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Monday, July 22, 2013

Time Moving On

Hello folks! Low and see I got the suggestion to put in writing a journal post. i used to be thinking on one in all my long commute drives that Barb started this DFNM journal on July fifteen, 2004. 9 years ago!

There has been so many happenings to post about these past months. Super great end to DOMA, and a great victory against the haters in California. Most of the issues Barb would write passionately about though still continue. Racism, greed, lack of leadership, corruption. On and on.

Personally I am working on very meaningful work to me. I have a temporary job which expands often enough to keep me going and challenged. The economy is still shakey but there is improvement over here on the east coast. I watch with dismay as the economy in NM still struggles.

Looks like many qualified people trying to step up and run for offices. I look forward to seeing a true contender to run for Governor. I also hope that someone is talking daily to Sen. John Arthur Smith about how bad things are and the rainy day is here. I cannot imagine four more years with all the same nonsense. No sense!

Today, I was thinking how much I miss Barb. A Phobe Snow song came on and I just stopped and cried at my desk. Coming to the blog is hard cause her being is totally here. I always respected her vision and her desire to do this work, she was magnificant at persuading, and challenging. I was able to keep this blog going for a full year after her death, now these days I don't visit here often. I am always surprised at how many hits it gets without daily input though. Just shows what she built nine years ago.

I am sorry that I can't carry the torch that Barb carried. I carry a different torch, we all carry different torches. I love to do architecture and I am grateful to be continuing that passion and on healthcare design to boot.

Bye for a while again, who knows what will move me to come and update all our great relations in the southwest.

Cheers to Barbara Wold - for her desire to take action and follow her passion and start this blog.

July 22, 2013 at 07:12 PM in Barbara Rose Wold, DFNM - Albq | Permalink | Comments (0)

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