Thursday, September 06, 2012

New Mexico’s School Funding Cuts among the Nation’s Deepest

From NM Voices for Children: Cuts hurt economy in short- and long-term.

New Mexico positions sixteenth most noticeably bad in the nation as far as how profoundly school subsidizing has been cut since the begin of the subsidence. These cuts put the state's economy and long haul flourishing in danger.

Interest in K-12 schools is right around 11 percent underneath 2008 levels, which implies New Mexico has made further cuts than 34 different states, as per a report discharged Tuesday by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a non-divided approach look into association situated in Washington, D.C.

"These slices have undermined our capacity to teach New Mexico's kids and there will be outcomes for the state's economy," said Veronica Garcia, Ed.D., Executive Director of New Mexico Voices for Children. "Great schools and an informed workforce cultivate monetary development."

The retreat caused state income to decay forcefully. In any case, rather than tending to spending deficiencies by adopting an adjusted strategy that incorporates new incomes, New Mexico depended intensely on slices to state administrations, including instruction.

The loss of government crisis budgetary guide to states and school locale has added to instruction cuts also. Government dollars from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Education Jobs Fund helped states restrain instruction cuts at first, yet the guide to a great extent lapsed toward the finish of Fiscal Year 2011, leaving states to manage training subsidizing shortages all alone.

New Mexico's K-12 instruction cuts hurt the state's economy in the short-and long haul. The cuts have broadened the retreat by causing both open and private-segment work misfortunes, abating the pace of monetary recuperation. The subsidizing cuts have constrained school locale all through the state to lay off instructors and care staff, decrease pay for the rest of the staff, and wipe out contracts with private organizations.

Lessening interest in schools additionally has long haul financial outcomes. A solid training framework is basic to making and keeping up a flourishing economy. Organizations require an accomplished workforce, and instruction slices undermine the state's capacity to deliver laborers with the abilities expected to contend in a worldwide economy.

"Crosswise over a significant part of the nation, kids are backpedaling to class to discover more swarmed classrooms, and – now and again – shorter school weeks," said Phil Oliff, approach examiner at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and creator of the report. "That is no real way to build up our future workforce and assemble a solid economy."

The Center's full report can be found by following this connection.

September 6, 2012 at 01:34 PM in Children and Families, Education, Youth | Permalink | Comments (3)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Their View: A Simple Solution to an Urgent Problem

Following is an Op-Ed by Rep. Moe Maestas, the op-ed was seen in the Las Cruces Sun-News today.

Moe maestasAntonio "Moe" Maestas represents District 16 in the New Mexico House of Representatives.

Every now and then we are presented with an easy opportunity to solve a problem. When a simple solution presents itself the choice is easy. It's typically called a "no-brainer." Governor Susana Martinez has been presented with just that.

The issue to be comprehended: an always developing number of New Mexicans, a large number of them working all day, can't bear the cost of medical coverage. Our uninsured populace positions second-most noteworthy in the country, making this one of our state's most dire and basic issues. A huge number of New Mexicans don't approach respectable reasonable medicinal services.

A current Families USA report entitled "Biting the dust for Coverage: The Deadly Consequences of Being Uninsured," utilized technique created by the Institute of Medicine to ascertain that in the vicinity of 2005 and 2010, more than 1,400 New Mexicans kicked the bucket rashly on the grounds that they didn't have medical coverage.

Expanding Medicaid would enable over 150,000 hard-working New Mexicans to access preventative doctor visits and allow doctors to focus on health care outcomes rather than reactive treatment. In addition, infusing hundreds of thousands of families in our state would no longer have to live just one healthcare crisis away from financial ruin and dropping out of the middle class.

The U.S. Preeminent Court's human services choice that gives expresses the alternative to grow Medicaid to low-salary grown-ups has given Gov. Martinez a tremendous opportunity and a real solution. This opportunity is the best bang for the buck for New Mexico. The federal government has taken on the responsibility of paying the entire cost of the newly covered for the first three years (2014-16) and gradually reducing its share to 90 percent for 2020 and beyond. According to a recent study by N.M. Voices for Children, this infusion of millions of federal dollars will create an estimated 17,000 jobs in New Mexico by 2015. It's hard to see how anyone can call that a bad deal.

Unfortunately, Gov. Martinez appears to be turning what should be a no-brainer into an agonizing political dilemma. By taking the Medicaid opportunity path, she can choose to save lives, save money, and create jobs in New Mexico. It's simply the right thing to do.

But the alternative path that seems to pressure Gov. Martinez is one paved with politics at its worst. Out of a misplaced sense of partisan ambition or steered by ideological handlers, she might choose to march in lockstep with governors such as Wisconsin's Scott Walker, Florida's Rick Scott, and Louisiana's Bobby Jindal. In rejecting the Medicaid opportunity, those governors have abdicated their responsibility and have thrown their most vulnerable populations under the bus — merely to score partisan political debating points.

It's a disgrace that our state has not done more to bring up the most vulnerable among us. The rejection of this opportunity would mean a stomach punch to our state's potential and the continued decline of our state's healthcare outcomes.

This is too important to allow national politics to dictate policy in New Mexico. Let's hope Governor Martinez is committed to solving problems and does the right thing by expanding health care coverage in New Mexico.

August 30, 2012 at 05:00 PM in Children and Families, Medicaid | Permalink | Comments (7)

Judge Alisa Hadfield's Commitment to Families and Children in New Mexico

Guest blog by Shannon Enright-Smith.

Images head shotMost of us thankfully have never and will never appear before a Judge in the Family Court Domestic Violence Division, but we should not be distracted from electing the right person for the job.

We have all known, worked with or been acquaintances with someone who has gone through Family Court and have been impacted by the outcome whether it was a divorce, a custody battle or domestic violence situation. None of us are immune.

The Right Judge for the Job

Judge Alisa Hadfield is currently a Family Court Judge in the Second Judicial District Court presiding over the Domestic Violence Division. She was appointed to the bench on December 8, 2010 by Governor Richardson after being selected by a Judicial Nominating Commission. By State law, Judges must stand for election in one partisan contest after appointment. Judge Hadfield is the best qualified candidate for this specialized position and needs your vote this November.

Judge Hadfield began her career in the area of criminal law, first as a prosecutor and then as an assistant public defender, assigned to Children's Court representing minors. She later expanded her practice into the area of family law as a private practitioner. Her experience in these practice areas contributed to her successful service as a Domestic Violence Special Commissioner prior to her appointment as a judge.

What Most Voters Never to Get to Experience or Know about a Judge

I came to know Judge Hadfield in her capacity as a Domestic Violence Special Commissioner when I was Executive Director of Resources, Inc., the largest domestic violence and legal advocacy program in the State of New Mexico. The advocates and I worked on very difficult family violence and family law cases and were continuously impressed by Judge Hadfield’s leadership ability, vast knowledge of law and procedure, sensitivity and professionalism. In her capacity as Special Commissioner, Judge Hadfield was exposed to the most violent and difficult parts of our society and yet remained fresh and enthusiastic in her work. As you know, crime victimization does not discriminate. Domestic violence is NOT a partisan issue. I have seen Judge Hadfield work with some of the most difficult personalities in their most difficult times. She has worked with diverse cultures, and gained a respect and sensitivity to the unique problems that they face. Judge Hadfield exhibits an ability to work in a situation where she is surrounded by raw emotion which she can then mold into reason resulting in a decision that is appropriate for the best interests of children.

Since Judge Hadfield’s appointment to the bench, I have had the opportunity through my private practice to learn of her rulings in over a dozen cases and I continue to be impressed, especially with her decisions in custody matters where children are profoundly impacted. I do believe that what Judge Hadfield offers the citizens of Bernalillo County is a stable forward-looking jurist. She is well intentioned and has a judicial philosophy well-grounded in the law and tempered with compassion for the rights of the individual and the well-being of children.

Judge Hadfield’s Commitment to Families and Children in New Mexico

“Having a strong background in family law in general, coupled with my work and experience in the area of domestic violence and services related to that issue, makes me uniquely qualified for this position. As a judge, I offer the bench my strong sense of personal integrity, my proven history of commitment to service, and my experience exercising judicial responsibilities in a knowledgeable, fair and impartial manner. My balanced experience and strong sense of justice make me well-suited for the district court bench.” Judge Alisa Hadfield

August 30, 2012 at 08:39 AM in 2012 Judicial Races, Candidates & Races, Children and Families | Permalink | Comments (2)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Support Growing for Same Sex Couple Parents, Hope Christian Silent.

On August 8th, the following blog piece was provided by Jesse Lopez, President of New Mexico Coalition for Student Justice

In less than three days, over 400 individuals have logged on to and signed the petition titled “End discrimination against GLBT at Hope Christian Academy School.” The petition, being endorsed by GetEqualNM and the Coalition for Student Justice, was created in response to the school denying enrollment to a child because the child’s parents are of the same sex.

As support grows for the family, organizations and national media outlets across the country are beginning to weigh in on the debate over federal funding, 501-c3 non-profit status, and the New Mexico Human Rights Act that prohibits discrimination in employment, housing and “public accommodations.” It also bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

“Not only does it appear that Hope Christian may in fact be violating the law, they are sending the wrong message to the community. Already several high school students that identify as being gay have reached out and are scared to go back to school, and are now more afraid to come out. It appears Hope’s leadership team is willing to take tax payer dollars and create an environment with inequality, and more so, willing to allow students currently enrolled to feel morally derogated and belittled because they are gay” Jesse Lopez

Please follow this link to sign petition. Below is a copy of the petition:

GGreetings, I simply signed the subsequent petition addressed to: State of latest North American nation Federal Delegation - finish discrimination against GLBT at Hope Christian Academy college

State of latest North American nation Federal Delegation,

We the signed petitioners of latest North American nation and across the USA square measure urging you to appear into recent actions by Hope Christian Academy in Albuquerque New Mexico denying a three year previous enrollment as a result of the child's folks square measure of constant sex.

As i'm certain, you're cognizant, in 1954 the Supreme Court dominated in Brown vs. the Board of Education that "Segregation of scholars publicly faculties violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, as a result of separate facilities square measure inherently unequal."

Although HOPE Christian Academy maintains itself as a non-public establishment it in facts receives $60,000 annually from the national. These tax bucks come back from the pockets of yank families, together with those of same sex couples. as a result of the college, partly is funded by my tax bucks, i'm sign language this petition and asking that you just look more into the discriminative actions taken by HOPE Christian Academy and enforce the law of the us government and permit this kid to inscribe.

If we tend to do nothing, we've didn't learn from our past, and permit agents of hate to exist. If we tend to square measure to began teaching a replacement generation on equality permit this kid to inscribe and not let down on unequal actions.

August 13, 2012 at 12:55 PM in Action Alerts, Candidates & Races, Children and Families, GLBT Rights | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Respect – We Are ALL Made in God's Image the Central Message of Christianity

Guest Blog by Nick Rimmer, Esq.

Respect–this is a central message of Christianity. We are all made in God’s image, and we must treat our neighbors with the respect that each of us deserves. Whether you’re a Christian or not, this seems to be a pretty good message.

This is what makes Hope Christian School’s decision to deny admission to a 3-year-old boy because he comes from a same-sex family all the more disappointing. The fact that the school also receives tax-payer dollars makes the decision really troubling.

Like many private schools, Hope Christian’s application form reflects an understanding of changing family dynamics in the modern age. For instance, the application includes a section that allows four different parents and guardians at different addresses, recognizing that the definition of family in modern America is evolving.

Our children face so many more challenges, including coming from homes where both parents may have to work two-or-three jobs just to make ends meet, than the generations before them.

We realize that those sufficiently blessed to have a family are much more prone to conquer those difficulties. Subsequent to checking on many years of study, analyst C.J. Patterson finished up "not a solitary report has discovered offspring of lesbian or gay guardians to be distraught in any huge regard with respect to offspring of hetero guardians." [1]

New Mexico already has enough challenges when it comes to raising our children. More than 30% of our children live in poverty, the second highest rate in the nation [2]. And more than six out of 10, like the boy denied admission to Hope Christian, who are eligible for preschool are not enrolled. Our abysmal graduation rates are well documented and often discussed.

By all accounts, the child at the center of this recent discussion is on track to avoid becoming one of those statistics. From outward appearances, his parents have given him all of the advantages—a loving home and a commitment to education. Sadly, the school is imposing an unnecessary punishment on this child, and we – as New Mexicans – can’t look the other way.

The 2010 Kids Count report estimates that 11% of children in New Mexico – a full one in 10 – are living with two moms or two dads. That is the same percentage of those living only with one dad. Combined with children living only with mom, a full 40% of our children live in family types virtually unheard of just 50 years ago.

Children today will encounter peers from a wide range of backgrounds and families, and we must teach them the principles of treating other with respect. Like the school’s own application recognizes, the family dynamic is changing. We will do well to remember that each family matters in the life of a child.

Footnotes for above article:
[1] Patterson, C.J., 2005. Lesbian and gay guardians
furthermore, their youngsters: outline of research discoveries. In: Lesbian and Gay Parenting.
American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. 
[2] Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2010, Kids Count Report,


August 7, 2012 at 05:49 PM in Children and Families, Civil Liberties, Faith Community, GLBT Rights, Guest Blogger | Permalink | Comments (4)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Mexico Ranks 49th in the Nation in Overall Child Well-being

Kid wellbeing enhanced, however not financial, instruction, and family prosperity

The Annie E. Casey Foundation's 2012 KIDS COUNT Data Book demonstrates that New Mexico made a couple of increases in youngsters' wellbeing status, however the state has far to go in enhancing the financial, instruction, and group related prosperity of its kids. The state positions 49th out of the 50 states. Just Mississippi positions lower.

This latest information demonstrate that the retreat and moderate monetary recuperation are proceeding to hurt battling families in New Mexico. Since 2005, 30,000 more kids live in destitution, a number more prominent than the populaces of Deming, Taos, and Truth or Consequences joined. In 2010, more than 33% of the state's youngsters had guardians without secure work, an expansion of 23 percent from only two years previously.

"The current year's national KIDS COUNT discoveries keep on being frustrating. As a state we are not making the sort of development in perusing and math capability that we need for our youngsters," said Dr. Veronica C. Garcia, official executive of New Mexico Voices for Children.

This present years' information book took a gander at 16 pointers of youngster prosperity, separated into four classes. In those classifications, New Mexico positioned 49th in Education, Health, and Family and Community, and 48th in Economic Well-being. "This shows it's imperative to not take a gander at an understudy's scholarly accomplishment in seclusion, but instead we should cooperate as New Mexicans to exhaustively address the issues that influence instructive results and the financial prosperity of our state," Dr. Garcia included.

New Mexico positioned 46th generally speaking in the 2011 information book, yet that score depended on 10 pointers of tyke prosperity.

"In light of the exploration, we realize that entrance to superb care and training administrations for youngsters from birth to age five advances scholarly accomplishment," said Dr. Garcia. "In any case, in our state, 62 percent of our three-and four-year-olds don't have the chance to go to preschool. We likewise realize that youngsters' wellbeing is foundational to enhanced instructive results; in this manner expanded access to reasonable, brilliant medicinal services is vital. There is upheld prove that when kids experience childhood in a supporting and minding condition they have better social-passionate, dialect, and learning results. These results are basic for our kids and for the long haul monetary improvement of the state."

The current year's expansion of six new markers gives clients of the information book with a photo of youngster prosperity that better reflects what broad research has demonstrated is critical in tyke improvement. "This gives us a more powerful and exhaustive device for surveying how kids are getting along crosswise over states," said Christine Hollis, NM KIDS COUNT Director.

The information book and different assets are accessible online at:

The KIDS COUNT Data Book gives the most recent information on youngster prosperity similar over all states. This data will be accessible July 25 in the KIDS COUNT Data Center,, which additionally contains the latest New Mexico information on many different pointers of tyke prosperity. The Data Center permits clients, even through cell phone access, to make rankings, maps, and pattern diagrams for use in distributions and on sites.

July 25, 2012 at 05:38 PM in Children and Families, Education | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Struggling New Mexicans Demand Leaders End Outrageous Tax Giveaways to Big Oil Companies

Following release is from OLÉ Education Fund is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to empowering and improving the economic well-being of working New Mexicans.


Billboard campaign in Albuquerque highlights how taxpayers foot the bill for billions in big-oil tax breaks

New Mexicans who are struggling to fill their tanks today unveiled a billboard campaign calling attention to Big Oil receiving $4 billion in tax breaks despite raking in $137 billion in pure profits in 2011 alone.

Standing under a billboard featuring a frustrated driver and the message “Big oil gets billions in tax breaks … we pay the price. Why?!” New Mexicans called on elected officials and candidates to take a stand and outline their positions on whether they support preserving tax giveaways for the oil and gas industry.

The billboard campaign is sponsored by the Organizers in the Land of Enchantment (OLÉ) Education Fund.

“We pay high prices and the oil and gas companies get away with huge profits at our expense,” said Luis Garcia who works as a waiter in Albuquerque. “What’s worse? They also get $4 billion in tax breaks rubber stamped by Congress. Oil companies are robbing us at the pump and on tax day.”

Representative Steve Pearce, who represents southern New Mexico in Congress, has voted to preserve these tax giveaways for big oil 8 times since February of 2011 alone.

U.S. Senate Candidates Heather Wilson and Martin Heinrich have issued the following statements on the issue:

Heather Wilson: "Heather Wilson supports a balanced long-term energy policy that will create American jobs and reduce energy prices."

Martin Heinrich: "At a time when big oil companies are pulling in record profits, taxpayer dollars should not be padding the deep pockets of CEO's."

  “It’s nice that we have something from our Senate candidates, but New Mexicans deserve to know what Heather Wilson and Martin Heinrich’s clear positions are on these tax breaks,” said Marie Aragon, resident of Albuquerque. “And with these statements, we’re not quite there yet.”

The billboards aim to call attention to how ordinary New Mexicans are paying the price for oil-company tax breaks and educate the public about politicians who are consistently voting to preserve tax breaks for an industry that raked in $137 billion in profits in 2011 alone.

July 18, 2012 at 02:38 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Candidates & Races, Children and Families, Corporatism, Taxes | Permalink | Comments (3)

Friday, July 06, 2012

Joblessness More than Double for Hispanics than Whites in Abq

Following is an official statement from NM Voices for Children with respect to a report discharged on July second, 2012.

The joblessness rate for Hispanics in Albuquerque is more than twofold the rate for Whites. That is as indicated by a report discharged on July 2, 2012 by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI). The report takes a gander at joblessness rates for Hispanics in 25 metropolitan ranges, including Albuquerque.

As per the EPI report, the joblessness rate for Hispanics in Albuquerque was 11.3 percent in 2011. That was up from 9.3 percent in 2010. Albuquerque had the most astounding proportion of Hispanic-to-White joblessness of all the metro territories. For each White specialist who is jobless, 2.5 Hispanic laborers are out of occupations.

"There are a few variables having an effect on everything here. To begin with, the development segment lost the most employments after the lodging bubble burst, and there was a high convergence of Hispanics in that segment," said Gerry Bradley, Research Director at New Mexico Voices for Children. "Additionally, the Hispanic populace in New Mexico is more youthful than the White populace by and large, so they tend not to have as much position at their employments and for the most part have bring down levels of training than Whites," he said.

"This report demonstrates the need to enhance instructive open doors for Hispanics. The best approach to do this is to begin before kids enter the K-12 educational system so they are prepared to realize when they start school," Bradley included.

The general joblessness rate for May 2012 was 6.7 percent for the state and 6.8 percent for the Albuquerque metro zone, as indicated by the NM Department of Workforce Solutions.

The EPI report is accessible online at:


July 6, 2012 at 12:44 PM in Children and Families, Education, Hispanic Issues, Unemployment | Permalink | Comments (3)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

House Republicans Once Again Cut the Budget on the Backs of Middle-Class Families

Congressman Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico’s Third District voted today against a measure aimed at implementing House Republicans’ budget plan that calls for deep cuts to vital services for middle-class families while protecting defense spending and tax breaks for the richest Americans. The budget reconciliation bill cuts $310 billion over 10 years from non-defense spending in areas such as health care, food and nutrition assistance, and vital safety net programs for seniors, women, and children.

“Instead of offering a balanced plan to reduce our nation’s deficit, House Republicans once again make hard-working New Mexicans pay the price,” Congressman Luján said. “In order to restore the American Dream and rebuild the middle class, we need a balanced approach that invests in our future by supporting innovation, strengthening education, and rebuilding infrastructure. Now is the time to invest in our national labs and develop new groundbreaking technologies that could change the way we generate energy, keep our airports safer, and make our hospitals healthier. In times like these, millionaires should be giving to charity, not getting it through more tax breaks.”

The House Republicans’ reconciliation bill replaces automatic defense spending cuts that they agreed to last year with cuts that will result in:

May 10, 2012 at 05:27 PM in Children and Families, Healthcare, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (NM-03), Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

House Majority Moves to Cut Children's Health Insurance Program, Could Have Devastating Effects for Uninsured New Mexico Kids

In an effort to stave off the bipartisan agreement to cut federal spending that was signed into law last year, the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee passed a measure that would take away an important incentive program that has helped thousands of uninsured children in New Mexico gain access to health care.

CHIP images The measure would take out a compensation for-execution motivator arrange for that prizes states for making a praiseworthy showing with regards to of interfacing uninsured children to scope. New Mexico has gotten over $18 Million for endeavors in the Richardson organization to cut formality boundaries and contact qualified however uninsured kids through the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). An expected 31,500 more uninsured kids were associated with scope.

The motivating force design is one of a few fruitful methodologies that have gotten the quantity of uninsured kids America down to a record low. New Mexico gained huge ground as the quantity of uninsured kids dropped by 10% from 2007 to 2010.

Foundation: Created by the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) of 2009, the rewards compensate states for showing solid accomplishment in enlisting low-salary uninsured youngsters in state Medicaid subsidized plans. To qualify, states must receive one of a progression of measures that disentangle enlistment in scope and achieve enlistment targets. To date, the rewards have worked precisely as expected - remunerating states for handling the test of ensuring that the most minimal salary youngsters in this nation are associated with scope.

Amid this subsidence, CHIP and Medicaid have been working diligently helping families unfit to manage the cost of private health care coverage to secure scope for their kids. At the point when kids are solid, we as a whole win "they will probably develop and learn in school, and their folks have true serenity that an asthma assault or mischance won't send them to the crisis room and use up every last cent."

Associating qualified however uninsured youngsters to scope is a high need for the Obama Administration. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has approached pioneers at each level of government and the private segment to discover and select the about five million uninsured youngsters who are qualified for Medicaid and CHIP through her "Associating Kids to Coverage" challenge.

There are as yet an expected 50,000 kids in New Mexico who are qualified for Medicaid scope however are not yet selected.

Bill Jordan, Policy Director for New Mexico Voices for Children said: "It would be shameful for the U.S. House of Representatives to terminate the bonus program and remove one of the incentives for states like New Mexico to enroll more kids in Medicaid. Insurance coverage not only contributes to their health but it helps kids stay in school and focus on their studies, instead of missing school and being distracted by medical issues that could have been treated."

May 8, 2012 at 04:05 PM in Children and Families, Education, Healthcare, Youth | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

New Mexico’s Working Families Praise New Mexico’s U.S. Senators for Voting to End Billions in Special Oil & Gas Company Tax Breaks

From Organizers in the Land of Enchantment:

Reps. Luján, Heinrich Vote Against Oil & Gas Tax Breaks in Ryan Budget

The U.S. Senate neglected to pass enactment Thursday by Sen. Sway Menendez (D-NJ) which would have allowed $24 billion in charge some breathing room for the five wealthiest oil organizations and utilize the funds to pay down the U.S. obligation and put resources into wind power and vitality proficiency. Coordinators in the Land of Enchantment (OLÉ) adulated New Mexico's U.S. Legislators Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall for voting in favor of the enactment.

Despite the fact that a greater part voted to pass the bill, the almost partisan loyalty vote of 51-47 neglected to gather the 60 votes expected to abrogate a delay.

Also on Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (WI) budget which retains a decade of oil and gas industry tax breaks worth tens of billions of dollars. OLÉ applauds Congressmen Ben Ray Luján and Martin Heinrich for voting against continuing these taxpayer giveaways and expresses frustration that Rep. Steve Pearce voted for it.

Oil companies made $137 billion in profits last year, thanks to the high prices consumers paid at the gas pump. And despite nearly record high levels of drilling in the United States, gas prices are going up not down.

“We don’t have a problem with too little production; we have a problem with too much profiteering. And working families are footing the bill,” said Mathew Henderson, OLÉ Executive Director.

March 31, 2012 at 12:18 PM in Children and Families, Energy, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (NM-03), Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Sen. Tom Udall | |

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3/31: Bernalillo County Family Court Judge Alisa Hadfield

Bernalillo County Family Court Judge Alisa Hadfield isn’t just hanging around, waiting for election day.

Hadfield, who has been a Family Court Judge for almost one and half years, is gearing up for her first election this November with the release of a campaign video that highlights her rock climbing chops. The video, released today on her Facebook site: “Committee-Keep Judge Hadfield” and on YouTube, features interviews with the judge and dramatic footage of her scaling “the Arch” at Stone Age Climbing Gym. The Arch is one of the most technically difficult rock climbing features at the gym and has the climber clinging to artificial hand and foot holds, three stories above the gym floor – with a safety belay, of course.

Judge Hadfield explains that rock climbing is a stress outlet for the busy family court where she presides over often difficult divorce, child custody and domestic violence cases. “Rock climbing requires intense and absolute concentration, which I actually think carries over to the court room. Keeping track of hundreds of cases, involving hundreds of families and children requires focus and concentration.”

Judge Hadfield has been an avid climber since her days as a prosecutor and later as a public defender. She also had a private practice in family law before being recommended for the bench by the non-partisan Judicial Selection Commission and appointed by the Governor in 2010. She has climbed some of New Mexico’s more difficult routes, although her full time job as a Judge has limited her climbing time.

Judge Hadfield will be showing off her rock climbing skills during her upcoming campaign event at Stone Age Climbing Gym 4201 Yale Blvd. NE Suite 1, on March 31, 2012 at 6:30 pm. (Download attached flier)

The video can be viewed at

March 21, 2012 at 01:34 PM in 2012 Judicial Races, Children and Families | Permalink | Comments (0)

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