Monday, July 22, 2013

Time Moving On

Hello folks! Low and behold I got the inkling to write a blog post. I was thinking on one of my long commute drives that Barb started this DFNM Blog on July 15, 2004. Nine years ago!

There has been so many happenings to post about these past months. Super great end to DOMA, and a great victory against the haters in California. Most of the issues Barb would write passionately about though still continue. Racism, greed, lack of leadership, corruption. On and on.

Personally I am working on very meaningful work to me. I have a temporary job which expands often enough to keep me going and challenged. The economy is still shakey but there is improvement over here on the east coast. I watch with dismay as the economy in NM still struggles.

Looks like many qualified people trying to step up and run for offices. I look forward to seeing a true contender to run for Governor. I also hope that someone is talking daily to Sen. John Arthur Smith about how bad things are and the rainy day is here. I cannot imagine four more years with all the same nonsense. No sense!

Today, I was thinking how much I miss Barb. A Phobe Snow song came on and I just stopped and cried at my desk. Coming to the blog is hard cause her being is totally here. I always respected her vision and her desire to do this work, she was magnificant at persuading, and challenging. I was able to keep this blog going for a full year after her death, now these days I don't visit here often. I am always surprised at how many hits it gets without daily input though. Just shows what she built nine years ago.

I am sorry that I can't carry the torch that Barb carried. I carry a different torch, we all carry different torches. I love to do architecture and I am grateful to be continuing that passion and on healthcare design to boot.

Bye for a while again, who knows what will move me to come and update all our great relations in the southwest.

Cheers to Barbara Wold - for her desire to take action and follow her passion and start this blog.

July 22, 2013 at 07:12 PM in Barbara Rose Wold, DFNM - Albq | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Last Post from 8522 Flower Place

Folks, This is the last of thousands of posts from this house. Barb and I have rented this house since July 1999. It does not seem possible. Barb started this great blog right here. So it is sad for me to write the last post from this internet connection and this house.

As I have said previously I am moving forward with my life. When I saw a FB friend put up an article this morning that Massachusetts has progressed greatly with solar energy installations, it helped me feel I am going in the right direction.

The house here is a total mess, most things packed, most important stuff left out til the final hours. It is with a very heavy heart I leave Abq and NM. I feel as though I am in denial over how big of a deal this really is. Barb and I lived here in NM since 1993. Wow. Barb passed away in this house. I nursed Barb back from many illnesses and her final weeks of life right here in this house. I could go on and on.

The facts are that I have not had full time work since Oct. 2010. I am one of the individuals that has to leave the state. Different from what Rep. Pearce said in his speech to the legislators, I do want to work, and there are no positions, and yes I could pass a pee test. You see Mr Pearce that kind of flippant attitude is toxic, you are no leader, you are a follower of the worse kind. You should not be in office representing people if you lack basic understanding of serious matters facing your constituents.

The economy here in NM is based on federal money. There must be cuts to all programs, ALL. That means the labs and Kirtland and the other bases in the state. The ripple affect of these cuts will be devastating to the NM economy as it is structured now. Imagine even a 5% cut in the monies that are sent to the federal labs and bases.

It is a shame that with proper leadership NM could be the leader in solar energy production, all things solar. This will never happen while all the fossil fuel dinosaurs are still roaming the state. The republicans and some democrats are bought off by the oil and gas industry. Just a fact.

To do a huge solar build out across the state for all public buildings would put hundreds if not thousands to work. Designers/ architects/ contractors on and on all working for a huge effort, and after installed we all would see savings.

Going door to door on my race to be a state representative, there was enthusiasm and positive response no matter party affiliation when talking about solar build out of our jointly owned buildings. We all would save money. We would have people back to work. I could possibly have a good job again right now.

So it is with a heavy heart I leave this great state of NM. I am going to go live with my sister and brother-in-law for a while back in northern Massachusetts. I spent down all I have over these last 28 long months. There are jobs back east. Architectural jobs, private money, stimulating the economy. Solar initiatives, health care, gay marriage, the atlantic ocean, my family, and most importantly jobs.

Don't forget the Hurricane Sandy too. The hurricane blasted through the NE just before the election. The Congress recently voted on funds for the recovery of that area. But not Steve Pearce again, he voted against the funds to help people rebuild their lives. That is the new life being dealt out by the tea party rush limbaugh lovers - Hope nothing bad happens in NM CD2. No fires, no drought, no flooding, because who ever votes Pearce in should also bear no help from the rest of this Country.

So now back to my journey for work, and to get my life on back on track.

There is no money in the hard work of providing this blog. People take it for granted, and the models for earning a low income living doing this blog is still not possible almost 8 years after Barb starting this. The plan is to keep posting, but with no pressure of thinking I have to get the hits up, I have to write more and better, I have to be smarter and wittier, blah blah blah. I am going to go earn money the way I know how to, by working hard on buildings. I will keep posting. Heck I may even turn around when I get to Boston and just drive all the way back, just to keep the pressure on the republicans and democrats that refuse to enter in the 21st century. Who knows where the journey will lead. I want no regrets, I want no resentments, I want to be part of the solution not part of the problem.

Carpe Diem with love

January 23, 2013 at 09:37 PM in DFNM - Albq, Economy, Populism, Jobs | Permalink | Comments (11)

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Democracy for America Endorses Mary Ellen Broderick for New Mexico House District 30

The picture above features Jim Dean, Mary Ellen Broderick and Martin Heinrich, was taken October 1st, 2012 at a campaign event by Annie Olson.

Burlington, VT – Today Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed Mary Ellen Broderick for New Mexico House District 30.

"Mary Ellen is a lifelong activist with a spirit for change,” Jim Dean, Chair of DFA, explained to NM voters while canvassing with Mary Ellen this weekend. “She not only believes that things will improve in New Mexico, but she will fight for what’s right, what’s fair, and be a strong advocate for her community. Real, progressive change happens at the local level. It manifests itself more quickly because ordinary people see what matters to their community and what will help make things better. That’s why we’re urging folks in New Mexico’s 30th District to support Mary Ellen.”

Mary Ellen Broderick has been a leading progressive activist in New Mexico since she co-founded the Democracy for New Mexico blog and meet-up group in 2004. Broderick believes that healthcare is a fundamental right – not a privilege for just those that can afford it – and she will see that healthcare reform is fully implemented in the state because it not only provides desperately needed services, but also provides thousands of new health-related jobs. Mary Ellen will also embrace New Mexico’s unique leadership towards a green-energy economy by investing in new sustainable sources of clean energy and putting her foot down to hold polluters accountable.

“I am extremely grateful for the DFA endorsement. Democracy for America believes in people powered progress, not corporate funded campaigns,” said Mary Ellen Broderick. “This is exactly what my campaign for NM House District 30 is about – people power. We’re grassroots at every level. I never thought I would be running for State Office, but the time has come for average everyday citizens to take back our government.”

Mary Ellen is running against first-term Republican Nate Gentry. Since taking office, Gentry has inexcusably missed 94 votes, making him among the most absent members of the New Mexico Roundhouse.

ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA: Democracy for America is the people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up.

October 4, 2012 at 07:00 AM in 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Green Economy, Progressivism, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, October 01, 2012

Today Oct.1: Jim Dean is in NM to Help Mary Ellen Broderick Win HD30

Jim Dean Chairman of Democracy for America (DFA) is coming to Albuquerque to host an event for Mary Ellen Broderick, the democratic candidate for House District 30.

DFA in their usual 50 state strategy is coming to New Mexico to help Mary Ellen Broderick win her race for HD30, not only is Jim Dean hosting the event, he may canvass with Mary Ellen time permitting. Mary Ellen is running  a true "People Powered campaign". She is working tirelessly to be the next State Representative of District 30.

Mary Ellen is thrilled to have Jim Dean the Chairman of Democracy for America in New Mexico to help her win this important seat in the heart of the heights of Albuquerque.

Please come invest in Mary Ellen's campaign and sign up to volunteer.

Jim dean 10.01 001

October 1, 2012 at 12:03 AM in 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, Democrat, DFA, DFNM - Albq | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

10/01: Jim Dean Coming to NM to Host Event for Broderick for HD30

Jim Dean Chairman of Democracy for America (DFA) is coming to Albuquerque to host an event for Mary Ellen Broderick, the democratic candidate for House District 30.

DFA in their usual 50 state strategy is coming to New Mexico to help Mary Ellen Broderick win her race for HD30, not only is Jim Dean hosting the event, he may canvass with Mary Ellen time permitting. Mary Ellen is running  a true "People Powered campaign". She is working tirelessly to be the next State Representative of District 30.

Please come invest in Mary Ellen's campaign and sign up to volunteer.

Jim dean 10.01 001

September 25, 2012 at 09:54 AM in 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Friday, September 14, 2012

09/16: DFA - Democracy for America Action Summit Here in Abq

Now is the time to get involved! See you here. DFA training folks are here to help keep New Mexico BLUE! To RSVP click here.

Dfa summit 001

September 14, 2012 at 04:58 PM in Action Alerts, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/16: Democracy for America Day of Action Here in New Mexico

Following from Timothy Nicholas, Western Regional Organizer Democracy for America

Does Heather Wilson care about New Mexico?

Her record shows that she's more interested in protecting special interests and the 1% than supporting working families. Whether it's voting against raising the minimum wage, or supporting the Republican plan to gut Medicare, you can trust that Wilson doesn't have New Mexico's best interests in mind.

It takes true progressives to represent the people of New Mexico - candidates committed to protecting working families, preserving the environment, and standing up for social justice. Candidates like Martin Heinrich (NM-Sen) and Mary Ellen Broderick (NM-HD30), two truth-tellers in our area that embody those values and are ready to fight for you.

But they can't do it alone. Republicans are pouring thousands of dollars into New Mexico and will buy the November elections if left unchallenged. We need to build a people powered movement to ensure that the voices of New Mexico are heard in November.

Join me on Sunday, September 16th for a three hour Action Summit training to build a grassroots campaign to elect Martin Heinrich and Mary Ellen Broderick and progressives up and down the ticket.

The Action Summit training is free, fun, fast paced and provides activists like you all the tools and information needed to be campaign advocates and progressive organizers. The training is an opportunity to engage with other activists, to network, and to undertake a day of action for progressive candidates in New Mexico.

Martin is a vocal advocate for the swift withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and a fierce defender of New Mexico's middle class. Mary Ellen is DFA legend; a progressive who knows you can't change things by being on the sidelines. These two candidates and others are running to bring change to New Mexico, to fight for working families and to protect and preserve New Mexico's natural resources.

Join us on Sunday, September 16th for our Action Summit -- a one day program that will give you the most effective and cutting edge skills you need to contact voters and run a successful, grassroots operation.

Agenda for Day of Action 

Noon –Welcome and Introductions
12:15 –Introduction to Candidates and DFA briefing
12:25 –Leadership and Volunteering
1 – Break
1:10 – House Parties
1:20 –Online Organizing
1:30 – Phone Banking and Canvassing
1:50 – Role Playing/Action Practice
2 – 4: Day of Action

I hope you'll RSVP and see me and other activists on Sunday. Thanks for everything that you do, -Tim Timothy Nicholas, Western Regional Organizer Democracy for America

September 11, 2012 at 12:23 PM in Action Alerts, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, August 09, 2012

08/10: Martin Heinrich for US Senate Event Special Guest US Kirsten Gillibrand

Former Attorney General Patricia Madrid is hosting an event for the Congressman Heinrich race for US Senate. The special guest will be hereUS Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (NY).

Democracy for New Mexico will be proudly presenting a check from Democracy for America at the event as well. As stated in the previous post; Heinrich is one of the DFA - Dean Dozen!

Mh event 001

August 9, 2012 at 10:00 AM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

US Senate Candidate Martin Heinrich Makes the DFA - Dean Dozen

Heinrich w dfnm sign   DFA

Martin Heinrich's campaign for US Senate received a very special endorsement today, Representative Heinrich made the Dean Dozen! The Heinrich campaign called Democracy for New Mexico and expressed their excitement over this honor. It is indeed an honor, and make note Martin is the first DFA Dean Dozen US Senate candidate endorsement for this year 2012. This means the Howard Dean founded organization Democracy for America (DFA) has put much faith in Heinrich as a leader for the people of NM and DFA recognizes the challenge for him to win against the republican money machine which will be and already is spreading falsehoods and exaggerations about Martin and his record.

The following is from the Democracy for America announcement today.

The Dean Dozen is DFA's highest level of endorsement -- a guarantee from our one million members that we will do whatever it takes to win in November. We reserve that endorsement for the 12 candidates who we know will stand up and work for real Americans.

Today, we're announcing our first six candidates:

These are progressive fighters. They're candidates in close races who we know can win -- and who will win with your help today. DFA asks us to pitch in $12 to help the candidates.

This blog; Democracy for New Mexico does some collaborating with the huge country wide group Democracy for America. Consider DFA the mother ship and DFNM is a dingy out floating in the waters. DFNM is the scout, we watch the horizon and report back. However DFA has many scouts and when choosing the Dean Dozen they pull them all in, we are but one piece of the puzzle. Both blogs were started at the same time right after Howard Dean's bid for president came to an end. Howard started the "You've got the Power" movement, which touched and inspired people like my late partner Barbara Wold and myself to this very day.  

You've Got the Power Martin!!

August 8, 2012 at 04:50 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Netroots Nation 2012 in Rhode Island Here I Come

Nn imagesA while back I was begging for people to go vote for me at the DFA website. I was asking for your vote for me to be one of the people who would receive a Netroots Nation (NN12) scholarship for this year 2012. Well I did receive a scholarship for NN12 and I am psyched. I fly to Rhode Island tomorrow to begin the greatest convention of bloggers.

Arshad Hasan, the Executive Director for Democracy for America shared the following excitement about the scholarship winners: "And I can’t tell you how excited I am to share with you that we’re providing a scholarship for Mary Ellen Broderick a grassroots activist out of New Mexico who co-founded Democracy for New Mexico. Her partner of 23 years, Barbara Wold, passed away last year. Mary Ellen saw Barbara commit her life to being a grassroots activists and the backbone of their community. Mary Ellen wants to honor Barbara now that she was gone by running for the New Mexico House of Representatives. I cannot wait to have you all meet her. She is incredible."  *Blushing*

A plug for DFA; they are major in Netroots Nation. DFA is the democratic wing of the democratic party! DFA put many people on the ground and $ behind the recall of Walker in WI. They are fighting on the front lines of our democracy, and I am so proud to be attending NN12 as one of their scholars! Thank you to all the great folks at DFA.

Barb and I attended the Netroots Nation when it was called YearlyKos in 2007 in Chicago. And we went again in 2008 in Austin TX. Both times were fabulous and you can read more about the NN history here. So much to learn, so many excellent teachers. Panels that included the presidential leadership forum having the primary prez candidates of 2007 to nuts and bolts about blogging at that time. We listened to excellent candidates for congressional races and state races.

So here I am 4 years later, running for office myself, and not having Barb at my side. I would never have guessed this even last year. But I move on and I am so excited about going back to NN12. I am putting a link here to the schedule here for those that are curious about this great convention.

My goal is to learn more about how to earn money on a blog, better blogging, all info to make this blog better and to try to earn enough money to live. Our own NM blogs are working tirelessly to bring us the citizen's great information that the bought off main stream media no longer publishes.

I also go to NN12 as a candidate for NM House District 30. I plan on sharing all our collective concerns about the difficult general election ahead. And to be sure to get help for my race here. I recently received Democracy for America's endorsement for my HD30 race as well. I am filled with pride to recieve their endorsement. More on that later.

Stay tuned for blogs and images and videos of the exciting NetrootsNation 2012.

June 6, 2012 at 06:00 AM in DFA, DFNM - Albq, Netroots Nation, Travel | Permalink | Comments (2)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

01/28: DemocracyforNewMexico Randomly Picked to Present at ABQ Sprout Dinner

DemocracyforNewMexico submitted for the ABQ Sprout micro-grant and was randomly chosen to be one of ten local community projects which will present to the first ABQ Sprout Dinner, competing for a micro-grant.

You can watch the random picking of the ten contestants .

is a recurring public dinner funding micro-grants for local creative projects that contribute to the Albuquerque community.

How it works:

The Inaugural ABQ Sprout Dinner will be held this Saturday, the 28th, at the South Valley Multipurpose Senior Center on 2008 Larrazolo Rd SW in Albuquerque from 6 to 9pm.

Tickets appear to be going fast. . DemocracyforNewMexico could sure use your support, and supporting this Sprout project with our grassroots base seems to be the perfect natural organic fit.

January 24, 2012 at 09:42 PM in ABQ Sprout, City of Albuquerque, DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink | Comments (3)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Love, Hard Work, Honesty, Barb Wold’s Life

I wish we could know where we go when we perish. That is the age old question of what almost all wars are fought for. Barb passed away 4 weeks ago. I miss her dearly. I wonder if she is close or far. Did she just turn off like a light switch or do we go on to another universe, a different plane, do we reincarnate, do we go to heaven or hell, what do we do when we leave our bodies behind. None of us will ever ever know. I say shoot, I want to know.

So no one knows if Barb was around on Thursday evening for her celebration of her life. But I felt her memory was bigger than the room. How special the whole evening. So much love and caring. In attendance were our neighbors, our friends, our community, fellow activists, elected officials, mine and Barb’s landlord, all having a common reason to come out on a Thursday evening, to pay tribute to my Barb, my partner, my lover, my best friend, my soul mate.  I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. The afterlife services are for the living Barb would say and I think it was very very special for me and hopefully helped others.

I am posting all the videos I took of the various people I asked to pay tribute to Barb. I am posting them in the order they were said that evening.

First was Hakim Bellamy. Hakim is our local slam poet hero. He painted a beautiful picture of Barb as Anita Walsh said in a FB post. You can find the words to Hakim's poem here.

Champion for Barbara Rose Wold - by hakim bellamy 

Below is a small tribute to Barb from our good friend Jeanne Hoover who is our friend for 20+ years.

Then came Brian Colon; who was our successful Dem Party Chair in 08 when we took the whole state blue.

Then came Jason and Maxine Marks. Good friends since we entered the political fray in 2003.

 Then was NM Congressman Ben Ray Lujan, who captured Barb in a short phrase of ”Be who you are.”

Then another wonderful voice for the night was local poet activist teacher lesbian Erin Northern. The words to In the Offering of Petals for Barbara Rose Wold, Erin’s poem is attached here. Barb was a strong oak.

In the Offering of Petals for Barbara Rose Wold by Erin Northern

And last was Jeannette Chavez our dear friend who wove a beautiful poem together using various phrases of the song list Barb and I made the last night of her life.

Onward is what Barb would say. Enough about me she is saying, there is work to do Mary Ellen. She never did this blog for her ego, she shyed away from the praises for her work. There is work to be done. Tomorrow starts the 2012 Legislative session to cover. And not to mention every political seat in the state. So onward we will go.

January 16, 2012 at 04:15 PM in Barbara Rose Wold, DFNM - Albq | |

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