Monday, April 30, 2007
New Officers: DPNM
The State Central Committee (SCC) of the Democratic Party of New Mexico met on Saturday at Las Cruces HIgh School to conduct business and elect officers. Participation by attending members and proxy voters was near record levels -- more than 98%. I attended the events as a member of the SCC, and I'll have more commentary and photos from the weekend's events later today. For now, here's a listing of the new officers and elected committee members, who will serve two-year terms:
State Party Chair:
295 Votes: Brian Colón
68 Votes: Michael Olguin
21 Votes: Gideon Elliot
Statewide Officers and Committees:
Chair: Brian Colón (Bernalillo County)
Vice Chair At-Large: Annadelle Sanchez (Rio Arriba County)
Treasurer: Thomas Buckner (Sandoval County)
Secretary: Christy French (Dona Ana County)
At-Large Platform and Resolutions: Ignacio Lucero (San Miguel County)
At-Large Affirmative Action (male): Francisco Apodaca
At-Large Affirmative Action (female): Lynn Jacobs (Bernalillo County)
First Congressional District:
CD1 Vice Chair (male): Chris Catechis (Bernalillo County)
CD1 Vice Chair (female): Teresa Holland (Bernalillo County)
CD1 Affirmative Action (female): Carolyne Devore-Parks (Bernalillo County)
CD1 Affirmative Action (male): Mike Rose (Bernalillo County)
CD1 Platform and Resolutions (two positions): Nancy Denker (Bernalillo County) and Zoe Economou (Bernalillo County)
Second Congressional District:
CD2 Vice Chair (male): Matt Runnels (Grant County)
CD2 Vice Chair (female): Stephanie Dubois (Otero County)
CD2 Affirmative Action (female): Doris Cherry (Lincoln County)
CD2 Affirmative Action (male): Carlos Provencio (Grant County)
CD2 Platform and Resolutions (two positions): Art Terrazas (Dona Ana County) and Cliff Reid (Dona Ana County)
Third Congressional District:
CD3 Vice Chair (male): Martin Suazo (San Miguel County)
CD3 Vice Chair (female): Conny Maki (Santa Fe County)
CD3 Affirmative Action (female): Mary Ann Armijo (McKinley County)
CD3 Affirmative Action (male): Jose Lopez (Santa Fe County)
CD3 Platform and Resolutions (two positions): Consuela “Connie” Salazar and Bill Pfeifer
Also see our later post on the weekend's events. Click on photos for larger versions.
April 30, 2007 at 09:12 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, April 27, 2007
NM Dems to Gather In Las Cruces This Weekend
The newly elected members of the State Central Committee of the Democratic Party of New Mexico will meet this Saturday at Las Cruces High School to conduct business and elect new officers. Registration starts at 8:00 AM, with the meeting set to convene at 9:00 AM. Elections will be held for State Party Chair, 1st Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, 1st and 2nd Vice Chairs for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Congressional Districts and members of the Credentials and Rules Committee and the Resolutions Committee. Click for a list of candidates. All Democrats are welcome to attend, but only SCC members can vote.
Events kick off with a Spring Celebration on Friday night from 6 to 8 PM at the Best Western Mission Inn in Las Cruces. Other weekend social gatherings and events are listed here. Again, all Democrats are encouraged to attend.
April 27, 2007 at 07:00 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Who Won Tonight's Dem Prez Debate?
I had to miss the live broadcast, so I just got done watching a recording. You can see some of it here. You can also view clips and more here.
I thought Brian Williams' questions were often shallow and designed to create "gotcha" moments. Hey, it's the mainstream media. It appeared that candidates had some difficulty getting going given that eight people were sharing the 90 minutes, and their answers had to be very short. The "debate" came across more like a quiz show than a forum for the discussion of serious issues. Next thing you know, they'll have a gong up there at these events, or someone yelling "you're fired." Maybe they'll force them to dance. With the celebrity pundits. Watch out for a guy in the wings with a hook and the installation of applause meters. Really.
I thought the only excitement was provided by Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich, who were the only Dems willing to be confrontive and dismissive of the "business as usual" conduct of the others. People can criticize Gravel for his vociferous responses, but I confess that what he had to say and how he said it sounded more like the sitting-around-talking comments of rank and file Dems than any of the others to me. Somebody acting like there really ARE a bunch of tragedies and emergencies happening all at once in the nation. As upset and worried as we are about it all, and feeling the pain and foreboding. I thought Gravel displayed what came to be a rather welcome lack of polish and programming compared to the others. with their set-piece answers and overly careful rhetoric. He complained he didn't get as much talk time as the others. He didn't.
My takes: Hillary seemed set on cool, calm and collected automatic debate speak. Obama mostly stayed abstract and lofty, but got somewhat defensive and rattled when he was challenged. Richardson seemed a bit nervous and hemmed in by the short times allowed for responses, but he was strong on his answers about Iraq. Edwards seemed a little flat somehow, except at the end. Biden was, well, Biden, and he created some laughter by staying pointedly silent when Williams' asked him about putting his foot in his mouth early in his campaign. Dodd was businesslike. Gravel made Kucinich seem tame, stealing some of the outsider fire. Nobody was really bad, or very good either, in my opinion. Few surprises, lots of practiced talking without saying much, too much Brian Williams trying to be impressive, if only in his own mind.
From the measured, deliberate and "moderate" tones struck by most of the candidates, you'd never guess what's been going on in America and on the planet for the last 6+ years. Very little sense of urgency or passion. I think they need to get out more and LISTEN to the mood of ordinary Americans. We're not even close to the primaries and too many already seem to be inside the bubble blown by handlers and groomers and consultants. No big mistakes, but a paucity of inspiration, outrage or excitement. And like Gravel said, some of their answers on things like nuking Iran were downright scary in their nonchalance.
I kept thinking, geez, by the time we get to the actual primaries, we'll be sick to death of all of them as well as the unsatisfying format of these debates-in-name-only. Maybe allowing fewer questions and longer times to answer would be helpful. Or limiting the questions to one topic. Or letting less "famous" media personalities run the show. Or encouraging back and forth between the participants. Or something.
What did you think?
(Above photo by AP)
April 26, 2007 at 10:55 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (5)
(Updated) Taos Democrats for Clean Elections Files Challenge to Taos County Party Election
As reported on the Democratic Party of New Mexico website, the Party's Judicial Council will be convening today at 3:00 PM by conference call to hear a challenge filed on behalf of a group called the Taos Democrats for Clean Elections. A PDF of the challenge and appeal documents can be found here on the DPNM website.
The complaint alleges that the methodology used to apportion precincts for the Taos County Central Committee was "fundamentally flawed and violated the rules of the Democratic Party of New Mexico." The challenge requests that the Taos County State Central Committee members not be credentialed for the April 28, 2007 DPNM State Central Committee meeting and that a new election of Taos County Central Committee members be held. The requests are based on the claim that the use of an invalid methodology means that all actions and decisions coming from the Taos CCC, including the election of state central committee members, are also invalid.
For more information, contact the Democratic Party of New Mexico at 505.830.3650. The meeting is open to the public but those interested in attending should call the Party to make sure where they can be accommodated.
UPDATE 1:42 PM: The Democratic Party of New Mexico has informed me that two rebuttals of the complaint have now been posted on their website and suggested that I link to them as a matter of fairness. The rebuttals can be found here.
Editor's Note: For some background on what led up to this challenge, see our previous posts:
April 26, 2007 at 11:59 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Election Reform & Voting, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (6)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
2008 Dem Presidential Candidate Debate Thursday on MSNBC
All eight Democratic candidates for president will debate on Thursday at an event, organized by the South Carolina Democratic Party, to be held at the historic Martin Luther King, Jr., Theater at South Carolina State University in Orangeburg. The debate is set to air on MSNBC cable on April 26th from 5:00 to 6:30 PM MDT, moderated by NBC News anchor Brian Williams. It will also be streamed live on Bill Richardson, John Edwards, Barack Obama, Dennis Kucinich, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Chris Dodd and Mike Gravel have all confirmed their participation. Click for MSNBC debate coverage.
According to Reuters, "The debate kicks off three days of political activity in South Carolina. On Friday, most candidates will attend a state party dinner and the annual fish fry hosted by Rep. Jim Clyburn, the state's most prominent black politician. On Saturday, some candidates will address the state party convention."
On the eve of the Democratic Party events, South Carolina lawmakers are urging candidates to release their comprehensive energy plans and make discussion of energy policies a top priorty.
South Carolina will hold the first Democratic primary contest in the South in January 2008, following Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire.
An article by Adam Nagourney of the New York Times describes the crush of invitations to presidential candidate forums and debates being received by candidates of both parties, and efforts being made to coordinate a reasonable schedule:
After a private dinner of Democratic campaign managers at a Washington steakhouse last month with Howard Dean, the Democratic National Committee chairman, the party agreed that starting in July it would limit debates to one a month through the end of the year. Dean, blocking for his candidates, will choose the sponsors.
... "The DNC should stand firm and demand as many debates as possible," said Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, who is seeking the Democratic nomination. "This is one way there is equity in this presidential process because they are several candidates with alarmingly more money and resources than everyone else."
April 25, 2007 at 12:35 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thomas Buckner: Candidate for State Party Treasurer
As reported in a previous post, Thomas Buckner is running for the office of Treasurer of the New Mexico Democratic Party. State Party officers will be elected by State Central Committee members at their meeting this Saturday, April 28th, in Las Cruces. Tom has forwarded additional information about his candidacy and asks for your vote if you serve on the SCC. Click for Buckner's message to Democrats (.doc) and a summary of his qualifications and experience (.doc). Mr. Buckner has strong support among the grassroots and is running on a platform that stresses integrity and a dedication to timely, accurate and open accounting for the State Democratic Party.
April 25, 2007 at 10:07 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)
Monday, April 23, 2007
Who Will Take On Heather Wilson? Let the People Decide
Round and round we go and where we stop, nobody knows. At least not yet. But there's been lots of recent leaking, rumors and positioning going on about Dems who may be considering a run against Repub Rep. Heather Wilson in New Mexico's CD1 in 2008. Names bandied about have included former City Councilor and Albuquerque mayoral candidate Eric Griego, current City Councilor Martin Heinrich, Economic Development honcho Rick Homans, State Auditor Hector Balderas, Binagaman' staffer Terry Brunner, NM Rep. Jerry Ortiz y Pino, State Treasurer James B. Lewis and even former UNM President Louis Caldera. In recent days, we've had a visit from the DCCC to Albuquerque and reports of Calderas seeking out their counsel in D.C.
Homans quickly withdrew from consideration after initial reports of his possible candidacy, and he's since transferred from his job running the NM Economic Development Department to heading up the new Spaceport initiative. I guess the response to his candidacy was less than enthusiastic. I know it certainly was in the core Dem segments of the Party.
For Griego's latest statements on entering the race, check out New Mexico FBIHOP's with Eric. Today, Las Cruces blogger Heath Haussamen reports that Heinrich has formed an exploratory committee for the race and taken an unpaid leave of absence from his job as NM Natural Resources Trustee. Along with Balderas, Griego and Heinrich seem the most likely to follow through with a run that might well end up in an exciting Dem primary race full of ideas and energy.
Richardson Camp Weighing In?
Unfortunately, however, the Bill Richardson camp seems to be jumping the gun and leaking their support for Heinrich way ahead of the game. See today's post on Monahan quoting "top political sources." Nothing against Martin, who is very popular and well-respected among local Dems, but remember when it was MEMBERS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY who selected candidates? That's why we have a pre-primary convention and the option of a primary to settle the question of who would be the best candidate to run on the Dem side. Haven't we had enough of candidates being crowned from above based on who knows what criteria? One of the most common (and angry) complaints I hear these days is that power brokers and insiders are usurping the power of rank and file Dems, of the Party itself. Let the people decide!
Practice Makes Perfect
Some believe primaries can sap the strength (and fundraising) of the ultimate candidate in these kinds of races, but everyone I talk to thinks it would be a positive development in this race. We need the strongest, scrappiest, most articulate and honest candidate to take on Wilson, and a primary contest would permit the cream of the crop rise to the top. What's in a candidate's resume and position statements is important, but I think most of all we need someone this time who can think on their feet, and be passionate and genuine in their communications. We need a candidate with the presence of mind to confront Wilson on her weaknesses, while clearly and persuasively delineating how they would solve the problems she cannot or will not solve.
How do candidates gain these skills? By debating in public on the merits, by stumping in the primaries before those who will decide who runs. What we don't need is another candidate who avoids debates until the last minute and then fumbles because they've had no real-world practice.
We need someone proud to be a real Democrat who won't run from controversy or confrontation, and who can stand up to the usual barrage of dirty campaign tactics used by the Repubs. We need someone who can generate strong grassroots support, deal intelligently with media pressure and avoid greenhorn mistakes. How can we know which one would be the best at this unless we have a process where candidates have to first show their stuff in a primary arena? Believe me, if it's perceived that Dem bigwigs are choosing our candidate from on high, it may well hurt our chances, not help them. The grumbling has already begun over the phone lines, and nothing kills rank and file enthusiasm (and volunteer hours) quicker than a perception that our views can safely be bypassed or ignored. We need a process that drums up excitement, not resentment.
Who Best Matches the District?
Without recent and convincing local polling data, it's difficult to predict which issues will be on the minds of CD1 voters this time around, or which candidates have organic support in the district. We don't have that kind of data yet, which makes early insider cherry picking even more unwise and unwelcome. Most of all, I think voters are sick and tired of overly groomed, say-nothing, do-nothing, mealy-mouthed candidates, who take the "safe" road to nowhere recommended by Beltway consultants and powerful elected officials. We need a candidate in CD1 who can stand up to both Repub propaganda and insider Dem manipulation. We need a candidate who gets his or her strength from voters, not handicappers. We need an independent-minded leader, not someone beholden to those currently in office and their advisers.
Don't get me wrong -- I like Heinrich and believe he might well be our best candidate against Wilson. What I don't like is all the pressure being applied by those who apparently believe they know best and that Democratic Party members should be content to stay on the sidelines as a candidate is chosen.
As to Monahan's contention that "the odds have dipped dramatically" for other candidates "as the Guv's support of Heinrich will make fund-raising difficult for any other contender," I guess he's never heard of Act Blue or other ways of raising large sums via small donations for candidates who emerge from the grassroots. Money shouldn't be the problem -- getting sufficient numbers of voters to turn out will be the trick. Attempting to pre-empt the Party's process can only make this harder on those who'll be doing the doorknocking and outreach.
Let the People Decide
Let's support an open and grassroots Dem contest to decide who will next take on Heather -- one that will be chock full of passion, ideas and straight talk -- whether it takes the form of pre-primary competition or a full-fledged Dem primary in CD1. What we don't need is another candidate annointed by power brokers in the state and from inside the Beltway. I say let the people decide. What do you say?
April 23, 2007 at 12:34 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (15)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
NM Dems' 2008 Delegate Selection Plan Available for Public Comment
From the Democratic Party of New Mexico: Democrats Encouraged to Review Delegate Plan and Participate in Process
Albuquerque NM – The Democratic Party of New Mexico has posted its Delegate Selection Plan for 2008 on-line for a 30 day public comment period. The plan may be downloaded from the Party’s website by clicking here.
New Mexico’s 2008 Delegate Selection Plan outlines the processes by which presidential candidates and candidates for delegate positions must file their respective statements of candidacy. New Mexico’s Democratic delegation consists of 42 total delegates and alternates, some of whom are elected from each congressional district based on the performance of the Democratic presidential candidates in the February 5, 2008 Democratic presidential preference primary, which will be run by the Democratic Party of New Mexico.
The Plan also highlights Democrat’s efforts to include constituency communities who may have been historically under-represented in party affairs and sets Affirmative Action goals for delegates to the Democratic National Convention, which will be held in Denver, Colorado starting on August 25, 2008. Eleven members of New Mexico’s delegation to the Democratic National Convention are automatic delegates by virtue of their current or previously held elected offices.
Democrats without Internet access may request a copy from the Democratic Party of New Mexico by phone, fax or postal mail at the following:.
Democratic Party of New Mexico
1301 San Pedro NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Phone: (505) 830-3650
Fax: (505) 830-3645
Please send public comment to with "Public Comment on Delegate Selection Plan" in the subject heading.
The 2008 Delegate Selection plan will be considered on April 28, 2007 by the State Central Committee and forwarded with any public comments received, to the Democratic National Committee’s Rules and Bylaws Committee.
Contact: Matt Farrauto 505-830-3650 x21 (office) 505-830-3645 (fax)
April 17, 2007 at 09:14 AM in 2008 Democratic Convention, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Winners: Bernalillo County Dems
Congratulations to all the winners of the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County election, which took place today at Manzano High School in Albuquerque. Members of the County Central Committee elected the following officers, who will serve for two years:
County Party Chair: Ana Canales (below) won vs. Robert Aragon
County Party 1st Vice Chair: Jim Buhaug (by acclamation)
County Party 2nd Vice Chair: Cheryl Harris (by acclamation)
Mike Rose and Carolyne DeVore-Parks, who ran as a team with Robert Aragon, withdrew as Vice Chair candidates when Ana Canales won.
The DPBC also elected more than 100 members who will represent the County on the DPNM State Central Committee, which meets on April 28th in Las Cruces to conduct business and elect a new state chair. Check the DPBC website for updated election results.
Click our Flickr album of photos from today's meeting.
Big thanks to the outgoing officers who served for the last two years: County Chair Marvin Moss, 1st Vice Chair Kate Stetson and 2nd Vice Chair Daniel Ivey-Soto, along with all the hard-working volunteers who put the meeting together. Onward to Las Cruces and Victory in 2008.
Note: Photo of Ana Canales by Suzanne Prescott.
April 14, 2007 at 07:11 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (8)
Another Radio Ad Asks Heather to Come Clean
Congressman Chris Van Hollen, Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), announced that the DCCC is running its second radio ad against Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R-NM-1). The ad calls on Wilson to come clean about her role in the U.S. Attorney scandal. It will begin airing in Wilson’s New Mexico district during drive time through Tuesday when Attorney General Alberto Gonzales testifies before Congress about the U.S. Attorney scandal. The audio recording of the ad is available on The text of the ad follows:
“General” – 60 second radio ad
In Washington Alberto Gonzales, the Attorney General of the United States, is testifying under oath about his role in the firing of U.S. Attorneys. But here in New Mexico, no one is getting the truth about Heather Wilson’s involvement in the scandal. Wilson said a constituent’s complaint led her to call Republican U.S. Attorney David Iglesias about an ongoing federal corruption investigation. But Heather Wilson won’t identify the constituent … she still refuses to release her phone records … and many important questions remain unanswered.
In Washington Attorney General Gonzales is being asked to tell the truth … Isn’t it time we asked Heather Wilson to tell the truth in New Mexico? Check the facts at www dot Heather Wilson watch dot com.
Announcer: Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.
[end of ad]
Heather Wilson’s Unanswered Questions
- Heather Wilson has a responsibility to come clean with her constituents by truthfully answering:
- Who is the “constituent” that lead Heather Wilson to intimidate a federal prosecutor?
- Was there any contact between Heather Wilson or her staff and the White House about David Iglesias?
- Did Heather Wilson or her staff contact Senator Peter Domenici or his former chief of staff Steve Bell about David Iglesias?
- Did Heather Wilson or her staff contact Allen Weh at the New Mexico Republican State Party about David Iglesias?
April 14, 2007 at 07:30 AM in Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)