McCain Lie Counter

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Get With the Program: Sign Up for a National Dem Canvass Day Event

Demcanvass2_1On Saturday, April 29, Democrats all over the nation will be canvassing door to door, urging folks to get active in Party politics and meeting Dems in their neighborhoods. You don't have to be a precinct or ward chair to participate -- all Dems are welcome. If you've never done anything like this in past, now is the time to try it out. If you're a veteran of many canvasses past, jump in again as we head into the 2006 election season. We can WIN many races this November IF we're willing to do the necessary legwork, starting now.

There are now NM canvassing events and gatherings in Santa Fe, El Dorado, Portales, Taos, Placitas, Gallup and Raton, as well as four events in Albuquerque. Click to find an event in your area or create your own. Some events even combine potlucks and socializing with the shoeleather work. Check out our previous post for more information on this DNC-organized effort.

Demdonk The Democratic Party of NM is holding a large canvassing in event in Albuquerque that day, and you can sign up here. They'll also be holding a training session for canvassers on Thursday, April 13, at 6:00 PM at the DPNM Headquarters at 1301 San Pedro NE. Call 830-3650 for more information.

April 12, 2006 at 12:45 PM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Benefit Wednesday for Moises Gonzales

From the Moises Gonzales Campaign:
Come meet Moises Gonzales
Democratic Candidate for Bernalillo County Assessor
Wednesday, April 12, 2005
6:30 – 8:30 PM
District Bar and Grill – 4th and Copper St. (Downtown ABQ)

Hosted by: James Aranda, Arturo Archuleta, Isaac Benton, Eric Griego, Martin Heinrich, Melanie Maldonado, Mariana Padilla, Mike Puelle, Michelle Rizek, Giovanna Rossi, Drew Setter.

Live music by the Rudy Boys Project
Light refreshments, Cash bar
$25 suggested contribution

For more information call Mariana Padilla: 366-7901 or

Editor's Note: Moises Gonzales is a Democrat running in the June primary against two other Democrats: Karen L. Montoya and Dolores C. Maestas.

April 11, 2006 at 01:41 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, April 10, 2006

Lewis Fundraiser Set for Tuesday

LewisFrom Lewis for State Treasurer:
Please join Mayor Martin Chavez, Bruce Perlman, Ph.D., Robert Ortega, Fred Mondragon and Vince Murphy at a fundraising event for James B. Lewis for NM State Treasurer.

You are invited to meet our next State Treasurer, James B. Lewis, at Yanni's Mediterranean Bar & Grill, 3109 Central Avenue NE, Albuquerque, on April 11, 2006, from 5:00 - 6:30 PM. The suggested donation for this event is $100.00. For further information please contact James B. Lewis for State Treasurer at 341-2525, or Shelley Mund, 514-3247.

Editor's Note: James Lewis is a Democrat running unopposed in the June primary election for state treasurer. HIs Republican opponent in November will be Demesia Padilla.

April 10, 2006 at 09:48 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

RSVP for Democratic Party of NM Comedy Fundraiser

From the Democratic Party of NM:

For tickets contact Ana-Lisa at: 505-830-3650 or Or click here to RSVP online.

April 8, 2006 at 12:11 PM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Sign Up for Dem National Canvass Day

Editor's Note: I signed up for the Albuquerque event and more than 20 others have joined me so far. This is an excellent opportunity to show our support for Howard Dean's 50-state strategy and renew our commitment to talk to our neighbors about the Democratic values we believe are important. This is how we make it OUR Party. Events are currently scheduled for El Dorado, Santa Fe, Taos and Raton as well. Or you can set up your own event where you live. Go ahead -- sign up!

From DNC Chair Howard Dean:
Are you ready to make history? Thanks to the overwhelming support from thousands of Democrats, who donated to get the literature for the canvass printed and shipped, we're on schedule and gearing up for the unprecedented Neighbor-to-Neighbor Organizing Day on April 29th.

On that Saturday, thousands of volunteers will recruit hundreds of thousands more Americans committed to changing the status quo this year during door-knocking events in communities across America.

Democrats have a clear vision for America, and we're going to get the word out by making personal contact with our neighbors. And along the way we will build new relationships among volunteers on the ground, a network that will have an impact beyond a single day.

Whether you've never volunteered or you're a seasoned door-knocking veteran, it is crucial that you take part in this historic organizing push. Please click on the image above to learn more and then RSVP for an event near you.

In many states, Democratic Party staff on the ground have already put together staging areas for massive voter contact events on the 29th. Thanks to donations from people like you, hundreds of thousands of pieces of literature are being printed and shipping in bulk to those locations right now.

If there isn't an event near you, don't worry. Some state parties will have canvassing events on alternate dates, or have other important events that planned for that weekend.

You can still plan your own canvass in your community. Our online tool makes the planning process easy, and if you create your event before April 10th, we will get doorhangers to you in time for your canvass on the 29th. You can create your own event here.

Whether you're attending an event or hosting your own, we have also put together materials on the web to help you make your canvass as effective as possible.

The online package includes tips on canvassing, a suggested script for when you get to the door, and the doorhanger itself in various formats for you to print extras on your own. Here is the online resource center.

Two-thirds of Americans reject this president and the Republican leadership -- and they are waiting to hear from us. We are all members of one American community and it's up to us to make sure that our country has a government as good as its people.

Democrats have a big task in November. We will only win if every one of us takes responsibility for the outcome of the election now -- while there is still time to build our operation.

Thank you for being a part of this extraordinary grassroots push.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

April 5, 2006 at 01:08 PM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Feingold Backs Equal Marriage Rights for Gays

I'm certainly finding much to like about the content of Sen. Russ Feingold's character. Today he took another honest, blunt position on an issue I believe all genuine Dems should be in agreement about: equal civil rights for all -- including the right to engage in civil marriage. According to a press release on Feingold's site today:

Responding to a question posed at his Kenosha County listening session over the weekend, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold said he strongly opposed the proposed civil unions and marriage ban facing Wisconsin voters this November. He also expressed his support for the right of gays and lesbians to marry.

... “The proposed ban on civil unions and marriage is a mean-spirited attempt to divide Wisconsin and I indicated that it should be defeated,” Feingold said. “It discriminates against thousands of people in our communities – our co-workers, our neighbors, our friends, and our family members. It would single out members of a particular group and forever deny them rights and protections granted to all other Wisconsin citizens. It would also outlaw civil unions and jeopardize many legal protections for all unmarried couples, whether of the same or the opposite sex. We shouldn’t enshrine this prejudice in our state’s Constitution.”

... “As I said at the Kenosha County listening session, gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry and have access to the same rights, privileges and benefits that straight couples currently enjoy,” Feingold added. “Denying people this basic American right is the kind of discrimination that has no place in our laws, especially in a progressive state like Wisconsin. The time has come to end this discrimination and the politics of divisiveness that has become part of this issue.”

Feingold noted that removing the prohibition against gay marriage would not impose any obligation on religious groups. He indicated that no religious faith should ever be forced to conduct or recognize any marriage, but that civil laws on marriage should reflect the principle of equal rights under the law.

Imagine. A Democrat speaking out for civil rights for all. Equal means EQUAL. No hemming and hawing. No yes but-ing. No fading. No faking. Each and every American deserves equality under civil law. Period.

FeingoldprezAs you know, the conventional wisdom punditry has been bad mouthing Feingold's censure resolution as a cheap trick to attract attention to a possible presidential run. Unfortunately, I bet they'll see this move as another link in that chain. Personally, I see both moves as courageous and sincere efforts by a caring and honest Senator to confront wrong-doing and injustice head on. AND they make me want to starting wearing a big blue button just like this one!

Politicos with their eyes on the prize generally don't take controversial positions in this era of spin -- they run from them, as has been evident with Hillary Clinton and others. They listen to the "strategists," "consultants," pollsters, Republican fearmongers and media naysayers. They shy away from anything that could possibly be seen as "liberal" or even traditionally Democratic, afraid to speak honesty and directly about so many of the critical issues of today.

For instance, here in New Mexico our Party platform was purged by the powers that be of any plain language on gay civil marriage, despite near unanimous passage of a resolution supporting it. And yet here we have Feingold -- saying it out loud and saying it just the way it should be framed. And to hell with the cowardly say-nothings. I, for one, intend to be wearing one of those Feingold for President buttons as we meander our way to the 2008 election. How about you?

PS: Click on the image below if you'd like to sign the HRC petition backing equal marriage rights for all:

April 4, 2006 at 02:57 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (11)

Friday, March 31, 2006

SJC Dems Abandon Feingold Censure Hearing

UPDATE: Here's a video clip of Sen. Feingold using a post from blogger Glenn Greenwald to question John Dean about the similarities of the excuses for warrantless wiretapping used by John Mitchell of Nixon's White House and Bush's. Also the entire hearing is supposed to be re-aired on CSPAN tonight at 6:50 MST.

JdeanThe Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Sen. Feingold's censure resolution was held this morning. One of the witnesses who urged the Congress to act now to uphold the rule of law was John Dean, who served on Nixon's staff during the Watergate era. Too bad most Dem members were AWOL. According to CNN:

Nixon White House counselor John Dean asserted Friday that President Bush's domestic spying exceeds the wrongdoing that toppled his former boss from power, and Sen. Orrin Hatch snapped that Democrats were trying to "score political points" with a motion to censure Bush.

"Had the Senate or House, or both, censured or somehow warned Richard Nixon, the tragedy of Watergate might have been prevented," Dean told the Senate Judiciary Committee. "Hopefully the Senate will not sit by while even more serious abuses unfold before it."

Testifying to a Senate committee on Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Russell Feingold's resolution to censure Bush, Dean said the president "needs to be told he cannot simply ignore a law with no consequences."

Here's a transcript of John Dean's testimony supporting Feingold. And here's Feingold's statement. Excerpt:

If Congress doesn’t have the power to define the contours of the President’s Article II powers through legislation, then I have no idea why people are scrambling to draft legislation to authorize what they think the President is doing. If the President’s legal theory, which is shared by some of our witnesses today, is correct, then FISA is a dead letter, all of the supposed protections for civil liberties contained in the reauthorization of the Patriot Act that we just passed are a cruel hoax, and any future legislation we might pass regarding surveillance or national security is a waste of time and a charade. Under this theory, we no longer have a constitutional system consisting of three co-equal branches of government, we have a monarchy.

Shameful: Almost every Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee DID NOT attend today's hearing:

Joe Biden, DE (no word on whereabouts)
Dick Durbin, IL (back home "meeting with constituents")
Dianne Feinstein, CA (claims "scheduling conflict)
Chuck Schumer, NY (office closed this morning)
Ted Kennedy, MA (his office said he was "out of town"

Feingold2_1 Herb Kohl of Wisconsin was there briefly and said nothing. The ONLY Dem on the committee who spoke on behalf of censure was Patrick Leahy of VT. The words cowardly and disloyal come to mind. More than 70% of Democrats around the nation support the censure. With voters in general, it's about 50-50. What are these Senators afraid of? It's bad enough to have to fight the Republicans on presidential lawbreaking, but to have top Dems standing in the way of the constitutional inquiry of one of their own is truly morally bankrupt, in my opinon.

I hate to say it, but these Senators are starting to look like the Democratic Wing of Republican Party. There is just no excuse for this. If Dem insiders want to ensure a low turnout of progressive and base Dems in the November mid-term elections, they should keep on mocking the passionate and courageous Dems like Murtha and Feingold and whining about their "devisiveness." I guess any Dem brave enough to speak out on the blatant and dangerous abuses of the Bush administration in any meaningful way is judged to be "devisive" in the same way that Republicans deem any Bush critics "unpatriotic."

The Beltway status quo is a stubborn and unrelenting force for inertia. Long-term, entrenched power always is. If you need more evidence on that, check out the new "Real Security" initiative " unveiled by Dems earlier this week. It's almost surreal that the plan makes not one mention of illegal NSA domestic spying, torture or distorted intelligence. Instead, it transparently equates supporting freedom and justice in the world with increased military strength. Trust us! We'll do the same thing Bush is doing, only more competently!

If we can't do better than this, expect millions of core Dem voters to stay home come November. I'm sure the poobahs at the DCCC and DSCC will be flabbergasted, but still unconvinced that their mincing blandness is to blame. To say they take the votes of the Democratic base for granted would be putting it mildly. If we don't get something better to take door-to-door to potential voters this Fall, it's gonna be a long, hard slog indeed. If we make that slog at all, that is.

Finally, here's a post that contains some of the best writing I've encountered that lays out the reasons the Democrats should be lining up en masse to sign on to Feingold's censure resolution. Wake up Democrats -- there IS no Congress if Bush is allowed to continue down this path. Either Democrats must live up to their oaths of office or they are, as the post says, as bad as the Republicans who are worshipping their new monarch.

If and when Americans wake up to the fact that their constitution and democracy have been totally trashed, I hope that many put the blame squarely on the Dem apologists who fiddled with shallow "strategists" and "pollsters" while America burned.

If you'd like to make your feelings known on how Dem committee members acted today, click away:


Edward M. Kennedy, MASSACHUSETTS 

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., DELAWARE

Herbert Kohl , WISCONSIN 

Dianne Feinstein, CALIFORNIA 

Russell D. Feingold , WISCONSIN 

Charles E. Schumer, NEW YORK

Richard J. Durbin , ILLINOIS

March 31, 2006 at 01:53 PM in Current Affairs, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (16)

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Time to Enter 2nd Annual DPBC Chili Cook-Off

Sign up now for the 2nd Annual Democratic Party of Bernalillo County Chili (or Chile) Cook-Off 2006, to benefit the County Party. The Chili Cook-Off will be held at the Alice Hoppes African American Pavilion on the Expo New Mexico grounds just off Gate Three (San Pedro and Copper NE) on Saturday, April 22nd from 11:30 AM through 2:00 PM.

Registration forms and rules/regulations are available at the DPBC headquarters and will be available soon on line at

Chili Categories:

  • People's Choice (Best in the House by Attendee balloting)
  • Judge's Choice (Best in the House as determined by Judges)
  • Traditional Red Chili or Chili Con Carne (no beans or pasta)
  • Chili Verde (no beans or pasta)
  • Vegetarian Chili (no beans or pasta)
  • Everything but the Kitchen Sink! (Anything Goes! Beans, Pasta, whatever)
  • Salsa
  • Hottest Chili
  • Most Creative Chili (Go Ahead and Get Crazy!! All ingredients Accepted)

Registration Deadline:

  April 19th, 2006. Please mail or deliver entry form with check to DPBC, 130 Alvarado NE, Suite 400, Albuquerque, NM 87108   

Entry Fees:
State Wide Candidates: $200.00
County Candidates (including Judges): $75.00
Everyone Else: $30.00 

Questions: Terri Holland, Executive Director, Democratic Party of Bernalillo County, 256-1855 or Email

March 30, 2006 at 09:24 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Dems Confront Rubber Stamp Republicans

Rubberstamp2_1If you haven't yet checked out the national blog Firedoglake, it's well worth a regular visit. Right now, they're conducting a fun campaign to support the Dems who are calling out Republican members of Congress for being Rubber Stamps for the Bush administration.

Firedoglake is organizing a Rubber Stamp Rebellion of sorts, urging readers to purchase rubber stamps that say "Republican Rubber Stamp Congress," and have them sent to a collection point in DC. When they've received a goodly number of these, they'll present them to a certain big-name Republican member of Congress -- no doubt to one of the worst Rubber Stamps of all. They're not saying which one just yet, but I have a hunch. And they'll do it on Friday, when the Senate Judiciary Committee hears Senator Feingold's censure resolution. I just ordered my Rubber Stamp, and I urge you to do the same ASAP. This post tells you how.

This morning, House Dems were also calling out the rubber stamp nature of Congressional Republicans. A series of one-minute speeches by Dem Reps described the many incompetent and ill-conceived actions by this administration, and criticized Repubs for refusing to hold Bush accountable. Are they fulfilling the constitutional role defined for Congress as a co-equal branch of government? No way. Providing congressional oversight of the executive branch and its policies? Not this bunch.

Those scheduled to speak on the House Floor this morning included:  Jim McDermott, Donna Christensen, Rahm Emmanuel, Diane Watson, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Frank Pallone and Louise Slaughter. And Crooks and Liars has video. Dems used this Rubber Stamp in admonishing their Republican colleagues. UPDATE: More videos are now available at the House Dems website.

You know you want to join in Firedoglake's rebellion and have your own Rubber Stamp Republican Congress doohiggie sent to the so-far anonymous Republican Rubber Stamp Head Honcho, don't you? Just do it!

March 29, 2006 at 05:28 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (3)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Cheers and Jeers Greet NM Dems' Impeachment Resolution

(Click on image for larger version or click to view source.)

Passage of a floor amendment to the NM Democratic 2006 Platform that supports the impeachment of Bush is getting nationwide attention. Not only was the story linked on right-wing website The Drudge Report this week, so-called Freepers are up at arms. Robb Chavez's successful floor amendment on impeachment was also were featured on The Huffington Post, Daily Kos and a number of other progressive blogs, where it received many cheers.

I'm sorry to say that the responses of some Dems have been less than stellar, in my opinion. According to a story in the Albuquerque Tribune, here's what Patricia Madrid had to say:

Madrid, trying to oust Republican U.S. Rep. Heather Wilson of Albuquerque, said in a statement today she wasn't present when the vote was taken Saturday. She called the action "premature."

"I hope I get the chance to go to Congress to participate in a full investigation of the underlying issues," she said.

The same article reports this on Senator Jeff Bingaman's response:

Bingaman also says it's too early to support sanctions against Bush for the wiretapping issue, said his spokeswoman, Jude McCartin. Bingaman was in Afghanistan Saturday and is in Baghdad today.

I thought Governor Bill Richardson had the best public response. Even though I personally think he could have gotten out front on this issue nationally by supporting the impeachment resolution, he at least said he understood it and gave delegates props for being engaged on the issues. I think he gets it. According to an article in the Albuquerque Journal, which I couldn't find online:

...the Democratic Governor understands the anger of party members who supported the Bush resolution, given the direction the president's policies are taking the country, spokesman Pahl Shipley said.

"The Governor is opposed to this call for impeachment and feels that is premature," Shipley said. "Nonetheless, he recognizes the mounting frustration with the policies of the Bush administration," Shipley said. "However, he is pleased the party delegates have become very issue-oriented and commends them for their activism."

To those Dems saying they can't support the impeachment or censure resolutions because they're waiting for an investigation, I say read this. When and how, exactly, do they think the dishonest, secretive, cover-up Republicans are going to launch a genuine investigation into Bush's abuse of power regarding NSA domestic surveillance?

Glenn Greewald lays out the compelling arguments against waiting in his piece on Huffington Post entitled Myth-Making and Excuse-Making on the Feingold Resolution.

Senator Pat Roberts STILL hasn't allowed Phase II of the pre-war intelligence "investigation." Remember when our Senate Leader, Harry Reid, shut down the Senate in protest because Roberts was in eternal delay mode on this? Still nothing, months later. How long will we have to wait for Roberts to "investigate" the NSA matter? You can be sure it won't be before the 2006 midterm elections, if ever.

There are many stuck in the conventional wisdom box who say this impeachment and censure talk is premature, a distraction or just plain silly. An Albuquerque Tribune editorial takes this tack, saying impeachment talk is just sour grapes. It directs Dems to concentrate on winning by ignoring the illegal acts of a sitting president for now. They actually claim that Bush won NM in 2004 by "focusing on bread-and-butter issues close to home." Hmm. I didn't notice that. I thought they won by placing hysterical flyers about abortion on cars in Catholic Church parking lots, using McCarthy-like tactics to trump up indignation and fear about gay rights and bellowing dishonest propaganda about Dems being soft on terrorism.

Oddly, the editorial sets up an artificial either-or situation: If Dems are boldly challenging lawlessness in the presidential suite, they cannot possibly focus on winning races. Sadly, the editorial staff of the Tribune apparently believes that tepid is better than bold when serious wrongdoing is uncovered in Washington. They seem to have bought into the right-wing bluff that dares Dems to speak out and face the blare of neo-con fearmongering. What they don't seem to realize is that the right-wing noise machine will continue regardless of what Dems say or do. Truth and facts have nothing to do with their propaganda.

I guess whoever wrote the editorial hasn't been watching politics for the last decade. Did they miss Repubs spending billions of taxpayer money on an "investigation" into Whitewater real estate deals and impeaching a president over consensual sexual acts? Given the much more serious wrongdoing by Bush, why should Dems be disuaded from challenging President Bush for clearly circumventing the FISA law, lying us into war and ignoring the Geneva Conventions?

As usual these days, candidates and editorial boards, insulated from the rigors and realities of Bush's America, lack the sense of urgency and outrage that is rippling through our neighborhoods all over America. Repeatedly they caution us to act like nothing out of the ordinary is happening in our nation, that nothing strange and dangerous is threatening our constitution and our democracy. If Dems must speak about issues, they'd best do so while saying nothing of substance. Just play the political game as it's always been played, or risk derision. This is a winning stratetgy?

How out of tune with Americans can these forces get? Your guess is as good as mine. I point you again to the recent polling on Senator Feingold's censure resolution. Even without widespread persuasion and outreach on this issue, All Adults support censure 46-44% and voters support it 48-43%. Moreover, Democrats support it by a margin of 70-26%. The real issue is whether Dem candidates will represent the strong views of people whose votes they seek, and whether Dem voters will give their votes to candidates who refuse to represent them on issues like this. We'll see.

March 25, 2006 at 12:35 PM in Civil Liberties, Democratic Party, Impeachment, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (5)


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