Monday, May 08, 2006

Top 10 Reasons Gore Should Be Our 2008 Nominee

Photo credit Martin Schoeller

Al Gore's powerful new movie on global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, opens on May 24th. He's been getting significant postive media coverage on his lecture tour talking about the serious consequences of this growing crisis. For several years he's also been giving passionate, bold and blunt speeches about the damage being wrought by Junior Bush. He's castigated in no uncertain terms Bush's crusades against the constitution, civil liberties, privacy rights and just about everything else that matters to Americans with an ability to think beyond right-wing slogans and propaganda.

Accompanying all this is a snowballing interest in convincing Gore to make another run at the presidency in 2008. I'm definitely in the bunch that believes Gore may be the best candidate for the job. The consequences of our continuing assault on the planet's viability will be escalating with each passing month. To deal effectively with this crisis, we'll need a leader willing to fight for a complete change in our current paradigm. We no longer have the luxury of relegating environmental considerations to the bottom of the heap. To survive as a species, we'll need to change how we live, how we see ourselves in the scheme of things, how we interact with each other and with nature.

Al Gore is one of the few politicos out there who seems to get it. Able to absorb and accept the facts about our planetary crisis, he seems perfectly matched to imagining creatively constructive ways to deal with the realities -- to convincingly present solutions. Most of the other potential Democratic candidates for president seem to me to be stuck in neutral, mired in the status quo, unable to clearly articulate the challenges we face or to rouse our citizens to action on a grand scale. They lack the "vision thing," apparently preferring the false comforts of denial, clutching the fabricated complacencies of business as usual.

Times like these require big thinkers, thinkers who can see over the near horizon, thinkers with genuine conviction and passion. As Gore has moved beyond the devastatingly bizarre and likely illegal circumstances of the 2000 presidential race, he seems to have rediscovered his true nature. He seems liberated to think and speak in no-holds-barred, concrete terms. To move beyond the programmed cadences of politico-speak and consultant-think and recapture his lively sense of wonder, rekindle his intellectual courage and reconnect with his deep-seated values. That's how it seems to me anyway.

Apparently I'm not alone. Nina Burleigh at Huffington Post has listed her top ten reasons why Al Gore should be our nominee in 2008. She also lays out a clear case on why Hillary should remain in the Senate and forget about presidential dreams:

10. My dad, the Midwestern bellwether, thinks Al Gore can win.

9. Gore doesn't pander to the religious vote, and he has forcefully and eloquently spoken out about separation of church and state.

8. He is courageous. Gore has consistently called the current administration out on its radical agenda, extremism and criminality.

7. By 2008, energy conservation will be an American obsession, not just with the so-called liberal "elite." Gore, the public conservationist, drew ridicule talking about it in the days of petrol plenty, sounds pretty smart now.

6. By 2008, global warming will be a mainstream concern. Gore was talking about global warming back when it was still science fiction. He's starring in a movie about it, coming to multiplexes along with "Over the Hedge."

5. The Iraq War will be universally understood to be a disaster by 2008. Gore opposed the Iraq War first among his peers, and forcefully, in 2004.

4. Gore is squeaky clean, untouched by corruption. No lost billing records in his linen closet, no Enron or Abramoff staining his campaign finance reports.

3. He can fight. He seems to have recovered his vitality, after the apparently spirit-draining years in Washington, the U.S. Senate and the vice presidency.

2. We CAN forgive him for selecting Joe Lieberman as his running mate, as long as he doesn't ever do it again.

1. He actually was elected President. If international election monitors had been running the show in 2000, imagine how different the world would look today.

Bonus point: He's related to Gore Vidal. He could make his cousin Secretary of State. Okay. A girl can dream.
Also good reading on this topic: 'The Resurrection of Al Gore' in the May 2006 issue of Wired and today's Wall Street Journal article, 'Al Gore Might Yet Join 2008 Contenders.' To keep on top of this issue, go sign up at Al Gore in 2008 or Draft Gore 2008.

May 8, 2006 at 11:58 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (12)

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Dem AG Candidate Forum Sunday

The Democratic candidates for NM attorney general will meet in a 10:30 AM forum on Sunday at Congregation Albert at 3800 Lousiana NE in Albuquerque. The event is free is open to the public. Geno Zamora, Gary King and Lemuel Martinez will talk about the issues they believe are most important to New Mexico, and will take questions from the audience.

The public is also invited to attend a brunch that begins at 10:00 AM at the social hall of Congregation Albert, 3800 Louisiana NE, and costs $9. Reservations can be made at 883-1818, ext. 3203.

May 6, 2006 at 10:18 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Madrid Proposes Real Path to Energy Independence

Pmadrid_1News from the Madrid for Congress Campaign: Attorney General Patricia Madrid today stood with homeowner Marlene Brown to highlight the Albuquerque resident’s solar-powered home as an example of a real solution to the current energy crunch.

Madrid said investing in solar energy – rather than tossing a one-time $100 tax rebate at consumers or drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge – would help lead to real American energy independence.

“Heather Wilson and the Republican Congress have made their deal with big oil,” Madrid said. “They’ve handed out billions of dollars in tax breaks to oil and utility companies, but shortsighted $100 rebates and drilling aren’t going to fix the mess they’ve made. Only a long-term sustainable energy policy – that includes solar energy – will make our country truly energy independent.”

Madrid, who is running against Rep. Heather Wilson to represent New Mexico’s First Congressional District, continued her call for sensible energy policies saying that when she is elected to Congress she will:

  • Vote against any energy bill that gives billions of dollars of tax breaks to big oil and utility companies.
  • Demand that development of renewable energy sources – like wind, solar and biomass – finally receive the funding they need to become mainstream components of our everyday lives.
  • Ensure meaningful federal anti-trust law enforcement.

Specifically Madrid believes that tax cuts should be expanded for consumers who, like Brown, invest in systems that use renewable energy.

“Solar energy is one of the best renewable power sources we have,” Madrid said. “Rather than rewarding big energy corporations with multibillion-dollar tax breaks, we need to reward hard-working consumers who invest in smart energy solutions.”

Ben Luce, chair of the New Mexico Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy agreed.

“Solar energy is the United States’ largest energy resource,” Luce said. “It’s an infinite, free and usable resource. We have the solutions, we have the technology, now we need the leadership,” Luce said.

Editor's Note: KUNM's website has some audio clips from Madrid's recent appearance with Wesley Clark and veterans in Albuquerque. The two call Heather Wilson out for her continued support of Bush's failed war policies.

May 3, 2006 at 04:41 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Call Your Senators This Week on Iraq War!

From Unity:
The Senate is expected to vote on $67 billion more for war this week, and to vote on amendments to that supplemental spending bill. Senator Bill Frist may seek to block some amendments from coming to a vote.

Call both of your senators and tell them you do not want one more dime spent on this war, that you do not want debate closed off by blocking amendments, and that you support the following amendments:

  • Senator Joseph Biden's amendment to prevent this money being spent on the construction of permanent bases.
  • Senator Robert Byrd's amendment stating that any request for funds for an ongoing military operation overseas, including operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, should be included in the annual budget of the President rather than using emergency supplemental appropriations bills that receive less scrutiny.
  • Senator Russ Feingold's amendment requiring the redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq by December 31, 2006.

Call the Capitol switchboard tollfree at 888-818-6641 or at 202-224-3121.

May 1, 2006 at 09:41 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (1)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Madrid, Wesley Clark Call on Wilson to Ask Tough Questions About Iraq War


Attorney General Patricia Madrid and General Wesley Clark stood with nearly two dozen Albuquerque veterans in Bataan Memorial Park on Wednesday to call on incumbent Representative Heather Wilson to finally start asking the tough questions to hold the Bush Administration accountable for the flawed intelligence and failed leadership that took the United States to war in Iraq.


“Republican Heather Wilson has stood lock step with George Bush and Dick Cheney in support of this war,” Madrid said. “She sits on the House Committee on Intelligence and yet she’s never asked the tough questions. She never questioned the flawed intelligence on which we went to war; she’s never asked when our troops will be coming home; and she’s never questioned the leadership of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Heather Wilson is part of the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld team. She’s one of them.”


Clark, a retired four-star Army general and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, added, “The people of New Mexico deserve someone in Congress who will support the men and women in uniform by demanding from the White House a strategy for success in Iraq.  Patricia Madrid has made a career of standing up for people and demanding answers to difficult questions.  She’s just the kind of leader we need on Capitol Hill.”

Madrid also officially joined Clark in calling for Rumsfeld to resign.

“I have serious concerns about the way Donald Rumsfeld has conducted this war,” Madrid said. “I believe strongly that it is time for him to resign and for new leadership to come on board.”

Madrid further expressed deep concern about the casualties of the war.

“This war has cost us too much -- 2,390 American lives,” Madrid said. “Further, more than 17,000 young men and women have been wounded. This state has buried 17 of its own children. It is time to bring the troops home.”

(Click on photos for larger images. All photos courtesy of Dan Quan

April 27, 2006 at 10:28 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (16)

RSVP for May Open House & Fundraiser for Madrid Campaign

Please RSVP now for:
Candidate for U.S. Congress
WHEN: Sunday May 7, 2006  TIME: 3:00 - 5:00 PM
WHERE: John & Cheryl Gordon Home, 10405 Cielito Lindo NE

Wiggle_2Here is a great opportunity to meet and talk to your Democratic candidate for the United States House of Representatives - New Mexico's awesome Attorney General Patricia Madrid. It is extremely important for the people in Congressional District 1 to send someone to Washington D.C. who will seriously and aggressively question the poor performance of the Bush Administration and not give their failed polices a free pass. Drop by and talk to Ms. Madrid about current issues and legislation facing our country and see why Patricia Madrid is the best candidate to represent the people of Congressional District 1 in Washington D.C.

Click to check out event flyer for more information. PLEASE RSVP BY MAY 1: Call Cheryl Gordon at 294-1569 or email

April 27, 2006 at 09:48 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Celebrate at New Judge Fiesta

You're Invited:
MAY 4, 2006, 5:00 - 8:30 PM

6633 Guadalupe Trail NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque
All Are Welcome!

Please help the newest judges of the Bernalillo County District Court celebrate their June primary victories a whole month early (they went unopposed)!  Judge Carl Butkus, Judge Clay Campbell, Judge Kenneth Martinez and Judge Monica Zamora invite you to an informal evening of fun and music at the home of Jerry Roehl.  Dance to the music of Al Hurricane & Al Hurricane, Jr.!  Campaign contributions will be gratefully accepted, and divided equally between the Committee to Keep District Judge Carl J. Butkus and the Committee to Keep Judge Campbell, each of whom will have opposition in the November General Election.

Directions: From Central take Rio Grande north about 4 miles to Chavez Rd. Turn right (east) on Chavez and go about a half mile to Guadalupe Trail. Turn left (north) on Guadalupe. Third house on the left is 6633 Guadalupe. Parking at Taft Middle School, across the street from the Fiesta!

April 19, 2006 at 04:12 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Benefit Wednesday for Moises Gonzales

From the Moises Gonzales Campaign:
Come meet Moises Gonzales
Democratic Candidate for Bernalillo County Assessor
Wednesday, April 12, 2005
6:30 – 8:30 PM
District Bar and Grill – 4th and Copper St. (Downtown ABQ)

Hosted by: James Aranda, Arturo Archuleta, Isaac Benton, Eric Griego, Martin Heinrich, Melanie Maldonado, Mariana Padilla, Mike Puelle, Michelle Rizek, Giovanna Rossi, Drew Setter.

Live music by the Rudy Boys Project
Light refreshments, Cash bar
$25 suggested contribution

For more information call Mariana Padilla: 366-7901 or

Editor's Note: Moises Gonzales is a Democrat running in the June primary against two other Democrats: Karen L. Montoya and Dolores C. Maestas.

April 11, 2006 at 01:41 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, April 10, 2006

Lewis Fundraiser Set for Tuesday

LewisFrom Lewis for State Treasurer:
Please join Mayor Martin Chavez, Bruce Perlman, Ph.D., Robert Ortega, Fred Mondragon and Vince Murphy at a fundraising event for James B. Lewis for NM State Treasurer.

You are invited to meet our next State Treasurer, James B. Lewis, at Yanni's Mediterranean Bar & Grill, 3109 Central Avenue NE, Albuquerque, on April 11, 2006, from 5:00 - 6:30 PM. The suggested donation for this event is $100.00. For further information please contact James B. Lewis for State Treasurer at 341-2525, or Shelley Mund, 514-3247.

Editor's Note: James Lewis is a Democrat running unopposed in the June primary election for state treasurer. HIs Republican opponent in November will be Demesia Padilla.

April 10, 2006 at 09:48 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Laura Bush Spills the Beans on Rubber Stamp Heather

Photo courtesy AP

Laura Bush snuck into Albuquerque Monday morning to raise bucks for Heather Wilson's NM congressional campaign at a thousand-dollar-per-plate breakfast meeting at the Marriott Pyramid. She also made a quick stop at an elementary school so taxpayers would be forced to foot the bill for what was essentially a campaign trip to benefit Republicans. Unlike Democrats who travel here to campaign, Republicans like Laura usually keep their wearabouts quiet until after the fact. I guess they fear the public showing up at their events to ruin the carefully choreographed photo ops.

Despite the secrecy about her activities, Laura managed to let the cat out of the bag about Wilson's authentic political leanings. Wilson has recently launched a campaign to publicly pretend that she's -- why shucks -- just your garden variety "moderate" and not a rubber stamp for the far right-wing agenda of George Bush. However, according to the Albuquerque Journal:

The first lady was in Albuquerque for about two hours Monday, headlining a fundraising breakfast for Rep. Heather Wilson, R-N.M., before making the stop at Bel-Air Elementary and then flying on to Nebraska.

Wilson, described by Bush as a "clear, conservative voice in Congress," said she raised about $200,000 at the breakfast, which was attended by about 150 people. Wilson is seeking re-election this year.

A clear, conservative voice, indeed, given the fact she votes in lockstep with Bush and his radical agenda about 90% of the time, while pretending she's an "independent" out there fighting for truth, justice and the American way. A thank you is in order for Ms. Laura for setting the record straight and revealing the true conservative bent of Ms. Heather, a Bush fellow traveler if there ever was one. To celebrate, why not sign up to support Democrat Patricia Madrid in her challenge to Heather in New Mexico's first congressional district? Out with the Bush rubber stamp. In with a real representative of the needs of New Mexicans.

April 4, 2006 at 11:05 AM in Candidates & Races, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (3)