Tuesday, June 13, 2006
DPBC Third Thursday Meeting to Focus on Campaign Finance Reform
From the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County e-news:
Thursday, June 15, UNM Law School, Room 2401, 6 PM
All Democrats Welcome!
Speaker: Jack Taylor, State Chair, Common Cause New Mexico since 2002 and Member, National Governing Board of Common Cause.
Subject: CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM: A discussion of current ethics-in-government issues and the question of ethics education and enforcement. Click for map: https://www.tinyurl.com/djdxu
If you are a registered Democrat that would like to be added to the e-news, please send your name, e-mail address and County to dpbc@att.net.
June 13, 2006 at 12:16 PM in Democratic Party, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)
Monday, June 05, 2006
Dems Sparked by Feingold & Warner at NH Dem Convention
I watched Senator Russ Feingold and ex-Virginia Governor Mark Warner give their stump speeches at the New Hampshire Democratic convention yesterday on CSPAN. You can too -- scroll down a ways on the CSPAN page. Walter Shapiro at Salon thought the speeches might be the "big political story of the weekend."
Feingold electrified the crowd (and me) with his fiery speech and no-weasling pronouncements on what Democrats should stand for and why Bush should be censured to preserve our constitution's checks and balances. He got six standing ovations and was interrupted by applause at least 20 times during the speech. The loyal opposition indeed:
"Why are so many Democrats too timid to say what everyone in America knows? It's time to redeploy the troops. It's time to bring the troops out of Iraq. I say bring them home by the end of the year."
Addressing the opportunity that may present itself should Dems win back either or both Houses of Congress, Feingold said,
I just remind everybody. Democrats were in the majority in the United States Senate when we voted for the Iraq war and we passed the USA Patriot Act. It's not enough to be just in the majority. You have to stand for something."
We're reminded. And we'll be remembering and pressuring for Dems to exhibit backbone every step of the way. Feingold stands for such things as cleaning up politics and campaign finance, and expects the Executive Branch to comply with the rule of law as defined by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Unfortunately, these positions are considered "radical" by some in the Democratic Party who seem more interested in pleasing their big-dollar donors and hiding behind blandness than they are in confronting our constitutional and ethical crises and finding solutions.
New Hampshire's had this say:
Feingold left no one guessing about what he doesn't believe in: No Child Left Behind, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the war in Iraq. As for what he does believe in: health care for all Americans, alternative energy and publicly financed political campaigns. And, of course, rabble-rousing (which Feingold makes sure you know separates him from many other Democratic leaders).
Some members of the Democratic Party say, "Let's not rock the boat," he said. "But I think that's exactly how we lost in 2002 and 2004. We won't win by default. We won't win by just running out the clock."
As for the pragmatic Warner, I finally saw some evidence in this speech to support the positive response he has garnered from many in the netroots. I had watched several of his previous speeches on TV, but came away unimpressed and confused about what people were seeing in him, despite the 80% approval rating he received during his term as Governor. This time, however, I could see the appeal of his positive, forward-looking, problem-solving, consensus-building approach. He came off as someone who just might be able to bring a majority of Americans together to forge creative solutions to the many serious problems we face. A tidbit:
"We need an administration that doesn't have an on and off switch when it comes to following the law," Warner declaimed. And more money should go to research into renewable energy: "Of course, that would require an administration that believes in science."
I still have my qualms about Warner's views on trade, outsourcing and health care, but at least I could see his appeal and admire the creativity and openness he brings to the table. To my mind, either one of these guys would be a much more exciting, attractive and honestly passionate presidential candidate than Hillary Clinton and her purely expedient and poll-driven positions. Maybe one or both of them can head her off at the pass. Neither one panders -- they attempt to persuade, challenge people to think and energetically say what they believe. An impressive duo. Even if my heart, of course, is with Feingold.
June 5, 2006 at 12:16 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (5)
Friday, June 02, 2006
Results of the DFA-DFNM Unofficial Straw Poll
Here are the final results of our unofficial straw poll voting by members, which ran at the Albuquerque DFA-DFNM Meetup site. Polls were run for the major contested Democratic statewide primary races. Thanks to all who participated! (Winners shown in red.)
Attorney General
35% Gary King
12% Lemuel Martinez
43% Geno Zamora
07% Undecided
Secretary of State
76% Stephanie Gonzales
05% Mary Herrera
07% Shirley Hooper
07% Letitia Montoya
02% Undecided
State Land Commissioner
54% Jim Baca
45% Ray Powell
State Auditor
60% Jeff Armijo
28% Thomas Buckner
10% Undecided
June 2, 2006 at 01:37 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, DFNM - Albq | Permalink | Comments (2)
TONIGHT: AFSCME Thank You Party and Rally
From Carter Bundy of AFSCME:
AFSCME will host a party with free food and drinks for AFSCME members who have volunteered on AFSCME-endorsed candidates' races and for the campaigns of the candidates it has endorsed for the June 6 primary. All Democratic primary voters are welcome! Here's the info on the party:
Time: 5:30 - 8:00 PM
Date: Friday, June 2
Place: 2836 Monument Dr. NW (Carter Bundy's house)
Directions: From I-40, take Unser North to 3rd light (Ouray/Lava Bluff). Go West (left if you're coming from I-40, right if you're coming from Montano) on Lava Bluff. 1st Left is Monument Drive. 2836 is the 6th house on the left.
Who: AFSCME members supporting AFSCME-endorsed candidates, candidates, candidates' volunteers and staff, and Democratic primary voters who want to meet the candidates, mingle with other Democratic activists, and enjoy free food and drink!
The following is a list of AFSCME's endorsed statewide candidates and candidates in contested races in Bernalillo County:
Governor--Bill Richardson
Lt. Governor--Diane Denish
Secretary of State--Letitia Montoya*
Attorney General--Geno Zamora*
Treasurer--James Lewis
Auditor--Tom Buckner*
Land Commissioner--Ray Powell*
County Commission District 1--Alan Armijo*
House Dist. 16--Antonio "Moe" Maestas*
House Dist. 18--Gail Chasey
*=contested primary
Please RSVP to carterbundy@yahoo.com if you think you can make it (include how many folks you will bring) so we can get enough food and drinks for everyone.
Feel free to spread among your organizations, especially if you know anyone in Albuquerque (and the Westside in particular).
Carter Bundy
AFSCME International
Political Action Representative
New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, Idaho
505-266-2177 (work)
505-463-8499 (cell)
June 2, 2006 at 12:09 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Strategize With James Carville on June 7
From the Democratic Party of New Mexico:
Yep. That James Carville -- the "Ragin Cajun." James Carville is the author of numerous books on how we can kick some GOP butt, a frequent cable television personality, and the guy who helped craft President Clinton's successful campaign message. He is coming to Albuquerque the day after the primary, Wednesday, June 7.
Click here to see our flyer announcing the event.
This is a chance for you to speak to him and talk about our efforts to win back the majority in the House of Representatives. Admission is free, but space is limited. So, please RSVP to the Democratic Party of New Mexico. You can respond via email to info@nmdemocrats.org or call 505-830-3650. We look forward to hearing from you.
June 1, 2006 at 03:08 PM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Reel Time: Coming Attractions
Watch Mr. Lamont Goes to Washington courtesy of the NedHeads. Support progressive and antiwar Dem Ned Lamont's primary challenge to Joe Lieberman, Republican in Dem's clothing. You can spare five or ten bucks, can't you? We need to challenge the Republican-lites wherever they lurk!
May 31, 2006 at 05:44 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (3)
Factoids: Marty, Mary, Pete, Dems
Mayor Marty and Mary Herrera: When you're thinking about who to vote for in the Democratic primary for Secretary of State, think about this fact: Republican-lite Mayor Marty Chavez hosts a downtown luncheon fundraiser for Mary Herrera. Yes, the Mary who battled the adoption of a paper ballot voting system during the last Legislative Session. She even dutifully recited Republican talking points at committee hearings. Now she has the backing of Albuquerque's most Republican-leaning Dem -- the man who scrounged more big donations from real estate, financial and development interests that any Republican in his last mayoral race. Follow the money (and the anti-paper ballot attitude) on this one.
Mayor Marty and Pete Domenici: I also recommend contemplating that Mayor Marty recently revealed that he's backing Republican Senator Pete Domenici when he runs for another term in 2008. Quite a Dem, ain't he? Personally I think the Democratic Party should "encourage" Marty to officially become a Republican instead of allowing him to continue his masquerade as a Dem. I can't imagine any real Democrat endorsing a Republican candidate like Domenici, who has fought tooth and nail to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, among Pete's many other dastardly deeds in direct conflict with the core beliefs of Democrats. Then again, Mary probably gets "campaign contributions" from many of the same big spenders as Domenici. Birds of afeather flock together.
Democratic Party Poopers: Then again, I don't think our weak, underfunded, nonresponsive, dismissive and inactive State Party leaders are capable of doing much these days outside of ignoring emails and phone calls from Dem Party members. And sending out pleas for donations while refusing to provide any degree of transparancy in how they operate, what kind of outreach or other activities they are pursuing or how the money gets spent.
You may recall that the Party's State Central Committee overwhelmingly passed motions at its March meeting to require a regular audit of the Party's books, as well as the appointment of members to a new budget oversight committee and a renewed affirmative action/reachout committee. There have also been many unanswered suggestions for creating a strong platform to replace the jumbled mess that was passed by using parliamentary procedure to stop proposed changes.
Not one peep about any progress on these initiatives has been heard since they were passed this Spring. I hear that messages left for Party Chair John Wertheim from members about matters like the affirmative action - outreach commiteee have been ignored. I can't imagine what would cause a Party leader to refuse to answer calls from members wanting to initiate actions to help build the Party, can you?
May 31, 2006 at 11:08 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (9)
Friday, May 26, 2006
More Dems Added to the Hall of Shame
General Michael Hayden was approved by the Senate to be the new CIA director by a vote of 78-15, with 7 Senators abstaining. As discussed in a previous post, many Democrats apparently decided not to rock the boat. (See list below.) This despite Hayden's failure to answer many important questions or even to acknowledge at his confirmation hearing that the president must follow the rule of law. This seems especially egregious as we begin the Memorial Day weekend, a holiday honoring the terrible sacrifices made to preserve our freedom, our constitution and the rule of law.
Hayden is a strong supporter of the so-called "unitary presidency," a position that holds that our chief executive can pretty much operate outside the law as long as he makes certain excuses. It's hard to imagine Democrats in an earlier era falling in line so effortlessly for this insidious, unconstitutional and illegal power grabbing.
Today, however, Democrats are falling over each other in an effort to convince voters they're not "weak on terrorism." Instead of standing up to increasing tyranny in the executive branch, they operate entirely within the paralyzing boundaries of right-wing, Rovian issue framing. Neocons everywhere must be chuckling at the ease with which Democrats fall into this trap. So many Dems remain cowed, shamed and manipulated in the face of grave dangers to our democracy, our constitution and the intricate balance of power between the branches of government. They seem unwilling to confront or even admit the growing abuses of power that Dems out here in the real world can see so clearly.
Rather than stepping into the fray on these kinds of issues, too many Democrats are more concerned about not appearing to be "obstructionist." Blindly reactive to right-wing prodding, they spend their time and energy on avoiding criticism instead of representing their constituents. Ask almost any Dem if he or she supports Hayden for CIA Director and you'll get a vehement NO! Then again, ordinary Dems don't seem to count for much in the scheme of things anymore. Our members of Congress answer primarily to big donors, outmoded concepts of "conventional wisdom" and the name-calling of Rush, Rove and right-wing ranters. It's a very sad story.
I was at a Democratic candidate appearance last night and one question raised was why Democrats aren't clearly articulating strong positions on important issues. Several people asked how we can answer critics we meet while canvassing or talking with friends when they complain that Democrats don't stand for anything. The candidate basically responded that the questioner had fallen under the sway of Republican propaganda on that count, and not to believe it.
However, when even incredibly loyal Democrats are disgusted over and over by craven surrenders like this one on Hayden, it gets harder and harder to be out there touting the appeal of Democratic candidates. It gets more and more difficult to get Dems to canvass, phone bank, donate and vote. It becomes almost impossible to counter the criticisms of potential voters when their complaints are justified, reasoned and accurate.
If Democratic leaders want to change the pervasive view that they stand for nothing and are unwilling to fight for what they believe is right, they must do more than pay lipservice to our values. If they're for protecting our privacy and civil rights, they have to vote that way and speak out strongly in defense of these values. If they're for universal healthcare, they must stick their necks out and fight for single payor universal coverage. If they're for equal rights under civil law for all Americans, they have to step up to the plate and say so in no uncertain terms. They have to stop beating around the bush, equivocating and taking the path of least resistance. If they don't I'm afraid they'll find that the Democratic base they need to win elections has drifted off into the sunset. Wake-up calls are everywhere. Let's hope more Democrats hear them and answer them with fearless and principled stands. If not now, when?
Voting Yes: Here are the Dems, including our own Senator Jeff Bingaman, who refused to stand for the rule of law by approving a man instrumental in creating a burgeoning and secretive domestic spying and data mining web:
Democratic YEAs | ||
Akaka (D-HI) |
Kohl (D-WI) Landrieu (D-LA) Lautenberg (D-NJ) Leahy (D-VT) Levin (D-MI) Lieberman (D-CT) Lincoln (D-AR) Mikulski (D-MD) Murray (D-WA) |
Nelson (D-FL) Nelson (D-NE) Pryor (D-AR) Reed (D-RI) Reid (D-NV) Sarbanes (D-MD) Schumer (D-NY) Stabenow (D-MI) |
Democrats who voted against approving the nomination of a man responsible for carrying out illegal acts as head of the NSA:
Democratic NAYs | ||
Bayh (D-IN) Cantwell (D-WA) Clinton (D-NY) Dayton (D-MN) Dodd (D-CT) |
Dorgan (D-ND) Durbin (D-IL) Feingold (D-WI) Harkin (D-IA) Kennedy (D-MA) |
Kerry (D-MA) Menendez (D-NJ) Obama (D-IL) Wyden (D-OR) |
Democrats who did not vote, thus avoiding taking a stand:
Democrats Not Voting | ||
Boxer (D-CA) Conrad (D-ND) |
Inouye (D-HI) Rockefeller (D-WV) |
Salazar (D-CO) |
May 26, 2006 at 11:43 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (11)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Tonight: Dede Feldman On How Much Iraq War Is Costing NM
From the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County (DPBC):
Our regular Third Thursday meeting scheduled for this Thursday has been moved to Thursday, May 25, at UNM Law School, Room 2401, 6 PM.
State Senator Dede Feldman will address the question: How Much is the War in Iraq Costing the State of New Mexico? Some alarming trade-offs are being made with the health and safety of New Mexicans in the proposed federal budget. Click for map of meeting location. All Democrats welcome!
May 25, 2006 at 09:31 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (2)
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Will Dems Fight Even If They Win Back Congress?
Glenn Greenwald considers this question in view of the Democrats' continuing weak-kneed acquiescence to most things Bush, including the appointment of the dangerous and dishonest General Michael Hayden to head the CIA. From the enthusiastic votes of four Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee for the man who carried out illegal domestic wiretapping and phone record gathering, you'd never know he was an integral part of anything controversial or unconstitutional, would you?
The Democrats, rather than taking their duty as an opposition party seriously, are all too willing to toe the Republican line to avoid any intimations that they're "weak on national security." I guess the only way they can think of to show they're "strong" on national security is to praise a person who directed the NSA's illegal and unconstitutional acts and who continues to use distortions to justify it.
It's becoming a Democratic tradition to turn a blind eye to the unacceptable acts of any part of the executive branch that Bush decides can ignore the rule of law. Meaningful Congressional oversight? Not this bunch. They think being strong on national security means appeasing Bush and company regardless of how far they go to strengthen an imperial presidency.
Three Democrats on the committee voted against Hayden and should be thanked: Russ Feingold (D-WI), Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Evan Bayh (D-IN). Said Feingold, "I am not convinced that the nominee respects the rule of law and Congress's oversight responsibilities." I guess the four doormats listed below could care less.
Add the names of these Senators to the Democratic Hall of Shame for voting enthusiastically for Hayden and offering praise for his nomination:
Diane Feinstein (D-CA)
Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)
Carl Levin (D-MI)
Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Apparently speaking from some weird plane in outer space, Levin said of Hayden, "He has shown some independence and some backbone and a willingness to say no to power. You've got to have someone in this position who speaks truth to power." Rockefeller, echoing the statements of Republicans on the committee, bloviated that Hayden has "the necessary independence that is essential to restoring the C.I.A.'s credibility and stature."
As Greenwald says:
Gen. Hayden ought to have been seen as the most defiant and inflammatory nominee possible for the President to have made. He was, after all, the Director of the NSA at the time it implemented its illegal warrantless eavesdropping program as well as its massive data-collection schemes, and he is a True Believer in the theories of presidential power which hold that the President has the right to violate the law. And he wasn't nominated to be the Agriculture Secretary, but the Director of the CIA -- probably the very worst position you would want someone to occupy with that history of surveillance lawbreaking and that system of beliefs regarding the rule of law.
What was most important to the four Democrats who were cheerleaders for Hayden? Standing up to the abuse of executive power or protecting their behinds against the reliable craven right-wing noise machine? Their cowardly votes say it all. At a time when the nation needs brave and honest leaders willing to put their jobs on the line to protect the constitution, we instead seem to be infested with an abundance of self-serving hypocrites. Even within our own Party.
May 24, 2006 at 01:56 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (5)