 Committee Meeting
Mt. Taylor in Grants is currently being nominated for a Traditional Cultural Property designation in the State Register of Cultural Properties. This designation will help to protect this sacred mountain from uranium companies who want to reopen their mines on Mt. Taylor. The tribes nominating Mt. Taylor are Acoma Pueblo, Laguna Pueblo, Zuni Pueblo, Navajo, and Hopi.
There will be a meeting held by the Cultural Properties Review Committee to vote on whether or not Mt. Taylor should become a Traditional Cultural Property. The meeting will be on June 14th at the Cibola County Building in Grants at 10:30 AM. Public comment and testimony will be accepted before the committee votes. We urge everyone interested in protecting this mountain to show up at the meeting and let your voice be heard! For more information, please call Nadine at 260-4696.
Technorati Tags:
June 12, 2008 at 11:41 AM in Events, Native Americans | Permalink | Comments (1)
Get Tix Now for Santa Fe County Dem Unity Celebration
Unity Celebration, Democratic Party of Santa Fe County
Sunday June 22, 2008, 2 PM – 5 PM
Fraternal Order Of The Eagles - 833 Early Street, Santa Fe
Enchilada Dinner, Soft Drinks
Food And Beverage Supervisor: Bernie Logue Y Perea
Desserts Courtesy Of Osteria D’ Assisi
Music: Sol Fire; Door Prizes
Tickets Purchased in Advance:
$20.00 Per Person, $ 7.00 Children, Infants Free
Tickets Purchased After Tuesday, June 17:
$25.00 Per Person $ 10.00 Children Under 10
PURCHASE TICKETS by sending the following information:
TOTAL $______ (Sorry no credit cards)
SANTA FE NM 87505-7626
Or Email
For more information: 505-982-1967
Obama For President, Tom Udall, Ben R. Lujan, Bennie J. Shendo, Jr., Harry B. Montoya, Bruce Thorne, Joseph M. Maestas, Paul D. Campos, Angela R. “Spence” Pacheco, A.J. Salazar, Joe Campbell, Rhonda King, Peter Wirth, Brian F. Egolf, Jr., Virginia Vigil, Elizabeth T. Stefanics, Valerie L. Espinosa, Jeffery L. Ludwig
Technorati Tags:
June 12, 2008 at 11:14 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events, Santa Fe Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Thursday: America Votes Open House
America Votes New Mexico
Invites AV Partners, Friends, Family and Supporters
to Celebrate the Opening of Our New Offices
Thursday, July 12, 2008, 4:00 - 6:00 PM
625 Silver Avenue SW, Suite 185, ABQ
Drinks and Hors D'eouvres Provided
Click for FLYER
We Hope You Can Join Us for the Festivities
RSVP: Petra at or 414-2807
Check out the groups that make up the America Votes coalition here.
America Votes is a coalition of the largest membership-based progressive groups in the country, representing a broad range of issues including the environment, civil and human rights, choice, education and labor. America Votes works with 47 national and more than 260 state-based partner organizations. The mission of America Votes is to coordinate the independent electoral activity of these groups to create a permanent progressive infrastructure nationally and in the states. Our coalition partners share innovative strategies and resources to maximize our electoral impact.
Ultimately, the aim of America Votes is to ensure that massive voter mobilization campaigns build a progressive infrastructure that will survive across election cycles.
Technorati Tags:
June 11, 2008 at 03:33 PM in Events, Local Politics, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (0)
June 28: Host a Unite for Change House Party
One of the things I like most about Barack Obama's campaign is its dedication to a 50-state strategy like that employed by DNC Chair Howard Dean. It's one of the reasons Obama won the nomination and did so well in caucus states. Obama's campaign has already helped organize national canvasses and voter registration drives, and now it's joining forces with the DNC to do much more in that vein.
Even better, Obama's will be the first campaign in history to establish a campaign field office in every single state. Every one. There are no Red States or Blue States; there are only Dem States and those moving to become Dem States in the future.
Not only will this promote Obama's presidential campaign, but it'll bolster party building everywhere and help down-ticket candidates, even in states considered to be Red at the presidential race level. This is the beauty of a 50-state strategy -- it will help elect more Dems up and down the ticket all over the nation in November, and lay the groundwork for even more Dems running for office and winning in the future.
Unite: June 28th: In line with the strategy, Obama's campaign has announced a new, national Unite for Change day of action to take place on June 28th, with house parties hosted by ordinary people all over the nation. So far, I see that seven events are planned in New Mexico. You can sign up to attend one of these or, better yet, organize an event in your own neighborhood.
From the Obama Campaign:
All across the country, Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans are tired of the politics of the past and are looking for new solutions to the challenges we're facing. That's why we're launching a nationwide day of action on June 28th called "Unite for Change" -- and asking you to host a Unite for Change meeting in your neighborhood.
In all 50 states, supporters like you -- seasoned veterans and first-time volunteers alike -- will host house meetings with the express purpose of reaching out and bringing together folks who supported all of the Democratic candidates (and those who are just tuning into the process now). The goal is to come together and use the common values we share to build a united volunteer organization in your neighborhood that will register new voters and build support locally.
It's going to be an amazing time, and hosting your own event is easy. We'll provide all the tools and resources you'll need. Learn more and sign up to host a Unite for Change party on June 28th:
We're heading into a battle against John McCain, and the stakes are higher than ever before. But the path to victory is as simple as talking to your friends and neighbors. From the beginning, this campaign has been about ordinary people reaching out and building the bonds of community -- empowering one another by coming together to make change.
With the general election approaching, it's more important than ever to keep this momentum going. And there's no better way to make this happen in your community than hosting a Unite for Change event. You'll gather -- not just with Obama supporters, but with anyone who's tired of the politics of the past and ready for something new -- to share your stories and lay the plans for how to build this movement locally in the weeks and months ahead.
It requires some responsibility, but don't worry -- our team will be here with all the support and resources you need to make your Unite for Change event a big success. Learn more and sign up to host a party in your community:
...Being in every state will not be enough. In order to succeed in every community in America, it's going to be up to you to take the lead. Everyone who hopes for real change after November is counting on you.
Technorati Tags:
June 11, 2008 at 01:45 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)