Thursday, June 21, 2007
Developer from Santa Fe Prepared to Self-Fund Run Against Domenici
We first mentioned Don Wiviott's name back in early May as a possible Democratic candidate when Pete Domenici's Senate seat comes into play in the 2008 election. That rumor has now been confirmed by Joe Monahan, who revealed today that Wiviott declared during a phone conversation that he is prepared to use his own money to mount a serious campaign against Domenici. And he has a lot of money.
Wiviott is the developer of The Lofts in Santa Fe, and formerly chairs the Santa Fe Economic Development Review Committee. He also served on Governor Richardson's Task Force on Our Communities. The political newcomer is known up North as an advocate of "smart growth," development that incorporates green design features and the creation of innovative live-work communities.
According to Monahan, Wiviott will put up $400,000 to kick off his Senate campaign and is ready, willing and able to spend up to a cool million, if necessary, to run a competitive challenge. He's also raising funds at Act Blue, where he's described as "an ardent environmentalist and successful small businessman who believes New Mexico, like the rest of our country, needs change in direction of leadership and priorities."
The main question circulating about Wiviott is whether or not he's really a placeholder for a late-entry run by Gov. Bill Richardson should his presidential ambitions bite the dust. As Monahan says:
Wiviott, who is married to Santa Fe real estate agent Kelley Owen, is moving quickly to assemble a campaign team, some of whom have ties to Big Bill, including the Greenberg, Quinlan, Rosner polling firm and media consultant Doc Sweitzer. His fundraiser, Kim Scott, worked for President Clinton.
So it's evident that Wiviott will rely on a number of inside-the-Beltway types, some employed in the past by Richardson, to help run his campaign. Philadelphia-based Doc Sweitzer, by the way, was a media consultant for Dem Joe Sestak's successful campaign for Congress in Pennsylvania in 2006, and was an adviser to Richardson's 2002 campaign for governor. He's also been involved with the campaigns of Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell and many other Dems.
If he's serious about his run, let's hope Wiviott also hires some top-notch local folks knowlegeable about the unique dynamics that shape New Mexico politics. More than one campaign in the past has been derailed by the misguided advice of those with little or no experience in the state.
Wiviott joins two previously announced (and much more meagerly funded) Democratic candidates for the Senate seat -- Jim Hannan and Leland Lehrman. A few other names of possible Dem contenders have surfaced over the last few months, but no others have come out of the shadows to announce a run. At this point, it's difficult to know what Viviott's announcement is really all about, or what his views are regarding any number of issues. He has no real track record except in putting together lucrative developments in Santa Fe.
June 21, 2007 at 11:56 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (2)
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Saturday Music Hall: Hillary Song
I was wandering the web this morning and came upon this ancient clip. I can't entirely explain it but, for some reason, all I could think of when listening to it (besides how young the lads were back then) was how descriptive it is in some way of the corporatist, "free" trade black hole that lies inside the faux-Democratic facade that is Hillary. She can't really be our nominee, can she? Let's hope Democrats "find out" before it's too late....
June 16, 2007 at 11:59 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Saturday Music Hall | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Elizabeth Edwards to Host John Edwards Fundraiser in Albuquerque
From John Edwards '08:
Elizabeth Edwards will be in Albuquerque this month at a house party to benefit her husband John's presidential campaign:
What: John Edwards for President Fundraiser
with Elizabeth Edwards
Date: Friday, June 22nd
Time: 6 PM
Place: Home of Ron Morgan, 508 Solano SE, ABQ
Tickets: $250, $500, $1000, and $2300
RSVP: Amanda Scott (505) 224-8089 or
June 13, 2007 at 10:57 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (2)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
(Updated) Services Tuesday for Albuquerque Soldier Killed in Iraq
UPDATE: Carter Bundy's column on Heath Haussamen provides another fitting tribute to Sgt. Akins and the life he lived.
Obituary in Albuquerque Journal:
Services will take place Tuesday, June 12, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. at Calvary Chapel of Albuquerque, 4100 Osuna Rd. NE. Interment will follow at Santa Fe National Cemetery at 1:00 p.m. French Mortuary 9300 Golf Course Rd. NW (505) 897-0300
As stated in a previous guest blog by Victor Raigoza, Democrats are being urged to attend the service:
At the request of Mrs. Syreeta Akin, James' widow, I am asking that all Democrats attend his service ... The reason Syreeta wants Democrats there is because James loved the Democratic party and had aspirations of one day serving the people of New Mexico and the United States in the capacity of an elected official.
From Brian Colón, Chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico:
Dear Fellow Democrats,
Please join us on Tuesday, June 12 at 10:00 AM to honor fallen soldier and hero Sgt. James C. Akin of Albuquerque. The tragedy is a great loss for the State of New Mexico and the United States of America. Sgt, Akin was a young man who accomplished so much in such a short time and by his own words recognized that "the measure of our progress is not whether we can provide more for those who have plenty, but whether we can provide enough to those who have little." His life of service and desire to be a part of New Mexico's political landscape is inspiring to many.
Please join us in the comforting thoughts and prayers we are sending out to Sgt. Akin's family. Included below is Sgt. Akin's brief obituary, which can not begin to describe the impact he had and the inspiration he was to so many.
Let us also not forget the other New Mexicans and Americans that have given their lives in service to our country.
Brian Colon
Albuquerque soldier killed in Baghdad
The Associated Press
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A New Mexico soldier who wanted to someday become president of the U.S. has been killed in Iraq.
Army Sgt. James C. Akin, 23, and three other soldiers were killed June 3 near Baghdad when the Humvee that Akin was driving was destroyed by a bomb, family spokesman Victor Raigoza said. Akin would have been 24 on June 28, according to his wife, Syreeta, of Rio Rancho.
“He was willing to put his actions where his mouth was,” Raigoza said. “If he one day occupied the office where war would be determined, [he felt] that it would be necessary for him to have experienced that.”
Syreeta Akin wrote on his Web page — — on the social networking site “You always did what you loved to do, and that is serve your country. I appreciate your sacrifice and well as all others before you. Without people like you where would our country be?”
The Web page has turned into a memorial for Akin, with comments from family, friends and Army buddies.
The U.S. Department of Defense had not confirmed Akin’s death as of June 6.
Funeral services are pending, and Akin will be buried in the National Cemetery in Santa Fe, Raigoza said.
Akin, an Albuquerque native and 2001 Valley High School graduate who joined the Army in 2004, was a self-professed politics and sports junkie. He worked on Raigoza’s 2004 campaign when Raigoza sought the Democratic nomination for a state Senate seat.
“We ended up spending three months together, almost day and night,” Raigoza recalled.
He said he worried when Akin was deployed. Because of Akin’s gregarity and leadership qualities, he felt at the time “there’s a good chance James will never come back,” Raigoza said.
In addition to his wife, Akin is survived by his father, James W. Akin of Albuquerque. His mother, Marianne, died in October, Raigoza said.
June 10, 2007 at 09:07 PM in Democratic Party, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Young Professionals Fundraiser for Heinrich for Congress Set for June 12
You are Invited to a Young Professionals Fundraiser
Martin Heinrich
Democratic Candidate for Congress
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
O'Neill's Pub and Grill
4310 Central Ave. SE
(Central and Washington in East Nob Hill)
$100 Suggested Contribution
(all contributions accepted)
To contribute on-line go to:
Adolfo Mendez, Allan Oliver, Ann Marie Padilla, Anthony DeMarnello, Antonio Sandoval, Arturo Archuleta, Barbara Lopez,Brian Morris, Brian Egolf, Carlos Castaneda, Chris Catechis, Chris Garcia, Christina Vigil, Claire Dudley, David Berkey,DeAnza Valencia, Drew Setter, Geno Zamora, Giovanna Rossi, Hakim Bellamy, James Aranda, James Bristol, Javier Benavidez,Jennifer Garcia Kozlowski, Jason M. Burnette, Joe LiRosi, Kara Shair-Rosenfield, Keegan King, Kelly Egolf, Kenneth Owens, Kenny Roybal, Laura Harris, Leanne Leith, Leticia Archuleta, Luisa Casso, Manuel Casias, Mario Benavidez, Mia Chavez, Michael Randolph, Mike Puelle, Mimi Aledo, Moises Gonzales, Nerissa Whittington, Ozawa Benishi Albert, Peter Lopez, Rachel Howell, Robert Chavez, Sandy Buffett,Steve Archibeque, Tamara Stands and Looks Back, Troy Fernandez, and Webb Johnson
Click for flyer (pdf). Pass it on. For more information call 315-3596 or visit
Editor's Note: If you'd like to contribute to the Martin Heinrich for Congress campaign via our DFNM Netroots for Martin Heinrich page, click here
June 7, 2007 at 07:30 AM in Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Dem State Party Seeking Applicants for Executive Director
The Democratic Party of New Mexico (DPNM) is currently seeking qualified applicants for the position of Executive Director. The Executive Director will work with the State Chair, DPNM Executive Committee, and the 33 County Chairs to manage DPNM headquarters, DPNM staff and execute an effective election and fundraising plan.
If you are interested and would like to apply, please do so by sending a resume and cover letter to by June 22, 2007. Download the PDF format of Qualifications and Job Description by clicking HERE.
Thank you,
Brian S. Colón
Chair, Democratic Party of New Mexico
June 7, 2007 at 07:00 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
(Updated) NM Democrats Urged to Honor Fallen Soldier at Service
Update: See our later post that contains more information on the service for Sgt. Akin.
From Albuquerque Democrat Victor Raigoza:
It is with great sadness that I report to you the death of a great young Albuquerque Democrat, Sgt. James Akin. Sgt. Akin was one of the four men killed this past weekend in Iraq, when the vehicle he was driving hit an IED.
At the request of Mrs. Syreeta Akin, James' widow, I am asking that all Democrats attend his service. Dates and times have not yet been set. You may have to refer to the paper for notice of time and place. I do know that the service will be at Calvary Chapel on Osuna (I do believe we can fill this space with the Democrats James so loved) and the final resting place will be the MIlitary Cemetary in Santa Fe.
The reason Syreeta wants Democrats there is because James loved the Democratic party and had aspirations of one day serving the people of New Mexico and the United States in the capacity of an elected official.
James was 23 and enlisted to serve our nation so that one day he would be able to show his dedication not only in word but in action. He had intentions of one day running for President of the United States, and he knew that military service would be a vital part of his campaign. He also enlisted because as stated to me in a letter from 2004, "We will either fight for our country or we will lose it. This is not the time to rest, but one to work for the people."
James was a member of the John Kelly for Congress Campaign and was my Campaign Manager when I ran for State Senate. The last political thing James did in Albuquerque was in October 2006 when he spoke at a rally for Patricia Madrid in the North Valley.
There could be no greater tribute to this fine young man, a fallen hero, than to honor him by the presence of the Democrats of the great state of which he loved at his memorial service.
I appreciate your efforts in rallying the masses to come pay their final respects to this great Democrat.
Thank you,
Victor Raigoza
Editor's Note: I will update this post when more information is received about the date and time of the funeral service. Here's the AP story on Akin's death.
June 5, 2007 at 11:31 AM in Democratic Party, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (0)
Troops in Iraq Ask Lieberman: When Are We Gonna Get Outta Here?
Hey, he's shopping for sunglasses at a Baghdad market, so don't bring him down with the facts. Lieberman put on another pair of rose-colored lenses and exclaimed about how much progress we're making. May death toll of U.S. troops in Iraq: 127. Ft. Lewis, home to one of every six of our soldiers killed in Iraq this month, has decided it can no longer hold memorial services for individual soldier deaths because it's too time consuming. They're opting instead for one monthly, one-size-fits-all memorial. I guess whatever constitutes "supporting the troops" is increasingly in the eye of the beholder. Meanwhile ....
Oh, and remember Retired Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez from the first year of the occupation? His assessment of our prospects in Iraq is one of the most grim in a long list of recent grim assessments. Excerpt from coverage on Think Progress:
“I think if we do the right things politically and economically with the right Iraqi leadership we could still salvage at least a stalemate, if you will — not a stalemate but at least stave off defeat. It’s also kind of important for us to answer the question, ‘What is victory?’, and at this point I’m not sure America really knows what victory is.” […]
“I am absolutely convinced that America has a crisis in leadership at this time and we’ve got to do whatever we can to help the next generation of leaders do better than we have done over the past five years,” Sanchez said, “better than what this cohort of political and military leaders have done.”
Meanwhile, expansion plans are already taking shape for our new imperial fortress, I mean embassy, in Baghdad:
“It’s as big as Vatican City and makes the foreign embassies dotting the tree-lined streets of Washington, D.C., look like carriage houses, but the barely-finished U.S. embassy in Baghdad is already primed for expansion.”
According to Dave Foley, spokesman at the State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, more Americans are still working at the embassy than initially expected, mainly because the overarching security problem in Baghdad has slowed and complicated efforts to rebuild the country and help establish a functioning central government there. […]
As designed now, the 619 blast-proof apartments may not be enough to accommodate some of the estimated 4,000 regular employees, contractors and local Iraqis working for the embassy, plus congressional and other diplomatic visitors who visit the capital on a regular basis.
I wonder if it has a moat. It doesn't say in this description. And no word yet on whether Exxon Mobil or Halliburton will have their own executive suites.
June 5, 2007 at 09:00 AM in Democratic Party, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (5)
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Richardson Campaign Organizing Dem Prez Debate Watch Parties Today
A Democratic presidential candidate debate will be held in New Hampshire today from 5:00 to 7:00 PM Mountain Time, and broadcast on CNN. Wolf Blitzer will be the moderator. The Richardson for President campaign is helping to organize debate watch parties, plus a virtual debate watch party online. Click for >details.
June 3, 2007 at 11:31 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (4)
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Albuquerque to Domenici: We Want the Truth - It's Time for You to Go
At noon on Friday, June 1, demonstrators gathered in front of Sen. Pete Domenci's office to demand that he come clean about his actions pressuring U.S. Attorney David Iglesias to inject politics into indictments, and pushing the U.S. Justice Department and White House to fire Iglesias because he wouldn't play ball.
One protestor at the event was Evangeline Donkersly (above), a lifelong Albuquerquean who has grown disenchanted with Domenici. Donkersly, who worked on Domenici’s municipal campaigns in the 1960s, will not be voting to return the senator to Washington. “He’s not the same man he used to be,” said Donkersly. “He’s been in Washington too long and it’s time for him to come home to stay. We need someone else.”
Still unanswered is the letter sent to Sen. Domenici by Brian Colon, Chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico. The letter demands that Domenici provide detailed information about contacts by the Senator and his staff with Monica Goodling and other Justice Department officials, and with Karl Rove and his staff. You can read Colon's letter to Pete and learn more about what prompted it in our previous post.
You can see more photos from the demonstration here.
You can read all our archived posts on the 2008 New Mexico Senate races here.
June 2, 2007 at 07:00 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Ethics & Campaign Reform, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink | Comments (2)