Friday, May 27, 2005

Enter a Team in the Chili Cookoff!

You're all invited to enter a team in the First Annual Chili (or Chile) Cookoff to benefit the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County. Click the image above for details on how to enter the competition.

The Cookoff is scheduled for Saturday, June 18th, Noon to 4:00 PM, at Horizon Academy Northwest, 7939 Fourth Street NW, one mile North of Osuna. Click for a map. Deadline for registration of cookoff teams is June 10th.

To make this event a success, the Party needs donations, sponsors, volunteers and chili entries. If you or someone you know know can participate in any of these categories, please contact Jane Ronca-Washburn at 323-6162 or Ana Canales at 275-1283.

Pass it on!

May 27, 2005 at 09:50 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, May 26, 2005

More Coverage of our Party Discussion

Now Stephen Terrell of the Santa Fe New Mexican weighs in with commentary on and quotes from our recent discussions about Governor Richardson and the Democratic Party here. You can read it with comments at the New Mexican online:

Or read it plain on Terrell's website:

When I posted the intial item that criticized the Governor on his $3 million plus in fundraising to date for his 06 race in comparison with the relative poverty of the state and county Parties, I had no idea such a ruckus would be raised. Overall, I think it's a very healthy development. Unlike the lockstep Repubs, we have opinions and aren't shy about sharing them.

There's a related discussion going on over at MyDD that delves into the merits of the DNC funding activities in the states as opposed to the state or local Parties. If there is a good time to debate these kinds of things I think it's now, BEFORE election season kicks in again. What we're really analyzing is how the Party presently functions at various levels and what optimum functioning would look like -- natural after the kinds of frustrating losses Dems experienced in 04 despite all that money and all those volunteer hours.

I hope to soon be proposing some positive ideas for improvements being made by fellow NM Dems. These are meant to help create more transparency and accountability within the Party structure so we can do our jobs. And I hope the powers that be will realize we're not just whiners -- we actually have constructive suggestions to make. We'll be making them as we contemplate all that tedious door knocking, precinct walking and phone banking that has already begun in some neighborhoods.

We ARE the Party on the ground and I think we're passionate and creative and willing to work hard in the often thankless gruntwork jobs. The goal is not to be devisive or counterproductive. But we believe some changes are necessary in how things work so we can WIN next time.

The emails are flying. More to come.

May 26, 2005 at 04:35 PM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

REMINDER: ABQ Fair Wage Initiative Hearing Wednesday

I put together some links to articles and sites that lay out the case for a living wage (see below). Hope you'll use them to create your testimony on behalf of Councilor Martin Heinrich's Fair Wage Inititative for Wednesday's hearing on the bill. The council session starts at 4:00 PM, May 25, at City Council Chambers.

I read in the Albuquerque Journal that the Council will first deal with a postponed discussion about the City budget before it gets to the Fair Wage Initiative Wednesday. Although this meeting was originally deemed a Special Hearing on the Fair Wage bill, I guess the powers that be decided not to follow through on this concept entirely. Too bad. Let's hope they don't leave supporters of the measure hanging again. Regardless, we need a LARGE turnout on this so please try to be there if you possibly can!

I believe you must be there by 5:30 PM in order to sign up to testify. It might be best to call the City Council before you go, however, to make sure last-minute changes in the agenda or sign-up procedures haven't occurred: 768-3100.

Click for an agenda for the Council meeting.

Talking point resources:

Living Wage Politics (Tom Paine)

Many Minimum Wage Workers Ages 25 to 54 Trapped in Low-Wage Jobs (Center for Economic and Policy Research)

Living Wage Issue Guide (Center for Economic and Policy Research)

Business Leaders and Investors for a Living Wage (Responsible Wealth)

Living Wage Resource Center (ACORN)

May 24, 2005 at 05:34 PM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Eureka! Unofficial Version of Resolutions Passed by SCC Now Available

At last. A still "unofficial" list of resolutions passed at last month's Democratic Party State Central Committee meeting in Socorro has been released on the State Party site. From a quick scan it appears that it's pretty much complete except for the language of the resolutions proposed and passed on the floor.

A big thanks to Joaquin Guerra, DPNM State Field Director, on this one.

May 24, 2005 at 02:19 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (2)

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Special DPBC Meeting 5/26

From Marvin Moss, DPBC Chair:
SPECIAL Democratic Party of Bernalillo County MEETING, MAY 26, 6:00 PM, Law School, Room 2401 - for ward and precinct officers, new and seasoned, and other interested Democrats - a discussion of ward/precinct organization, strategies and procedures.  District coordinators from state HQ will make the presentation and answer questions.  You are urged to attend, especially if you are an officer.

Editor's Note: You can track Democratic Party and other political events at the DPBC website. Click on Calendar of Events on the left-hand side of their main page.

May 21, 2005 at 01:21 PM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, May 20, 2005

Join the Fray

The discussion is still going hot and heavy in our earlier thread about Governor Richardson and the Party and fundraising. You can join in here. Next week, I expect to have another thread that deals with these issues. Right now, I'm helping to coordinate the Palast events tonight, I have a ward meeting tomorrow and I'll be helping with the politics and religion event on Sunday, put on by NM Democratic Friends - Ecumenical Voices for Democracy. Hope to see many of you tonight and Sunday.

May 20, 2005 at 12:43 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

Dean on Meet the Press Sunday

UPDATE: Click to view some video and read the transcript of Dean's appearance.


DNC Chair Howard Dean will be on Meet the Press this coming Sunday. In Albuquerque, see it on NBC channel 4 at 9:00 AM and on cable channel MSNBC at 11:00 PM. Let's hope he gives 'em hell!

May 20, 2005 at 10:12 AM in Democratic Party, Media | Permalink | Comments (3)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Governor's Office Responds

From Amanda Cooper, Political Director, Governor Bill Richardson:

Governor Richardson is committed to the Democratic Party of New Mexico and to grassroots organizing.

After reading Barbara Wold's blog entry from May 10th, she and I had a good conversation that I would like to share with everyone. I called her immediately after I read the entry because I was so disheartened to learn that people don’t know how much this Governor has done on exactly the issues Barbara discusses, and I want to make sure you all know as well so that maybe this won’t happen again. Barbara and I have agreed to have better communication so everyone can and will be informed about Bill Richardson’s commitment to this party.

I believe it is important for the Democratic community to understand just how committed Governor Bill Richardson is to the Democratic Party in New Mexico and across the country.

Governor Richardson has taken the lead here in New Mexico and across the country when it comes to the importance of investing and strengthening the Democratic Party. New Mexico is the first state in the country to put grassroots organizers on the ground.  The grassroots organizer program was conceived, developed and funded by Governor Richardson and his organization.  Governor Richardson not only placed the organizers at the Democratic Party, he continues to raise and donate the money for them to work in communities around the state in an effort to help move the party forward.  This is not a DNC program.  The DNC is planning on implementing a similar idea in states, but has not done so in New Mexico as of yet. Many of you have met some of Governor Richardson’s organizers that he has placed at the Democratic Party.  They live in communities all across the state and are spear heading an effort to organize the Party earlier than ever.  Meredith Dixon, Jason Loera, Carlos Trujillo, Irene Parra, Michelle Frost, and our state field director Joaquin Guerra are each committed to building the Party from the ground up.  Governor Richardson is committed to support the party and making it strong in every county.

Moving America Forward was started by Governor Richardson almost three years ago. This organization worked in 5 states as well as many other states where we also ran campaign trainings or held Native American empowerment trainings. Moving America Forward registered 150,000 new voters and turned out almost 1 million people to the polls in 2004.

Governor Richardson was focused last cycle and will be again on encouraging people at the local level to become candidates to run for office at all levels…from School Board, to the Legislature, to County Commissioner, to Mayor, to DA, to Congress, to Land Commissioner.  His political organization invested heavily into the campaigns of Democratic candidates such as Bill O’Neill and John Hooker in Albuquerque, Bob Frost in the Eastern part of the State, newly elected state Representative Hector Balderas in the North, County Chair Jeff Steinborn in Las Cruces, and Dr. Janice Kando in Corrales.  This is just to name a few of the candidates he supported. The Governor helped these candidates as well as many incumbents including Rep. Tom Swisstack in Rio Rancho, Rep. Al Park in Albuquerque, and Rep. Kandy Cordova in Valencia County to name just a few. His political team designed and paid for mail, radio, and cable television ads, helped with campaign plans, targeting, messaging, research, polling, GOTV plans, provided canvassers to go door-to-door, identified supporters, and ran absentee and early vote programs.  The Governor also held fundraisers for numerous candidates and legislators.  This Governor invested over a half a million dollars in helping candidates run for office here in New Mexico just last cycle, over a million dollars registering people to vote, holding campaign trainings, and turning out people to the polls. In addition to New Mexico this same program was run in Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, and Florida.

This Governor raised and spent millions to help others and strengthen the Democratic grassroots in 2004 – when he was not on the ballot.

Election Reform is another example of the Governor’s commitment to making things better here in New Mexico and setting a standard the country can follow. We worked closely with the progressive community, the Legislature, the Secretary of State and many other community activists who care about this issue. Voter verifiable paper trails, a uniform set of criteria to qualify and process provisional ballots; uniform training for all presiding judges and election workers statewide; and a new receipt for the voter when you register to vote.

New Mexico will make voting more user-friendly by placing maps at all polling places so voters can find their correct precincts; allowing voters to drop off their absentee ballots at their polling locations on election day; and providing funds to redesign ballots and election materials to make them easier to understand and complete.

He invests resources and money into strengthening our party from the grassroots up and developing New Mexico talent for future candidates and campaigns. New Mexico should never have become a red state and for all of our energies in 2004, we as a party must regroup, refocus, and rebuild. The Governor has recognized the importance of rebuilding the Democratic party, not just nationally, but beginning on our front-lines with our precinct and ward chairs and county parties.  He has invested in a program with long-term goals and a vision for a strong Democratic Party led by effective leaders with a message that is carried to our voters by committed volunteers at the precinct and county level.

I serve as Governor Richardson’s political director, and can give you the full scoop on this man’s convictions and dedication to this party, this state, and this country. Let me tell you a little bit about my background. I come from a long line of public servants, Congressman Tom Udall is my father, Stewart Udall is my grandfather, and Mo Udall was my Great Uncle. I have worked on and run over 45 campaigns in New Mexico. Let me say that I look forward to working with all of you as we move this state and this party forward.

We must support each other and work together. Although we may not agree on everything, it is important to keep a strong line of communication open.

Amanda Cooper
Political Director
Governor Bill Richardson

May 18, 2005 at 11:21 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (49)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

DPBC Third Thursday Meeting to Focus on UNM Hospital Indigent Care

From Fred Harris:
We're hoping for a good attendance for the Bernalillo County Democratic Forum this Thursday, May 19, 6:00 PM, Room 2401, UNM Law School, 1117 Stanford Drive NE, on "UNM Hospital: Are We Providing Adequate Care for Indigent and Underserved Families?" 

Panel: Fred Harris, Chair; Presenters: Bernalillo Co. Commissioner Deanna Archuleta-Loeser and Dr. Mark Unverzaght, UNM Associate Professor, Family and Community Medicine.

Editor's Note: This event is this month's Third Thursday Meeting of the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County and all Democrats are encouraged to attend. Click for a map.

Also, click to visit the new DPBC website. Included in the site's variety of features is a Forum where you can participate in discussions. Click the "Discussion Forum" tab at the top of the page.

May 17, 2005 at 08:34 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Red River to Host NM Young Dems

From Democratic Party of NM:

Thinkblue Historic Red River to Host Annual Convention, May 20-21
Santa Fe, NM – The Young Democrats of Santa Fe County (YDSFC) are hosting the 2005 Young Democrats of New Mexico State Convention in historic and beautiful Red River New Mexico May 20th and 21st, where the state organization will elect a new president among other offices.  Red River is located in scenic North Central New Mexico. 

“Red River is a charming and extraordinary community that offers many amenities to visitors year round.  Red River promises to be an exciting place to hold the 2005 Convention.  Santa Fe County Democrats are looking forward to harnessing the energy and enthusiasm of young Democrats and ensuring continued Democratic representation,” said Young Democrats of Santa Fe County President, Ben R. Lujan.

On Friday, young Democrats will have the opportunity to explore the natural wonders and adventures of Red River, before the convening of standing committees and registration, starting at 5 p.m.  The Young Democrats of New Mexico State Convention begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 21, when outgoing President Sisto Abeyta will welcome attendees.

After hearing from candidates for contested offices, New Mexico’s Young Democrats will elect National Committee Woman, National Committee Man, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, and President.  All New Mexico Democrats under the age of 36 are eligible to cast ballots for these offices.

The Red River Convention Center is located at 101 W. Main Street in Red River, New Mexico.  For detailed information regarding the Red River Convention Center you may call their toll free number at 877-754-1708.
Please pass this info along to young Democrats you know and encourage them to attend. To download more information and registration materials for the Young Democrats' convention, click this link:

Download YoungDemocratsofNewMexico.pdf

May 11, 2005 at 09:22 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)