Saturday, May 28, 2005
DFA Joins MyDD's Democracy Directory
From DFA's Blog for America:
Action is the catalyst for change, and working in conjunction with other like-minded groups can lead to even bigger changes. To that end, Democracy for America has joined the Democracy Directory project (click image).
The DFA Democracy Directory is an online "yellow pages" tool that lists grassroots organizations from across the nation. The directory will include basic information about each group, including the type of work it does, where and when it meets, and how to contact its organizers. The Democracy Direcotry will help activists find each other to collaborate and create change in their local communities—and across the country.
Today marks the launch of the DFA Democracy Directory. Start by searching the groups listed or by adding your own group to the Directory. Your listing will be searchable by thousands of activists across several participating portal sites, like the MyDD community. If you have any questions or comments about the DFA Democracy Directory, let DFA know!
Editor's Note: Click the button above to browse or search the Democracy Directory's database or to add your group to the listings. Let's try to get all of the progressive activist groups in New Mexico added to the directory!
May 28, 2005 at 11:58 AM in DFA | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, May 05, 2005
DemocracyFest 2005: Register Now
From Democracy for America:
Come spring, minds turn to all sorts of great things to come. Like warmer weather, longer days, and DemocracyFest 2005.
Preparations for this year's festival, scheduled for Austin, Texas -- one of America's great cities -- from June 17 through 19, have hit fever pitch. Planners have lined up a star-studded agenda -- including our very own DNC chairman Governor Howard Dean.
But what they need more than anything are participants ready to get energized about building our democracy from the ground up. In short, they need you.
So sign up today. You can do it right here:
DemocracyFest 2005 promises to feature some of the best that Austin and the progressive grassroots movement have to offer.
You can learn the truth about Tom DeLay from two of his most formidable foes: Richard Morrison, who almost knocked him out of office in the 2004 elections, and former Congressman Chris Bell, who helped expose DeLay's ethics problems to the American people.
You can learn how to frame issues from Dr. Jeffrey Feldman of Frameshop, and get the scoop on alternative media from Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos. You can hear Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. explain how you can help work for election reform, and collect tall tales of Texas politics from the one and only Molly Ivins.
And it wouldn't be Texas without good food and music -- they've got them both, from bands like the Asylum Street Spankers and barbecue from the world-famous Stubbs.
Governor Dean is coming. Hundreds of your friends and colleagues in the trenches across the country are coming. You should too. Sign up now:
DemocracyFest has a fabulous program coming up for you -- a weekend where you can trade ideas, learn new strategies, and get energized for the hard political work ahead. It'll be a great celebration in Austin -- I look forward to seeing you there.
Tom Hughes
Executive Director
Democracy for America
Also participating: Jerome Armstrong (, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga (, Jim Hightower and more.
May 5, 2005 at 12:58 PM in DFA, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
DFA Meetups Today and Tomorrow
DFA - Democracy for New Mexico Meetups will be held in Santa Fe and Las Cruces tonight, and in Albuquerque Thursday night. Click on links in the Coming Events section of the right-hand sidebar on this page for event details or to RSVP.
Our Albuquerque Meetup will feature visits from Mayor Martin Chavez and District 7 City Council candidate Marianne Dickinson, as well as our honoring of citizen activists and NM legislators who were involved in the passage of the election reform bill, including Sen. Cisco McSorley, Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino, Rep. Danice Picraux and Rep. Ken Martinez. (Although Sen. Linda Lopez was invited, she'll be unable to attend because she's celebrating her mom's birthday.)
We'll also be hearing from Matt Henderson of ACORN about how we can help with their Living Wage project. State Democratic Party Resolutions Chair Mel O'Reilly will be reporting on events at the State Central Committee and Resolutins meetings this month and his views on where the Party should go from here. And of course we'll be hearing a number of announcements, including info on upcoming election reform fundraisers featuring investigative journalist Greg Palast. Come on down!
May 4, 2005 at 09:40 AM in DFA, DFNM - Albq, DFNM - Santa Fe, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Check Out Winning DFA DeLay Billboard
Read all about it at Democracy for America's .
Then check out DeLay's falling poll numbers in his Texas Congressional District.
May 3, 2005 at 12:30 PM in DFA | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, April 29, 2005
Win Free Tix to DemocracyFest!
From Latinos for America:
A Ticket on Us!
Latinos for America will be giving away free tickets to Democracy Fest.
Democracy Fest, a gathering of progressives from around the country hosted by Democracy for Texas ( and co-sponsored by My Vote is My Voice (, will be held June 17-19 in Austin, Texas.
There will be workshops, campaign training, nationally recognized speakers, and great entertainment. The $55 cost includes training materials provided on a CD, a Democracy Fest T-shirt, breakfast on Saturday, and dinner and a celebration of Texas music on Saturday night.
Over 700 people from 30 states and 3 foreign countries have already signed up, so don't wait to get your tickets. Visit:
In order to enter the Latinos for America contest:
Please submit a one page essay on what you plan to do this year to help the Latino/Hispanic community develop its own political voice to:
Please include your full name, city, state, e-mail address and telephone number. The judges will select the applicants with the most creative and innovative ideas. Special consideration will be given to applicants with a track record of commitment to the Latino/Hispanic community and Latinos for America, although previous involvement is not required to win this contest.
LFA's Mission
Latinos for America is a progressive and innovative non-profit organization helping Latinos from diverse communities develop their own political voice through candidate talent management, grassroots activist training and media outreach.
During the 2004 election cycle, LFA worked alongside Democracy for America to train over 3,000 activists in campaign management - focusing on a holistic understanding, as well as practical knowledge, of field, media, messaging, data, volunteer and campaign management. Furthermore, LFA focused its efforts on the production and placement of bilingual media to support GOTV and voter education efforts, and against Proposition 200 in Arizona (“Prop 187 on steroids”).
In 2005/06, Latinos for America is continuing to engage in activist trainings for all communities, partnering with Democracy for America and Grassroots for America in the Root Camp training model - training mentors to establish a network for self-sustaining grassroots growth.
In addition, LFA is beginning a Talent Management Program to cultivate potential progressive Hispanic candidates through support networks, training and media. Talent Management is a strategy that focuses on different levels of development: Those candidates that have been in the pipeline and are ready to run for elected office now, those who are entering the pipeline and need some help from a talent management perspective, and the up and coming youth who make up our next generation of leaders.
Latinos for America will continue to partner with other non-profits and political action committees to provide high-value grassroots media to bring progressive values to the forefront.
¡Juntos Sí Podemos! - Together We Can!
Your LFA Team,
Ralph, Nathan, Kety, Steven
To make a contribution, visit:
Latinos for America is a 501 (c) 4 non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.
April 29, 2005 at 10:08 AM in DFA | Permalink | Comments (0)
Monday, April 18, 2005
DFA Says: Vote for Your Favorite Tom DeLay Billboard
From Democracy for America:
Over 20,000 people submitted slogans for the billboards we plan to put up in Tom DeLay's backyard. When the call went out to get the truth to people in DeLay's district, you responded with a groundswell that even DeLay himself can't miss.
Suggestions came through all channels: email, on the phone, on the web, and by fax. They varied widely, but the message was always loud and clear: when it comes to this man who calls himself "the Hammer," we're ready to hammer back.
We've worked down to thirty terrific responses, but you need to pick the finalist. Vote now to send a message to Tom DeLay:
Even DeLay can't deny the stench of corruption surrounding his leadership. In an interview this week, a reporter asked him if he had "ever crossed the line of ethical behavior in terms of dealing with lobbyists, [his] use of government authority or with fundraising." His response? "Ever is a very strong word."
He has made Congress a playground for corporate lobbyists and he has made Texas a case study in abuse of power for personal gain. He has run roughshod over ethics rules and Texas laws and he's threatened judges, prosecutors and even Republican colleagues who get in his way. DeLay is the definition of out of touch, out of control leadership.
Even in the face of all this, Tom DeLay's Republican Party is determined to protect him. Outside groups and DeLay's defenders in Congress have stepped up their campaign to smear anyone who challenges him. But you can take the case against Tom DeLay directly to the people:
Democracy for America is about clean government that works for all Americans. Tom DeLay and the Republican Party he has built are about the opposite -- a government bought and paid for by corporate interests and right-wing billionaires.
DeLay insists that he represents the values of his constituents. But judging by the responses we received from all over Texas -- and all over the country -- that's just not the case.
So let's put our message up for all to see, and let the people decide.
Thank you.
Tom Hughes, Executive Director
Democracy for America
April 18, 2005 at 04:05 PM in DFA | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
DFA-DFNM Meetups Today and Tomorrow
DFA-DFNM Meetups will be held tonight (Wednesday) in Santa Fe and Las Cruces and tomorrow evening (Thursday) in Albuquerque. Click on the meeting links on the right-hand sidebar of this page under Coming Events to find out more, to RSVP or to join one of these groups and get on the mailing list.
Most DFA Meetups across the nation will be focusing on a project to help defeat Bush's attempt to privatize Social Security and cut benefits. Hundreds of people all over America will be meeting with their members of Congress on April 12th to tell their personal stories about the benefits of Social Security and urge their Representatives and Senators to oppose Bush's plan. Click to see a video about this effort produced by DFA.
In Albuquerque, we'll be planning a meeting with Rep. Heather Wilson and forming working groups to coordinate various aspects of the project. Our Albuquerque Meetup will also feature announcements on actions and events from a variety of progressives, a visit from mayoral candidate Eric Griego and Eli Lee of Soltari, and a celebration of the progressive community's highly successful effort to get people elected to precinct, ward and State Central Committee positions.
If you plan to attend one of our Meetups and haven't yet RSVPed, please go to the links noted above let us know you are coming so we have a good idea of how many people we'll be accommodating. Come on out and attend a Meetup!
April 6, 2005 at 12:30 PM in DFA, DFNM - Albq, DFNM - Santa Fe, MeetUp | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, April 01, 2005
DFA's Social Security Radio Ad Runs in ABQ
Democracy for America's Social Security Ad Hits the Airwaves: Radio Ad Highlights Real Stories from Real Americans - Listen to the Ad: Click for mp3
BURLINGTON, VT - Starting today, Democracy for America (DFA) will air a radio ad titled, "Gina and Josephine" in three media markets -- Albuquerque, New Mexico (KABQ 1350AM, Air America) , San Diego, California and Seattle, Washington. It will air in all markets through next week.
"It's important for people to understand the positive impact Social Security has on the lives of millions of Americans -- and these stories, along with the thousands of others that we collected depict that," said Jim Dean, Chair of Democracy for America. "We must protect this vital system from the destruction of privatization."
The radio ad features true stories from real Americans whose lives have been changed by Social Security. These are just two of the thousands that Democracy for America collected over the past month from activists nationwide. The ad will be complemented by a grassroots action plan among DFA Meetup groups in each city. All the stories are available at Democracy for America's website .
"Gina and Josephine" Script
(BACKGROUND MUSIC) GINA: Hi, I'm Gina. My father died tragically when I was only 7 years old -- leaving my mother to raise me, my younger sister and brother on her own. If it weren't for our monthly Social Security checks for dependent care, my family would not have made it through. Because of Social Security, my sister and I have become productive members of society. I was even able to go to college.
(MUSIC ENDS) ANNOUNCER: Tell your story and learn how you can protect Social Security from privatization, visit:
(BACKGROUND MUSIC) JOSEPHINE: I am Josephine, one of thirteen siblings. My father was killed in a working accident when I was about eight. My mom died too when I was 12, so my older sister took care of us all. The monthly Social Security checks helped keep our family together. We were poor, but I never knew it - we always had food on the table, clothes on our backs, and blankets to keep us warm during cold nights. Please don't let the elected Republicans take Social Security away from our children. (MUSIC ENDS)
Democracy for America, which was founded by Governor Howard Dean in March 2004, is a political action committee dedicated to building a grassroots network of socially progressive and fiscally responsible activists and candidates running for all levels of office. Through the use of grassroots tactics, coalition building strategies, activist trainings and on-line support, DFA is giving ordinary people the power to reform their own political system.
April 1, 2005 at 11:06 AM in DFA, DFNM - Albq, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, March 25, 2005
Tell Your Social Security Story
The debate over the Republican plan to dismantle Social Security involves a lot of big numbers and far-off dates. But Social Security impacts lives every day in a deeply personal way.
When you click on our Social Security graphic, you can read stories from other DFA members across the country. By telling those stories publicly we can shore up support for the most successful social policy in history. You can also tell your Social Security story, sign a petition and access a special section of the DFA website that features resources you can use to help save Social Security.
We'll be focusing on actions we can take to support Social Security and using our Social Security stories to create and frame our arguments at the next DFA-DFNM ABQ Meetup on April 7th. We plan to create a straetegy for media and activist actions here in Albuquerque. So when you submit your story to DFA, please keep a copy to use at Meetup.
If you haven't joined our DFA-DFNM Meetup group, visit the Meetup website and register. You'll be placed on our email list to receive updates and news of interest to our members.
DFA is also collecting donations to run two radio ads based on the thousands of personal stories from ordinary people whose lives have been changed by Social Security. They're ready to go on the air in the same markets as the USA Next anti-Social Security ads that will begin appearing in the coming days.
You can hear the 30-second and 60-second ads at DFA's Blog for America.
But they can't go up without your donation. Click to make a contribution.
March 25, 2005 at 01:53 PM in DFA, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Free Sticker for DFA Anniversary
It's the one-year anniversary of Democracy for America. You can celebrate it with pride by getting a special Democracy for America logo sticker. They're free—just let DFA know where to send it:
Of course, Dean for America, which started the whole thing, began in 2003. I attended my first Dean for America Meetup in April of that year, when Howard Dean was just taking off as a candidate! Let's hope DFA -- and DFNM -- continue to grow and thrive. With our support and participation, they will.
March 24, 2005 at 04:59 PM in DFA | Permalink | Comments (0)