Thursday, October 04, 2012

Democracy for America Endorses Mary Ellen Broderick for New Mexico House District 30

The picture above features Jim Dean, Mary Ellen Broderick and Martin Heinrich, was taken October 1st, 2012 at a campaign event by Annie Olson.

Burlington, VT – Today Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed Mary Ellen Broderick for New Mexico House District 30.

"Mary Ellen is a lifelong activist with a spirit for change,” Jim Dean, Chair of DFA, explained to NM voters while canvassing with Mary Ellen this weekend. “She not only believes that things will improve in New Mexico, but she will fight for what’s right, what’s fair, and be a strong advocate for her community. Real, progressive change happens at the local level. It manifests itself more quickly because ordinary people see what matters to their community and what will help make things better. That’s why we’re urging folks in New Mexico’s 30th District to support Mary Ellen.”

Mary Ellen Broderick has been a leading progressive activist in New Mexico since she co-founded the Democracy for New Mexico blog and meet-up group in 2004. Broderick believes that healthcare is a fundamental right – not a privilege for just those that can afford it – and she will see that healthcare reform is fully implemented in the state because it not only provides desperately needed services, but also provides thousands of new health-related jobs. Mary Ellen will also embrace New Mexico’s unique leadership towards a green-energy economy by investing in new sustainable sources of clean energy and putting her foot down to hold polluters accountable.

“I am extremely grateful for the DFA endorsement. Democracy for America believes in people powered progress, not corporate funded campaigns,” said Mary Ellen Broderick. “This is exactly what my campaign for NM House District 30 is about – people power. We’re grassroots at every level. I never thought I would be running for State Office, but the time has come for average everyday citizens to take back our government.”

Mary Ellen is running against first-term Republican Nate Gentry. Since taking office, Gentry has inexcusably missed 94 votes, making him among the most absent members of the New Mexico Roundhouse.

ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA: Democracy for America is the people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up.

October 4, 2012 at 07:00 AM in 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Green Economy, Progressivism, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, October 01, 2012

Today Oct.1: Jim Dean is in NM to Help Mary Ellen Broderick Win HD30

Jim Dean Chairman of Democracy for America (DFA) is coming to Albuquerque to host an event for Mary Ellen Broderick, the democratic candidate for House District 30.

DFA in their usual 50 state strategy is coming to New Mexico to help Mary Ellen Broderick win her race for HD30, not only is Jim Dean hosting the event, he may canvass with Mary Ellen time permitting. Mary Ellen is running  a true "People Powered campaign". She is working tirelessly to be the next State Representative of District 30.

Mary Ellen is thrilled to have Jim Dean the Chairman of Democracy for America in New Mexico to help her win this important seat in the heart of the heights of Albuquerque.

Please come invest in Mary Ellen's campaign and sign up to volunteer.

Jim dean 10.01 001

October 1, 2012 at 12:03 AM in 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, Democrat, DFA, DFNM - Albq | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

10/01: Jim Dean Coming to NM to Host Event for Broderick for HD30

Jim Dean Chairman of Democracy for America (DFA) is coming to Albuquerque to host an event for Mary Ellen Broderick, the democratic candidate for House District 30.

DFA in their usual 50 state strategy is coming to New Mexico to help Mary Ellen Broderick win her race for HD30, not only is Jim Dean hosting the event, he may canvass with Mary Ellen time permitting. Mary Ellen is running  a true "People Powered campaign". She is working tirelessly to be the next State Representative of District 30.

Please come invest in Mary Ellen's campaign and sign up to volunteer.

Jim dean 10.01 001

September 25, 2012 at 09:54 AM in 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Friday, September 14, 2012

09/16: DFA - Democracy for America Action Summit Here in Abq

Now is the time to get involved! See you here. DFA training folks are here to help keep New Mexico BLUE! To RSVP click here.

Dfa summit 001

September 14, 2012 at 04:58 PM in Action Alerts, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/16: Democracy for America Day of Action Here in New Mexico

Following from Timothy Nicholas, Western Regional Organizer Democracy for America

Does Heather Wilson care about New Mexico?

Her record shows that she's more interested in protecting special interests and the 1% than supporting working families. Whether it's voting against raising the minimum wage, or supporting the Republican plan to gut Medicare, you can trust that Wilson doesn't have New Mexico's best interests in mind.

It takes true progressives to represent the people of New Mexico - candidates committed to protecting working families, preserving the environment, and standing up for social justice. Candidates like Martin Heinrich (NM-Sen) and Mary Ellen Broderick (NM-HD30), two truth-tellers in our area that embody those values and are ready to fight for you.

But they can't do it alone. Republicans are pouring thousands of dollars into New Mexico and will buy the November elections if left unchallenged. We need to build a people powered movement to ensure that the voices of New Mexico are heard in November.

Join me on Sunday, September 16th for a three hour Action Summit training to build a grassroots campaign to elect Martin Heinrich and Mary Ellen Broderick and progressives up and down the ticket.

The Action Summit training is free, fun, fast paced and provides activists like you all the tools and information needed to be campaign advocates and progressive organizers. The training is an opportunity to engage with other activists, to network, and to undertake a day of action for progressive candidates in New Mexico.

Martin is a vocal advocate for the swift withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and a fierce defender of New Mexico's middle class. Mary Ellen is DFA legend; a progressive who knows you can't change things by being on the sidelines. These two candidates and others are running to bring change to New Mexico, to fight for working families and to protect and preserve New Mexico's natural resources.

Join us on Sunday, September 16th for our Action Summit -- a one day program that will give you the most effective and cutting edge skills you need to contact voters and run a successful, grassroots operation.

Agenda for Day of Action 

Noon –Welcome and Introductions
12:15 –Introduction to Candidates and DFA briefing
12:25 –Leadership and Volunteering
1 – Break
1:10 – House Parties
1:20 –Online Organizing
1:30 – Phone Banking and Canvassing
1:50 – Role Playing/Action Practice
2 – 4: Day of Action

I hope you'll RSVP and see me and other activists on Sunday. Thanks for everything that you do, -Tim Timothy Nicholas, Western Regional Organizer Democracy for America

September 11, 2012 at 12:23 PM in Action Alerts, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, August 09, 2012

08/10: Martin Heinrich for US Senate Event Special Guest US Kirsten Gillibrand

Former Attorney General Patricia Madrid is hosting an event for the Congressman Heinrich race for US Senate. The special guest will be hereUS Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (NY).

Democracy for New Mexico will be proudly presenting a check from Democracy for America at the event as well. As stated in the previous post; Heinrich is one of the DFA - Dean Dozen!

Mh event 001

August 9, 2012 at 10:00 AM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

US Senate Candidate Martin Heinrich Makes the DFA - Dean Dozen

Heinrich w dfnm sign   DFA

Martin Heinrich's campaign for US Senate received a very special endorsement today, Representative Heinrich made the Dean Dozen! The Heinrich campaign called Democracy for New Mexico and expressed their excitement over this honor. It is indeed an honor, and make note Martin is the first DFA Dean Dozen US Senate candidate endorsement for this year 2012. This means the Howard Dean founded organization Democracy for America (DFA) has put much faith in Heinrich as a leader for the people of NM and DFA recognizes the challenge for him to win against the republican money machine which will be and already is spreading falsehoods and exaggerations about Martin and his record.

The following is from the Democracy for America announcement today.

The Dean Dozen is DFA's highest level of endorsement -- a guarantee from our one million members that we will do whatever it takes to win in November. We reserve that endorsement for the 12 candidates who we know will stand up and work for real Americans.

Today, we're announcing our first six candidates:

These are progressive fighters. They're candidates in close races who we know can win -- and who will win with your help today. DFA asks us to pitch in $12 to help the candidates.

This blog; Democracy for New Mexico does some collaborating with the huge country wide group Democracy for America. Consider DFA the mother ship and DFNM is a dingy out floating in the waters. DFNM is the scout, we watch the horizon and report back. However DFA has many scouts and when choosing the Dean Dozen they pull them all in, we are but one piece of the puzzle. Both blogs were started at the same time right after Howard Dean's bid for president came to an end. Howard started the "You've got the Power" movement, which touched and inspired people like my late partner Barbara Wold and myself to this very day.  

You've Got the Power Martin!!

August 8, 2012 at 04:50 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Netroots Nation 2012 in Rhode Island Here I Come

Nn imagesA while back I was begging for people to go vote for me at the DFA website. I was asking for your vote for me to be one of the people who would receive a Netroots Nation (NN12) scholarship for this year 2012. Well I did receive a scholarship for NN12 and I am psyched. I fly to Rhode Island tomorrow to begin the greatest convention of bloggers.

Arshad Hasan, the Executive Director for Democracy for America shared the following excitement about the scholarship winners: "And I can’t tell you how excited I am to share with you that we’re providing a scholarship for Mary Ellen Broderick a grassroots activist out of New Mexico who co-founded Democracy for New Mexico. Her partner of 23 years, Barbara Wold, passed away last year. Mary Ellen saw Barbara commit her life to being a grassroots activists and the backbone of their community. Mary Ellen wants to honor Barbara now that she was gone by running for the New Mexico House of Representatives. I cannot wait to have you all meet her. She is incredible."  *Blushing*

A plug for DFA; they are major in Netroots Nation. DFA is the democratic wing of the democratic party! DFA put many people on the ground and $ behind the recall of Walker in WI. They are fighting on the front lines of our democracy, and I am so proud to be attending NN12 as one of their scholars! Thank you to all the great folks at DFA.

Barb and I attended the Netroots Nation when it was called YearlyKos in 2007 in Chicago. And we went again in 2008 in Austin TX. Both times were fabulous and you can read more about the NN history here. So much to learn, so many excellent teachers. Panels that included the presidential leadership forum having the primary prez candidates of 2007 to nuts and bolts about blogging at that time. We listened to excellent candidates for congressional races and state races.

So here I am 4 years later, running for office myself, and not having Barb at my side. I would never have guessed this even last year. But I move on and I am so excited about going back to NN12. I am putting a link here to the schedule here for those that are curious about this great convention.

My goal is to learn more about how to earn money on a blog, better blogging, all info to make this blog better and to try to earn enough money to live. Our own NM blogs are working tirelessly to bring us the citizen's great information that the bought off main stream media no longer publishes.

I also go to NN12 as a candidate for NM House District 30. I plan on sharing all our collective concerns about the difficult general election ahead. And to be sure to get help for my race here. I recently received Democracy for America's endorsement for my HD30 race as well. I am filled with pride to recieve their endorsement. More on that later.

Stay tuned for blogs and images and videos of the exciting NetrootsNation 2012.

June 6, 2012 at 06:00 AM in DFA, DFNM - Albq, Netroots Nation, Travel | Permalink | Comments (2)

Friday, March 09, 2012

DFNM Meetup Members Endorse Eric Griego for the CD1 Primary Candidate


Back on December 16, 2011 DFNM-meetup sent a request to their members to vote for the candidate for CD1 which they would want the group to endorse. DFA (Democracy for America) had just finished their endorsement process for our New Mexico CD1. DFA wanted to be fair and have the local DFA-DFNM group have our own poll and have our own voice of endorsement. So on Dec. 16 we sent out the following URGENT email to our members, the vote was due back to DFNM by Dec. 18.

The late poll announcement is "Eric Griego is and was the clear winner of the DFNM Meetup poll."

Below is the email that was sent out:

Your Assistant Organizer, Mary Ellen, sent the following message to members of The ABQ Democracy for America-Democracy for NM Meetup Group:

URGENT: DFNM Meetup Group Endorsement Poll for Congressional District 1 Democratic Primary 2012 Greetings.
Recently the national group Democracy for America conducted a NM-1 poll asking who their members are supporting as a candidate for the Democratic Primary for Congress.
Now the DFA-DFNM Meetup group is asking you to take part in a poll of our active Meetup members on whom you are supporting for the Congressional Race for CD1. As you may know we have three great candidates:
Marty Chavez;
Eric Griego;
Michelle Lujan Grisham;
HOW TO VOTE: This poll is only being sent to DFNM Meetup members who have been active on the Meetup website in the last three months, and only these active members can participate.
You must reply back to this email with your chosen candidate, as well as your first and last name, BY 6:00 PM MST ON SUNDAY DECEMBER 18, 2011.
Thank you for taking the time to help shape Democracy in New Mexico.
To visit The ABQ Democracy for America-Democracy for NM Meetup Group, go here:

New Mexico Senator Eric Griego received 100% of the vote. One hundred percent! DFNM had never had such a clear endorsement.

Why didn’t we announce this great news for our members who they endorsed? Because Barb passed away at noon on December 18th, the day the poll was to finish at 6pm and to be finalized and announced. DFNM explained to the Griego campaign the result of the poll. DFNM preferred the endorsement from DFNM would not be announced so as Barb’s passing would be unfettered by any anger, disappointment, or negative energies. For wherever the soul goes it has gone now and it is fair to the DFNM group to make this announcement.

The Griego campaign was very sympathetic and agreed to whatever DFNM wanted to do as far as releasing the endorsement results of our local DFNM Meetup. The Griego campaign released their DFA endorsement on December 20.

The DFNM meetup members have asked for the results of this poll several times in the past weeks. We have compiled just a few quotes from our members:

“I have watched Eric Griego’s progressive work in the State Senate the past two years, and am impressed with endorsements he has gathered, some from organizations in which I am active, including Democracy for America and the Progressive Democrats of America as well as well as stellar local and national environmental groups. But I want to make this statement more personal by saying that I also support Eric Griego for his understanding and support for two of my biggest concerns. New Mexico needs Eric to fight to reverse Citizens United and initiate strong campaign finance reform on the national scene. And our military veterans and their families need his voice in Washington in support of their varied, extreme and long lasting needs. Eric Griego understands what America owes its veterans as only someone growing up in a family with a rich military history can. I strongly support Eric Griego as my Representative for Congressional District 1.” ~ Lisa Franzen

“In the race for US Congress, District 1 in New Mexico, we can elect Eric Griego! He has always stood strong for ethics and campaign finance reform--so critical after Citizen's United. We can really trust him to represent our issues in Washington.” ~ Barbara Grothus

“Eric Griego has the experience, the heart, and the passion we need. He won’t bend his principles as the wind changes. He’s hard working, smart and energetic. Eric has my vote.” ~ Peter Moulson

”I support Eric Griego for CD1 Democratic candidate.” ~ Barbara Wold (Sent from my iPad on 12/16 5:48pm)  The founder of this Blog and co-founder of DFNM Meetup. And My best friend partner lover soulmate, her last endorsement before leaving the planet.

March 9, 2012 at 10:34 AM in Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM Polls, Eric Griego, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | Permalink | Comments (2)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Eric Griego Named One of Top 10 Grassroots All-Stars by Democracy for America

Greigo logoAnnouncement from the Eric Griego for Congress Campaign:

Democracy for America (DFA), the grassroots group founded by former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, has named Eric Griego (NM-01) one of its top 10 progressive candidates in this year's House races. Eric Griego has already been endorsed by Democracy for America.

He joins Alan Grayson and Lois Frankel in Florida, Norman Solomon and Jose Hernandez in California, Mark Pocan and Kelda Roys in Wisconsin, Ilya Sheyman in Illinois, Angela Zimmann in Ohio, and Annie Kuster in New Hampshire.

Eric was selected after winning enough votes to put him in the top 10 candidates in the country in DFA’s Grassroots All-Stars contest. 200 candidates entered this year's contest and more than 70,000 votes were cast by the progressive group's members.

There will be a second round of voting in which the group's members will choose the winner of the contest. That candidate will receive grassroots and fundraising assistance -- including a commitment from the group to raise $20,000 in small donations from its national membership.

“I am honored by the strong grassroots support in New Mexico to be named one of the top 10 people-powered progressive candidates in the country,” said Griego.  “As Congressman, I will continue to fight for good jobs, education and healthcare that work for everyone.”

About Eric Griego for Congress:

Eric Griego is a New Mexico State Senator and former Albuquerque City Councilor running for the open seat in New Mexico’s First Congressional District.  The seat is currently held by Democratic Rep. Martin Heinrich, who is running for the open U.S. Senate seat.  The NM-1 district is rated “Likely Democratic” by the Cook Political Report and Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball.

Currently, Griego is leading all the candidates in the race in fundraising, with already nearly 14,000 grassroots donors powering his campaign.

Griego is also leading the field in local and national political endorsements and organizational support.  His fast-growing Democratic coalition consists of labor unions, environmental groups, national and local progressive organizations, and local grassroots supporters that already number more than 25,000 members in the district – approximately half of the votes expected to be cast in the 2012 Democratic congressional primary.

February 17, 2012 at 04:20 PM in Candidates & Races, DFA, Eric Griego, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | |

Friday, December 23, 2011

Democracy for America is Proud to Endorse Eric Griego for Congress NM-CD1

A few weeks back, DFA conducted a poll of who the DFA New Mexico membership supported for CD1. On Monday Dec. 20th the following announcement was made from Jim Dean Chair of Democracy for America (DFA) of the endorsement of Eric Griego as the favored candidate of Congressional District 1.

Eric Griego 120311We’ve become accustomed to Republicans fighting for a 1%-only agenda. But don’t you feel like there are too many Democrats in Washington who have forgotten the values that make us Democrats? And who are too eager to cut any deal with the Tea Party Republicans, even if it means hurting working families, seniors and children?

Our country can’t afford any more timid solutions from so-called centrists cozying up to powerful corporate special interests lobbying for a 1%-only agenda. We can’t fix what’s broken in Washington unless we send more bold progressive Democrats to shake things up.

That’s why Democracy for America is proud to endorse Eric Griego for Congress in New Mexico’s First District.

Eric’s people-powered campaign needs our help immediately to have the resources to win against his corporate-powered centrist opponents.

Contribute $25 now to send a Democrat with backbone and principles to Washington.

Eric Griego is known as many things – authentic, principled, progressive, a reformer, a fighter. But being a typical business-as-usual politician isn’t one of them.

When Speaker John Boehner refused to even allow the House to vote on President Obama’s job bill, Eric stood up to Boehner and demanded that he “stand with the 99%” and pass the bill. Eric started and led a petition delivery to Boehner that was joined by other real progressives and was featured on CNN.

Eric is also committed to limiting corporate influence in our democracy and has made campaign finance and ethics reform a centerpiece of his agenda.  He joins Senator Bernie Sanders in supporting a constitutiional amendment to overturn Citizens United.  He has also been an advocate for public financing of elections and led its passage in Albuquerque.

December 23, 2011 at 08:07 AM in Candidates & Races, DFA, Eric Griego, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Progressivism | |

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Carry On

The out pouring of support for Barb has been over whelming, I am so touched and wherever the spirit goes in the after life it is my hope she is witnessing this appreciation of her time and efforts on the planet.

This song came to me this morning. I find it fitting to what we and I have to do. 

I got calls to Carry On from Senator Udall and Gov. Howard Dean. I saw a message on joe monahan's blog from Congressman Heinrich and received a call from Rep. Ben Ray Lujan's staff. All expressing how sorry they are for Barb's passing, but glad we were going to Carry On here at DemocracyforNewMexico.

So Carry On I shall. And Carry On we shall. It is what Barb wanted. Her voice will be missed and as one of the comments on the previous post here I saw explaining Barb's ways, "She was akin to a surgeon, going right to the political cancer, relentless and sure." says it all. Remember it takes a village to raise a blog. Hours are passing, times a wasting, the theives and polluters and haters are running free.

So we start again. Barb is free to the spirit world. It is time to Carry On.


December 21, 2011 at 11:48 AM in DFA, DFNM - Albq, Local Politics, Music | |

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