McCain Lie Counter

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

DPBC Third Thursday Meeting Features Affordable Housing Discussion

From the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County:

ALL DEMOCRATS WELCOME: Third Thursday Meeting
UNM Law School, Room 2401, July 20, 6 PM.
Speaker: City Councilor Debbie O'Malley
Click for map:

Councilors Debbie O'Malley and Isaac Benton have proposed that five to six million dollars of public works program money be used for the creation and redevelopment of housing in the city for working low-income families that earn less than 80% of the area median income, such homes and apartments to remain permanently affordable.

July 19, 2006 at 02:25 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Bipartisan Support for Impeachment a Welcome Sign of the Times

From Leland Lehrman of Northern NM's Mother Media:
New Mexicans may recall that the overwhelming majority of Democrats who showed up this Spring to vote on the Party's Platform want to impeach George W. Bush. Ask anyone who was there, the noise was thunderous. If you were not aware of that very relevant fact, you will soon be reminded when an official flyer describing the platform of the Democratic Party of New Mexico starts making the rounds as we approach Election Day. Under the heading "Election Issues," along with important voting system watchdog provisions such as "Support the requirement that electronic voting machines have open source code" and "Support automatic recounts of paper ballots and machine rechecks in a randomized sample of precincts in each election," stand the brave words of New Mexico's Democratic Party faithful: "Support the impeachment of President George W. Bush."

Sadly, on this and other issues, the men and women who make up the party have had to fight with the leadership to make their views known and have them officially recognized. And although I'm sure there are many who deserve the credit for making sure that the will of the people gets put down in black and white, Terry Riley, a veteran and activist from Albuquerque gets my thanks for his courage and tenacity in the face of officialdom.

Mr. Riley, a friend and colleague from recent Legislative Sessions where we both worked on voting system reform, is the man who put together the nicely designed brochure entitled Issues of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, now available for download and distribution. Check out these other gems from the broadsheet:

New Mexico's Democrats are not alone in wanting accountability, and as Chris Hassell of Santa Fe Beeswax Candle recently commented, Americans must beat the divide and conquer strategy of partisan politics and take on criminal behavior with one voice. Republican House leader from Texas, Representative Ron Paul has also called for Bush's impeachment. In a recent radio interview on the GCN radio network, Rep. Paul stated "President Bush has presided over a system wide doctrine of violating the Constitution at every turn and that he should be impeached..." Amazing as it sounds, other Republicans may follow suit. Randi Rhodes recently reported on Air America that as many as five Republican candidates for State Assembly as well as the Republican candidate for Attorney General in Kansas have switched to the Democratic Party, either from genuine conviction or from a desire to be able to win.

Rep. John Conyers, whose office produced the excellent documentation of voter disenfranchisement and possible fraud in Ohio in 2004, will move to the Chairmanship of the House Judiciary Committee if Democrats win back the House in November. Rep. Conyers has stated, albeit very obliquely, that in that event, and given he finds impeachable offenses during his investigation of Administration criminality, he "would forward that information to the Judiciary Committee," read: begin impeachment proceedings. Any real investigation of this Administration will find impeachable offenses. Let's get him in position and then hold Conyers to his word.

With the Middle East rapidly descending into total chaos, courtesy the international neoconservative militants, time is of the essence, and Americans must weigh in loudly to drown out the blaring wartime propaganda from the media establishment. The next election, and those immediately following, will have an enormous impact on the safety of our world, and all its people, so get busy. Whether conservative or liberal, right wing or left wing, make sure your voice is heard and support leaders who represent you accurately.

Note: To subscribe to Mother Media's email newsletter, contact Leland Lehrman also has a blog and a Mother Media website.

July 18, 2006 at 12:04 PM in Democratic Party, Middle East | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, July 14, 2006

New AP-Ipsos Poll: Americans Want Dems in Power

According to a report in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, the results of an Associated Press - Ipsos poll taken earlier this week reveal that Americans, by a margin of almost 3-1, have a poor opinion of a Republican-dominated Congress and want Democrats to regain power there. Also:

Further complicating the GOP outlook to turn things around is a solid percentage of liberals, moderates and even conservatives who say they'll vote Democratic. The party out of power also holds the edge among persuadable voters, a prospect that doesn't bode well for the Republicans.

... But a Democratic takeover of either the House or Senate would be disastrous for the president, leaving both his agenda for the last two years in office and the chairmanship of investigative committees in the hands of the opposition party. To seize control of Congress, the Democrats must displace 15 Republicans from House seats and six Republicans from the Senate.

... Overall, only 27 percent approved of the way Congress is doing its job. Lawmakers get favorable marks from 36 percent of conservatives, 28 percent of moderates and 17 percent of liberals

Meanwhile, Bush's approval rating remains unchanged since last month, hovering at 36 percent. What does all this mean? Locally, it means AG Patricia Madrid has an excellent shot of unseating Rep. Heather Wilson IF we work at it. Nationally, it means that Democrats retaking one or both Houses of Congress is a growing possibility IF we work at it. Are you inspired to get off your butt yet?

PS: Don't miss the meaningless quote by NM Repub gubernatorial candidate John Dendahl in the article. How the hell did a quote from him get in there? Rove must be working overtime.

July 14, 2006 at 09:54 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (4)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

DISLOYALTY ON DISPLAY: Colorado's Sen. Salazar Gives Middle Finger to Democratic Voters & Democracy

Salazar2Must read: The entire article below by David Sirota about Colorado's U.S. Senator Ken Salazar. Sirota responds angrily to Salazar's shocking statement that he'll support Sen. Joe Lieberman even if he loses his Connecticut Democratic primary race with Ned Lamont and runs as an "independent." Since when do Democratic Senators get away with refusing to honor the democratic process set up by their Party to allow registered Democrats to choose their nominees? In essence, is Salazar saying he isn't really a Democrat and that his loyalty is given to individuals of his choice rather than to his Party's candidates selected by its voting members? Shamefully, it seems clear that he is.

Sen. Lieberman announced the other day that he would be to run as an "independent" if he doesn't win his primary. However, it seems that even "centrist" Dems are starting to pull away from Lieberman in response. Reportedly, Sen. Hillary Clinton and DSCC honcho, Sen. Chuck Schumer, both indicated they would support the Dem winner in this race whether or not that person is Lieberman. As well they should. All Democratic elected officials should be required to support duly selected Democratic candidates, or at least be prohibited from supporting their non-Democratic competitors. What's telling is the kind of support Lieberman is getting. According to an article on Common Dreams, "Lieberman has already gotten endorsements from Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter and financial backing from major Republican lobbyists." Salazar joins a wacky and thoroughly right-wing bunch with his position on Joementum, doesn't he?

Give It Up - Give It Back
So where does that leave Sen. Salazar? I suggest that if he wants to support "independent" candidates, he should change his Party registration and become one. I also suggest he return all the money he has received from the Democratic Party of Colorado, the DNC, the DCCC and individual Democrats who contributed to his campaign because he professed loyalty to the Democratic Party and ran as a Democrat.

I know that many Democrats around the nation, including here in New Mexico, donated money to Salazar's campaign in 2004. Especially in Northern New Mexico, where Democratic candidates have little competition, many Democrats turned their attention to Salazar's senate race in Colorado and gave significant amounts of money and time to his victory. They thought they were supporting a Democrat, not someone who would work to elect a non-Democratic candidate in a key race that's become a referendum about the heart and soul of the Democratic Party. Even many progressives supported Salazar despite his conservative bent because they believed, at a minimum, he would support core Democratic positions and duly nominated Democratic candidates. I guess they were wrong.

I also suggest that if others in the Democratic Senator's club attempt to pull the same disloyal scam, they be confronted and penalized in the same way. I know for a fact that State Central Committee members and others who hold positions of power within the NM Dem Party are specifically prohibited from supporting candidates who don't run officially as Democratics. Should our Senators be held to a lower standard? I think not.

Call him and let him know how you feel about his defection:
Kenneth Salazar, U.S. Senator
Democratic Party of Colorado

Contact New Mexico's Democratic Senator Jeff Bingaman and warn him there will be a heavy price to pay if he follows in Salazar's footsteps:

I From David Sirota:
In an explosive story, the Rocky Mountain News reports that freshman Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO) has become the first Democrat to publicly say he will ignore the will of Connecticut Democratic primary voters and support Sen. Joe Lieberman even if Lieberman loses the primary, leaves the Democratic Party and runs as an independent. Before this, only Sens. Chuck Schumer and Chris Dodd indicated they might do this - now we have a Democratic U.S. Senator officially on record saying he will use his power to thwart both the Democratic Party and the small “d” democratic process, undermining his party and giving a big middle finger to voters.

As I told the Rocky Mountain News reporter, this behavior really lays bare what’s going on: Democratic candidates are more than happy to use the democratic process to obtain elected office, but once they are in, many of them show an open disdain for that same democratic process. They are so focused on protecting their own, preserving the Senate club, and preventing the public from weilding power they are willing to sell out their party and the democratic principles this country was founded on. It is, in a word, disgusting.

Matt Stoller at MyDD has a very simple question in light of the Salazar announcement: what other Democratic U.S. Senators will support Lieberman if Lieberman loses the primary? The question is not what Senators will support Lieberman in his primary - incumbents tend to support incumbents. The question, again, is what other Democrats will support Lieberman if he loses the primary? Will, for instance, Barack Obama support Lieberman if he loses the primary? It was Obama, after all, who specifically timed his primary endorsement of Lieberman to try to crush Lamont’s entire candidacy. What about other Democrats? Which of them will join Salazar in giving the big middle finger to voters and to the Democratic Party?

It’s time we get an answer to that - so go ahead, contact your Democratic U.S. Senators and ask them what their position is.

COMMENTS: Go to Sirota's Working Assets site to comment on this entry.


July 6, 2006 at 11:09 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (5)

Friday, June 30, 2006

Mayor Chavez Helps Repub Councilor Raise Campaign Funds

MartyOnce again Albuquerque Mayor Marty Chavez, who calls himself a Democrat, is helping a Republican in the fundraising department. Chavez co-hosted a $500 per person benefit yesterday at Scalo's designed to help Republican City Councilor Don Harris pay off his campaign debt. Harris was elected in November in a District 9 race against Democrat Chris Catechis.

BairdClick to see the invitation to the event, which was mailed out with an instruction to RSVP to Teri Baird, Chavez's campaign finance honcho. A Marston Moore post this past September on Duke City Fix provides a rundown on Baird's history of mishaps, legal problems and fundraising prowess applied to the likes of ABQPAC, the slush fund set up to provide Chavez with pocket money "donated" by "high-ranking city employees, real estate developers, lawyers, bankers, city contractors and city vendors."

HarrisChavez's connections with Don Harris are well-documented. Check out another post by Marston Moore at DCF on this topic, which also reveals that Harris is a close friend of Teri Baird. Ah the circles go round and round, and the big question is, what does Marty want from Don Harris? After all, the Mayor's support doesn't usually come without strings attached.

Chavez has a pattern of helping some Republicans, especially those who can help further his causes or help stop initiatives he's against. One example is provided by the recently defeated municipal ethics package introduced by Councilor Brad Winter where Marty's partner in crime, Sally Mayer, was one of the nays in a vote decided by one nay. Chavez has endorsed Republicans running against Democrats, including Mayer, who ran against talented Dem Marianne Dickinson in District 7 last Fall, and Sen. Pete Domenici, who has stated he will run for reelection once more in 2008.

I don't understand why Marty continues to call himself a Democrat, do you? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

June 30, 2006 at 11:40 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Welcome the EmergeNM Class of 2006-07

EmergeNewMexico Advisory Committee & Board Members invite you to welcome  the EmergeNEWMEXICO CLASS OF 2006-2007!!

July 8, 2006, 6-8:30 PM Reception
At the home of Randi McGinn, ABQ, NM

RSVP to for directions and details. Questions can be directed to Julie at 505.920.6002.

EmergeNewMexico has selected 25 incredible women for it's first NM class.  Please join us in congratulating them and learning more about these future - and current - candidates for elected officials.

Advisory Board
Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish
Attorney General Patricia Madrid
Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron
Senator Dede Feldman
Senator Linda M. Lopez
Senator Cynthia Nava
Representative Mimi Stewart
Representative Danice Picraux
Representative Gail Chasey

Board of Directors
Agnes Maldonado (co-chair)
Giovanna Rossi (co-chair)
Sarita Nair (Treasurer)
Julianna Koob (Secretary)
Samantha Adams
Shannon Bacon
Heather Brewer
Sonya Carrasco-Trujillo
Cristy J. Carbon-Gaul
Jennifer Chavez
Anathea Chino
Frances Crockett
Michelle Hernandez
Ruth Kovnat
Randilynn Lord
Susan Loubet
Randi McGinn
Ambrosia Ortiz
Rose Peters
Stephine Poston
Joella Redmon
Aliesha Ruiz
Kim Zamarin
Julianna Koob

June 29, 2006 at 08:56 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, June 23, 2006

Santa Fe's Pride on the Plaza Needs Dem Volunteers

From the Richardson for Governor Northern NM HQ:
Please join the Santa Fe Democratic Party at Pride on the Plaza on Saturday June 24, 2006 from noon to 4 PM. The Democratic Party booth will be at space 13. We will set up at 11:30 AM and remain there until the end of the event. Come meet and join Democrats who support equal rights for all New Mexicans. Stop by to volunteer or to show your support. Refreshments will be provided. Please call or Email the Richardson for Governor Northern New Mexico Headquarters (at 982-2291or for more information.  Let's show our pride in the Democratic Party and New Mexico! Click for flyer.

June 23, 2006 at 12:08 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Dems Offer A New Direction for America

As you've probably noticed, I offer a fair amount of criticism about Democrats. Most Democratic bloggers do. I think it's a positive thing. Holding our leaders and representatives accountable and chronicling their actions (or inaction), good and bad, can only serve to strengthen us in the long run. This time, I want to stress some of the very positive developments that would occur if Dems regain power in at least one House of Congress.

Last week, Congressional Dems introduced a new frame for their efforts to counteract Bush's incompetent fantasyland approach to governing. They want to take America in A New Direction, presumably one where decisions are made based on facts and choices are made based on realities, fairness and reason.

I think we can all agree that the Repubs have been steering us in the Wrong Direction for years now, if not decades. We need fresh eyes on the problems. We  need fresh solutions. We need a return to serving the people instead of the ideology, to working for the common good of all Americans, not just the privileged few.

There are promises being made about what the Dems would do if they win back the House of Representatives and/or the Senate. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and others pledged they would immediately introduce legislation to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour when we regain the majority. In the first week Dems would also introduce legislation to:

The complete list of proposed actions is summarized here. According to an article in USA Today, Rep. Pelosi and Sen. Reid had this to say about the Dem plan:

"The American people need to know, if you win, what are your priorities," she said. Reid said the party is standing "with the people we have always stood with: seniors, students and the hardworking families of America. We intend to tackle the issues that matter most."

If they win back power, Dems plan to introduce domestic policy legislation in three main areas: a reform package to reestablish an honest Congress, a civility package to make it a bipartisan Congress and an accountability package that ensures no new deficit spending, sticks to pay-as-you go and requires an honest audit of the books.

In a statement, Pelosi also addressed the need for A New Direction on Iraq:

Nowhere is the need for a New Direction for America more obvious than in Iraq. Certainly, the most important is the loss of life; we passed 2,500 lives lost, and nearly 20,000 have been injured, half of them permanently. We also face the loss of our reputation in the world and the loss of our strength in terms of our military capability to protect our security. But, what about the money?

As to the cost of reconstruction -- $9 billion is unaccounted for. The American people deserve to know how their tax dollars are spent and if it’s in furtherance of the goals as stated by the Bush Administration.

... Democrats want to take us in a different direction. Energy, minimum wage, health care, higher education, fiscal soundness – this is the New Direction in which we want to take our country. It meets the needs of the American people; it respects their concerns, their aspirations, their hopes, their dreams, and their challenges. But we must do it in a fiscally sound way.

Just imagine how much more powerful all this would be if more Democrats would join Pelosi in supporting Rep. John Murtha's exit plan for Iraq. Pelosi has reportedly been pushing hard to convince more Dems to join with Murtha but, as we know, some Dems would rather get struck by lightening than come out of the shadows and take a strong stand on the war.

June 21, 2006 at 10:18 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (8)

Friday, June 16, 2006

ABQ Civic Plaza Today: Heather = Bush

(Click on image for larger version.)

OilcanheatherIt's bad enough that Republican Rep. Heather Wilson votes with Bush almost all the time, rubberstamping many of the worst of his initiatives, like the Iraq War, neverending tax cuts for our wealthiest citizens and subsidies to oil companies that are making windfall profits. Now she's been named to the League of Conservation Voters' Dirty Dozen According to LCV:

Rep. Wilson treats oil companies like royalty. Representative Wilson recently voted against an amendment to limit royalty relief — code for “taxpayer rip-off” for companies wanting to drill off our shores. In 2005, the world’s biggest oil companies recorded more than $111 billion in combined profits – they don’t need another government handout to help them destroy our environment.

If you wonder why, consider that Wilson has collected $396,370 from oil and gas contributions over the course of her career. During that time, she's voted according to LCV's environmental recommendations only 16% percent of the time. Read the Dirty Dozen report for more on why Wilson is ranked as one of the top twelve anti-environmental members of Congress in the nation. She's right up there with the likes of Sen. Rick Santorum (PA), Rep. Katherine Harris (FL) and Rep. Bob Ney (OH). Dirty indeed.

But now we have an alternative to Heather -- visit the Patricia Madrid for Congress website and learn how you can help AG Madrid beat Wilson this Fall and get rid of Heather's dirty dealing once and for all. While President Bush and Heather Wilson enjoy $1,000-a-plate lunches, why don't you take $10 and contribute it to Madrid's campaign?  See you on the Civic Plaza starting at 2:00 PM this afternoon!

June 16, 2006 at 10:23 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

FRIDAY: Join the ABQ Protest Against Bush

From the Democratic Party of New Mexico:

At the 2004 Republican Convention, Heather Wilson called George W. Bush her “beacon.” She continues to turn the other cheek to his failed policies and the culture of corruption plaguing Washington, DC, voting for his agenda 90% of the time. Friday, Bush is coming to Albuquerque to raise money for his rubber stamp Republican, Heather Wilson.

Blackballoon_2 That is why large BLACK BALLOONS will be tethered to homes and offices across the metro area, symbolizing the “black cloud” that Bush and Wilson’s failures have cast over our communities.

Join us on Civic Plaza to protest Bush’s visit. We want to send the message that, together, New Mexicans can do better! FOR MORE INFORMATION, AND TO RSVP, CONTACT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF NEW MEXICO AT 505-830-3650.

PASS IT ON: Click for an event flyer.

June 14, 2006 at 06:10 PM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)


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