Friday, July 27, 2007

Help Young Dems of NM Support New Mexico Youth Day

From Young Democrats of New Mexico:
On August 4th and 5th, 2007 there will be a celebration of the NM Youth Holiday. The NM Youth Holiday was a Democratic initiative that was signed into law by our Lt. Governor Diane Denish this past Legislative season. You can learn more about the event(s) by visiting this website:

What I ask of you is to help YDNM collect as many volunteers as possible or help to raise some money for the event. Any size donation is welcomed from $5 to $20. YDNM has an initial goal of raising $500.00 and supplying 15 volunteers for this event. If you would like to either donate money or donate time (or if you simply want more information) please contact Ray Armijo, YDNM Secretary, 505-980-0605,

Thanks so much!
Ray Armijo, YDNM Secretary, Ward 29 Chair, DPNM SCC Member

July 27, 2007 at 10:30 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

State Dem Party to Hold Judicial Council and Discussion Meetings in Taos

From the Democratic Party of New Mexico:

DPNM Judicial Council Meeting
The Democratic Party of New Mexico’s Judicial Council will be convening in Taos this Saturday, July 28, from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM at the Kachina Lodge. Per the ruling of the last Judicial Council meeting on April 26th, 2007, the purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the allocation of the Democratic Party of Taos County’s Central Committee and to interpret the Democratic Party of New Mexico’s rule 9-2.C. Rule 9-2.C outlines the rules for allocating committee members for county party organizations (see below).

DPNM Discussion Panel with State Officers
Also we would like to inform you that the Democratic Party of New Mexico’s Chairman Brian Colón and state officers will be hosting a Discussion Panel in Taos on Sunday, August 12th, also at the Kachina Lodge beginning at 1:30 PM. The Discussion Panel will be an informational session that is geared to give party activists and community members an opportunity to address their concerns about precinct elections that were held in Taos on March 13, 2007. The Discussion Panel will then use information and testimonies from the August 12th meeting to ensure that precinct elections in the future are fair and inclusive.

(Rule 9-2.C-additional committeepersons, as apportioned to the precincts on the basis of the average of votes cast in each precinct for the Democratic candidate in the most recent presidential and gubernatorial elections.  A fair apportionment formula shall be set by the county rules and shall be uniform throughout the county.  The apportionment may vary from one committeeperson for each 200 votes to one committeeperson for each 25 votes, depending on the rules of the county, provided, however, that the apportionment formula shall not result in more than one-third (1/3) of the precincts of the county being represented by only one committeeperson.  The membership allotted to the precinct chair is included in the number of committeepersons apportioned to that precinct.)

Democratic Party of New Mexico
1301 San Pedro NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Office: (505) 830-3650

Editor's Notes:
As with all Party meetings, all Democrats are welcome to attend.

Some previous posts, including guest blogs, on these issues related to the Taos County Democratic Party:

July 25, 2007 at 06:30 PM in Democratic Party, Election Reform & Voting, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Random Thoughts on the Dem CNN-YouTube Debate

(OK, I've reposted this after it disappeared due to the TypePad power outtage. Now you may get it twice.)

These are my off-the-top-of-my-head, personal thoughts on last night's debate and the Dem candidates. What are your thoughts?

Some questions were more pointed than those usually posed by the MSM, but others were plain silly. It's unfortunate that the poobahs at CNN provided the screening as I'm sure there were many great video questions that CNN wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

CNN is completely biased putting the perceived "frontrunners" at the center of the stage with Kucinich and Gravel at the ends.

CNN is completely biased in giving the perceived "frontrunners" way more questions and way more time than other candidates.

When not every candidate gets to talk about some of the most important issues of the campaign -- like health care reform and environmental degradation -- the format is not serving the interests of voters.

No questions on campaign finance reform, the death penalty, "free" trade, labor issues, the increasingly evil role being played by hedge funds and private equity outfits, military spending, the silencing of real journalism, Iran or many other issues I wanted to hear about. But we did get questions on Hillary's gender, whether Obama is "black enough" and favorite teachers of the candidates. Go figure.

Anderson Cooper obviously doesn't know much about the issues and seemed most concerned with getting all the video questions aired rather then getting comprehensive answers. Let the candidates talk! He gave certain questions to certain candidates without regard to their experience. For instance, you'd think a question about nuclear power would go to Richardson given his experience as Energy Secretary and the fact that NM is so entangled in all things nuclear.

Gay Marriage: The answers from most of the candidates (except Kucinich) were weasling, confusing and just plain wrong. Civil unions or domestic partnerships DO NOT provide the same benefits as civil marriage as they omit hundreds of rights provided by federal civil marriage, like all the rights married couples get regarding Social Security survivorship, portability between states and nations, etc. Gay couples are already getting married in select churches -- it's the civil rights provided by civil marriage , which have absolutely nothing to do with religion or spiritual matters, that are unavailable. I did like that Richardson talked about what's "achievable" instead of talking about how "conflicted" he is about gay marriage, like Edwards did.

The Word Liberal: It really irked me that Hillary couldn't bring herself to respect the word "liberal." She claimed she's a "modern progressive," whatever that is. I guess it means you've abandoned the needs of those living in poverty, the working class and the middle class, and refuse to push for such things as single payer health coverage, in order to please the deep pocket donors from Wall Street and big corporations. But you don't hate gay people, African-Americans or Hispanics. Big whoop. DLC allegiance all the way, just like with Bill.

Health Care: Despite this issue generally being number 2 with the public behind Iraq, it got very little play. They crammed three questions on this into one and then didn't give many candidates a chance to answer. The health reform plans of every candidate except Kucinich preserve the role of for-profit insurance companies, brokers, HMOs etc., when it's clear that a majority of Americans want single payer NOW.

Say It Loud: As in previous debates, Kucinich and Gravel spoke the truth in no uncertain terms on a number of issues, making Cooper and the other candidates uncomfortable. How dare they not stay inside the box of accepted spin talk! They must be crazy! I especially liked Gravel calling out the others on the big donations they take from those connected with global finance and global corporatism. I liked Richardson's clear answer on No Child Left Behind: "I'd scrap it. It doesn't work."

The Dem Field: At this point in the race I have to say that no Dem candidate inspires me enough to get excited. Each one seems to have a gap where they need more substance and/or courage. Maybe I'm just too cynical or I'm still pining for the excitement and status quo challenges of the Dean campaign in 2004. It seems to me we need an incredibly high degree of wisdom, boldness, genuine leadership, passion, creativity and ethical purity if we're even to begin solving the profound problems we face.

Do you see those qualities in any of the current candidates? They all still seem so business as usual to me. Platitudes and spin. Of course, any one of them would be an incredibly better president than any of the Repubs. I'm just not very pumped up by any of them. Craving more charisma and truth! I also wonder if any of them realize we have a constitutional crisis going on ....

Hillary Clinton: The more I see her, the more I think she'll win the nomination based on her toughness, her ability to recite calculated talking points perfectly and her incredible intellect. What I question is what, exactly, she'll use that huge intellect to try and achieve. I don't trust her. Her links to corporatist forces are just too strong and many. Given that the Wall Street and big media forces are aligning behind her, I have a hunch she'll win the nomination hands down. She also uses her "first woman president" schtick to great advantage.

Barak Obama: Very good at using many words that sound substantive on their face but actually communicate little specific meaning. Yes, we're all for "hope" and solving problems and "turning the page." The devil is in the details, not the generic slogans. I tend to mistrust any politician who seems to entirely lack anger at what's going on in America and who seems to view anti-constitutional neocons as being amenable to bipartisan negotiation.

John Edwards: I like his wife much more than I like him. Although he voices positions that are often strong, creative and focused on the real problems we're experiencing as a nation, he doesn't seem tough enough to me to win against the Repub machine or to take on the powers he'd have to confront to achieve his stated plans. He often comes across as too slick and packaged. His populism is attractive but it's anyone's guess how sincere he is about it.

Bill Richardson: Too often, the Governor still seems not ready for prime time in his presence. I question many of his statements about what he wants to do in terms of education, health care and other issues. If he's being sincere, why hasn't he done more in New Mexico to achieve these aims? You have to wonder what he's promising away to raise the funds he's raising. I always get the sense he's really the DLC-oriented politico he's always been with some liberal, anti-war frosting added by consultants to make him more palatable to the Dem base. While he's done some very good things in NM, there's always that lingering sense that he does everything with an eye toward political gain rather than deep-seated values.

Joe Biden: Ever since he badgered Anita Hill at the Clarence Thomas hearings I've had a negative view of him. He often comes across as a bully to me. I don't believe his claim that he prays the rosary every day. He has deep connections with the financial and military establishments.

Chris Dodd: I like many things about Sen. Dodd, but he voted for the war and repeats Repub talking points like "I believe marriage is between one man and one woman." Given the power of corporate players and the severe economic inequalities within his home of state of Connecticut, he's got some 'splainin' to do. Not enough charisma.

Dennis Kucinich: Great positions on many issues coupled with a very weak record of successful achievements in the Congress and beyond. He lacks any degree of pragmatism or realism on many issues. Still, I like that he's on the stage saying what the majority of base Democrats believe on the important issues. Somebody has to do it.

Mike Gravel: I like his ferocity, even if it can be a little over the top. I like his freedom to say things like all the troop deaths in Nam were a complete waste. Almost everyone knows that, but few will say it out loud. He did some really important things that I respect when he was a Senator in the Nam era, like filibustering against the draft and standing up for the release of the Pentagon papers. While he expresses a number of fringe views, I think he should be given his due instead of repeatedly being cut off and dissed by pundits, candidates and debate organizers.

See for yourself:

July 24, 2007 at 06:41 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Media, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (4)

Join Rail Runner Adventure with Dem Women of Bernalillo County

From the Democratic Women of Bernalillo County:
SATURDAY * JULY 28, 2007
$20.00 /person, Includes Train Fare & Lunch Buffet
For Reservations, Call Margaret Garcia 877-1043

11:00 AM:  Arrive @ downtown station
11:25 AM:  Board train and depart station
11:50 AM:  Train arrives @ Bernalillo station
12:00-12:20 PM:  Board shuttle to Santa Ana Casino
12:20-1:30 PM:  Lunch  @ The Feast Buffet
1:30 - 2:30 PM:  Free-time
2:30 - 2:45 PM:  Board shuttle to Train Station
3:10 PM:  Board train-return trip to Alb.

July 24, 2007 at 09:16 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Dem CNN-YouTube Debate Today at 5PM

The first of six presidential "debates" officially sanctioned by the DNC starts today at 5:00 PM MDT at The Citadel military college in Charleston, SC. It's a joint presentation by CNN and YouTube, with more than 1300 3000 video questions being submitted by the public. Candidates reportedly reviewed 600 of the 30 second clips, and about two dozen will be used in the forum tonight. Anderson Cooper of CNN will moderate. The debate will be shown live on CNN TV and streamed live on I'm sure there will be repeats on the cable news channel and clips available online.

Candidate websites will be hosting chats and other debate companion features, including Gov. Bill Richardson's campaign online. You can join their live chat with campaign staff and other supporters from around the country at 4:30 PM MDT. You can also submit your feedback on the debate to here.

July 23, 2007 at 04:15 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Media, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (4)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Dear Mr. President

According to TPM Cafe, almost 70 U.S. House members including one Repub (see below) sent a letter to Bush yesterday stating they'd no longer vote for funding of the troops in any form except if the money were spent exclusively on withdrawing them from Iraq. So about quarter of the Dems now support cutting off money for the troops if Bush tries to keep them in Iraq, complicating the passage of another war-spending bill this Fall unless it requires a timely exit from Iraq. Unfortunately, I don't see Rep. Tom Udall's name on the list of those who signed the letter, do you? The message:

Dear Mr. President:

We are writing to inform you that we will only support appropriating additional funds for U.S. military operations in Iraq during Fiscal Year 2008 and beyond for the protection and safe redeployment of all our troops out of Iraq before you leave office.

More than 3,600 of our brave soldiers have died in Iraq. More than 26,000 have been seriously wounded. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed or injured in the hostilities and more than 4 million have been displaced from their homes. Furthermore, this conflict has degenerated into a sectarian civil war and U.S. taxpayers have paid more than $500 billion, despite assurances that you and your key advisors gave our nation at the time you ordered the invasion in March, 2003 that this military intervention would cost far less and be paid from Iraqi oil revenues.

We agree with a clear and growing majority of the American people who are opposed to continued, open-ended U.S. military operations in Iraq, and believe it is unwise and unacceptable for you to continue to unilaterally impose these staggering costs and the soaring debt on Americans currently and for generations to come.


Rep. Neil Abercrombie (HI)
Rep. Tammy Baldwin (WI)
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (OR)
Rep. G. K. Butterfield (NC)
Lois Capps (CA)
Rep. Julia Carson (IN)
Rep. Donna Christensen (USVI)
Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY)
Rep. William Lacy Clay (MO)
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (MO)
Rep. Steve Cohen (TN)
Rep. John Conyers (MI)
Elijah Cummings (MD)
Rep. Artur Davis (AL)
Rep. Danny Davis (IL)
Rep. Diana DeGette (CO)
Rep. Bill Delahunt (MA)
Rep. Keith Ellison (MN)
Rep. Chaka Fattah (PA)
Rep. Bob Filner (CA)
Rep. Barney Frank (MA)
Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ)
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (IL)
Rep. John Hall (NY)
Rep. Phil Hare (IL)
Rep. Alcee Hastings (FL)
Rep. Maurice Hinchey (NY)
Rep. Rubin Hinojosa (TX)
Rep. Paul Hodes (NH)
Rep. Michael Honda (CA)
Rep. Rush Holt (NJ)
Rep. Hank Johnson (GA)
Rep. Marcy Kaptur (OH)
Rep. Barbara Lee (CA)
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX)
Rep. John Lewis (GA)
Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA)
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY)
Rep. Ed Markey (MA)
Rep. Betty McCollum (MN)
Rep. Jim McDermott (WA)
Rep. James McGovern (MA)
Rep. Gwen Moore (WI)
Rep. Jim Moran (VA)
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY)
Rep. Grace Flores Napolitano (CA)
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC)
Rep. Jim Oberstar (MN)
Rep. John Olver (MA)
Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (NJ)
Rep. Ed Pastor (AZ)
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
Rep. Donald Payne (NJ)
Rep. Charles Rangel (NY)
Steve Rothman (NJ)
Rep. Bobby Rush (IL)
Rep. Linda Sanchez (CA)
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL)
Rep. Bobby Scott (VA)
Rep. David Scott (GA)
Rep. Hilda Solis (CA)
Rep. Pete Stark (CA)
Rep. Ellen Tauscher (CA)
Rep. Ed Towns (NY)
Rep. Nydia Velazquez (NY)
Rep. Maxine Waters (CA)
Rep. Diane Watson (CA)
Rep. Lynn Woolsey (CA)
Rep. Albert Wynn (MD)

July 20, 2007 at 05:24 PM in Democratic Party, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (2)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Four Candidates Named Finalists in Search for State Dem Party Executive Director

Four finalists have been selected from the pool of 11 well qualified applicants who had made the first cut in the search for a new Executive Director for the Democratic Party of New Mexico. Members of a search committee appointed by DPNM Chair Brian Colón interviewed and evaluated the 11 applicants on Monday and pared the field to four -- two who are native New Mexicans and two who are from out of state:

Michael Minh Nguyen, Washington, DC: Special Events Coordinator, Center for American Progress; BA Political Science, University of California-Davis.

Laura Sanchez, New Mexico: Energy Solutions Policy Fellow, National Resources Defense Council; Board Member, NM Hispanic Bar Association; Juris Doctor, UCLA School of Law; MPA, University of Arizona-Tucson.

Arturo Terrazas, New Mexico: Vice Chair, Democratic Party of Dona Ana County; Deputy Director, Anthony-Berino Economic Development Corporation; Former Director, Communities United; BA Government, NM State University.

Nate Williams, Wisconsin: Green Bay Regional Director, Congressman Steve Kagan; Juris Doctor, Tulsa College of Law; BS in Political Science and History, Eastern New Mexico University.

Chairman Colón is expected to announce his selection within two weeks. The Executive Director will report directly to the State Chair and manage the day-to-day operations of the State Party.

July 19, 2007 at 09:15 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (5)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

(Updated) All Night Long: Confronting Repub Obstruction

UPDATE 10:40 AM: This morning, Repub Senators voted to stop a vote on the Levin-Reed troop withdrawal measure. Here's the roll call on cloture. It failed by a 52 Aye - 47 Nay margin because 60 votes were needed to break the Repub filibuster. An Aye vote for cloture supports allowing a vote on the amendment. Only 4 Repubs voted Aye: Collins (R-ME), Hagel (R-NE), Smith (R-OR) and Snowe (R-ME). All Dems voted Aye except for Reid, who ended up voting nay for parliamentary reasons to keep the process alive. Mr. Independent, Joe Lieberman, voted Nay. Harold Meyerson at the Washington Post has a scathing commentary on the all-talk-no-action Repubs, including Domenici.

As reported at Talking Points Memo, Reid has decided to hold back any further votes on the Defense Authorization bill or other amendments until Repubs permit a vote on the Levin-Reed amendment:

Ratcheting up the stakes in the wake of the GOP's successful blocking of a vote on Iraq withdrawal just moments ago, Harry Reid just announced on the Senate floor that he won't allow a vote on the entire Defense Authorization bill until the Senate GOP drops its filibustering of votes on Iraq.

The move is significant because it could hold up the funding of the Pentagon's fiscal 2008 priorities until the standoff is resolved.


Last night's vigil in DC. AFP/Getty.

The Senate "debate" against the Repub filibuster to stop an up or down vote on the Levin-Reed amendment went all night long and continues this morning. At one point last night, Democrats from both the Senate and House joined citizens, including many Iraq vets, holding a candlelight vigil outside the Capitol. There were 57 House members and 25 Senators at the vigil. Here's a of excerpts from their speeches. Dems are calling on Repub Senators who are criticizing Bush and the occupation, like Sen. Domenici, to vote for change instead of merely paying lip service in order to garner political cover.

Click to read Nancy Pelosi's speech at the vigil. Excerpt:

We are gathered here tonight in a ‘Candlelight Call to Action.’ As we stand here with our call to action, on the Senate floor the Republicans are impeding the opportunity for the voices of the American people to be heard by denying a vote against the President’s policy in Iraq. That is why we are here – to send a message to the American people that the reason it is impossible to put the legislation on the President’s desk over and over again is because over and over again the Republicans in the United States Senate say ‘No’ to the American people. They will not allow a vote on bringing the troops home.

Sen. Dick Durbin, among others, is urging citizens to call the offices of a list of Senators who voice serious concerns about Bush's Iraq occupation but who won't allow a vote on the Levin-Reed amendment. Not surprisingly, Sen. Pete Domenici is on the list.

Domenici voted this morning to stop a vote on the Levin-Reed amendment. Please call and urge him to stop filibustering the Levin-Reed amendment:
Washington DC Office: (202) 224-6621

Website email form

Huffington Post is hosting a live web chat about the Iraq occupation today at Noon Mountain Time with MoveOn's Tom Matzzi, who's currently on loan to Americans Against Escalation in Iraq, a coalition working to responsibly end the war that includes, MoveOn, the Service Employees International Union,, Americans United, USAction, Win Without War, National Security Network, Center for American Progress Action Fund, Working Assets, TrueMajority and others. The group has a budget of $12 million through September and is operating in 27 states, including New Mexico, on a project called Iraq Summer. You can submit questions now at

Here in Albuquerque, Iraq Summer helped organize an activist gathering yesterday at San Mateo and Montgomery to rally citizens to urge Domenici to vote to start bringing our troops home from Iraq. Also, Stop the War Machine organized an evening demonstration at Sen. Domenici's downtown Albuquerque office to urge him to replace his rhetoric with real action to end the occupation.

July 18, 2007 at 10:18 AM in Democratic Party, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

NM Blog Radio Returns Featuring Heather Brewer and EMERGE NM

Brewer1_2From NM Blog Radio host Suzanne Prescott: The New Mexico Blog Radio show this Thursday is all about EMERGE New Mexico, a program which brings talented women Democrats into the political arena from across the state. After a rigorous 7-month training program women emerge ready for political campaign action. Heather Brewer debuts as the host of this New Mexico Blog radio show and introduces us to guests Anathea Chino, EMERGE Board President Elect; Michelle Mares, Field Director for Diane Denish and EMERGE Grad; and Mercy Berman, UNM student and current EMERGE participant. They'll explore the roots of the program, the network of EMERGE graduates now spread across New Mexico, and some exciting campaign possibilities that lie ahead.

Help EMERGE Raise Funds Just by Listening
A unique feature of the show will be fundraising for EMERGE. Heather Brewer describes the fundraising effort, "We're excited about the chance to tell people what EMERGE New Mexico is all about and raise money at the same time. We have pledges that will guarantee a dollar for every listener who visits the show online when it airs on Thursday at 11AM Mountain Time and half a dollar for everyone who listens to the show podcast archive during the week following the show. It's a great opportunity for a great program."

Here's how to catch the show.

For more information call Heather Brewer at (505) 310-5957 or Suzanne Prescott at (505) 304-3960. Tell your friends to listen to the show. Learn about and support EMERGE NEW MEXICO at the same time.

Editor's Note: You can listen to or download archived versions of previous NM Blog Radio shows at the show's website. Check out a few of our previous posts about New Mexico Blog Radio:

July 17, 2007 at 01:06 PM in Democratic Party, Local Politics, Media, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)

DPNM Chairman's Listening Tour Comes to Bernalillo County

ColonFrom the DPNM:
The Democratic Party of New Mexico and the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County cordially invite you to the Albuquerque stop of the CHAIRMAN’S LISTENING TOUR, Thursday, July 19th, 2007. The 2008 Presidential Election is on the horizon and it is more important than ever that New Mexico's Democrats come together and prove that the Land of Enchantment is a "Blue" State.

The upcoming February 5th Presidential Caucus will require a lot of work by Democrats in Bernalillo County. But before we roll up our sleeves and get busy, let’s take this opportunity to recognize our party members and activists. The leadership of the Democratic Party would like to congratulate party officers for their hard work in 2006 and show appreciation for members of the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County. Please join us for refreshments and enjoy the company of Bernalillo County Democrats as we build unity for the future.

Chairman’s Listening Tour

Chairman Brian S. Colón,
Democratic Party of New Mexico
Chairwoman Ana Canales,
Democratic Party of Bernalillo County

Thursday, July 19th, 2007, 6:30-8PM
Plumbers and Pipefitters Union Hall
510 San Pedro SE, Albuquerque

Please RSVP by calling Angela at the DPNM Headquarters at 830-3650. All Democrats Welcome!

Editor's Note: This event replaces the regular Democratic Party of Bernalillo County Third Thursday Meeting. For more information about Chairman Colon's listening tour around New Mexico, as well as photos from some of the events, visit

July 17, 2007 at 12:11 PM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)