Monday, May 21, 2012

Guest Blog: Please Help Me Defend The House by Representative Brian Egolf


An important message from Rep. Brian Egolf.

May 16, 2012,  Dear Friends,

New Mexico is at a critical crossroads, and I am writing to ask for your urgent help. In this last session, Democrats held only a narrow margin in the State House of Representatives: 36:34. With the upcoming November election, that slim majority is under dire threat. Democrats already lost one seat in redistricting, so we must gain seats in November or there will be a Republican Speaker of the House, and Governor Martinez will have the rubber stamp legislature she wants. We cannot risk losing control to a Tea Party-controlled Republican majority.

Because this threat is so serious, I have started a PAC, called the New Mexico Defense Fund. Its mission is to preserve and grow our House Majority and thus stop the divisive political agenda pushed by Republicans around the country today – the war on women, the deep cuts in critical education funding, the elimination of important programs to support a strong middle class, the restriction of minority voting rights and the denial of civil rights to citizens. I cannot sit back and just wait for this to happen in here, so I am asking you to join me in a very important fight. All funds raised will directly support Democratic State House candidates in critical seats this fall.

If Republicans pick up even one seat, I will lose Chairmanship of the House Energy & Natural Resources Committee and be replaced by an anti-conservation Republican. I would no longer be able to use my position to stop Governor Martinez’s overt efforts to roll back common sense environmental protections that keep our water and natural resources safe. Other important committees would also be chaired by Republicans, and that means the Governor’s Tea-Party agenda will sail through the legislature.

Please stand with me on May 29 at our kick-off fundraiser and be as generous as possible. It will be at the home of Debbie Fleischaker & Kathleen Fontaine from 5:30 - 7:00 (details are in the invitation, attached here). I know that the demands on political donors right now are as high as ever. Nevertheless, raising funds and using them strategically and deliberately to hold onto the State House is critically important to our future.

Your invitation to the event is enclosed along with a remittance envelope in case you are unable to attend but would like to contribute. Please note that the envelopes are addressed to my campaign, but if you make you check payable to the New Mexico Defense Fund or make a similar notation for credit card payment on the envelope, your generous contribution will be used directly to support other worthy Democrats in key races.

As always, I am grateful for your support and your help with this critical endeavor.

Sincerely, Brian

P.S. In the span of 15 years, Texas quickly became a Red state after nearly 120 years of solid Democratic control. Please don’t think that it couldn’t happen here and make your contribution today to the New Mexico Defense Fund.

May 21, 2012 at 03:24 PM in 2012 Legislature Races, Brian Egolf, Candidates & Races, Democrat | Permalink | Comments (4)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

2/28: Senator Wirth and Representative Egolf to Hold Town Hall

Peter wirth waphSenator Wirth and Representative Egolf to hold Town Hall to discuss the 2012 legislative session, capital outlay and redistricting.

State Senator Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe) and State Representative Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) have scheduled a town hall meeting with residents of their districts.

“Representative Egolf and I look forward to updating our constituents on the 2012 legislative session, capital outlay and redistricting,” Wirth said.

Senator Wirth and Representative Egolf have made district meetings a regular part of their legislative duties, and both underscore their importance.

“These meetings are one of the most important things we do,” Egolf said.  “They are a way for us to better understand individual and neighborhood concerns, while discussing the best way to proceed on legislative issues.”

Wirth represents State Senate District 25.  Egolf represents State House District 47.  Since their districts overlap, they work together whenever possible in addressing issues of concern to Santa Fe residents.

February 26, 2012 at 01:17 PM in Brian Egolf, Events, NM Legislature 2012, Peter Wirth | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, February 13, 2012

New Homebuyers Energy Savings Tax Credit Bill Passes House 44-20, Introduced in Senate

Green chamber of commerceShort-term Tax Credit Encourages Consumers to Buy New Energy Efficient Homes or Upgrade Foreclosed Homes, Creating New Construction Jobs, Improving the Existing Unsold Home Market and Generating Net State Revenues

CS HB 177 the New Homebuyers Energy Savings Tax Credit plan that will create new construction jobs and generate important revenue passed the House Floor last evening and introduced to the Senate today. HB177 passed the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee and the House Taxation and Revenue without opposition.

The plan, analyzed by the non-partisan research organization Architecture 2030, builds on the success of the federal First Time Homebuyers Tax Credit, as a means of increasing new homes sales and renovations in a distressed housing market. The plan marries a refundable state tax credit with energy reduction targets in order to dramatically increase private spending, stimulate new building construction, expand the local tax base and generate much needed jobs and tax revenue.

"The Energy Efficient Home Income Tax Credit will create well-paying construction jobs, help New Mexico's working families save money on their utility bills, and make homes more affordable," said Representative Brian Egolf. "The proposal will also bring major benefits to small businesses statewide and help move foreclosed properties off the auction block and into a family's future. I look forward to bringing this bill to the House Floor."

"This tax credit goes directly to the consumer, for either upgrading a foreclosed home or buying a new energy efficient home," said Lawrence Rael, President of the New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce. "The goal is to get people into energy efficient homes while spurring growth in the construction industry."

"The New Homebuyer Energy Savings Tax Credit'-like the popular First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit-is focused on encouraging new homes sales which will help revitalize the construction market," said Ed Mazria, CEO of Architecture2030. "This tax credit also helps the existing home market, as it offers the same tax credit for upgrading foreclosed properties that are reducing property values in communities across our state."

The Plan includes a refundable:

$4,000 State tax credit or rebate for purchasing a HERS 60 or equivalent home; $6,000 State tax credit or rebate for purchasing a HERS 25 or equivalent home; and a $8,000 State tax credit or rebate for purchasing a zero-net-energy or HERS 0 home.

The Plan would also offer owners of foreclosed homes:

$4,000 State tax credit or rebate for a 50 percent energy reduction $6,000 State tax credit or rebate for a 75 percent energy reduction $8,000 State tax credit or rebate for a 100 percent energy reduction

Under the Plan, each dollar ($1) of State incentive would not only pay for itself, but would generate approximately:

$14.10 in construction spending and $7.19 in indirect and induced spending creating much-needed jobs; $1.36 in State and Local Government taxes from construction spending, and $0.70 from indirect and induced spending; and $0.11 in property taxes

The bill is supported by the New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce, the New Mexico Association of Counties, the New Mexico, Central and Santa Fe Home Builders Association, the NM Green Building Council and the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce.

February 13, 2012 at 07:48 AM in Brian Egolf, Building Code Energy Efficiency, Energy, Environment, Jobs, Lawrence Rael, NM Legislature 2012, Taxes | |

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Representative Egolf Introduces New Homebuyers Energy Savings Tax Credit Bill

From the The New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce:

Representative Egolf Introduces New Homebuyers Energy Savings Tax Credit Bill Short-term Tax Credit Encourages Consumers to Buy New Energy Efficient Homes or Upgrade Foreclosed Homes, Creating New Construction Jobs, Improving the Existing Unsold Home Market and Generating Net State Revenues.

Today, Representative Brian Egolf introduced HB 177 the New Homebuyers Energy Savings Tax Credit plan that will create new construction jobs and generate important revenue. The plan, analyzed by the non-partisan research organization Architecture 2030, builds on the success of the federal First Time Homebuyers Tax Credit, as a means of increasing new homes sales and renovations in a distressed housing market. The plan marries a refundable state tax credit with energy reduction targets in order to dramatically increase private spending, stimulate new building construction, expand the local tax base and generate much needed jobs and tax revenue.

"I and my colleagues are focused on ideas that will create well-paying jobs and benefit our state's economy as a whole," said Representative Brian Egolf. "The Energy Efficient Home Income Tax Credit will create well-paying construction jobs, help New Mexico's working families save money on their utility bills, and make homes more affordable. The proposal will also bring major benefits to small businesses statewide and help move foreclosed properties off the auction block and into a family's future. This will be a big win for our recovering economy."

The Plan includes a refundable:

Under the Plan, each dollar ($1) of State incentive would not only pay for itself, but would generate approximately:

"The New Homebuyer Energy Savings Tax Credit'-like the popular First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit-is focused on encouraging new homes sales which will help revitalize the construction market," said Ed Mazria, CEO of Architecture2030. "This tax credit also helps the existing home market, as it offers the same tax credit for purchasing and upgrading foreclosed properties that are sitting vacant and reducing property values in communities across our state."

"Our member businesses support the NM Homebuyers Energy Saving Tax Credit because it will create jobs, will help our construction sector get back on its feet, and will help families move into energy-saving homes," said Allan Oliver, CEO of the NM Green Chamber of Commerce. "This is a fiscally responsible measure, since the state receives the additional revenue prior to paying off the credit and it will sunset automatically in two years."

"Our state's homebuilding industry needs all the help it can get. This bill addresses the demand side of the energy efficient home market and could help stimulate new home construction. New Mexico home builders are national leaders in energy efficient home building, but we need customers demanding homes built beyond code minimums." Kim Shanahan, Executive Officer, Santa Fe Area Home Builders Association.

The New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce is a non-partisan association with over 1,100 business members dedicated to advocating on behalf of clean energy, seizing the green business advantage, and supporting local economies. The NM Green Chamber of Commerce members believe that responsible business invests in people, protects air, land and water, and creates long-term sustainable profits

January 24, 2012 at 05:20 PM in Brian Egolf, Energy, Green Economy, Jobs, NM Legislature 2012 | |

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Sen. Wirth and Rep. Egolf to Hold District Meetings to Discuss 2012 Legislative Session and Redistricting

Egolf and wirth waphState Senator Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe) and State Representative Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) have scheduled two meetings with residents of their districts.

“Representative Egolf and I look forward to the opportunity to visit with our Santa Fe constituents,” Wirth said.  “Constituent input and ideas are critical as we head into the legislative session.”

Senator Wirth and Representative Egolf have made district meetings a regular part of their legislative duties, and both underscore their importance.

“These meetings are one of the most important things we do,” Egolf said.  “They are a way for us to better understand individual and neighborhood concerns, while discussing the best way to proceed on legislative issues.”

Wirth represents State Senate District 25.  Egolf represents State House District 47.  Since their districts overlap, they work together whenever possible in addressing issues of concern to Santa Fe residents.

January 8, 2012 at 04:24 PM in Brian Egolf, NM Legislature 2012, Peter Wirth, Redistricting | Permalink | Comments (1)

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