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Thursday, November 15, 2012
Lora Lucero In Gaza: Drones and Bombing
A guest blog from Lora Lucero who has been living in Gaza for several weeks now. Lora has her own blog of her journey in Gaza, you can follow her here.
A sleepless night last night as we sat together at home in the center of Gaza City. Earlier in the afternoon, Israel had assassinated the #1 military chief of Hamas, a targeted killing as they had promised they would do. But everyone expected more, and we got it.
Explosions every 5-10 minutes throughout the night. Some were far away and some were a couple of blocks from our house. Those shook the building and broke the glass. Today there is plenty of glass everywhere.
Living in Gaza for 7 weeks now, I have learned the sound of drones and F-16s. Last night I heard plenty of those, in addition to the bombs.
I have been blogging, posting on Facebook and just learning how to Tweet. When we have electricity (as we do now because someone has turned on the building's generator) I try to send updates.
A number of people have asked me "why are the Palestinians sending rockets into southern Israel. Aren't they asking for a response? Doesn't Israel have a right to defend itself?"
I urge Americans to put this in context. Col. Ann Wright described the recent chronology of events, which I included here. https://loralucero.wordpress.com/2012/11/14/put-israels-assault-in-gaza-in-context/
I don't want to justify violence from either side, but the equities in this situation should be understood.
Israel is an occupying power with the best weapons in the world thanks to American tax dollars ($3 billion per year).
Palestinians in Gaza have some home-made rockets. The Palestinian children who were killed playing football (soccer) had no weapons, and one was shot in the stomach - like target practice.
Israelis living in southern Israel near the hostilities have a choice. They can evacuate to a safer location.
Gazans have nowhere to go. This is one of the most dense locations in the world, with families squeezed in very tight quarters. They have no choice but to sit tight and hope the bombs don't fall on them.
I am very disappointed in Obama's canned response --- that Israel has a right to defend itself.
Of course, both sides have a right to live in peace and security, but Obama's response is not helpful to anyone in the region. The Arab League, Egypt, Russia, France, Turkey, and many other countries have expressed concern and outrage for Israel's deliberate carnage in Gaza. I hope Americans realize that the community of nations understands the dynamics in the Middle East, and our willful ignorance in the U.S. is disgraceful.
Please call or write our new U.S. Senator Heinrich and help educate him.
Thank you from Gaza.
Lora Lucero
November 15, 2012 at 10:39 AM in Guest Blogger, International Relations, Lora Lucero, Contributing Writer, Middle East | Permalink
Thanks for publishing my piece MaryEllen. In case I lose electricity ... wanted to send along this link to live blogging from Gaza.
Gaza assault live report - Continuously updated by @MaanNewsAgency staff in #Gaza and West Bank | https://maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=537613 …
Posted by: Lora Lucero | Nov 15, 2012 1:18:58 PM
Thanks for passing this along. There hasn't been much news about it.
ANSWER Coalition: New Mexico is sponsoring a demonstration tomorrow in front of the UNM bookstore on Central:
Emergency Protest: Stop Israel's War against Gaza!
Friday, 5-6 pm at UNM Bookstore
Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Nov 15, 2012 4:08:03 PM