Tuesday, August 09, 2005

6th District Coalition of Neighborhood Assocations to Hold Mayoral Forum

You are invited to attend a forum for the Candidates for the Mayor of Albuquerque, hosted by the Sixth District Coalition of Neighborhood Associations. The League of Women Voters has generously agreed to moderate this forum.

This forum will be on Sunday, August 28, 3 PM 'til 5 PM, at the Highland Senior Center Auditorium, 131 Monroe, NE.

Questions of the candidates will be presented to the moderator and asked of each candidate only by the moderator. We hope all of you attend and show your support of our democratic process.

Many of you already have this on your calendars, so let this e-mail serve as a reminder. For those of you who have not already confirmed your participation, please RSVP to nmbcb4@aol.com.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you on the 28th.

Nancy Bearce, President                        
Charles Bennett, Forum Contact
Sixth Dist. Coalition of Neighborhood Associations

August 9, 2005 at 10:13 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, August 08, 2005

SeedPAC Candidate Forum Set for 8/14

SEEDPAC presents an…
Albuquerque Mayoral and City Councilor
Candidates Forum

Sunday, August 14, 2005
2-5 PM
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
114 Carlisle Boulevard SE

(corner of Silver and Carlisle)

Please Come and listen to the Candidates address progressive issues.

A Mock Election will be held, utilizing the Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) Procedure

Admission:  $5 per person

Seedpac2_1SEEDPAC is a democratic political action committee, formed by Miles Nelson, that is dedicated to supporting the political campaigns of progressive candidates in New Mexico, especially those who advocate sustainable energy policies, universal healthcare, and the building of a grassroots network of activists and volunteers. 

Silent Auction:  Cash or Check
For more information, call 505-262-1810 or email edgisela@teleport.com

August 8, 2005 at 09:16 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Mayoral Endorsement Featured at Tonight's DFA-DFNM Meetup!

Dfameetup_6Tonight's DFA-DFNM Albuquerque Meetup will begin with an exciting announcement of our group's endorsement for Albuquerque mayor. The candidate selected by Albuquerque's active membership will be on hand to accept the endorsement and say a few words to attendees. Come on down!

DFA-DFNM Albuquerque Meetup
Thursday, August 4, 7:00 PM
First Unitarian Church Social Hall
Carlisle and Comanche

Click to RVSP or to join our Albuquerque Meetup group and get on our email list.

Our endorsement process began with a mayoral candidate forum in May and culminated in an email vote by our active Albuquerque Meetup members. Candidates were evaluated based on criteria that included their dedication to socially progressive, fiscally responsible positions, grassroots campaigning and core Democratic values.

DFNM will recommend that our national group, Democracy for America, founded by current DNC Chair Howard Dean, follow suit and add the candidate to their endorsements on the DFA-List Candidates for America. Democracy for New Mexico is loosely affiliated with DFA and supports its goals for grassroots organizing and electing socially progressive, fiscally responsible candidates at all levels of government. Click to learn more about DFA.

August 4, 2005 at 10:44 AM in Candidates & Races, DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

DNC Releases Long-Awaited 2004 Ohio Election Report!


You can download a copy of the DNC's Voting Rights Institute report at the DNC site and read Chair Howard Dean's comments. Dean quote:

"The results show that our election system failed the citizens of Ohio in 2004, and in particular failed African Americans, new registrants, younger voters and voters in places using touch screen machines.

"More than a quarter of all Ohio voters reported problems with their voting experience.

"Twice as many African American voters as white voters reported experiencing problems at the polls."

TheBradBlog has the full text of comments made upon its release today by Voting Rights Institute Chair, Donna Brazile. Brazile quote:

"African American voters were far more likely to have their registration status challenged and to report experiencing intimidation at the polls than other voters. 16% of African Americans reported experiencing intimidation at the polls as opposed to 5% of whites.
Counties using touchscreen machines had far more problems than voters in other counties."

The report also lays out a series of 23 recommendations for improving the voting process nationwide. What's your take on these?

June 22, 2005 at 05:22 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (2)

Monday, February 28, 2005

URGENT ACTION: Help Stop Another Extremist Judge

From the League of Convervation Voters:
President Bush is trying to dismantle our environmental protections by resubmitting activist judges with extremist records for lifetime appointments to the Federal Bench.

Tomorrow, the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on the nomination of William Myers -- a nominee with such an extreme record that he failed to be approved in the last session of Congress. Your action is urgently needed -- if he's confirmed, he'll be undermining environmental laws for decades.

Myers's nomination failed the first time because of his radical record -- tell the Judiciary Committee to turn him down again!

  • Myers's professional credentials consist primarily of his service as an advocate for mining, grazing, and other special interests opposed to federal environmental laws that are critically important.
  • His lack of sufficient legal credentials caused the American Bar Association to give Myers its lowest passing grade for a nominee.
  • He argued to the U.S. Supreme Court that Congress lacks the authority under the U.S. Constitution to extend Clean Water Act protections to certain wetlands and other waters -- a position that is even at odds with the Bush Administration's own Department of Justice.
  • His call to elevate property rights to the level of "a fundamental right" under the Constitution would result in striking down many of our nation's important environmental laws as well as many other health and safety regulations.
  • As Solicitor at the Department of Interior, Myers showed a disturbing pattern of improper procedures that were rebuked and overturned by courts and the Interior Department itself.

Write to the Judiciary Committee today and tell them to vote NO on the Myers nomination.

February 28, 2005 at 05:12 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, January 28, 2005

ACTION ALERT: NM Voting Integrity

Email from Holly Jacobson of New Mexico Voting Integrity passed along by Sonja Elison of NM Democratic Friends:

If you are receiving this email it is because you are part of a group of people within, over 1,000 strong, who have expressed interest in the accuracy and legitimacy of our voting system and ensuring that every vote counts as intended.

The purpose of this email is to clarify and update specific actions that are working towards that goal within New Mexico. These separate but related actions include the recount effort, election reform legislation, and a lawsuit recently filed by New Mexico voters.

It is easy for these actions to be confused with each other because there is much overlap in goals and activity surrounding them. In addition to this, inaccurate statements have been made regarding the status of the individual legal actions (recount and voters’ lawsuit). This email intends to spell out where each effort stands and what can be done to help us move towards our unified goal of more transparent, accurate, and fair elections. We will also use this as an opportunity to share a sample of some of the data analysis that has been done regarding the problems with the November 2004 vote count throughout the state.

1. Re: the Voters’ Lawsuit: A lawsuit was filed on behalf of 8 New Mexico voters on January 14, 2005. The focus and primary purpose of this action is to put in place a permanent injunction against use of the voting machines that have been linked to the most alarming problems in the 2004 general election. For specific examples of some of these problems, click here

Named in the case as defendants are the Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron and a handful of county clerks. The plaintiffs are eight voters representing three political parties – 6 democrats, 1 green, and 1 libertarian - across multiple counties throughout the state. Since the filing many of these counties have cleared their machines while others have come up with alternatives for dealing with the upcoming school board elections such as utilizing paper ballots or reserving the machines from the most problematic precincts. Whether the machines have been cleared or not, the lawsuit has enough evidence to prove that there are major problems tied to machine type vs. voter type as well as other problems with the  vote count and procedures that are detrimental to fair and accurate elections in New Mexico.

2. Re: Election Reform efforts being pursued in the state legislature: Currently many bills pertaining to election reform are being circulated throughout the state legislature. At this time, there is no single bill that would protect our vote count by requiring both a voter verified paper ballot AND robust automatic  audit/recount measures. One bill currently being worked on shows promise. If at the point it is introduced, it looks viable and appropriately comprehensive, an email will follow with specific information. 

3. Re: the Recount effort: Despite rumors to the contrary, the recount effort remains alive in the New Mexico Court of Appeals. The fact that the recount remains active continues to shed light on the problems surrounding the control of the voting process as well as the vote count itself. It is important to remember, that the value of the recount has always been about affecting change for future elections, not just finding out what happened to the last one. As there are a variety of vote count problems that include paper ballot issues, even if many of the counties do clear their paperless voting machines there is still much to discover. Again, for more information on what went wrong with the vote count, taken from public data available from the Secretary of State, click here. A small sample of this data also follows below (click to continuation page).

Easy Steps to Voice Your Opinion re; the Transparency and Accuracy of Future Elections in New Mexico:

Contact your state legislators- share data and make it known you care about this issue and expect them to take the lead on ensuring a) voter verified paper ballots. And b) robust automatic audit and recount procedures after every election.

Contact your county clerk – share data and make it known that you care about this issue and expect them to take the lead on these same reforms. To find out the name and contact info of your county clerk, click here.

Become involved. Sign up to become part of a group working towards these goals by joining this listserv. United Voters of New Mexico , Send an email to unitedvoters-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

Become informed. Check out the following web sites to learn more. www.helpamericarecount.org, www.votersunite.org, www.vvnm.org (Verified Voting New Mexico).  Share this email and information widely.

Keep writing letters to the editor and share a copy the below email address if you can. Your letters have sent a clear message that New Mexico voters take their rights seriously. The Secretary of State was recently quoted in the ABQ journal that she had not received any written complaint surrounding the results of the last election. We know this not to be true. It would be good to let the ABQ journal know your opinion about this. And if you can, send a copy of your letter to the email below.

Contact us at newmexicovoter@yahoo.com

(Click through to continuation page for selected data.)

Scroll down for sample county specific data


What if the answer depends on where you live or the kind of machine you voted on?

• If you voted on an electronic voting machine on Election Day, was your ballot among the one in twenty where a vote for President wasn’t recorded?

• If you live in San Miguel, Cibola, McKinley, Taos or Mora County were you among the nearly one in eleven voters on Election Day whose vote for President was not counted?

• In predominately Hispanic precincts statewide, 1 out of 16 ballots cast on Election Day did not have a vote for President counted.

• In predominately Hispanic precincts in Bernalillo County, 1 out of every 11 ballots cast on Election Day did not record a vote for President.

• Across the state, 1 in 12 ballots in predominately Native American precincts did not have a vote for President counted.

• Over 2,000 of the votes recorded for President were “phantom” votes that were not associated with anyone’s ballot.
Below are additional examples of vote count problems from three counties. The data material is directly from the office of the Secretary of State. Many counties have severe problems with vote data that seems to target Native American and Hispanic precincts but is specifically tied to machine type. This means, that the startling statistical anomalies only occur on specific types of machines in particular precincts.

UV = Undervote - no vote was recorded but a ballot was cast
PhV= Phantom Vote – There were more votes than ballots cast. The Secretary of State has said there were no phantom votes but the data taken directly from her office and individual counties shows that there were.
ED = Election Day
EV = Early voting
AB = Absentee ballot

Prepared by Ellen Theisen from Voters Unite! www.votersunite.org

General election, November 2, 2004 including early and absentee voting

Voting Stage UV PhV Bush Kerry Ballots
Early Voting (EV) 0.65% 92 28% 71% 22,719
Election Day (ED) 4.62% 0 31% 63% 25,185
Absentee (AB) 2.36% 106 21% 76% 19,878

Note that the high UV on election day is against all reason.

— Advantage is used on election day. It prevents overvotes and warns of undervotes, so its UV rate should be lowest.

— Optech Insight is used in early voting and warns of overvotes, but not undervotes, so its UV rate should be next lowest.

— Optech 4C is used for absentees and has no method of preventing overvotes or warning of undervotes so its UV rate should be highest. In many precincts it is lower than or just as low as the Insight.

Odd phenomena in some of the precincts on our list:

Precinct 1
Early – 5 phantom votes
ElectionDay - 6.8% UV with 450 voters; Kerry percentage decreased 4.5%
Absentee – zero UV

Precinct 6
Early – 4/13 phantom votes, phantom votes in many down ticket races as well.
ElectionDay – 14% UV
Absentee – zero UV in pres and every down-ticket race we examined. (14 ballots)

Precinct 47 
Early voting – 10 phantom votes

Precinct 48 
Early voting – 6 phantom votes

Precinct 50 
Early voting – 4 phantom votes;
Absentee – 26% UV

Precinct 51 
Absentee — 79 phantom votes

Precinct 82
Absentee — 19 phantom votes

The pattern shown in the following precincts appears in the majority of the precincts to one extent or another, and appears also in the county totals:

1) Early and Absentee have very small UV percentages.

2) Election Day has a large UV percentage; Kerry's percentage has a significant decrease and Bush's has a significant increase.


Precinct 8
Early Voting – 0.0% UV; Kerry 80%; Bush 20%
ElectionDay – 4.6% UV; Kerry 70.5%; Bush 24%
Absentee ——0.4% UV; Kerry 84.9%; Bush 14%

Precinct 11
Early Voting – 0.6% UV; Kerry 81%; Bush 18%
ElectionDay – 6.4% UV; Kerry 63%; Bush 29%
Absentee ——0.0% UV; Kerry 83%; Bush 16%

Precinct 14
Early Voting – 1.3% UV; Kerry 74%; Bush 25%
ElectionDay – 5.9% UV; Kerry 57%; Bush 36%
Absentee ——0.0% UV; Kerry 71%; Bush 28%

Precinct 20
Early Voting – 0.0% UV; Kerry 83%; Bush 18%
ElectionDay – 4.3% UV; Kerry 74%; Bush 21%
Absentee ——0.0% UV; Kerry 84%; Bush 15%

Precinct 21
Early Voting – 0.0% UV; Kerry 81%; Bush 18%
ElectionDay – 3.9% UV; Kerry 67%; Bush 27%
Absentee ——0.3% UV; Kerry 77%; Bush 21%

Precinct 22
Early Voting – 0.0% UV; Kerry 79%; Bush 21%
ElectionDay – 2.8% UV; Kerry 66%; Bush 29%
Absentee ——0.7% UV; Kerry 89%; Bush 10%

Precinct 23
Early Voting – 0.0% UV; Kerry 83%; Bush 18%
ElectionDay – 2.4% UV; Kerry 74%; Bush 21%
Absentee ——0.3% UV; Kerry 84%; Bush 15%

Precinct 25
Early Voting – 1.7% UV; Kerry 81%; Bush 15%
ElectionDay – 10.1% UV; Kerry 67%; Bush 23%
Absentee ——3.7% UV; Kerry 88%; Bush 8%

Precinct 32
Early Voting – 0.8% UV; Kerry 76%; Bush 22%
ElectionDay – 9.7% UV; Kerry 66%; Bush 24%
Absentee ——0.0% UV; Kerry 89%; Bush 11%

Precinct 42
Early Voting – 0.0% UV; Kerry 86%; Bush 11%
ElectionDay – 6.2% UV; Kerry 66%; Bush 27%
Absentee ——1.0% UV; Kerry 87%; Bush 12%

Note that the UV percentage is paralleled in the down-ticket races, suggested that entire ballots are lost. If ballots are being lost by the Advantage, they are ballots with votes for Kerry -- no doubt about that, since Bush's share increases in EVERY case.
Prepared by Warren Stewart

General election, November 2, 2004 including early and absentee voting

Machine types
EV (Early voting) - Optech Insight
ED (Election Day) - Sequoia AVC Advantage (push button) (push button)
AB (Absentee) - Optech Insight

County Stats
TV (Total Vote) - 2,075 undervotes (3.25%) 258 phantoms (.4%)
EV - 220 undervotes (1.10%) 28 phantoms (0.14%)
ED - 1,603 undervotes (4.48%)
AB - 252 undervotes (3.14%) 230 phantoms (2.86%)

Election Day undervote issues in most counties. 82 out of 106 were above the statewide undervote rate on Election Day. Unusual undervotes in some Early voting precincts (unusual because they were opscan.) Phantom votes in Absentee voting, especially Precinct 106.

Specific Precincts

Precinct 13 - 98% Hispanic - 67 ED undervotes (13.84%) 12 AB phantoms)
Precinct 28 - 75% Hispanic - 35 ED undervotes (11.15%)
Precinct 38 - 75% Hispanic - 43 ED undervotes (9.95%)
Precinct 59 - 60% Anglo - 95 EV undervotes (19.71%)
Precinct 60 - 85% Hispanic - 47 EV undervotes (49.47%), 15 ED undervotes (20.55%)
Precinct 65 (huge precinct) - 75% Hispanic 58 ED undervotes (8.83%)
Precinct 66 - 58% Hispanic - 26 ED undervotes (4.94%)
Precinct 69) Precinct 106 218 AB phantom votes
Precinct 999 (Overseas absentees) 207 ballots cast 0 presidential votes
Prepared by Warren Stewart

General election, November 2, 2004 including early and absentee voting

Sandoval uses Sequoia AVC Edge (Touchscreen DRE) for Early Voting Danaher Shouptronic (push button DRE) 1242 for Election Day. Optech 4C (opscan) machines for Early Voting and Absentee Ballots,

10 precincts have over 80% Native American populations - all had high Election Day undervote rates:

Precinct 24 - 277 ED Ballots Cast, 240 Pres Votes, 37 undervotes (13.36%)
Precinct 20 - 166 ED Ballots Cast, 145 Pres Votes, 21 undervotes (12.65%)
Precinct 26 - 190 ED Ballots Cast, 166 Pres Votes, 24 undervotes (12.63%)
Precinct 15 - 523 ED Ballots Cast, 468 Pres Votes, 55 undervotes (10.52%)
Precinct 25 - 632 ED Ballots Cast, 569 Pres Votes, 63 undervotes (9.97%)
Precinct 08 - 191 ED Ballots Cast, 172 Pres Votes, 19 undervotes (9.95%)
Precinct 14 - 141 ED Ballots Cast, 127 Pres Votes, 14 undervotes (9.93%)
Precinct 09 - 311 ED Ballots Cast, 281 Pres Votes, 30 undervotes (9.65%)
Precinct 29 - 216 ED Ballots Cast, 197 Pres Votes, 19 undervotes (8.80%)
Precinct 19 - 178 ED Ballots Cast, 168 Pres Votes, 10 undervotes (5.62%)
For a total of 2,825 ED Ballots Cast, 2533 Pres Votes, 292 undervotes (10.34%)

These same precincts in Early Vote and Absentee combined cast 1,024 Ballots, 1.022 of which recorded a vote for president (and undervote rate of 0.20%)

January 28, 2005 at 01:41 PM in Candidates & Races, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, January 17, 2005

Key NM Election Evidence Destroyed

From Help America Recount
January 17, 2005

A civil lawsuit, filed on behalf of eight New Mexico residents Friday claims that the certified results of the 2004 New Mexico general election demonstrate that voting machines used in the election malfunctioned seriously enough to affect the outcome of election races, including the race for President. 

The lawsuit was filed Friday in the state Second Judicial District Court in Albuquerque by attorneys David Garcia of Santa Fe, John Boyd of Albuquerque and Lowell Finley of Help America Recount. All three attorneys are also representing Libertarian Party presidential candidate Michael Badnarik and Green party presidential candidate David Cobb in a separate recount request, which is still being litigated in the New Mexico Court of Appeals. 

Election officials are statutorily prohibited from clearing voting machines while a recount request or other election contest is pending.  On January 12, Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron authorized county Election Directors to erase the voting machines used in November.

Patricia Rosas Lopategui, a plaintiff in the civil suit, said, “The government of New Mexico keeps blocking us from finding out what happened to our votes.  First they put up roadblocks to stall the recount request and now they want to destroy evidence vital to a voting rights suit filed by New Mexico voters."

“Why they want to use these same voting machines after so many problems have been shown with them is beyond me,” said Aurora Sanchez of Santa Fe, also a plaintiff in the suit filed Friday.

The voters' suit requested a Temporary Restraining Order to secure voting machines and software in order to determine exactly how and why some machines failed to accurately record and count votes. On Saturday, the court denied the motion for a temporary restraining order. Counties have already begun clearing the voting machines.

Attorney Lowell Finley noted, “Monday is the day the nation honors Martin Luther King. Jr., who fought for voting rights for all Americans.  Forty-five years after his death, New Mexicans are still battling for the rights Dr. King championed.”

Mitch Buszek, 505-204-0833
Sonja Ellison, 505-271-0271
Holly Jacobson, 206-769-7185


January 17, 2005 at 02:04 PM in Candidates & Races, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, January 13, 2005


State Canvassing Board Meets
5PM * Governors Conference Room
State Capitol

We will be asking the State Canvassing Board to approve our request for a recount of the 10% priority precincts in the state.

The Attorney General and Secretary of State yesterday put out a memo to county clerks that they could begin clearing the voting machines.

We are filing a Temporary Restraining Order to prevent the machines from being cleared.

Call your County Clerk and urge them to maintain the integrity of the machines for the recount.

Your attendance at this important meeting is critical !!!

Mitch Buszek
NM State Coordinator
Help America Recount

January 13, 2005 at 09:22 AM in Candidates & Races, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Open Letter from Rep. John Conyers

On January 10th, Rep. John Conyers, who has been pivotal in the effort to research and document the Ohio election horrors, released this open letter to those who have fought hard to support his efforts and those of so many others. Can we thank this man enough? And guess what? He supports Howard Dean for DNC Chair and wrote this letter of endorsement, as well as his open letter here:

Dear Friend:

I want to thank you for the time and energy you have already given to help me in my pursuit of the truth about the 2004 Presidential election, particularly the truth about what happened in Ohio. I also want to let you know what I will be working on in the coming months.

I believe what we achieved on January 6 will be a seminal event in the history of progressive politics, and significantly advance the cause of electoral reform.  For this challenge to Ohio’s electors to have occurred, I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the internet activists, who spread the story of my efforts and supported me in every way possible. I am also thankful to the alternative media, including talk radio and blogs that gave substantial attention and investigation to these matters when all but a handful in the mainstream media refused to examine the facts. I cannot thank all of you personally, but you know who you are.

With the exigency of January 6 behind us, I wanted to let you know what I will be doing in the coming months. First, my investigation of Ohio voting irregularities is not over. In an effort to get as much information confirmed and circulated in advance of January 6, many valuable leads still need to be pursued and I pledge to do so. Substantial irregularities have come to light in other states during the course of this investigation and I will also pursue those leads. While there has been powerful opposition to my efforts and personal attacks against me as a result of my efforts, I want to assure you I remain steadfast.

Second, there are other matters involving wrongdoing by Administration officials that I will continue to pursue. Among other things, I will continue to seek answers about the role of senior Bush Administration officials in outing an undercover Central Intelligence Agency operative. I will also continue to examine the sources of the fraudulent case for the Iraq war, which intersects with the outing of this operative.

Third, I intend to develop and introduce legislation in a number of areas. Most importantly, I intend to introduce comprehensive election reform legislation in the coming weeks, and I will fight for its passage at the earliest possible moment. I intend to hold further hearings on this issue. I will also continue to fight the job loss and the loss of retirement security that has so negatively impacted working families in my district, and I will fight the economic policies of this Administration that are the cause of these serious problems. Finally, the Judiciary Committee will also be at the center of the efforts to oversee the U.S.A. Patriot Act and ascertain which, if any, provisions should be renewed. I expect to lead the fight against a number of provisions that I believe compromise our civil liberties.

Again, thank you for all you have done. I look forward to working with you on these and other important matters in the weeks and months ahead.

John Conyers, Jr.

January 12, 2005 at 09:40 AM in Candidates & Races, Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, January 10, 2005

Startling Report on NM Election Points to Widespread Problems and Irregularities

Did you know that 1 out of 20 votes for President in New Mexico was "lost"?

Did you know that 1 out of 11 votes of Hispanic citizens in Bernalillo county was "lost"?

Did you know that 1 out of 12 Native American votes for President was lost in New Mexico?

Did you know that research shows that the different voting machine types used in New Mexico precincts are correlated with different kinds of voting errors and that New Mexico is planning on spending tens of thousands of dollars to buy new machines before 2006?

All this and more is included in the detailed and well-documented "A Summary Report on New Mexico State Election Data," prepared by Ellen Theisen and Warren Steward for www.HelpAmericaRecount.org. The report, dated 1/4/05, was released last week at press conferences in Santa Fe and Albuquerque, along with a brief summary of its findings. Click for a pdf file of this amazing and disturbing 12-page report.

According to the brief summary report

Analysis of the official New Mexico State election data reveals a pattern of stunning errors and severe irregularities in the election data. Until the paper ballots are examined and the electronic voting data verified, the canvass report certified by the State of New Mexico cannot be regarded as an accurate reflection of the will of the people.

Other findings include:

Excessively high numbers of undervotes (ballots with no vote recorded for president) suggest that thousands of votes may not have been counted. For example, none of Dona Ana County's 207 overseas absentee ballots reported a presidential vote.

Although only 41% of the state's voters cast their ballots on push-button electronic voting machines (Shouptronic and Advantage), these machines accounted for 77% of the presidential undervotes, raising doubts about their accuracy.


Although NM Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron has stated that the auditor they hired to review the election results found nothing amiss, the auditor's letter says they found 233 errors in the data provided for absentee precincts and that the data compiled by Dona Ana County contained 222 errors. Click for a copy of the Audit letter from Robert J. Rivera, CPA.

The Green and LIbertarian presidential candidates have filed with the Appeals Court in NM to allow their requested recount to proceed. No action has yet been taken by the court and there has been no word on when they will consider hearing the case.

Thanks to Sonja Elison for information used in this report, which was presented at the DFA-DFNM Meetup on January 5th. Her organization, New Mexico Democratic Friends, will be spearheading an effort to push for real election reform at the upcoming NM Legislative Session. DFNM will be working with them on this, so keep on eye out on this blog for more information on this effort.

January 10, 2005 at 04:17 PM in Candidates & Races, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)