Sunday, October 01, 2006

BREAKING: 10/1 Journal Poll: Madrid & Wilson Tied in NM-01

It's a barn burner! According to the Sunday Albuquerque Journal:

The Sept. 25-28 survey in the Albuquerque-based district found 44 percent supported [Republican incumbent Heather] Wilson for the congressional seat while 44 percent favored [Dem challenger Patricia] Madrid, the state attorney general.

... The poll found 7 percent of voters were undecided, while 5 percent— perhaps turned off by a monthslong blast of TV attack ads— said they would not vote for either candidate.

... The latest Journal Poll used a 400-voter sample and has about the same 5 percentage-point margin of error as an Aug. 25-31 Journal survey, which showed 45 percent of respondents for Wilson and 42 percent for Madrid.

...Madrid has solidified support within her own party, according to the polls: 74 percent of Democrats in the new poll said they favored her, compared with the late-August Journal survey showing 66 percent of Democrats supporting her. Wilson had support from 11 percent of Democrats in the new poll, down from 17 percent in the previous poll.

... Wilson needs to pick up a sizable portion of Democratic voters to keep her seat on Election Day, Sanderoff noted. State voter registration figures show Democrats outnumber Republicans by nearly 39,000 voters in the 1st Congressional District.
    "The Democrats are 'coming home' as the election gets closer— and they're obviously not going towards Wilson," Garcia said

Now go buy the newspaper to get the rest. This is terrific news! Heather's going down....IF we keep at it!

October 1, 2006 at 12:07 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (8)

Friday, September 29, 2006

Latest Madrid Ad: Heather Wilson Lies for Bush

The latest ad from the campaign of Dem challenger Patricia Madrid who's running against Repub incumbent Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01). Now THIS is an important issue.

Heather Wilson: Lying for George Bush. Leaving America less safe. End of story.

September 29, 2006 at 05:51 PM in Candidates & Races, Iraq War, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (4)

Heather Wilson Campaign Getting Desperate?

After raising a huge stink about one of the major issues of the campaign season -- Heather Wilson's position in the State Fair Parade -- the campaign has moved on to more deceptively odd spin to try and change the subject on the Bush-Heather team's failures. When you don't want to discuss the Iraq war or how the combined wisdom of 16 of our intelligence agencies has determined the war is making things worse on the terror front, you have to cast about for something.


The latest salvo is the Wilson campaign's bizarre take on the endorsement of Dem challenger Patricia Madrid by the local chapter of the IAFF firefighters union (IAFF Local 244). Despite the local union's official endorsement of Madrid according to their rules, the Wilson campaign is now saying they were "cheated." They even posed their campaign manager, Enrique Knell, in front of an IAFF for Heather banner in a local KRQE-TV news interview last night (see screenshot above). What a transparent attempt to fool viewers into thinking the local IAFF supports Wilson in this race when just the opposite is true. When you can't succeed, you must mislead?

Once again, Wilson and the Republicans are exhibiting their fear of facts. Hey, if you don't like reality, make something up! Bottom line, the local IAFF firefighters union has endorsed Patricia Madrid in her congressional run in NM-01. This, despite backing Wilson in the past. It's clear that more and more people from many walks of life and of varying political stripes have had enough of the Bush agenda and the Republicans, like Wilson, who rubber stamp it.   

I can't wait until Karl Rove -- whose close connections with the filthy Jack Abramoff came to light in a new congressional report -- arrives in Albuquerque this Saturday. Besides gathering more cash from fatcats, Rove will no doubt hand off some more of the dirty campaign tactics he's known for. When you're losing on all the genuine issues of the day, as Wilson is, you have to try and deflect attention some way. Be forewarned!

Wilson apparently doesn't want to discuss the fatally flawed Medicare drug bill, the Iraq war and its consequences, how she voted for what is almost certainly a unconstitutional bill on torture and detainees or how she helped Bush tailor his warrantless wiretapping bill. No, her campaign wants to concentrate on pretending to get endorsements they haven't gotten ... and how Heather didn't get the spot she wanted in the State Fair parade!

September 29, 2006 at 12:14 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (9)

Madrid Campaign Benefit Reception at St. Clair Winery & Bistro 10/5

From the Democratic Party of New Mexico:
Please Join: John Blair, Caroline Buerkle, Carter Bundy, Joe Casados, Brian S. Colon, Brian and Kelly Egolf, Matt Farrauto, Chris Garcia, Josh and Tara Geise, Eric Griego, Jason Libersky, Oscar Lopez, Moe Maestas, Manuela Mondloch, Victor Raigoza, and Aliesha Ruiz

For a fundraising reception for Patricia Madrid
At the St. Clair Winery & Bistro
901 Rio Grande Blvd. NW
Albuquerque, NM 87104
October 5th, 2006, 5:30-7:30 PM
Click for flyer (PDF)

$50 Contribution. Please make your contribution payable to Madrid for Congress. Click Here to RSVP Online: RSVP Online or call: 505-830-3650

September 29, 2006 at 10:25 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Wilson & Pearce Vote for Bush's Malignant Torture Bill

Yesterday, both of New Mexico's Republican representatives voted to approve the U.S. House version of Bush's incredibly flawed and legally incoherent torture and detainment bill. Both Heather Wilson (NM-01) and Steve Pearce (NM-02) voted aye. Click to see the roll call vote. The bill deprives detainees of one of Western civilization's most basic and vital legal rights -- habeas corpus, allows the CIA to continue interrogations based on what the President decides is or is not torture and, perhaps most importantly, changes the War Crimes Act to retroactively protect the interrogators and administration leaders who have been perpetrating what amount to war crimes as set out in the Geneva Conventions and military law.

What I term the Right-Wing Republican We're Tough on Terrorists Rush Job Cover Bush's Criminal Ass Election Year Act will be heard in the Senate today and is expected to pass without much further ado. Calls for a Dem filibuster of the bill have apparently fallen on deaf ears. Fear apparently permeates the Dem Senate caucus with but a few exceptions.

Reportedly, the "leaders" of both parties have agreed to "limit debate," thus ensuring quick passage without the need for what were once known as bedrock Senate traditions -- thoughtful deliberations and penetrating analysis and discussion. After all, the Senate used to be known as the slow-moving, intellectually focused, deliberative body in our government. In the Bush era, these characteristics have been viewed as impediments to the "resolve" of The Decider and his unitary presidency pushers. For the most part, Dems have stood on the sidelines, mute and afraid to contest anything lest they be labeled "weak on defense" or called other negative names by Rove and his operatives.

Who cares if the bill represents what may well be one of the darkest hours of American government? Our cowardly Senators need to get back to their districts ASAP so they can raise more large donations from special interests and get reelected so they can continue serving their lobbyist masters. None of them want to be labeled "soft on terrorism" now do they? Even if it means voting for a muddled and purposely complicated bill most of them have failed to even read, despite it's being filled with last minute changes and additions of what used to be called fine print.

Rep. Steve Pearce (NM-02) has always supported the Bush agenda in lockstep, but Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01) has been touting herself as "independent" from the Bush machine as her race with Dem challenger Patricia Madrid tightens. Her vote for this travesty of American jurisprudence puts her squarely in the Bush-Cheney-Rummy camp, period. 

Shamefully, 34 Dems also voted for this right-wing election year ploy and only 7 Republicans voted nay. Predictably, Dennis Hastert used the occasion to lash out madly against Dems who dared to vote against what many legal experts believe is an unconstitution bill by accusing them of "coddling terrorists." Gee, where have we heard that term before from the Repubs? It used to be that they accused Dems of "coddling," let's see, Communists, criminals, children, druggies, Cadillac-driving welfare mothers, Willie Horton and "America haters." Seems they can never come up with a new line of thought. Creativity isn't their strong suit. And neither is respect for the rule of law, the Constitution, checks and balances, the Bill of Rights, international law, military law or human rights. But hey, at least they're not into "coddling terrorists."

September 28, 2006 at 10:44 AM in Candidates & Races, Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (2)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Madrid to Rally UNM Students Thursday at Noon

Attorney General Patricia Madrid, the Dem challenger in the NM-01 congressional race, wil speak at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque on Thursday:

Who:  Attorney General Patricia Madrid

What:  Addressing students at the University of New Mexico to mobilize them for the upcoming election

Where:  University of New Mexico Duck Pond
(Click for campus map, PDF)

When:  Noon, Thursday, September 28th

September 27, 2006 at 06:36 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tonight & Saturday: Two Benefits for Mary Herrera's Campaign for NM Secretary of State

From the Democratic County of Bernalillo County:

Mary Herrera would like to personally invite you
to come and mix & mingle:
Wednesday, September 27, 2006, 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Doubletree Hotel Foyer, 201 Marquette NW – ABQ
Suggested Donation: $15.00, Hors D’Oeuvres served

Sponsored by Dan Serrano, Joe Chavez, Michael Gallegos, Great Western Hotels, American Property Management Corp. For more information call: 828-9009 or 980-7730

Fundraiser for Mary Herrera for Secretary of State
Hosted by Agnes Maldonado and Theresa Trujeque
Saturday, September 30, 2006, 3:30 to 6:00 PM
2304 Ada NE, Donation: $25.00
RSVP to Agnes at 463-0776 or Theresa at 328-4000

For other information and events, visit:

September 27, 2006 at 12:22 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

More on Rove's Visit to ABQ This Saturday


According to this morning's Albuquerque Journal, Karl Rove, the Repubs' chief of dirty tricks, nasty politics and weasling strategies, will be hosting a private luncheon in Albuquerque on Saturday to benefit the State Republican Party, not rallying the base at Heather Wilson's campaign office. According to Repub spin, this means Karl really isn't here supporting Wilson, who's in a neck and neck race in NM-01 against Dem challenger Patricia Madrid. No, according to the spinmeisters, Karl will be here only to support the Repubs' get out the vote effort. Why can't these right wingers ever just tell the truth? In fact, this is the second Albuquerque visit for Rove this year to raise funds that will most help Wilson.

Rumor has it that the luncheon will have a top ticket price of $5000. Republican events usually do. No word on what the lowest price will be. The Journal reports that no other details of the event have been released by the Republican Party of NM. In addition to having trouble telling the truth, right-wing Repubs also seem to be incredibly wary about mingling with ordinary people so they like to keep the locations and times of their appearances secret. And tightly controlled. Very similar to how they run the government, isn't it? Baffle 'em with BS and keep the spin out front.

For a disturbing rundown on the record of sleazy and personally destructive campaign ploys orchestrated by Karl Rove, check out Everygreen Politics. Tip o' the hat to local blog New Mexico FBIHOP, which has been on top of this race from early on.

September 27, 2006 at 09:39 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (2)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Rove Coming to ABQ for Heather Wilson?

Rove_1The local scuttlebutt is that Karl (Bush's Brain) Rove will be stumping in Albuquerque for Republican incumbent Rep. Heather Wilson's campaign (NM-01). He's rumored to be visiting Wilson's campaign headquarters for a fundraiser and more sometime during the morning of this coming Saturday. Does this mean the Repubs are scared to death that Democratic challenger Patricia Madrid will win this congressional race? Damn right it does.

All poll results released to date have shown what amounts to a dead heat between the candidates, and it can't help that practically every day's news cycle means more bad news for Bush and his rubber stamps like Heather. A fake Republican "compromise" on torture. A powerful condemnation of Bush's Iraq War and its detrimental affects on terror by the national intelligence estimate prepared by our 16 top intelligence agencies. Yesterday's blunt and incredibly negative assessments of Rumsfeld's management of the Iraq occupation by just-retired field generals who served there.

Heather Wilson stands behind The Decider

Almost daily stories like these are destroying whatever was left of the credibility of Bush and his supporters in terms of being "strong on national defense." The truly misbegotten nature of this administration and its congressional apologists and protectors is becoming more clearly documented and delineated with each revelation of the facts.

As for Wilson's repetitive claim that she's "independent" of Bush, another visit from Karl Rove -- the sleazy operative who plots every move Bush and the right-wing Republicans make -- pretty much puts the lie to that assertion. It's apparent that the Bush machine is monitoring and manipulating Wilson's campaign just as it manipulates the actions of all of the Bush clones like her in the halls of Congress.

The Bush Republican Party operates from the top down. Orders come from on high -- from Rove's operation in the White House. Candidates and elected officials listen, or else. And the orders are almost always to hit back at facts with slimy accusations and personal insults, even if they're lies and distortions. The dishonest and deviously immoral mind of Rove is being put to full use in Wilson's corner. What does that tell you about the ethics of Wilson herself?

I'll keep you posted when I learn more about Rove's visit. If you hear anything out there, let me know and maybe we can get some people out there to "welcome" him. Wilson's campaign office is located at 6001 San Mateo NE, Suite B (near Osuna) in Albuquerque.

PS: Check out local blog NewMexicoFBIHOP for a rundown on some of the dirty campaign tactics Rove is known for. Positively filth street.

September 26, 2006 at 10:22 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (8)

Can You Give A Day For Election Integrity (and Get Paid for It)?

From Vote Trust USA:

Urgent Action Alert!
The primary season that ended in Hawaii on Saturday has been plagued with ballot programming errors, machines that failed to boot up, vote totals that didn’t make sense, and frustrated voters and candidates in states across the country. But in the weeks leading up to the general election, citizens in every state are coming together to take back our democracy and ensure that every eligible voter can cast a ballot that counts on November 7. Now's your chance to join them by signing up to be a Pollworker for Democracy.

Click here to find out more about the Pollworkers for Democracy Campaign.

HAs a Pollworker, you can witness first hand and work to prevent problems like these -- which occurred in primary elections this year -- and report them when they can't be prevented.

Diebold machines, notorious for their security flaws, were routinely sent home with pollworkers for "sleepovers" days before the election. Across the country, from Kern County CA to Monroe County MD poll openings were delayed and voters turned away for hours, until missing equipment was finally delivered ... in one case by helicopter! From Coast to Coast, problems were reported with every brand of voting system, as machines froze up, lost votes and registered votes incorrectly.

VoteTrustUSA and our partner organizations have created the "Pollworkers for Democracy" project -- a nonpartisan effort to get concerned citizens directly involved in supporting our elections -- in order to support our democracy. We'll provide you with information and resources to supplement your pollworker training -- and also a system to report and track any problems on election day.

In states across the country, almost every county is still in urgent need of pollworkers for the November 7th general election. By signing up as a pollworker, you can support our democratic system ... and get paid at the same time!

Click here to find out more about the Pollworkers for Democracy Campaign.

The average age of pollworkers in the United States is 72. There are many long-time pollworkers in every county waiting for the opportunity to pass on their wisdom and experience to the next generation of citizen pollworkers. As our voting systems become more complicated and less transparent, it behooves us as citizens to step in and help our democracy work.

Please share this information with your friends, neighbors and relatives!! Thank you for working with VoteTrust USA to defend our democracy.

Joan Krawitz, Executive Director

P.S. VoteTrustUSA and the Pollworkers for Democracy campaign depend on you! Even if you can't work the polls, I hope you'll consider making a donation to support this critical project. Please click here to donate now.

Pollworkers for Democracy is a non-partisan election integrity campaign of VoteTrustUSA, Mainstreet Moms, and Working Assets.

September 26, 2006 at 09:32 AM in Candidates & Races, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (0)