Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween: Bush the Pumpkin Head

By the way, we hear that First Lady Laura Bush, mate of the Pumpkinhead, will be campaigning in Albuquerque (NM-01) for Heather Wilson this Friday.

Oh wait, she's really campaigning for the Repub Party, not for Wilson. Maybe that's because Wilson refused to answer Dem challenger Patricia Madrid's question to her at the last debate on whether Heather thinks George II is a good president. Secretive, isn't she? Yes, Wilson "ducked" the question several times!


Wilson has Laura Bush coming to NM to stump for her in a last ditch effort to hold onto her seat, yet can't seem to admit publicly whether she approves of George's reign or not. You'd think it would be a "no brainer," as Cheney characterized water boarding torture the other day, but in this race what's left unsaid is often as telling as the rightwing talking points that are repeated ad infinitum by Heather and the rest of the Bush team. Booooooooooo!

October 31, 2006 at 09:41 AM in Candidates & Races, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (2)

Monday, October 30, 2006

Bush Roast Challenge: Tip No. 2

From Suzanne Prescott: Still stumped in your search for the Bush Roast? Still interested in winning the $100 reward for your favorite Dem candidate? Here's another tip to guide you on your way:

TIP 2:
The ‘Bush Roast’ She saw
After she left the small crowd
Milling around at the entrance
Of a local restaurant.

October 30, 2006 at 01:35 PM in Candidates & Races, Guest Blogger | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunday Bird Blogging: GOTV Edition


With only nine more days until the November 7th, 2006 election, even our birds are getting into the act. Bosco the peach-faced lovebird (above) has been doing lots of phone banking, working for a big turnout of all his Democratic avian and non-avian friends. Whenever he sees an image of Bush, Wilson or other Repub candidates he makes strange, gutteral sounds. I know how he feels.


Meanwhile, Sunny the sun conure is checking the Patricia Madrid for Congress website to sign up for GOTV volunteer work. They're organizing a big push for the 96 hours before the election, and Sunny will definitely be a part of it. In fact, he's taking off work from his seed splitting job on election day to work, work, work for a New Direction and Democratic wins up and down the ticket. How about you? (Click on photos for larger versions.)

October 29, 2006 at 11:45 AM in Bird Blogging, Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (2)

Moe Maestas Fundraiser Set for Monday 10/30

From Moe Maestas for State Rep. Dist. 16:
Please join us for a small donation fundraiser for
Monday, October 30th, 2006, 5:30-7:00 PM
QBar, Hotel Albuquerque (formerly Old Town Sheraton)
Click for flyer.

"Antonio ‘Moe’ Maestas is a leader, an attorney and an activist who has dedicated his career to empowering others, fighting domestic violence, prosecuting DWI offenders, building coalitions and working to improve the quality of life for all New Mexicans.”

Make Checks Payable to: The Moe Family, P.O. Box 188, Albuquerque, NM 87103-1088. All contributions welcomed! ($25.00 suggested). To RSVP or for more information, please call 315-3596.

Sponsored by Ozawa Benishi Albert, James Aranda, Arturo Archuleta, Leticia Archuleta, Sonia Archuleta, Julian Baca, Javier Benavidez, Raul Candelaria, Francie Cordova, Carl Garcia, Moises Gonzales, Sarah Gonzales, Joaquin Griego, Meriah Heredia, Miguel Maestas, Maria Martinez, Joaquin Moya, Kenneth Casares Owens, Mariana Padilla, Adrian Pedroza, Gabe Rivera, Angela Speight, DeAnza Valencia, Valerie Valles, and Renee Villareal

October 29, 2006 at 09:25 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, October 27, 2006

Heather Wilson's Despedida: PAC505 Events Nov. 4-5

Saturday, November 4th, 7PM
Free Screening, Iraq for Sale
Lobo Theater, ABQ
Panel Discussion Afterwards, Fee
After Party at Monte Vista Fire Station
PAC505 and UNIT7DRAIN, 21+
RSVP for Movie and to Get Info on calling events listed below.

Saturday and Sunday, November 4-5
PAC505 Headquarters
1-4PM, Phone Progressive Voters to Get Out The Vote

Click for flyer (gif). Visit the PAC505 website.

October 27, 2006 at 04:38 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday: Madrid Rally with Bingaman, Richardson, Denish, Chavez

From the Madrid for Congress campaign:
Madrid GOTV Rally!!! Special Guests: Senator Jeff Bingaman, Governor Bill Richardson, Lt. Governor Diane Denish, Mayor Martin Chavez

Sunday, October 29th, 11:30 AM  - 1:30 PM
Ladera Golf Course, Banquet Hall
3401 Ladera Dr. NW
(from I-40, exit Coors & head North, go West on Sequoia to corner of Ladera NW & Sequoia NW)

October 27, 2006 at 09:46 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

My Take on the 10/24 Madrid-Wilson Debate: Wilson Lies With Authority

Much has already been written about this week's KOB-TV debate between Dem challenger Patricia Madrid and Repub incumbent Rep. Heather Wilson. Most of it has been spin, and many claim it was a draw based on sometimes superficial analysis. In my opinion, much too much attention is being paid to style over substance. Yes, Madrid was nervous at times and made some rhetorical gaffs (as did Wilson). There were some pregnant pauses and stumbles over words. But are those really important factors when making a choice in a race with critical local and national implications?

Personally, I came away thinking Madrid made many strong points to bolster a case for a change in direction, a vote for a fresh approach to the problems we face. In contrast, I think Wilson mostly showed off her ability to lie with a straight face, to lie with authority. She relied heavily on a tactic many Republican Bush apologists are forced to use these days -- trying to cover up massive policy failures with rah rah rhetoric disconnected from reality. Is it really a point in Wilson's favor that she can be poised and aloof while regurgitating pre-packaged deceptions? My contrary analysis is a little long, but I hope you'll hang in there with me.

Hw2 Wilson Defending Bush
Wilson peppered her responses with many oft-repeated Bush-Cheney-Rove talking points. She was good at it, as most robotic reciters of Repub spin are. This means nothing, except that Wilson is good at memorizing and recalling the points on which she'd been drilled by her handlers -- regardless of their truthfulness. Even worse, her main focus was on defending what has become essentially indefensible -- Bush's failed agenda, including his seriously flawed policies on the war, the Medicare drug program and tax cuts for our wealthiest citizens.

Oh, we are making "great progress" in Iraq, according to Wilson. She warned, ominously, that If you vote Democratic you are voting for "higher taxes and a weaker national defense." Only a vote for her would bring a "strong national defense and strong economic growth."

With more and more evidence emerging daily about the chaos and disfunction in Iraq, does anyone really believe we're making great progress? Does anyone really believe Dems want to raise taxes on everyone because we admit we need to pay for the trillions in war spending by cancelling the Bush tax breaks for our wealthiest elite? Does anyone really believe that a vote for a Democrat means a vote for the terrorists because Dems are uninterested in protecting us from future attacks? I guess Wilson forgot that the latest comprehensive intelligence analysis found that the war in Iraq is actually making us LESS safe, not safer. Getting us involved in a deadly quagmire is hurting us, not helping us. Illegal wiretapping, debased torture techniques and tossing our Constitution and the Writ of Habeas Corpus to the winds isn't something to brag about.

Trying to Turn the Tables, An Old Rovian Trick
Wilson also employed the now traditional Rovian tactic of trying to turn a competitor's strengths into his or her biggest liabilities. You saw it in action with the Swiftboating of Kerry and Max Cleland. For months now, campaign contribution data has been published that documents how much money Wilson has taken from those involved in one of the most notorious and blatant pay-for-play schemes ever uncovered. She's been the recipient of large donations from politicos and PACs enmeshed in the Abramoff scandal, including Duke Cunningham, Tom DeLay and others.

You can match her votes for massive subsidies for energy corporations and a flawed Medicare drug program that lavishes unnecessary millions on the big pharmaceutical companies with large campaign contributions from these interests. Wilson even received more than any other individual from the disgraced Mark Foley. So what does she do? Wilson accuses Madrid of the very kinds of transgressions that she herself has committed. Wilson actually had the nerve to state that "No one buys access in my office." Right, Heather. And the moon is made of green cheese.

Wilson Doesn't Lie, Except When She Lies
Wilson also fell back on one of her favorite lines: "I will not lie... cheat... or steal." She uses this all the time referring to the Air Force honor code, which she allegedly follows. Unfortunately, the record shows she lies all the time. For instance, even though she knew key pieces of pre-war intelligence were incorrect -- like the claim that aluminum tubes found in Iraq were meant for nuke processing -- she told the Albuquerque Journal in May 2003 that "no intelligence was incorrect." Depending on when she's been asked, Wilson has claimed she decided to vote for the Iraq invasion because of intelligence about Saddam's a) biological weapons, b) nuclear weapons capabilities, c) chemical weapons, d) not nuclear weapons but only biological weapons, e) other combinations of these factors. She just can't seem to make up her mind.

The Flying Smallpox Revelation
Perhaps the oddest claim made by Wilson in the debate was that there was a 50-50 chance that Saddam Hussein had smallpox he planned to deliver via drones, and that this was the "secret" reason she voted for the war. There have been numerous reasons cited by BushCo and their supporters to defend invading Iraq, but I've never heard this one, have you? Gee, I hope the national media is all over this revelation! Who knew?

Bottom Line
Voters in CD-01 have a real choice this election. They can either vote for someone who's cool as cucumber while lying about critical issues, or someone who's willing to confront the lies and failures and help move us in a new direction. Framed in these terms, it's not a hard decision, is it?

Pmadrid_2Some of my favorite Madrid debate zingers:

George Bush has been an unmitigated, abject failure, and Heather Wilson has been with him every step of the way.

My opponent ... bears particular responsibility for the failed intelligence on the run-up to the war [because Wilson served on the Armed Forces Committee]. For leading us into a war on failed manipulated intelligence, my opponent deserves to be fired.

I wish that George Bush and Heather Wilson would have relied on the military going in [to Iraq] because they were advising not to go in in the first place.

So far, we've lost 2,803 men and women in Iraq. And I checked that ... before I came. 'Stay the course' is not a plan. Paralysis is not a plan. 'Wait for the next president to deal with it' is not a plan.

Negative ads are really a reflection of what's at stake in this race— and what's at stake is power in this country, power in Washington. And the reason that my opponent is spending millions of dollars to ruin my reputation is because those people do not want to give up power.

We need to look at the profits insurance companies and HMOs are making in this country. They are sandwiched between the patient and the doctor and they are bleeding the system dry.

October 26, 2006 at 05:52 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (8)

Get on the Bus with Gov. Richardson This Friday

EmailbustourFrom Richardson for Governor:
Governor Bill Richardson's Central and Western New Mexico Bus Tour, Friday, October 27th: Join Gov. Richardson on the GOTV Bus Tour at a stop near you. Meet the Governor and other Democratic elected officials and candidates, find out about early voting options and volunteer opportunities, and celebrate the upcoming Democratic victory in November's elections! See below for locations.

9:00 – 9:30 AM IDEAL NM
Location: Rio Rancho Cyber Academy, 421 Quantum Rd, Rio Rancho, NM

9:00 – 10:00 AM Democratic Bus Tour: Rio Rancho Stop
Location: 3900 Southern Blvd SE, Rio Rancho, NM

11:00 AM Democratic Bus Tour: Laguna Stop
Location: 101 Capital Drive, Laguna Tribal Building Laguna Pueblo

12:00 – 1:30PM Democratic Bus Tour: Laguna Acoma Rally
Location: Sky City Casino Parking Lot, Interstate 40, Exit 102 Acoma, NM

2:30 – 4:00 PM Democratic Bus Tour: Gallup
Location: Gallup/McKinley Civic Plaza, 207 West Hill Ave, Gallup, NM

The bus tour will be visiting other locations in New Mexico this weekend, including Taos, Santa Fe and Espanola. Click for >more information.

October 26, 2006 at 12:10 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sandy Jones for PRC Campaign Hosts Rally and BBQ in T or C

You are invited to a BBQ on Thursday, November 2nd at Sandy Jones for PRC Headquarters, 280 N. Date, T or C, NM, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Contributions accepted but not required. Bring your friends and join us for an Old fashioned Political Rally and BBQ. Sandy R. Jones is running as a Democratic candidate for the Public Regulation Committee in District 5. Click for flyer (doc).

October 26, 2006 at 11:39 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

ABQ CodePINK Hangs Huge GIVE PEACE A VOTE Banner Facing Heather Wilson's Office

All photos from ABQ CodePINK. Click photos for larger versions

From ABQ CodePINK:
We did it! Joan Baez's concert last night was a great springboard for our 60-foot Banner Drop across from Heather Wilson's congressional office in downtown Albuquerque this morning. Our banner flew for 20 minutes until "someone" phoned security.

More photos below:

10.25.06, across from Rep. Heather Wilson's office (NM-01)


Rebecca Wilson
Albuquerque Coordinator
CODEPINK Women for Peace
Albuquerque, NM

CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities. CODEPINK rejects the Bush administration's fear-based politics that justify violence, and instead calls for policies based on compassion, kindness and a commitment to international law. With an emphasis on joy and humor, CODEPINK women and men seek to activate, amplify and inspire a community of peacemakers through creative campaigns and a commitment to non-violence.

October 25, 2006 at 03:31 PM in Candidates & Races, Iraq War, Local Politics, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (7)