Monday, August 27, 2007
Beat Back Bush New Mexico!
George Bush will be at a campaign fundraiser in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque today raising lots of money from Republican elites for "Pajama Pete" Domenici's reelection campaign. Last year Bush came to New Mexico and raised $375,000 for Rep. Heather Wilson the same way. Why? Domenici and Wilson have been among Bush's most loyal and obedient supporters, putting the neocon political agenda of Bush-Rove-Gonzales ahead of the real needs of New Mexicans, our troops, our Constitution, our environment, our health care system and our nation. Visits from Bush to raise big bucks for their campaigns are their reward, and a down payment on the continuation of his failed policies for years to come.
Over the next couple days, members and supporters of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, AFSCME, Democracy for New Mexico, the Iraq Summer campaign, Albuquerque Code Pink, the Sierra Club and Stop the War Machine, as well as ordinary citizens and grassroots-netroots activists, will be staging protests, honking horns and attending rallies and vigils to remind Bush, Domenici and incumbent Repub Rep. Heather Wilson where New Mexicans stand on the Iraq occupation and other Bush failures. We need to end the Bush-era horrors. To do that, we need to elect Democrats to office who will address the critical problems we face with fresh strategies based on honest analysis -- and with genuine integrity and energy.
On this historic day when Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has finally resigned in disgrace and Bush is in New Mexico to thank Domenici for services rendered, we can start the ball rolling by joining the Beat Back New Mexico grassroots surge, sponsored by the Democracy for New Mexico and New Mexico FBIHOP netroots communities. To win, our candidates need the means to compete against Domenici, Wilson and the Bush-crony fundraising machine. We can help them do just that by raising thousands of small donations from the progressive netroots here in New Mexico and across the nation to fund change in America from the ground up.
Donate $5, $10, $20 or more right now at the Beat Back Bush New Mexico page at Act Blue and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Every single dollar counts when you donate to the campaigns of Martin Heinrich (above), who's running to take on Heather Wilson in New Mexico's first congressional district, and Don Wiviott (below), who's stepped forward to run against "Pajama Pete" Domenici.
It's important to demonstrate and rally against the negative forces of Bush's disastrous presidency, but unless we do more to elect replacements for Bush rubberstamps like Domenici and Wilson, not much will change. Support Martin Heinrich and Don Wiviott NOW. Our ambitious goal is to raise $50,000 this week for each of their campaigns from thousands of activists dedicated to turning every state in the nation as BLUE as it can be.
While Bush is in Albuquerque's North Valley today collecting $1000 and $5000 donations from the few, and Alberto Gonzales is holding his resignation press conference, you can be an integral part of the New Mexico netroots effort to show the power of small donations from the many. Be a part of Beat Back Bush New Mexico. Click away.
NOTE: Also visit New Mexico FBIHOP for more on Beat Back Bush New Mexico.
August 27, 2007 at 10:16 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Beat Back Bush New Mexico, Democratic Party, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (4)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
NM Democrats to Protest Bush's Support of 'Pajama Pete'
From the Democratic Party of New Mexico:
Activists Will Launch Pajama Collection Drive
Albuquerque, NM - As New Mexicans brace for George W. Bush's fundraising visit, the Democratic Party of New Mexico will join with a coalition of organizations to call attention to Senator Pete Domenici's slumberous attitude concerning working families' priorities.
Bring Pajamas
On Sunday, August 26 at Kelly's Brew Pub in Albuquerque, 3222 Central Ave. SE, Democrats will collect new and used pajamas for protesters to wear at a rally on the day Bush arrives [see below]. The pajamas will be donated to charity after the Monday event.
"It's time for Senator Domenici to wake up and focus on the important issues that affect all New Mexicans, including jobs, health care, and ending the war in Iraq," said Chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico Brian Colon.
Petition to Demand Domenici and Wilson Come Clean
The pajama collection drive will be backed by a petition demanding that Domenici and Rep. Heather Wilson come clean about their involvement in the U.S. Attorney scandal and testify under oath about the pressure they put on former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias to push politically sensitive indictments into the courts just before the November, 2006, election.
Domenici is also known as "Pajama Pete" because he was spotted wandering the halls of Congress wearing clothes that closely resembled pajamas. He has tried to claim that he was wearing hunting gear.
Editor's note: More on the pajamas/hunting pants incident: from Raw Story.
(h/t Land of Enchantment)
Where's the Monday Pajamas Demonstration?
The rally against Bush's visit to the Albuquerque area for the big dollar fundraiser for Domenici in Los Ranchos on Monday, August 27th, will be at the corner of Rio Grande NW and Green Valley in Los Ranchos, just north of the Village Hall at 6718 Rio Grande NW (map). Ample parking available at the Los Ranchos Village Tennis Courts just south of Village Hall (north of Chavez Rd). Meeting at 8:30 AM.
August 25, 2007 at 12:46 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Economy, Populism, Events, Iraq War, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, August 24, 2007
Sunday: KSFR Radio Interview With Dem Senate Candidates
From Living on the Edge: Is it time for Pete to go? Do the Dems have a candidate who can unseat him?
Living on the Edge radio show, with hosts with hosts David Bacon and Xubi Wilson, will interview the three Democratic candidates who are currently in the running against incumbent Senator Pete Domenici. The three -- Jim Hannan, Leland Lehrman, and Don Wiviott -- are all from Santa Fe. The interview will air this Sunday, August 26th, from 1-2 PM on 101.1 FM, KSFR Santa Fe Public Radio. Join us as we talk with the candidates who feel they can win against New Mexico's longest serving Senator. This will be a very interesting and fun show, and a good way to get introduced to the candidates,their issues, and strategies that they will use to unseat Pete! Websites for the candidates:
- Jim Hannan
- Leland Lehrman
- Don Wiviott
Editor's Note: With KSFR's stronger signal, listeners outside of Santa Fe, including in Albuquerque, should be able to tune in. You can also listen to the station's live feed at their website.
August 24, 2007 at 09:22 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
This Saturday: Fundraiser for Reelection of Bernalillo County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver
Please join us for a fundraiser to keep Maggie Toulouse Oliver as Bernalillo County Clerk:
When: Saturday, August 25, 2007, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
$50 Suggested Contribution
Please RSVP to 505.231.2569
Robert Adams, Alexis Blizman and Beth Adams,
Anathea Chino, Jennifer Conn and Chris Catechis,
Matt Farrauto, Chris Garcia, Michael Garcia,
Laura Harris, Marshall Martinez, Michelle Penson,
Matt Rivera, Giovanna Rossi, Christopher Salas,
Laura Sanchez, Carlos Trujillo, DeAnza Valencia
DIRECTIONS TO 5733 GUADALUPE TRAIL: Take I-25 to Montgomery/Montano Exit - Go West on Montano to 4th Street - At 4th Street take a right going North - The very first street on the left (right after Pawn City) is Gene - Take a left on Gene going west to Guadalupe Trail (it will T with the street) - At Guadalupe Trail take a right - You will see a white wood fence in front of a two story immediately on your left - Immediately afterthat house is a small dirt road we are the second house on the dirt road (5733) - Park anywhere on Guadalupe.
August 22, 2007 at 12:43 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Santa Fe Sheriff Greg Solano Announces Bid for NM Lt. Governor
Sheriff Greg Solano, a Democrat, announced his intention to run for Lieutenant Governor of New Mexico in 2010 at a press conference at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe today. The Santa Fe New Mexican has audio (MP3) of the announcement as well as the text of his prepared remarks. Kate Nash at the Albuquerque Tribune also has the story.
Besides giving Solano plenty of time to allow voters all over the state to get to know him, the early announcement might serve him well if Gov. Bill Richardson leaves his post early for Washington, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish moves up to the governorship and a replacement is needed for her current role. In order for an LG replacement to be named, a constitutional amendment would need to pass defining how that would happen. Currently no replacement process is defined. The current terms of both Richardson and Denish expire in 2010.
According to the Santa Fe Reporter:
“I’m running because I care,” Solano said at the Roundhouse press conference, as he ticked off a laundry list of concerns ranging from improving schools and access to health care, to supporting mass transit and sustainable energy.
Flanked by his wife, son and daughter, Solano read a prepared statement highlighting his Santa Fe roots, noting that as a child he spent many hours in the Roundhouse where his grandmother worked as a custodian.“I remember playing in Gov. Bruce King’s office on the fourth floor,” Solano recalled. “He always was my favorite governor.”
In his remarks, Solano emphasized his own modest background.
“So many politicians are men and women of great wealth and high power,” he said. “How often does one of the masses run?”
After Solano lost a 1998 run for Santa Fe Sheriff by a couple hundred votes, he ran for the office again in 2002 and won. Last year, he won reelection by a large margin. Term limits preclude him from running for Sheriff again in 2010, when his current term ends. For more info see the Wikipedia entry on Solano.
August 21, 2007 at 05:40 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)
Heinrich Gaining Momentum in Quest to Take On Heather Wilson
Current Albuquerque City Councilor Martin Heinrich (left, speaking at Dem picnic), who's running for a chance to be the Dem nominee in the NM-01 Congressional race against Repub incumbent Heather Wilson, is racking up the endorsements these days. Martin, who also Chairs the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority and serves as the Natural Resources Trustee for the State of New Mexico, recently announced that the following prominent public officials were formally supporting his candidacy:
- State Senator Jerry Ortiz-y-Pino
- State Senator Cisco McSorley
- State Representative Antonio "Moe" Maestas
- State Representative Mimi Stewart
- State Representative Gail Chasey
State Representative Danice Picraux - Former Bernalillo County Commissioner Steve Gallegos
- Albuquerque City Councilor Debbie O’Malley
- Albuquerque City Councilor Michael Cadigan
- Albuquerque City Councilor Isaac Benton
- Edgewood City Councilor Brad Hill
- Former Mayor of Ranchos de Albuquerque John Hooker
- Vice Chairman of the Public Regulation Commission Jason Marks
- Prominent Albuquerque businessman and political activist Antonio Sandoval
- Former Democratic candidate for the first Congressional district Miles Nelson
Heinrich was the keynote speaker at our DFA-DFNM Meetup earlier this month and by all accounts wowed the crowd with his intelligent, knowledgeable positions, his forthright and articulate answers to questions from attendees and his enthusiasm to take on Wilson. Not only that -- but when he didn't know an answer, he admitted it and pledged to do the necessary research. Imagine that. Honesty on the stump!
Excerpts from Heinrich at Meetup:
Asked what he was most proud of during his prior four years as City Council President, Heinrich cited the Council's successful passage of a raise in the city's minimum wage, but stressed that more should be done to make sure the wage rises with inflation. He also pointed to ethics reform achievements, including voluntary public funding for candidates in municipal elections and a tightening of rules about City contracting. Saying he's working within a broken election system that relies on candidates raising large sums of money, he pledged that he'd work for public campaign financing nationwide if elected.
Why is he running? So that he can have some hope for his kids and the world they'll inherit. In that vein, he said he strongly supports an "Apollo project" to achieve energy independence by speeding green technology advances and a switch to renewable energy sources. Commenting on how far ahead other nations are in this change, he noted that almost 100 percent of the products produced by Albuquerque-based Advent Solar will go to Germany, even though we have much more sun. Asked about nuclear power, he said that we shouldn't be viewing it as the answer or as a magic pill. We need to subsidize and generously fund the future in terms of new technologies, not the past.
As for the Iraq occupation, Heinrich said he believes that Congress mishandled the supplemental appropriation bill and that Dems should have kept putting their bill back into the President's lap after he vetoed it because of the troop redeployment requirements. He agreed that our troops need to come home as quickly as an orderly drawdown can be achieved, and said that Dems need to remember that leading with their values will lead to respect.
Regarding healthcare, Heinrich stressed that it's a basic human right and that Medicare is an excellent model because everyone is in the same insurance pool. He praised the current federal SCHIP bill that would greatly expand Medicaid healthcare coverage for children and noted that Heather Wilson voted against it and with Bush and the tobacco companies. He said he thinks a new approach is needed in financing healthcare and that the free market cannot solve all problems, especially in areas like healthcare.
Asked if he would support impeachment of Bush, Martin said we should start by impeaching Alberto Gonzales and take it from there.
Heinrich said No Child Left Behind should be repealed but funded in the meantime. We need to teach kids to think, not just take tests, he said.
After Heinrich finished answering questions, Meetup attendees were so motivated to contribute to his campaign that additional donation envelopes had to be retrieved from his car when the original supply proved insufficient. That's putting your money where you mouth is -- something we have to keep doing if we want Martin to clear the field and be the Dem nominee. If you'd like to help Heinrich keep his big mo' building, kick in a few bucks for his campaign at the DFNM Netroots page at Act Blue.
Others in the Race
Three other contenders for the Dem nomination in CD1 have come forward in recent weeks. Bryon Paez, who works for the powerful NM lobbying firm run by the Guv's friend, Bruce Maki, has said he intends to enter the race. Attorney Jon Adams has also tossed his hat in the ring. According to Kate Nash at the Albuquerque Tribune, Adams raised $10,000 in campaign cash during the first week of his campaign. Most recently, Jason Call has announced his entry into the race as a "small d independent democrat."
To read previous posts on the NM-01 Congressional race, visit our archive. Thanks to EB for taking such good notes at the Meetup with Heinrich while I was at YearlyKos in Chicago. Photo credit: M.E. Broderick.
August 21, 2007 at 01:42 PM in Democratic Party, DFNM - Albq, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (3)
Monday, August 13, 2007
Bush, Los Ranchos, Domenici, Wiviott
You probably already know about this but I thought I'd post on it anyway as I'm still catching up after 10 days in Chicago for Yearly Kos and a Chicagoland vacation.
Bush in Los Ranchos for Pete
The Decider will appear at a private, big-dollar fundraiser on Monday, August 27, to benefit Sen. Pete Domenici's campaign to retain his Senate seat. It'll cost a mere $1000 just to get in the door, and $5000 to have your picture taken with Bush. The gathering of Republican Bush-Domenici supporters will be hosted by Los Ranchos Mayor Larry Abraham, a registered Independent, at his home in the North Valley outside Albuquerque. Abraham is also the Vice-Chair of the board of directors of the Mid-Region Council of Governments (MRCOG) and Chairs their Metropolitan Transportation Board (MTB).
Surely, Abraham's "independent" cover has been damaged beyond repair by his enthusiasm to host Bush and support the campaign of one of the administration's primary rubberstamps. According to an Albuquerque Tribune article, Mayor Abraham deemed the event "a historic moment for the entire village and our family." I guess so, if you consider a stealthy visit from one of the most unpopular, unethical and incompetent presidents to be a positive thing.
Mayor Abraham also stated that, "We're honored to help Pete. He's an asset to the whole state of New Mexico." Others might argue that an aging, increasingly out of touch Senator who's accused of injecting politics into prosecutions by our U.S. Attorney, and who consistently supports tax cuts for the elite, huge subsidies for oil, gas and nuke corporations, a failed foreign policy in Iraq and continued destruction of our civil liberties is hurting most constituents rather than helping them.
Ready for a change? Check out the campaign of , a Democrat who's running for a chance to challenge Domenici for his Senate seat. Wiviott, a green developer from Santa Fe who's making clean energy, the environment and getting out of Iraq his core issues, was one of the candidates featured at a packed netroots candidate celebration at the Yearly Kos convention in Chicago last week. It was great to see a New Mexico Democrat up there on the stage with other strong netroots favorites like Eric Massa of New York, Darcy Burner of Washington State and Steve Kagen of Wisconsin. Even Al Franken, who's campaigning to take on Repub incumbent Norm Coleman in Minnesota, appeared at the candidate event via a live video feed. The candidates honored at the event are featured on a special Act Blue page where you can learn more and donate to one or all of them.
Don Wiviott (left) speaks to crowd at Yearly Kos Netroots Candidate Celebration
Wiviott was much in evidence all over the convention and was clearly concentrating on listening, learning and networking with activists. We had a chance to share a dinner with Don and hang out with him at a couple events. We came away very impressed with his intelligence, honesty, passion for progressive change and practical approach to fiscally responsible problem-solving. He's sincerely reaching out to the grassroots-netroots for support and he got a bunch of it at the YK candidate event. We look forward to hearing more from him as his campaign swings into gear.
Wiviott (bottom left), YK Netroots Candidate Class of '08 (Click on photos for larger versions.)
August 13, 2007 at 12:17 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (15)
Dem Women of Sandoval County to Host Celebration Picnic
From the Democratic Women of Sandoval County:
Celebration Picnic
Coronado Campground, 106 Monument Road, Bernalillo
Sunday, August 19, 2007 Noon until 3 PM
Join us as we celebrate our second anniversary as Democratic Women of Sandoval County! We will meet for a picnic in the pavilion at the Coronado Campground (turn right into the campground immediately after you turn off the highway) on Highway 550 in Bernalillo.
This is a free public event. Everyone is welcome. The more the merrier. Bring your relatives, your friends, your neighbors, and anyone else who wants to have fun. Come meet the newly announced candidates and potential candidates. Greet your friends and neighbors and make new friends. There will be good food, music, and balloons for the kids, and information about local organizations. The pavilion is a short hike from the river and a short drive to the monument. Admission to the monument is free on Sundays.
Please help us spread the word to local community service and non-profit organizations that they are welcome to set up their own table at this event. Let your favorite cause know about our celebration. We’d welcome their participation. If you have questions call Janice Saxton at 867-1139 or email
Editor's Note: The Democratic Women of Sandoval County list their events on the Democratic Party of Sandoval County website.
August 13, 2007 at 11:11 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Laura E. Sanchez Named DPNM Executive Director
From the Democratic Party of NM:
Brian S. Colón, Chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, announced on Friday that Laura E. Sanchez was his choice for the position of Executive Director. Sanchez is a native of Deming, New Mexico. Her appointment comes at a critical time for the Democratic Party as it gears up for the 2008 election in what is considered a key state in the race for the White House.
"Laura Sanchez is a model New Mexico Democrat. Her education and experience will help me advance the electoral prospects of Democrats at all levels. Ms. Sanchez's knowledge of the state, her life story, legal background, and work experience in legislative bodies and with advocacy groups make her tremendously qualified for this demanding job," said Chairman Colón.
"I am honored and thrilled to have this exciting opportunity," said Ms. Sanchez. "The Republicans have sought to systematically tear apart the fabric of our communities: gutting workplace protections, under-funding the educational system, pillaging our environment, and neglecting the health care crisis in America, not to mention continuing to send our young service men and women off to fight a misguided war. Clearly, we need a Democrat in the White House. As Executive Director, I will work to ensure that New Mexico goes blue in November 2008, and elects a Democratic President."
Ms. Sanchez comes to the DPNM from her position as Energy Solutions Policy Fellow for the Natural Resources Defense Council. She is an attorney who worked as a Senate Majority Analyst assigned to the Judiciary Committee in the 2007 session. Ms. Sanchez has practiced in public finance and commercial real estate transactions in Albuquerque since 2004. During the 2006 campaign, she directed the Get-Out-The-Vote operation for a statewide initiative for the Narragansett Indian Tribe of Rhode Island.
Ms. Sanchez received a Masters in Public Administration and a Bachelor of Science degree in political science from the University of Arizona in Tucson. She held a number of political and public service positions in Arizona including working for the Pima County Community Services Department, Congressman Ed Pastor, the Office of the Pima County Attorney, and the Arizona State Senate.
Ms. Sanchez received her Juris Doctorate from the University of California, Los Angeles. During law school, she clerked for the National Partnership for Women & Families in Washington, DC. She also has experience working for the California Legislative Analyst's Office in Sacramento.
"Selecting someone to lead the staff and run the day to day operations of the state party is one of -- if not the -- most important decisions of my tenure," said Chairman Colón. "I campaigned for the position of Chair on the idea of being more fair, energetic, and inclusive, and I am proud that the executive director selection process has met this standard. I am grateful for the executive director search committee's work with each and every one of the 29 applicants for the position."
August 12, 2007 at 12:36 PM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (3)
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I'm headed to YearlyKos at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, so things may be a bit slow around here for awhile. I set up some auto-posts and I'll try to check in when I can, but no guarantees. There's so much going on at the convention that I think down time and web time will be hard to muster. Very exciting.
Lots of sources will be covering the gathering so you can follow things right from your couch or computer. A YearlyKos follow it at home page will have frequently updated links to all the coverage they know about. Both CSPAN and CNN plan TV and web video coverage -- no details yet. Talking Points Memo will have something called TPMtv with interviews and live coverage. So will PoliticsTV and UstreamTV online. No doubt participants will be uploading stuff to YouTube and flickr. And I'm sure just about every progressive blog will be on the story to some extent.
There are a multitude of panel discussions, workshops, roundtables and film screenings, which you can browse in the convention schedule. Major events, official and unofficial, include (all times Central Daylight Time):
Wednesday, August 1
- Evening: Various receptions and parties
- 8-9:30 PM: DFA Health Care Forum with Jim Dean, health care advocates and experts
Thursday, August 2
- All day: Interest group and blogger caucuses, panels, workshops, roundtables, films
- 7-9 PM: Kickoff keynote speech by DNC Chair Howard Dean, with welcomes from Markos and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)
- 9-10 PM: DFA Grassroots Victory Caucus
Friday, August 3
- All day: roundtables, panel discussions, workshops, films
- 8-9 AM: Keynote speech by Wesley Clark
- Luncheon speech by Andy Stern of SEIU
- 5:30-7:30 PM: Netroots Candidate Celebration (one of the cosponsors is Don Wiviott, Dem candidate for NM Senate)
Saturday, August 4
- All day: roundtables, panel discussions, workshops, films
- 8-9AM: Ask the Leaders Forum with Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Harry Reid, Sen. Chuck Schumer, Rep. Rahm Emanuel
- 1-2:45 PM: Presidential Candidate Forum with Bill Richardson, John Edwards, Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Mike Gravel
- 3-3:45 PM: Individual breakout sessions with presidential candidates
- 4:30-6:30 PM: Teamsters' Rally and BBQ
- 7-10 PM: Closing Keynote by Markos plus surprises
Sunday, August 5
- 11AM-1PM: Bloggers' Brunch
Other Info:
- An unbelievable list of Speakers, Panel & Workshop Leaders
August 1, 2007 at 07:34 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Current Affairs, Democratic Party, DFA, Education, Events, Media, Public Policy, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)