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Monday, April 29, 2013

Congratulations New Dem State Chairman - Sam Bregman


Picture above from Sam Bregman's FB page linked from the Dona Ana County Dems excellent website. See more about Sam and his appointments here.

Sam Bregman won the New Mexico State Democratic Chairman position this weekend. He will be the chair for the next 2 years. A very hard position it is. Many struggles are within the great state of NM, jobs and the economy being on the top of the list. Maybe dems can get the economy moving, but seeing the lack of movement on anything politically both with the feds and state politicians is very depressing.

Big kudos goes out to Roxanne Lara for stepping up and running for the state party chair. In the bigger scheme of things maybe it is better you were not victorious, it is a brutal job, imho.

A big thanks goes out to Javier Gonzales the exiting Dem party chair. Javier and his staff did the best they could, remember we are talking about the equivolent of herding cats.

Good luck Sam! We dems are counting on ya!

April 29, 2013 at 06:41 PM in Candidates & Races, Democrat, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (2)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Roxanne Lara for NM Democratic Party State Chair

Images   Images sam b
It is that time again, for the Democrats of New Mexico to come together to elect their State Party Chair. The Meeting will be held in Las Cruces on April 27th. This is the meeting where the elected members of the state central committee come together and vote in a chair, this year there are two running Roxanne Lara from Eddy County, and Sam Bregman from Bern County.

Roxanne’s background and info can be seen at Lara4nm.com and her facebook page here. And here is a link to Sam’s facebook page. Much of his campaign info has been cross posted to his FB page as well as his very often newsletter "thoughts from sam."

Number one job for a state party chair is to help democrats get elected to offices up and down the ballot. I believe that a democrat should support a democrat running for an elected office, especially in these times of such division. Division on marriage equality, division on immigration, division on a woman’s right to choose, and gun control, division on energy matters, education and taxes. You name it the democrats and republicans are much divided on the issue.

While running for the HD 30 seat last year as a democrat one of the people running for state party chair was in the closet as a supporter of my campaign. He could not outwardly support my campaign because his alliance was with his law partner, and his law partner was a good friend of my republican opponent for HD30. At least that is what Sam told me was his reason he could not outwardly support me. I must admit Sam’s allegiance to his law partner was unwavering which is commendable. However when you are running for the position of State Party Chair all other promises, pledges, alliances must be trumped by your allegiance to help democratic candidates get into office. Period, and I ask - can Sam do that? Will Sam do that?

Now Sam is a nice enough guy for sure. He has done great things for the Dem Party. He loves to be generous to people. He is a brilliant lawyer, and I would hate to ever cross him. Probably so for other sitting elected officials that have endorsed him. His messaging regarding Gov. Martinez is very strong. But it is time to have a woman’s voice of reason be at the helm on the NM State Dem Party. A reasoned leader not someone who is like the big bad wolves; I’ll huff and puff and blow your house down.

Third strike for Sam is about money in politics. Now Sam has done well for himself and his family and that is fantastic. But I have heard from friends that Sam is “throwing money around” now I doubt that is true but I can see him being generous with some SCC members to persuade them he would be the better candidate. Like let’s say a night at his box suite for an Isotopes game. Or some other form of persuasion. All well and good but money in politics today is a huge problem. What politician would stand up against Bregman now when they are going to need a donation soon? Yuck. No more money in politics. It is obscene where we are as a country with money in politics and policy.

Roxanne can raise the money needed to have a strong Dem party and run strong elections. Roxanne will support every democrat across the state, period, regardless of colleague bonds and affiliations. Roxanne is "tough as nails" and she can take on the Governor more effectively than Sam. Roxanne spent the last four years fighting for what's right as a Democrat in a red county dominated by men in politics. Roxanne is assertive, she will not shrink from defending our democratic values, she will be firm and unwavering, and in my humble opinion she will be more effective and methodical which will achieve greater results.

Lastly, I believe more democratic woman should be in positions of leadership in our world, in our country and in the great state of NM.

So there you have it, I wholeheartedly endorse Roxanne Lara for State Party Chair. Let’s have a woman lead the Democratic Party for the next two years.

April 19, 2013 at 03:02 PM in Candidates & Races, Democrat, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (4)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon Sadness

529399_10151523809919286_2081302640_nPatriot's Day is always a special day off in Boston. For as long as I remember the Monday Patriots day is celebrated on is the day the Boston Marathon is run. Think of 30,000 runners gathering to run 26.2 miles. Spectators line much of the route cheering the runners on. I have always marveled at that long distance run, and the diligence to prepare for a marathon.

Yesterday's Boston Marathon is very different. Explosions at the end of the 26.2 miles, purposely timed to go off at the time most number of runners would be crossing the finish line. What kind of a depraved human would do this?

Some people like Brian Colon can take this horror and use his efforts to turn this horror into something positive for the victims. Brian is holding a 5k run in Albuquerque New Mexico to raise funds for Boston. Today while I was kind of moping around I thought hell, get on that treadmill and walk Mary Ellen, You have perfectly good legs and others lost their legs yesterday in an instant. So I did. And I am committed to walking the 5k here in Methuen Massachusetts in support of Brian's supportive event. And that is how love works. One does for the other to the other for the other and on and on.

From Brian Colon on Facebook: Sunday APRIL 28 @ 1pm is #ABQ5k4Boston We need donations, volunteers & entrants! Goal: 1000 entrants + $20k in sponsors = $47,000 from #47! Go-NM!

Because I am not in NM and am living here 30 minutes from Boston, I too am going to walk the 5k and I am going to try to help my dear friend Brian Colon with his generous heart, being the human that he is and helping people 2500 miles away.  

Maybe it will inspire you as well.....let's all walk for those that can't. Love is the answer.

April 16, 2013 at 06:28 PM in Action Alerts, Brian Colon | Permalink | Comments (1)

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Lovie McGee to Seek Election to Abq City Council

Mcgee headshotLong-time community volunteer and former Air Force civilian employee, Lovie McGee announced today that she will seek election to Albuquerque City Council, District 9.

Ms. McGee is currently a professional real estate broker, specializing in residential sales in the Northeast and Southeast Heights of Albuquerque.  Before becoming a broker, she worked for 20 years as a federal computer, finance and data specialist at Kirtland Air Force Base, Department of Defense.  She holds a Bachelor of Science in Computers and Information Systems degree (Cum Laude) from National College in Rapid City S.D.

Her long history of community involvement includes service as Chair of the New Mexico Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commission and working with the State Fair Commission to establish the African American Pavilion.   She currently serves on the Albuquerque Public Schools Superintendent’s Council on Equity and has been the chair of her Neighborhood Association.  She previously served on the City of Albuquerque Human Rights Board and volunteers with Roadrunner Food Bank.

Ms. McGee will focus on ensuring that District 9 has responsive, energetic and fair leadership on the City Council.  Her priorities will be:

In announcing her bid for Council, Ms. McGee said:  “For too long, the needs of our neighbors in District 9 have been overlooked.  On City Council I will be a tireless advocate for safe, attractive neighborhoods where families can thrive.”

Ms. McGee firmly believes that the special interests who finance campaigns have too much power in our government.  Therefore, she has committed to seeking election under the City’s groundbreaking Public Financing System, which will require her to gather $5 contributions from hundreds of District 9 residents. 

“Alone we can do very little – Together We Can Move Mountains,” Ms. McGee said

April 7, 2013 at 06:12 PM in 2013 Albquerque City Council Races, Candidates & Races, Democrat | Permalink | Comments (0)

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