Tuesday, May 23, 2006
First Up: Las Cruces Sun-News Endorsements
Newspapers around the state will soon be publishing their endorsements for candidates running in the June 6 New Mexico primary. The Las Cruces Sun-News seems to be first out of the box with their endorsements of Democratic candidates in contested primaries:
Geno Zamora for attorney general, Stephanie Gonzales for secretary of state, Jim Baca for land commissioner and Thomas Buckner for auditor in Democratic primary races for statewide office.
Follow the link to their article that explains why.
UPDATE: The Silver City Sun-News and the Hobbs News-Sun also endorsed Geno Zamora for attorney general.
May 23, 2006 at 06:19 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (5)
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: DFA Endorses Lamont vs. Lieberman
From Jim Dean of Democracy for America:
Joe Lieberman: George Bush's favorite Democrat? Support Ned Lamont! For years, Joe Lieberman has supported President Bush on issue after issue. He supported Bush's crusade to dismantle Social Security and he folded on the nominations of Justices Roberts and Alito. Lieberman voted for the invasion of Iraq and he continues to stand in the way of real solutions that will bring our troops home. He has even supported attempts to label criticism of the war as unpatriotic. Last winter, he said, "It is time for Democrats who distrust President Bush to acknowledge that he will be Commander-in-Chief for three more critical years, and that in matters of war we undermine Presidential credibility at our nation's peril."
On Friday, Connecticut Democrats said, "Enough." The Connecticut Democratic Convention was the first opportunity for an open vote between Joe Lieberman and upstart challenger Ned Lamont. With the process heavily stacked toward insiders, Lamont was expected to collect just a handful of votes. Instead, he shocked the establishment and won more than twice the number of votes he needed to qualify for the August primary ballot.
Ned Lamont has won the support of DFA members across Connecticut and now he's won a place on the ballot to challenge Joe Lieberman. When he's elected in November, Ned will oppose the Bush administration's misguided policies and he'll stand with other Democrats for clean government, universal healthcare, and a moral foreign policy. I urge you to join me in supporting Ned Lamont today!
Joe Lieberman has won strong support from Republicans. Vice President Cheney calls him "a fine U.S. Senator." Republican Congressman Chris Shays and Fox News Commentator Sean Hannity have both endorsed him. Even President Bush loves Lieberman—there are rumors he has been considered for a post in Bush's cabinet. Is that the kind of Democrat that we want in Washington?
Ned Lamont won't have any Washington Republicans fighting for him. He's only going to win through thousands of grassroots donations from DFA members like you. We need to show Ned that the grassroots will stand with him. With your help, our goal is to raise $25,000 from 500 donors today. Can you make a donation of $100, $50, $25 or even $10 to make it happen?
Ned will be a progressive voice in the Senate. He'll speak out against the destructive Bush administration policies that threaten our moral and economic future, our civil liberties, and our nation's security. He has opposed the Iraq War since the beginning and he'll advocate a new direction in Iraq. Let's make it happen.
Editor's Note: For more information on Lamont's shocking support in the Connecticut Democratic Party delegate vote in this Democratic primary race, check out the coverage on MyDD and watch video of local news coverage of this story. I just gave another $10 to the Lamont campaign via DFA and I strongly encourage you to donate a few bucks. We need to display our grassroots and netroots strength and put our money where our mouth is for this race and others where progressives are challenging entrenched, "Republican-lite" Democrats in name only.
May 23, 2006 at 11:15 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, DFA | Permalink | Comments (3)
Monday, May 22, 2006
Ward 31 Dem Picnic Rocks
From Shay Rose, Democratic candidate for NM State Representative, District 28: Albuquerque's Ward 31 had a great District 'meet and greet' at High Desert Park in the Northeast Heights this past Saturday. There was a band, food catered by Garduno's (red and green enchaladas, rice, beans, taquitas, chips and salsa); plenty of cold water and sodas to drink and lots of NE Heights Democrats meeting their candidates. Tom Solomon (Vice Chair Ward 31A) and Kooch Jacobus, Adam Romero, Charles Penney and several others did a fine job organizing this event. About 125 ward residents were in attendance.
Shay Rose's Campaign provided a cake (chocolate with cream cheese filling, blue rose buds and a minature campaign card on each piece of cake) and a watermelon tent (the only candidate to do this as others had campaign materials only). Not that I'm bragging but food always brings people by! All candidates were recognized on stage by Kooch and received an enthusiastic welcome.
CD1 Congressional candidate Patricia Madrid visited with fellow Democrats, gave a rousing speech from the stage and took questions from the crowd. Others who spoke and picnicked at the event were Ray Powell, running for State Land Commissioner; Gary King, candidate for NM Attorney General; Judge Clay Campbell, running to keep his seat as District Judge in Division 12 of the 2nd Judicial District; and Karen Montoya and Moises Gonzales, both Dem candidates for Bernalillo County Assessor. Shay Rose (House District 28) and Barbara Scharf (House District 31) were the only legislative candidates that spoke, although Janice Saxton (House District 22) was there hanging out in the crowd. Other candidates sent representatives in their place -- just not quite the same tho!
By all accounts, a wonderful time was had by all. Other wards are encouraged to hold similar events to provide an opportunity for Democrats to meet, mingle and nurture our network while having fun at the same time. (Click on photos for larger images.)
May 22, 2006 at 11:40 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (2)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Feingold Berates Specter Over Gay Marriage Ban Amendment
Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee decided today was the day to throw some extra special red meat to their lunatic fringe. After all, the right-wing extremists who form the core of today's Republican Party have been very unhappy with Bush, his immigration plan and much more. In a transparent and cynical attempt to appease them, Repub Senators raised the always reliable issue of gay marriage.
They proposed a constitutional amendment that would deny states the right to offer their gay citizens equal civil rights under the law. The measure passed on a 10-8 party line vote. There's not a chance it will pass when it's considered by the full Senate on June 5th, and everyone knows it. So why did Repubs rush to offer it today? What better way to convince their complaining base that they're still fighting on their behalf against truth, justice and the American way?
A CNN story details a loud exchange between Sen. Russ Feingold and Committee Chair Arlen Specter at the session. Feingold questioned the handling and timing of the amendment. He also protested Specter's unusual decision to move the markup of the bill from the committee's regular meeting space to a room adjacent to the Senate floor. The President's Room, just by coincidence, offers no access to the public and no TV coverage:
... a shouting match ... ended when one Democrat strode out and the Republican chairman bid him "good riddance."
"I don't need to be lectured by you. You are no more a protector of the Constitution than am I," Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania, shouted after Sen. Russ Feingold declared his opposition to the amendment, his affinity for the Constitution and his intention to leave the meeting.
"If you want to leave, good riddance," Specter finished.
"I've enjoyed your lecture, too, Mr. Chairman," replied Feingold, D-Wisconsin, who is considering a run for president in 2008. "See ya."
It seems ole Arlen, self-described "moderate" and "protector of the constitution," didn't want to be seen in public pushing for an ugly (and unattainable) constitutional change to satisfy the lower reaches of the Republican Party. Although he voted for the proposed constitutional amendment, he claimed he didn't really support it and was merely voting for it so the Senate could debate the topic. Right, Arlen. It must be difficult to serve yourself and your right-wing masters at the same time.
And Now the Dems
Of course you have to wonder why the Democrats on the committee voted against the effort to limit marriage, all over America, to "one man and one woman." Just the other day DNC Chair Howard Dean claimed the Party's 2004 platform included that very position. He was wrong about that, but you wouldn't know it from all the quivering and quaking Democrats who have been working so hard to pretend they're on the side of the Christian right.
It's evident that Repubs will keep using this issue to their advantage whenever they have a chance. With only a few Democrats, like Senator Feingold, willing to stand up to the right-wing noise machine on this issue, there's no chance we can frame it on our terms. Until Democrats are willing to support publicly what we all know most of them support privately, we'll make no progress on this. Instead, Democrats will continue to be cornered by it and made to look like frightened liars.
Come on Democrats! Everyone knows by now you believe that GLBT people, like all Americans, deserve equal treatment under civil law. Everyone knows you understand the difference between church doctrine and civil law. Everyone knows you strongly support justice for minorities. If you keep refusing to fight for your true values and beliefs, you'll just dig yourself deeper in the hole. You'll continue to fit the spineless stereotype used to paint Dems as frightened, duplicitous cowards. Now's the time to shed that burden and be yourselves before we end up once again studying the reasons why Democrats keep losing. If you won't stand up for your own true values, and ours, who will?
Feingold Releases Statement
The general reluctance of Dems to stick up for gay rights makes Feingold's stand even more remarkable. He released this statement about what happened today at the Senate Judiciary Committee meeting. Hurrah:
Objecting to the Judiciary Committee's Handling of the Constitutional Amendment on Marriage
Today's markup of the constitutional amendment concerning marriage, in a small room off the Senate floor with only a handful of people other than Senators and their staffs present, was an affront to the Constitution. I objected to its consideration in such an inappropriate setting and refused to help make a quorum. I am deeply disappointed that the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee went forward with the markup over my objection. Unfortunately, the Majority Leader has set a politically motivated schedule for floor consideration of this measure that the Chairman felt compelled to follow, even though he says he opposes the amendment.
Constitutional amendments deserve the most careful and deliberate consideration of any matter that comes before the Senate. In addition to hearings and a subcommittee markup, such a measure should be considered by the Judiciary Committee in the light of day, open to the press and the public, with cameras present so that the whole country can see what is done. Open and deliberate debate on such an important matter cannot take place in a setting such as the one chosen by the Chairman of the Committee today.
The Constitution of the United States is an historic guarantee of individual freedom. It has served as a beacon of hope, an example to people around the world who yearn to be free and to live their lives without government interference in their most basic human decisions. I took an oath when I joined this body to support and defend the Constitution. I will continue to fight this mean-spirited, divisive, poorly drafted, and misguided amendment when it comes to the Senate floor.
May 18, 2006 at 03:24 PM in Current Affairs, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (4)
Friday, May 12, 2006
This Makes Me Sick
This week we had Hillary being supported by Rupert Murdock, who owns Fox News, and making a slew of complimentary statements about how "charming" Bush is. We had Dems like Harman and Feinstein kissing up on the Hayden nomination to head the CIA, and the continuing fade routine by a vast majority of Dems too afraid to say anything of substance about Iraq, Iran or the NSA lawbreaking. I'm sure you have your own particular favorite on Dems acting like fading violets and appeasers.
But this one was the topper for me: Howard Dean being interviewed on Pat Robertson's '700 Club' via CBN and claiming that the national Democratic platform limited marriage to "one man and one woman." First of all, it isn't true. Second of all, does ANY real Democrat or thinking person for that matter want someone like Dean on that dispicable hatemonger's TV show at all, let alone pandering on the gay marriage issue? As is obvious, I've strongly backed Dean since the beginning and our DFA Meetup continues. This, however, may be the straw that breaks the camels back on Democratic Party horrors. If even Dean has drunk the Kool-Aid of the DLC apologists, what possible future can this Party or its candidates have?
Read it and weep. (And here's the unedited video of the interview.) This, after so many GLBT people, including myself, have worked so hard for Dean and Democrats for years. Can you imagine how many votes he won over for Dems from the right-wingnut followers of Pat Robertson? I would guess zero. But by saying what he did in that sick setting, I can guarantee you he lost hundreds of thousands of GLBT people and others who support equal civil rights for all. Sickening.
And I cannot believe -- at all -- that he "mis-spoke" as he claims. You don't get up on a lunatic fringe TV show like that and err on something this basic. I really think even Dean has absorbed the idiotic conventional wisdom that gay people are causing Dems to lose. When we all know that it's the cowardice, disorganization, wrong-headedness and distortions like this one that are doing the trick all on their own. Congratulations Democrats. You lost hundreds of thousands of your voters in the span of a day....
May 12, 2006 at 04:47 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (9)
Thursday, May 04, 2006
No Comment
Click on image for larger version. From the comic strip Deep Cover by Tim Eagan.
May 4, 2006 at 10:52 AM in Democratic Party, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (0)
Benefit Lunch to Honor Outstanding Dem Women
Tickets - $50.00; Tables of 10 - $500.00
Please RSVP to Terri at 256-1855 or terri@bernalillodems.org. Proceeds to Benefit the Bernalillo County Democratic Party.
Terri Holland
Executive Director
Democratic Party of Bernalillo County
130 Alvarado NE, Suite 400
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Fax - 505-265-0327
C - 505-417-3972
May 4, 2006 at 09:27 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (1)
Thursday, April 27, 2006
RSVP for May Open House & Fundraiser for Madrid Campaign
Here is a great opportunity to meet and talk to your Democratic candidate for the United States House of Representatives - New Mexico's awesome Attorney General Patricia Madrid. It is extremely important for the people in Congressional District 1 to send someone to Washington D.C. who will seriously and aggressively question the poor performance of the Bush Administration and not give their failed polices a free pass. Drop by and talk to Ms. Madrid about current issues and legislation facing our country and see why Patricia Madrid is the best candidate to represent the people of Congressional District 1 in Washington D.C.
Click to check out event flyer for more information. PLEASE RSVP BY MAY 1: Call Cheryl Gordon at 294-1569 or email ward24b@aol.com.
April 27, 2006 at 09:48 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Sunday Chile Cookoff Blogging
No bird blogging today, but I do have some photos from the Democratic Party of Bernalillo's 2nd Annual Chile Cookoff benefit held Saturday in Albuquerque at the State Fairgrounds (Expo NM). Nice turnout and a delicious time was had by all. Above is the award-winning chile team sponsored by James B. Lewis (center, wearing sombrero), the Democratic candidate for State Treasurer. He's unopposed in the June primary election. How 'bout that hat?
These photos were taken by Shay Rose, the Democrat who's running for State Representative in District 28 in Albuquerque. Her's was the only State Rep or Senate campaign entered in the cookoff, so she deserves special recognition. Here are a few of her photos that show her team:
Above, here's Shay Rose (center) with her Campaign Treasurer, Don Schiff (R), and Campaign Manager, Ana Canales (blue shirt).
Again, that's Shay on the left standing with Don Schiff, and Ana on the right.
Here's Shay and Ana with their 2nd Place ribbons in the Green Chili catagory, thanks to Ana's original Green Chili Queso. (Click on photos for larger images.)
Please email Shay Rose if you'd like to volunteer or donate to her campaign for State Representative. Check out the website of James B. Lewis to do the same for his campaign for State Treasurer. To contact the Bernalillo County Party, go here.
April 23, 2006 at 02:49 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (1)
Friday, April 21, 2006
Don't Miss 2nd Annual Chili Cookoff Saturday!
Bernalillo County
Democratic Party
2nd Annual Chili Cook-off
Saturday April 22, 2006
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Expo NM, Albuquerque
- Taste the Best Red and Green from Bernalillo County’s Democratic Cooks
- Which Candidate Makes the Best Chili? Choose Your Favorite!!
- Straw Poll
- Vote for Your Favorite Candidates - Show Your Early Support!!
Location: Expo New Mexico - Alice Hoppes African American Pavillion
Time: 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Admission: CHILI TASTING $10.00. Taste all the Chili you want and receive one Straw Poll Ballot
ENTRANCE ONLY FEE $5.00. Entrance Only Fee Entitles You to One Straw Poll Ballot and Lots of Fun (no Chili Tastes)
ALSO AVAILABLE: Hotdogs, Hamburgers, Chips, Cookies, Beverages
Terri Holland
Executive Director
Democratic Party of Bernalillo County
130 Alvarado NE, Suite 400
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Fax - 505-265-0327
C - 505-417-3972
April 21, 2006 at 03:29 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)