Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Bernalillo County Dem Ward-Precinct Meetings Thursday 3.22.07
Let's have a big turnout!
The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County is holding its ward and precinct meetings at nine locations (see below) in the county tomorrow, Thursday, March 22, at 7:00 PM. All registered Democrats are urged to attend.
You're also encouraged to run for a precinct or ward office. The more elected members of the Party we have, the more we can affect what goes on and help build the Party to serve the people. In some areas, few show up for these meetings and if you do so, you can become a ward or precinct chair quite easily. If your precinct or ward already has a good chair candidate you want to support, you can always run for ward or precinct vice chair, treasurer or secretary and join the team. Of course if you'd like to run against another candidate for the ward or precinct chair slot, be sure to muster some support that will pledge to vote for you and get them to your meeting.
Ward and precinct chairs become automatic members of the County Central Committee (CCC) and will be able to vote at the CCC meeting to elect people who will then become members of the State Central Committee (SCC), the Democratic Party of New Mexico's governing body. In addition, some precincts can elect additional CCC members based on their high numbers of Democratic voters in the last elections. If so, any Democrat can run for these additional CCC slots.
(The CCC and SCC meetings will be held in April -- see Coming Events links on right-hand sidebar.)
You can also submit resolutions at your precinct/ward meeting, although the Party's platform will not be rewritten this year.
Here's the information as distributed by our Bernalillo County Party on tomorrow (Thursday) night's meetings:
THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2007, 7 PM
WARDS 16A, 16B, 23A, 23B, 29A, 29B:
Chaparral Elementary School, 6325 Milne Rd. NW
WARDS 10, 12A, 12B, 13A, 13B, 14A, 14B:
Rio Grande HS, 2300 Arenal Rd. SW
WARDS 11A, 11B, 11C, 15A, 17A, 17B:
North Valley Senior Center, 3825 4th St. NW
WARDS 18A, 18B, 19A, 19B, 25A, 26:
Highland High School, 4700 Coal Ave. SE
WARDS 20A, 20B, 21A, 21B:
Grant Middle School, 1111 Easterday Dr. NE
WARDS 24A, 24B, 27A, 27B, 30B:
Sandia High School, 7801 Candelaria Blvd. NE
WARDS 28A, 28B, 31A, 31B:
Eldorado High School, 11300 Montgomery Blvd. NE
WARDS 15B, 25B, 30A:
Cleveland Middle School, 6910 Natalie NE
WARDS 20C, 22:
Los Vecinos Community Center, Old Route 66, Tijeras, NM
Information on ward boundaries and precincts within the wards can be obtained by calling the DPBC, 830-3650. If you have a voter ID card, this information will be on the card.
You can also find your precinct at the Bernalillo County Clerk's website by entering your address .
You can match your precinct to your ward at this (the Party can't vouch for accuracy), but if there is any question, please be sure to double check with the County Party at the phone number listed above.
March 21, 2007 at 08:43 PM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Alibi Focuses on NM Impeachment Effort in Latest Edition
The unsuccessful impeachment effort in New Mexico is still making waves and getting media coverage. Why? One reason is that the initiative was ultimately stopped by Democrats. These days, many rank and file Dems feel they have two forces working against them -- right wing Bushies and leaders of their own Party. All too often we're being stonewalled from the right and from within. Too many Dem officeholders, candidates and power brokers still seem paralyzed, afraid to risk the wrath of right wing criticism and smears. Meanwhile, polls consistently show that public opinion is on the side of the Dem activists. Voters want decisive action to stem the damage the Bush administration continues to inflict on both domestic and foreign affairs -- not more excuses on why we can't act now.
The latest edition of the Alibi focuses on the impeachment battle that occurred during New Mexico's regular Legislative Session that ended last Saturday. In the end, nine Democratic Senators joined with Republicans to kill the resolution (SJR 5) before it was allowed the floor debate it had earned by passage through three Senate Committees. In their News/Opinion section, James Scarantino describes the Democratic betrayal, led by Senate President Pro-Tempore Ben Altamirano, in a piece entitled, "Democrats Thumb Their Noses at Democrats." You might say. As to an explanation for the defection of the Dems, Scarantino reports:
I asked Altamirano’s office why he switched from seconding the motion for the impeachment resolution in committee to killing it on the Senate floor. Altamirano has yet to explain himself. Sen. John Arthur Smith reportedly told one activist he opposed the resolution because “you can’t impeach someone for being stupid.” I haven’t seen any explanation from the others.
In their Features section, the Alibi's editor, Christie Chisholm, comments on The Year of Impeachment and presents the views of Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino (D-Albuquerque), one of the bill's main sponsors along with Sen. John Grubesic, contrasted by the negative response to the effort by Republican Sen. Rod Adair (R-Roswell). You can find the articles here.
Here's a sample of what Adair offers to argue that the impeachment effort is merely about policy differences and hatred, not serious crimes and misdemeanors against the constitution and bill of rights:
The fact that the leaders of the impeachment "mini movements" in a couple of states are smart enough to couch their resolutions in terms that make them look like indictments for "crimes" does not mask the real motivation for these activists. This becomes most obvious when speakers go off script at hearings and talk about the one public policy motivator that sets them off to start with: the war in Iraq. That's what the entire issue is based on. Everything else is filler. The Bush haters are Bush haters for the very reasons mentioned in the New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee meeting this week: He is a friend of Israel, an opponent of Islamo-fascism and is determined to fight the terrorist menace—with or without support from France, Germany or anyone else deemed to be necessary for us to convince.
I find it sad that at least nine Democratic State Senators apparently agree with Rod Adair's reasoning over that of the large numbers of citizen lobbyists who worked so hard for the effort, and of Senators Ortiz y Pino, Grubesic and the other Dem Senators who voted to support the resolution. At the very least, they clearly aren't up to the task of taking legitimate actions available to them to stop Bush's dishonest, deadly and anti-democratic agenda. What are they afraid of? The views of their fellow Democrats who supported their campaigns and voted them into office?
To read our previous coverage of New Mexico's impeachment effort, visit our impeachment post archive.
March 20, 2007 at 11:07 AM in Democratic Party, Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (6)
Monday, March 19, 2007
Taos Mayor Bobby Duran and Others to be Investigated for Alleged Dem Party Election Improprieties
This item was emailed from someone in Taos and is being published as received: The Taos County Democratic Party's precinct elections were held last week in several locations in Northern New Mexico. Unfortunately, it's being alleged that serious problems with the elections arose in several precincts, and complaint affidavits will reportedly be filed at the County Party's Credentials Committee Meeting set for this Tuesday. The allegations include possible improprieties on the part of Taos Mayor Bobby Duran (photo above left) and several other prominent Taos County Democrats:
Precinct No. 21 - Talpa, NM. This precinct is chaired by Thomas Tafoya's father, Tommy Tafoya. Affidavits being collected for Tuesday's Credential's committee meeting deal with what are being termed the most serious of the election allegations. The affidavits will claim that votes were physically changed to reflect different candidate names. The Credentials person has the ballots in their possession, and indicates that numerous ballots had the selected candidate names crossed out and different names entered. More details will be forthcoming in the legal affidavits. Complainants will be asking for a new election and removal of Tommy Tafoya from the County Central Committee per Party rule 12-7 A.1. Petitions will be presented per 12-7 A.1, 2.
Precinct No. 35 - Cruz Alta. This precinct is chaired by current Taos mayor Bobby Duran. Affidavits are being collected for Tuesday's Credentials committee meeting that allege a number of election improprieties. Complainants will ask for a new election under Party rule 12-13, and removal of Bobby Duran from the State Central Committee per rule 12-7 A.1. Petitions will be presented per 12-7 A.1, 2.
Precinct No. 14 - Ranchitos. This precinct is chaired by Thomas Trujillo (Skitt's brother). Again, affidavits are being collected for Tuesday's Credentials committee meeting alleging several election improprieties, and a new election will be requested under Party rule 12-13.
More information should be available after the County Party's Credentials committee meets.
Precinct elections are being held around the state by County Democratic Parties. County Central Committee meetings will follow for the election of State Central Committee (SCC) members, who will attend the Democratic Party of New Mexico's SCC Meeting set for April 28th in Las Cruces.
Editor's Note: I posted this as received in an email from someone from Taos who seemed to have good credibility. DFNM neither supports nor refutes this information. We are passing it along as we got it. Please judge it accordingly.
March 19, 2007 at 03:09 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Election Reform & Voting | |
Thursday, March 15, 2007
National Attention Continues on NM Dems Killing Impeachment Resolution
Was it Gov. Bill Richardson, Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Rep. Tom Udall or someone else in a leadership role in the Democratic Party who ordered SJR 5, the New Mexico impeachment resolution, killed before it got to the floor of the NM Senate? David Lindorff examines the odd parliamentary manueuver used to preclude debate of the measure on the floor of the NM Senate, "Democrats Kill Democracy and Protect a Criminal Presidency in New Mexico". The article also ponders who may have called the shots on the strategy. His piece has been published on BuzzFlash and other progressive national news outlets and blogs.
As far as I know, it's unprecedented to have a measure that's been approved by three Senate committees blocked from having a floor debate in the NM Senate. It certainly appears that something anti-democratic and underhanded happened between the time SJR 5 was passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee and it was killed by a refusal to accept the Committee's "Do Pass" report. Speculation continues here and nationally as to just exactly what that was and who was behind it.
Editor's Note: To access our previous coverage of the New Mexico impeachment issue, visit our impeachment post archive.
March 15, 2007 at 10:38 AM in Democratic Party, Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (4)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
DFA: Edwards Wants You to Know Where He Stands on Iraq
From Democracy for America:
Last month, Democracy for America members petitioned the presidential candidates to oppose any escalation of the Iraq War, demand a swift end to the occupation, and propose a plan that brings our brave men and women home. We delivered over thirty thousand signatures and comments to every candidate and asked them to respond.
Senator John Edwards took time to shoot a video response to you and we are excited to make it available today.
Senator Edwards believes Congress should use their funding authority "to force George Bush to steadily bring troops out of Iraq." He believes troop levels should be "capped initially at one hundred thousand" and wants all combat troops out of Iraq in about a year. Senator Edwards closes his remarks with a thank you:
"Thank you for organizing at a grassroots level and building a movement to try to end this war in Iraq... and for helping build a movement to deal with all the big issues that matter in this country."
This video is just the beginning.
Over the next several months, DFA members will work together to pressure the presidential candidates on the most important issues. The road to the Democratic nomination is a long one and each candidate will be working hard for your endorsement and your vote. Victory in 2008 is up to us.
Thank you for everything you do,
Tom Hughes, Executive Director
P.S. John Edwards is the first candidate to answer your call for a direct response. If you like what you see and hear, I encourage you to sign up for his campaign and help in any way you can:
That said, this message should not be construed as an endorsement of Senator Edward's candidacy. In the months ahead other candidates for president will be reaching out to Democracy for America members too, because you have the power to shape the presidential primaries in a way no one else can.
Editor's Notes: Democracy for New Mexico is loosely affiliated with the national group, Democracy for America, which has its origins in the presidential campaign of Howard Dean when it was known as Dean for America. Click to learn more about DFA.
DFA-Democracy for New Mexico Meetups are held on the first Thursday of the month in Albuquerque. To become a member and join our email list, visit our Meetup site. You should also register at Democracy for America so you can be kept informed of their actions on the national level. Once registered, you can also join our DFA Link group. Although we still use Meetup for our meeting organization, members are urged to also register at our DFA Link page.
March 14, 2007 at 11:00 PM in Democratic Party, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Iraq War, MeetUp | Permalink | Comments (6)
Monday, March 12, 2007
Officer Candidates for State and County Dem Party to Address DPBC Meeting Thursday
From, Marvin Moss, Chair, Democratic Party of Bernalillo County: The regular DPBC Third Thursday Meeting will be held on March 15, at 6:00 PM in Room 2401 at the UNM Law School in Albuquerque and will hear from candidates for State and County Party offices. Click for map. All Democrats are welcome.
State Chair candidates Brian Colon and Michael Olguin, and Bernalillo County Chair candidates Robert Aragon and Ana Canales, will address the Third Thursday meeting. Candidates for the Vice Chair positions will be given an opportunity to introduce themselves. If other candidates for these positions wish to declare, they are welcome to do so at the meeting. Questions from the audience will be entertained.
Democratic Party of Bernalillo County, 1301 San Pedro Dr., NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, 505-830-3650 ext.22,
March 12, 2007 at 09:56 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, March 08, 2007
NM-3 Dems Urged to Participate in Platform and Resolutions Hearing
From Joe Casados, Regional Field Director, Democratic Party of NM: The Democratic Party of New Mexico would like to invite you to the Third Congressional District Platform and Resolutions Committee Hearing.
- Where: NEA New Mexico Building, 2007 Botulph Rd, Santa Fe, NM (click for map)
- When: March 24, 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
This hearing, which will be led by Platform and Resolutions Committee of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, is an opportunity for the public and members of the community to contribute thoughts and views for the creation of the Democratic Party’s platform in 2008. The DPNM Rules and Bylaws require that we hold hearings such as these in each congressional district every year.
If you would like to address an important issue, please join us and encourage others to participate. We value your views. If you have any questions, please contact the Democratic Party of New Mexico at (505)-830-3650 or Click for a map of New Mexico's Third Congressional District.
March 8, 2007 at 09:03 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
NM Program that Trains Women to Run for Office Now Taking Applications
EmergeNewMexico's Deadline is March 15th
EmergeNewMexico, a statewide organization co-chaired by Lt. Gov. Diane Denish and former Attorney General Patricia Madrid, is currently accepting applications for its specialized training program for Democratic women who want to run for public office.
Democratic women in all parts of the state who are interested in seeking public office are encouraged to apply for this one-Saturday-a-month, seven month, rigorous and comprehensive training program that will teach participants the skills necessary for a successful campaign. The curriculum includes information about organizing a campaign, creating a message and fundraising.
Applications are available now at and must be postmarked by March 15, 2007. For more information about applying, contact Julie Koob at (505) 920-6002 or
“When women run for office, women win office,” said EmergeNew Mexico Board Co-Chair Giovanna Rossi. “EmergeNew Mexico was created to give Democratic women the tools they’ll need to get started and to succeed. From the school board to the U.S. Senate, New Mexico women must have a voice.”
Nationally, Emerge training programs have demonstrated enormous success, with 60 percent of graduates going on to win their first race after completing the program.For more than a decade, more than half of all college graduates have been women, yet women hold only 14 percent of the seats in the U.S. Senate and 15.3 percent in the U.S. House of Representatives.
EmergeNew Mexico believes the solution to the problem is teaching women to think of themselves as political leaders. Specifically, the organization’s mission is to identify, educate, and inspire Democratic women who want to pursue a career in politics at the local and state level in New Mexico. Emerge is dedicated to making a long-term investment in these future leaders by developing their political and media skills; expanding their knowledge of local issues; and connecting them with mentors.
March 8, 2007 at 09:00 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (1)
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Changing Tunes Again, Domenici Now Says He Can't Recall Violating Senate Ethics Rules
New Mexico Senator Faces Ethics Review, Possible Obstruction of Justice Investigation: GOP Senator Pete Domenici just can’t get his story straight. When news first broke that he called U.S. Attorney David Iglesias to pressure him about ongoing investigations, Domenici said he had no idea what Iglesias was talking about. Then when it became clear that Iglesias would testify before Congressional committees, Domenici reversed course and admitted to the conversation. And now that Iglesias has testified that he felt “sick” and “leaned on” after Domenici’s call to ask whether indictments would be brought before last November’s election, Domenici says he simply cannot “recall my mentioning the November election to him.”
“It’s getting harder and harder to keep track of Pete Domenici’s denials, since he comes up with a different version every day,” said DSCC spokesman Matthew Miller. “By tomorrow Pete Domenici won’t remember having ever met David Iglesias or even knowing what the U.S. Attorney does. But Domenici’s denials have now been contradicted in sworn testimony by a respected former U.S. Attorney who was fired just weeks after he refused to bow to Domenici’s inappropriate and possibly illegal pressure. Pete Domenici is facing a Senate ethics investigation and a possible obstruction of justice review – he needs to start coming clean about his exact role in this growing scandal.”
Iglesias Said He Felt Pressured When Domenici Specifically Asked About Timing of A Potential Indictment: According to Iglesias’ sworn testimony yesterday, Domenici called him at home in October and asked of potential indictments in an Albuquerque corruption case, “Are those going to be filed before November?” Iglesias told the Committee recalling Domenici’s inquiry. “I said I didn't think so. He said, ‘I'm very sorry to hear that.’ And then the line went dead.” “I felt sick afterwards,” Iglesias said of Domenici’s call. “I felt leaned on to get this moving.”
First Denying the Call Altogether, Domenici Later Said He Didn’t Pressure Iglesias About the Specific Timing of a Pre-Election Indictment: After first denying talking to Iglesias at all, Sen. Domenici finally acknowledged on Sunday that he had, in fact, called Iglesias. He denied pressuring Iglesias and made no mention of asking Iglesias specifically about indictments "before November."
Ethics Expert Sees Potential For Criminal Obstruction of Justice Investigation: Stanley Brand, a former Capital Hill general counsel and ethics lawyer, said Domenici could be the focus of an obstruction of justice investigation by an independent counsel that could result in criminal penalties.
Sources: Albuquerque Tribune, 3/6/07, 3/7/07, 3/7/07; Domenici Statement, 3/4/07; AP, 3/5/07; NPR, 3/7/07. From the DSCC.
Editor's Note: You can read all our previous posts on this topic by visiting our U.S. Attorney Iglesias post archive.
March 7, 2007 at 11:14 AM in Crime, Democratic Party, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Local Politics, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink | Comments (2)
Thursday, March 01, 2007
(Updated) New Mexico Democrats: Move Now to Capture Domenici's Senate Seat
UPDATE: Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo reports that many reporters are staking out Sen. Domenici and Rep. Wilson today, trying to get a response to the Iglesias story. Nothing yet.
On the heels of the unfolding scandal about what looks to be the very improper firing of U.S. Attorney David Iglesias and seven others, Jonathan Singer at MyDD echoes the calls I'm hearing from many Democrats in New Mexico. Democrats should go after Pete Domenici's Senate seat in a serious, organized way. Recommended start? How about Rep. Tom Udall, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, Mayor Marty Chavez, or other A-list candidates rethinking a challenge against Domenici? And how about some spending on tv and/or radio ads calling Domenici (and Rep. Heather Wilson) out on alleged conduct unbecoming in the firing of U.S. Attorney David Iglesias? Singer says:
I have written for some time that New Mexico's aging Republican Senator, Pete Domenici, should be among the Democrats' top targets in 2008, not only because his conservative views are way outside of the mainstream -- particularly for a state as balanced politically as New Mexico -- but also because his Jim Bunning-like actions (walking around the Senate in pajama bottoms) raise real questions about his competence to serve another six years. But new questions surrounding the possibility that Domenici abused his office for partisan political reasons should further enlarge the target on the Senator's back.
... the headline remains that Domenici potentially used his office for partisan political gain, a big no-no, as it were. And given the possibility that Domenici just might not be up to a heated campaign that not only questions his fitness to serve but also his intentions and trustworthiness, it's incumbent upon the Democrats, both inside New Mexico and those trying to extend the party's majority in the U.S. Senate, to begin to put pressure on Domenici to retire rather than stand for reelection, as he has indicated an intention to do.
If this means an investment of $50,000 of $100,000 today for television and newspaper ads throughout New Mexico calling Domenici out for his alleged actions I think it would certainly be worth it.
Additionally the Democrats also need to ramp up their recruitment drive in the state. A number of potential Democratic heavyweights -- Rep. Tom Udall and Albuquerque mayor Martin Chavez, to take two examples -- have stated an unwillingness to run for the Senate in 2008 if Domenici were to run for reelection. Yet if they, or other candidates of their potential strength, were to flirt with a run today, they might, along with an ad buy by the DSCC or the Democratic Party of New Mexico, be able to sufficiently scare Domenici so that he decides against seeking another term. There is little potential downside to such a move but great potential upside, and as such there seems to be little reason to me why such a combined effort should not be undertaken at this point. [emphasis mine]
Come on folks. Imagine what would be going on if a Democratic Senator and Representative were being implicated in a rapidly expanding political scandal like this one. And yet, the Democratic Party of New Mexico has yet (to my knowledge) even issued a press release on this story or provided a quote to the media. Wake up out there!
The worst thing that could happen would be for NM Dems to sit on their hands while Repubs set up a plan to make excuses for Domenici's and Wilson's alleged outrageous conduct. Imagine a scenario where they manage to save enough of Wilson's reputation to insert her into the race for Senate at the last moment, with Domenici withdrawing. I could go on with possible scenarios, but the key point is that in politics, you have to strike when the iron is hot. Like now.
March 1, 2007 at 02:20 PM in Candidates & Races, Crime, Democratic Party, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Local Politics, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink | Comments (10)