Friday, September 10, 2004

You Decide


Jimi Kerry lives! See it now!

September 10, 2004 at 12:48 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Request to ID All First-Time Voters Denied


According to today's Albuquerque Journal:

A state district judge denied a bid Tuesday to require tens of thousands of first-time voters in New Mexico to show identification before casting ballots this fall. In rejecting the request for a preliminary injunction— brought as part of a lawsuit filed last month— state District Judge Robert L. Thompson suggested his decision was based partly on the amount of time before the Nov. 2 election. He referred to the request for IDs as an "11th-hour lawsuit." . . . The ruling means that, for now, only first-time voters who registered by mail must show identification before casting their ballots

You can find more information on this case in yesterday's Albuquerque Tribune article and in our earlier story.

September 8, 2004 at 11:35 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Political Tourism

From an AlterNet article:

In the next few weeks, expect a crop of outsiders to flock to New Mexico. They're not coming to peruse the state's famed art galleries or to hike its enchanted lands; the draw for this latest influx is the upcoming presidential election. Because New Mexico is a swing state, with Gore winning New Mexico by just a couple hundred votes in the last election, supporters of both Bush and Kerry are traveling from as near as Texas and as far as Maine to help sway New Mexicans to their candidate of choice. Jennifer Nation, a University of Texas at Austin student, decided to drive 14 hours from Houston to Albuquerque in hopes of getting New Mexicans to turn out for Kerry.

"I haven't given up on Texas," says the 20-year-old, "but I do think it's absolutely going to go to Bush, so I wanted to come to a swing state." Now that she's in New Mexico, Nation has been doing data entry, compiling information about Kerry campaign volunteers and updating information on voters. She will soon go door to door to garner more voters for Kerry. "I feel like the result of this election will not only affect us for the next four years but for the next 40 years," Nation says.
I know that the Kerry campaign, ACT and the League of Conservation Voters are looking for people to house volunteers from other states for a few days or a few weeks. Call the Kerry campaign at 256-2570, Jordan Foster or Chris Cerbini of ACT NM at 872-9466, Olivia Stockman of LCV at 244-1077.

September 8, 2004 at 10:26 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Mission NOT Accomplished


Since so many of us will be phonebanking and canvassing for various organizations from now until the election, I thought I'd pass along some food for thought that might be used to make your arguments for a Bush defeat. These are from the NM Democratic Party Victory Line email:

Since George Bush took office, 7,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost in New Mexico. [Bureau of Labor Statistics] Average wages in industries that are growing pay $8,338 less than in industries that are contracting. [EPI, “Average Wages in Growing and Contracting Industries, End of Recession Through November 2003] Since George Bush has taken office, family income in America has dropped by $1,462. [US Census Bureau]

In New Mexico, the total family premium for health insurance has increased by $2,551 to $8,773. [2000 MEPS Data from the Agency for Healthcare Quality Research projected forward using KFF National Premium Increase] Health care premiums increased by 13.9% last year while workers’ earnings increased by only 3.1%. This is the fifth year in a row that premiums outpaced earnings. [Kaiser Family Foundation, “Trends and Indicators in the Changing Health Care Marketplace, 2004 Update”]

George Bush has requested $69,250,500 less than is needed to fully fund No Child Left Behind for 2005 in New Mexico. This shortfall will make it difficult for schools in New Mexico to meet the educational needs of its students. [Children’s Defense Fund, “Nearly Every School District In America Left Behind By President's Education Budget,” 4/30/04] Since Bush has taken office, tuition in New Mexico has increased by $614 at four-year public universities. [American Association of State Colleges and Universities; National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges; Based on College Board Tuition Increase]

MISSION NOT ACCOMPLISHED: Bush and Homeland Security
Bush cut state and local grant funding for first responder training, exercise, and technical assistance by nearly half, from $320 million in 2004 to $178 million in 2005. New Mexico will receive less than what police, firefighters and other first responders in need to get the training they need. [Budget of the United States,]

Getting enough money allocated, getting possession of the money once it's authorized and having input into what types of expenditures the feds will pay for, are among the headaches facing local governments as they attempt to train and equip themselves against the possibilities of terrorism. Jim Hunter, director of Emergency Preparedness said Albuquerque has been promised $2.9 million in homeland security funds since Sept. 11, 2001, but only $700,000 has been delivered. [Albuquerque Tribune, 7/08/04]
Here's a piece written by Sen. Robert Byrd on the same topic of Mission NOT Accomplished. And a DNC site with this theme.

September 7, 2004 at 11:55 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (5)

Monday, September 06, 2004

Socorro: Let the Horses Lead

sanmiguelI've been reading about activities in Socorro recently on the DFA blog and wanted to share a couple posts that provide a nice report of the action, plus some much needed humor. Great to hear that our Socorro compadres have reawakened and are going full throttle! Hope we can reconnect with DFA folks around the state as we continue down the road towards building an organization that will last for many years beyond the current election. Join me in welcoming our Socorro contingent to the DFNM blog.

Posted by NM*Mom*for*Dean at September 6, 2004:
Our county fair was held this past weekend. One of the events was the annual county fair parade which I and my 7-month old participated in. We, and about two dozen other folks, marched with the Kerry float. I decked out the baby stroller with Kerry signs and my Howard Dean pin. We got some claps and some boos, but on the whole, the crowd was very respectful.

Now, there was a Bush/Cheyney float, too, with about 10 people participating, about half of them children not old enough to vote. And, in what I consider to be a scene of poetic justice, they were marching behind the members of the 4-H club who were riding their horses. And the horses were not shy about relieving themselves. I thought, there is a God, and he's got a great sense of humor.

Yesterday, the family and I were driving around Albuquerque, and I noticed that there are a lot more Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers than Bush/Cheyney stickers. I also saw a number of Dean stickers (you are still loved here!). I have a pretty strong feeling that Kerry's going to take NM.

Also, given that Richard Romero, a Dean Dozen candidate, is running against Heather Wilson, a Bush lapdog, I wonder if we could get a visit from Howard out here in the Land of Enchantment (hint, hint).

Posted by NM*Mom*for*Dean at September 3, 2004:
Things are busy in Socorro. The Dem party opened their county headquarters here last week. I've signed on with Socorroans for Democracy (the phoenix rising from the ashes of Socorroans for Dean) and Socorro Democratic Women. Our county fair begins today thru the weekend, and tomorrow morning I'll be marching in the parade on the SFD float. We are tabling at the local farmer's market twice a week, and I registered two new voters yesterday. There are a number of events scheduled up to the election including fiestas, candidate forums and a Matanza on October 30. The Dems are very active down here. It's going to be b@lls to the walls between now and Nov. 2.

Oh, and they FINALLY got Fahrenheit 9/11 into the local theater after an email effort to Trans-Lux by members of SFD and other locals. We do have the power!
For those visiting here from outside New Mexico, here's a site with links about the Socorro area, home to NM Tech, the Very Large Array, the Bosque del Apache and old San Miguel Mission (pictured at top).

September 6, 2004 at 02:39 PM in Candidates & Races, DFNM - Socorro | Permalink | Comments (1)

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Crazy Quilt of Polls

According to , the most recent national polls on the presidential races are all over the map. Here's a summary:

Pollster Kerry Bush
American Research Group 48 47
The Economist 45 44
Leger 47 51
Newsweek 41 52
Rasmussen 45 49
Time 41 52
Zogby 44 46

It seems clear that Bush is getting a bump from his dishonest and mean-spirited convention, but it's not clear how much. Here in New Mexico, a Journal poll released today has Bush with 45% and Kerry at 42% in a poll conducted Aug. 27 -- Sept. 1 sampling 908 registered voters statewide. Eight percent were undecided, 1% said "none of the above" and 1% wouldn't say. David Cobb of the Green Party, Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian Party and independent Ralph Nader each had 1%. The margin of error was plus or minus 3%, so the race remains a statistical tie.

September 5, 2004 at 11:21 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (5)

Friday, September 03, 2004

Us vs. Them


Compare and Contrast: Barack Obama was the Dem Keynote Speaker, while Zell Miller keynoted the RNC convention. You can check out the really telling differences of approach by reading or, even better, by viewing their keynote speeches: Obama, Miller.

And if you agree that Obama's speech was a home run, you can even buy a shirt that features the transcript.

Some good tools for comparing Bush vs. Kerry can be found in the new Kerry Kit offered for the $4 shipping cost by MoveOn PAC. You can order a Kit for yourself, have it sent to friends or neighbors, or download most of the materials directly.

Americans for Healthcare, an arm of SEIU, offers an excellent flyer that compares the Bush and Kerry healthcare plans.

And for data nuts everywhere, we have Bush's Speech by the Numbers, which shows what he isn't interested in by the number of times his speech contained these words:

Unemployment - 0
Uninsured - 1
Outsourcing - 0
Premiums - 0
Middle-income families - 1
Iran - 0
North Korea - 0
Osama bin Laden - 0
Al Qaeda - 3

Apparently the hatefest continues as we head into the Labor Day weekend:

WEST ALLIS, Wis. (AP) President Bush on Friday wished Bill Clinton "best wishes for a swift and speedy recovery.'' "He's is in our thoughts and prayers,'' Bush said at a campaign rally. Bush's audience of thousands in West Allis, Wis., booed. Bush did nothing to stop them.

And it seems our courageous leader is already getting scared to tangle with Kerry. This article reports that the Bush camp may cut one debate from the schedule. Funny how quickly his "steel resolve" fades in the light of TV cameras trained on both the candidates sharing a stage!

September 3, 2004 at 04:35 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (4)

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Zig Zag Zell


Did anyone else think that all "Democrat" Zell Miller lacked last night while speaking at the RNC convention was a white hood and sheets? He said Kerry would fight the war on terror with "spitballs." I guess he forgot this 2001 speech about Kerry, which just happens to survive on Zell's website and includes this passage:

My job tonight is an easy one: to present to you one of this nation's authentic heroes, one of this party's best-known and greatest leaders – and a good friend. . . . John has worked to strengthen our military, reform public education, boost the economy and protect the environment. "

Compare and contrast with Zell's comments last night: full text, or video clip.

September 2, 2004 at 11:31 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

August 26 Events

George Bush will be in Las Cruces, Farmington and Albuquerque on Thursday, August 26th. The League of Conservation Voters and ACT NM are coordinating a protest in Albuquerque on that day.

Get Information

John Edwards will be in Las Cruces on Thursday, August 26th.

Get Information

August 25, 2004 at 10:57 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, August 23, 2004

BushWatch: New Mexico


Join Others and Tell Him What's on Your Mind: TrueMajorityACTION has just learned that on THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, President George Bush is traveling to New Mexico to host rallies in Las Cruces, Farmington and Albuquerque. Local organizers are encouraging people to make their voices heard about the unmet needs of New Mexico families outside his events and would like folks who are interested in participating to contact them: Courtney Hunter, 505-830-9250, chunter(AT sign)

Let President Bush know that New Mexico is NOT "Bush Country."

On Thursday, August 26:
Bush Cheney '04 Rally with George W. Bush

Pan Am Center, Las Cruces, NM, 9:05 a.m.
Farmington, NM, 12:05 p.m.
Albuquerque, NM, 3:10 p.m.

In America, you can still share your views with the President and the national media traveling with him. Stay safe, stay legal and express your right to speak out.

August 23, 2004 at 06:19 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)