McCain Lie Counter

Monday, February 13, 2006

DNC Chairman Howard Dean Coming to NM!

It's been confirmed that DNC Chairman Howard Dean will be visiting New Mexico! Details about his full schedule have yet to be ironed out but we know this event is a go:

February 13, 2006 at 10:51 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (7)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Dem Loyalists Question State Party's Plea for Donations

Click to check out a post on local blog New Mexico Matters. It discusses the response of Dem Party loyalists to last week's letter from DPNM Chair John Wertheim soliciting donations from members. Once again the issue of the State Party's lack of accountability, transparency and fiscal responsibility roars to the forefront.

I'll have more on this soon, but New Mexico Matters has provided an opening salvo on this topic.

One important question: why hasn't DNC Chair Howard Dean visited New Mexico yet? I heard it through the grapevine that Dean was planning on coming here on February 23rd to help the Party raise funds. No word on this from the DPNM, however. Considering their recent plea for funds, you'd think this would be a top priority of the Party since Dean always raises money for the State Party when he visits. Chairman Dean has already visited more than 40 states. Why not here?

February 12, 2006 at 09:00 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (23)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bernalillo County Dem Ward & Precinct Meetings Tonight

The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County will be holding ward and precinct meetings tonight, February 9, at 6:30 PM. Wards will elect delegates and alternates to the State Party Pre-Primary Convention. All registered Democrats are urged to attend. Any Democrat can run for a delegate or alternate position. See below for meeting locations around the county.

Attendees can also submit resolutions tonight for approval. If approved, they will be referred for approval to the Bernalillo County Resolutions Committee, which will meet on Saturday, February 11, at 9:00 AM at the UNM Law School, Room 2401.

To determine which ward meeting to attend, first you need to determine your precinct. Visit the and type in your address. Once you know your precinct, you can find your ward either by calling Terri Holland at County Party Headquarters, (505) 256-1855, or checking this .

Here are the ward meeting locations:

Other upcoming County Party meetings:



PURPOSE OF COUNTY CONVENTION: The purpose of the County Convention is to certify the delegates and alternates elected at the Ward elections to the Democratic Party of New Mexico Pre-Primary Convention and conduct other business pertaining to the county.


February 9, 2006 at 10:56 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Conversation About Senior Issues: AG Patricia Madrid & Cong. Steny Hoyer

January 29, 2006 at 11:52 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (2)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Read This

Advice of the day to the Democratic Party's strategists: E. J. Dionne's column, 'Rove's Early Warning,' in the Washington Post.

January 24, 2006 at 10:56 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, January 23, 2006

I Will Not Support Hillary Clinton for President

I seldom quote complete columns here, but 'I Won't Support Hillary Clinton' by Molly Ivins says everything I believe about the Democratic Party and its candidates, elected officials, "consultants" and "strategists." Moreover, it says it as only Molly can, with true grit, in a nutshell.

I hope you'll read the column (below) and then ACT. If we don't speak up and demand that the Party take notice of its base, who will? If we don't demand that our core beliefs BECOME the platform of the Party and that any candidate that runs as a Democrat must run on these positions, why have a Party at all?

This issue was underlined for me this morning as I read the Albuquerque Journal, which devoted a front page news story (subscription required) to the views of the Greater Albuquerque and Hispano Chambers of Commerce on a state minimum wage. The Chambers believe if there HAS to be an increase in the minimum wage, it should be strung out as long as possible -- applied in a "business-friendly manner," so adjustments can be made.

Sorry folks, businesses have had almost 10 years to "adjust" to an increase, with the federal minimum wage stuck at $5.15 an hour for almost a decade. Meanwhile, executive salaries have risen astronomically and obscenely, investor gains and business profits generally have soared and the cost of living has risen significantly. According to The Economist, American executives make an average of 475 times what their average workers make.

Not one word was included in the Journal article articulating the position of the dozens of organizations that are backing Rep. Lujan's bill to raise the minimum to $7.50 on January 2007, versus the Governor's proposal to take three years to do so. But perhaps the most dismaying development is that Bill Richardson is mostly siding with the views of the predominantly Republican business community on this issue, over those of his own Party and its core constituencies.

The Democratic Party of New Mexico's State Central Committee passed a resolution by an overwhelming margin at its November meeting that matches the provisions of Rep. Lujan's minimum wage bill.  You'd think that the Governor would be out there pushing these provisions, him being a Democrat and all. You'd be mistaken.

Apparently what the active members of the Party believe and have approved is just so much dust in the wind. Then again, SCC members generally don't have huge hunks of cash to contribute to campaigns. Members of the Chambers of Commerce, however, certainly do. Unfortunately, with way too many politicians who call themselves Democrats, paying for "access" is almost as much of a requirement as it is in the dismal Republican culture of corruption. The Party of the People? Well, once upon a time...

New Mexico Matters has more on the topic of "access." Read it and weep.

Anyway, I've gotten a little far afield. Molly Ivin's column is below. Granted, she's talking about national politics, but I think what she has to say clearly resonates in states like New Mexico as well. Are you with her or agin' her?

I will not support Hillary Clinton for president
Molly Ivins, January 20, 2006

AUSTIN, Texas --- I'd like to make it clear to the people who run the Democratic Party that I will not support Hillary Clinton for president.

Enough. Enough triangulation, calculation and equivocation. Enough clever straddling, enough not offending anyone This is not a Dick Morris election. Sen. Clinton is apparently incapable of taking a clear stand on the war in Iraq, and that alone is enough to disqualify her. Her failure to speak out on Terri Schiavo, not to mention that gross pandering on flag-burning, are just contemptible little dodges.

The recent death of Gene McCarthy reminded me of a lesson I spent a long, long time unlearning, so now I have to re-learn it. It's about political courage and heroes, and when a country is desperate for leadership. There are times when regular politics will not do, and this is one of those times. There are times a country is so tired of bull that only the truth can provide relief.

If no one in conventional-wisdom politics has the courage to speak up and say what needs to be said, then you go out and find some obscure junior senator from Minnesota with the guts to do it. In 1968, Gene McCarthy was the little boy who said out loud, "Look, the emperor isn't wearing any clothes." Bobby Kennedy -- rough, tough Bobby Kennedy -- didn't do it. Just this quiet man trained by Benedictines who liked to quote poetry.

What kind of courage does it take, for mercy's sake? The majority of the American people (55 percent) think the war in Iraq is a mistake and that we should get out. The majority (65 percent) of the American people want single-payer health care and are willing to pay more taxes to get it. The majority (86 percent) of the American people favor raising the minimum wage. The majority of the American people (60 percent) favor repealing Bush's tax cuts, or at least those that go only to the rich. The majority (66 percent) wants to reduce the deficit not by cutting domestic spending, but by reducing Pentagon spending or raising taxes.

The majority (77 percent) thinks we should do "whatever it takes" to protect the environment. The majority (87 percent) thinks big oil companies are gouging consumers and would support a windfall profits tax. That is the center, you fools. WHO ARE YOU AFRAID OF?

I listen to people like Rahm Emanuel superciliously explaining elementary politics to us clueless naifs outside the Beltway ("First, you have to win elections"). Can't you even read the damn polls?

Here's a prize example by someone named Barry Casselman, who writes, "There is an invisible civil war in the Democratic Party, and it is between those who are attempting to satisfy the defeatist and pacifist left base of the party and those who are attempting to prepare the party for successful elections in 2006 and 2008."

This supposedly pits Howard Dean, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, emboldened by "a string of bad new from the Middle East ... into calling for premature retreat from Iraq," versus those pragmatic folk like Steny Hoyer, Rahm Emmanuel, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Joe Lieberman.

Oh come on, people -- get a grip on the concept of leadership. Look at this war -- from the lies that led us into it, to the lies they continue to dump on us daily.

You sit there in Washington so frightened of the big, bad Republican machine you have no idea what people are thinking. I'm telling you right now, Tom DeLay is going to lose in his district. If Democrats in Washington haven't got enough sense to OWN the issue of political reform, I give up on them entirely.

Do it all, go long, go for public campaign financing for Congress. I'm serious as a stroke about this -- that is the only reform that will work, and you know it, as well as everyone else who's ever studied this. Do all the goo-goo stuff everybody has made fun of all these years: embrace redistricting reform, electoral reform, House rules changes, the whole package. Put up, or shut up. Own this issue, or let Jack Abramoff politics continue to run your town.

Bush, Cheney and Co. will continue to play the patriotic bully card just as long as you let them. I've said it before: War brings out the patriotic bullies. In World War I, they went around kicking dachshunds on the grounds that dachshunds were "German dogs." They did not, however, go around kicking German shepherds. The MINUTE someone impugns your patriotism for opposing this war, turn on them like a snarling dog and explain what loving your country really means. That, or you could just piss on them elegantly, as Rep. John Murtha did. Or eviscerate them with wit (look up Mark Twain on the war in the Philippines). Or point out the latest in the endless "string of bad news."

Do not sit there cowering and pretending the only way to win is as Republican-lite. If the Washington-based party can't get up and fight, we'll find someone who can.

January 23, 2006 at 11:33 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (12)

Friday, January 20, 2006

ACTION ALERT: Attend CD1's Dem Platform Hearing on 2/2

Are you tired of hearing the Democratic Party doesn’t stand for anything?  Tired of reading news reports that say people don’t really like the Republicans but they don’t think the Democrats have anything to offer? Tired of sitting on the sidelines and watching the country go down the drain?

Well here is your opportunity to do something about it.

Jason Bousliman, our CD1 Vice Chair, is organizing a platform hearing on behalf of the State Democratic Party:

Thursday, February 2nd
5:30 - 7:30 PM
UNM Law School, Albuquerque
Room 2401
Click for map:

This is one of three platform hearings that are required by Democratic Party Rules and motions passed at the last State Central Committee Meeting. They are to be held in each of the three Congressional Districts across the state to get input from Democrats, just like you and me, on what the Party should stand for.  A new platform is being written and will be voted on at the Democratic Party Pre-Primary Convention on March 18 and your views can be part of it.

PLEASE take the time to come to this very important hearing and let them know what you want the party to stand for.   

Pass this on to everyone you know. Tell the Party what you think! Hope to see you all there.

Members of our Albuquerque DFA-DFNM Meetup will note that this event is scheduled for the first Thursday of the month, when we hold our monthly Meetup at the First Unitarian Church. For this month only we'll be suspending the regular Meetup and encouraging all Meetup members to instead attend the platform hearing and make their views known to the Democratic Party.

For more information, email Barbara Wold or Dallas Timmons.

January 20, 2006 at 11:55 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (4)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

ACLU Attorney to Discuss Patriot Act at Tonight's County Dem Meeting

Click for map

The Third Thursday Meeting of the DPBC will feature George Bach, Staff Attorney, ACLU of New Mexico, who will discuss the Patriot Act in a talk entitled, “Safe and Free? An Update on the USA Patriot Act.”

January 19, 2006 at 10:47 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (3)

Monday, January 09, 2006

Abramoff: A Republican-Only Scandal

Abramoff3Republican talking points about the Jack Abramoff corruption scandal claim that Democrats, as well as Republicans, are involved. It's evident that many media pundits are picking up on this highly inaccurate characterization. Here, DNC Chair Howard Dean and CNN's Wolf Blitzer discuss the Abramoff story with Wolf trying his best to assert that Dems also took money from Abramoff. Dean flattens him:

BLITZER: Should Democrats who took money from Jack Abramoff, who has now pleaded guilty to bribery charges, among other charges, a Republican lobbyist in Washington, should the Democrat who took money from him give that money to charity or give it back?

DEAN: There are no Democrats who took money from Jack Abramoff, not one, not one single Democrat. Every person named in this scandal is a Republican. Every person under investigation is a Republican. Every person indicted is a Republican. This is a Republican finance scandal. There is no evidence that Jack Abramoff ever gave any Democrat any money. And we've looked through all of those FEC reports to make sure that's true.

BLITZER: But through various Abramoff-related organizations and outfits, a bunch of Democrats did take money that presumably originated with Jack Abramoff.

DEAN: That's not true either. There's no evidence for that either. There is no evidence...

BLITZER: What about Senator Byron Dorgan?

DEAN: Senator Byron Dorgan and some others took money from Indian tribes. They're not agents of Jack Abramoff. There's no evidence that I've seen that Jack Abramoff directed any contributions to Democrats. I know the Republican National Committee would like to get the Democrats involved in this. They're scared. They should be scared. They haven't told the truth. They have misled the American people. And now it appears they're stealing from Indian tribes. The Democrats are not involved in this.

BLITZER: Unfortunately Mr. Chairman, we got to leave it right there.

Notice how quickly Blitzer ends the exchange when his take on this is completely refuted. You can watch a video of this exchange on Crooks and Liars.

We need to repeat these facts every chance we get. The Abramoff corruption web is entirely a Republican corruption web. Period. This isn't to say that all Democrats are lilly-white in the money for influence department. Far from it. But in what may well be one of the biggest illegal money for influence schemes in our history, it's Republicans and Republicans alone who set up Abramoff to create the intricate web of illegal payoffs and tradeoffs, and it's Republicans and Republicans alone who benefited from the huge sums raised and paid.

Here's a comprensive post on Daily Kos that includes excellent suggestions for effectively countering the Republican spin on this.

As the Senate hearings on the Samuel Alito appointment to the U.S Supreme Court begin today, forewarned is forearmed. It's obvious that Republicans are prepared to do almost anything to change the subject from the Abramoff mess. According to a detailed Time Magazine cover story on the White House reaction to the crimes:

Republican officials say they are so worried about the Abramoff problem that they are now inclined to stoke a fight with Democrats over the confirmation of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court in an effort to turn the page from the lobbying investigation. Outside groups plan to spend heavily, and the White House will engage in some tit for tat with Democrats as the hearings heat up.

January 9, 2006 at 09:51 AM in Current Affairs, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (5)

Friday, January 06, 2006

Bingaman Campaign Kicks Off Petition Drive This Saturday

Bingman From Bingaman 2006:
The Bingaman 2006 campaign will be kicking off a series of petition drives this Saturday, January 7, and we could really use your help. This is a great opportunity to show your support for Senator Bingaman’s effective leadership for New Mexico and ensure that we get him on the ballot for the June Primary.

Please join us this Saturday as we hit the streets of Bernalillo County (organized petition drives in other counties will take place later in January) to gather signatures on what is supposed to be a beautiful and unseasonably warm day: sunny and in the low 60s.  If you have even an hour or two to spare this weekend, please come by the Bingaman 2006 Albuquerque headquarters – 1301 San Pedro NE at the DPNM offices – between 9 AM and 2 PM to pick up petition forms and receive a door-to-door walk list or location assignment. Someone will be at HQ all day, and we’ll have refreshments there for you to enjoy.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.  We hope to see you and thank you for your support!

Kara Shair-Rosenfield
Volunteer Coordinator
Bingaman 2006
Work: (505) 830-3650, x29
Cell: (617) 869-5869

January 6, 2006 at 03:35 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)


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