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Monday, January 21, 2013

Eric Griego, President Obama, Martin Luther King

Today January 21, 2013, just another day in the billions of years this planet has been spinning in the universe. The sun will came up and the sun will go down. The sun will rise tomorrow. I find comfort in this regular knowledge.

This weekend one of our own leaders within our NM progressive community had his family stricken with senseless tragic violence. Eric Griego, Abq City Councilor, NM State Senator and former Congressional candidate for CD1 had his brother killed and his sister in law, and two of his nephews and a niece killed by their brother. Five of Eric's family are gone. The tragedy, hearing about this tragedy made me cry. I cried and cried. I wrote this yesterday after hearing this horrible information:

The sadness of loss and the depth of despair is an interesting journey. Today I found out that one of our progressive leaders Eric Griego had the ultimate tragedy hit his family. Sudden violent ends to his brother and his sister in law and nephews and nieces. Gone. Gone from the planet as we know them. My heart is broken. My heart is broken for the loss and pain for my brother Eric and his family. It comes to me in this moment of loss in our small community here in NM how much I love Eric and so many others. How this day will be a changing epic day for the rest of Eric’s life and all that love Eric and his family's life. Eric is a fighter for the underdog. He does not spend time dwelling in the world of the haves. If only his nephew had reached out to all the programs Eric has supported and kept alive. But no this young man could reach out to one thing that was handy in those hours and minutes, a gun. There is a fearlessness when we lose someone this close. A desire to hold on to life and work extra hard, or to let go of life. A fearless Eric Griego is exactly what this planet and NM and us livers needs right now. It is a painful tragic way to get there but it is what we need. We must not be succumbed with the mundane of life we must be fully engaged in the world of the living. We are our brothers keepers. I love you Eric and I love what you fight for. Healing fearless loving energy coming your way.

Inauguration day, the President took his oath of office today. He looked nervous to me, he looked like he is aware of the challenges ahead. His speech was great. To hear the President talk about climate change, gays and lesbians, the poor among us, the troubles that our country and indeed the world has, the end of war, the valor of peace. Together we can do this, together, together together.

MLK birthday too. Wow, what another man, one man that can move many. In the face of negative and pessimism, hostility, hate, violence.  A MLK quote: We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.

Personally I do not have much time these days to write posts, or follow things that keep this blog alive and active. I too am following my life's path. After running for the State Representative seat here in District 30, and not succeeding but learning much, I am following a new path a new journey. I spent months talking real and listening to people at every door that people would open and discussing there worries, hopes and fears. I really saw and believed that we can change things, together. My desire to help others is still very much alive but I must first help myself by getting full time employment. After losing my livelihood and then my partner, I am finding myself.

We never know where our journey will lead us. When we will be taken off this planet, when we will be shaken up in our day to day existence without any warning at all. It is at these trying times that we are the best of being human, hold on, hold on together. Carpe diem with love.

January 21, 2013 at 12:30 PM in Eric Griego, Obama Administration | Permalink


Very well said, MEBs. It's devastating. My heart goes out to Eric, to his family, and to you and yours. You are so brave and so good-hearted. This community loves you, and we will hold on... together. We will miss your being close by, but you'll always be in our hearts, and wherever you go, please stay in touch with us NM folks and let us know how to find you. Safe travels, friend.

Posted by: Nancy Galloway | Jan 21, 2013 11:08:04 PM

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