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Friday, November 09, 2012
Is Paul Pacheco "homo-phobic"? Let's have a conversation...
Guest Blog from Mary Ellen Capek:
Below are copies of posts from Paul Pacheco's FB page. Several people alerted me to these. When I tried to "comment" in response, they removed my first comment then "blocked" me. So I'm including their posts at the end of this email, assuming that whoever has been forwarding my Marci Blaze emails to the Pachecos will send this along as well (thanks for fostering dialogue, whoever you are). Like so many Republicans living in what has just been exposed as an alternate universe this election season, their ignorance and hypocrisy are breathtaking. Pacheco's flyers attacking Marci have been relentless and nasty, not to mention inaccurate. My several emails in support of Marci have been mild in comparison.
BUT... to my point of Paul's being "homo-phobic," I want to offer a conversation. One of the last flyers I saw attacking Marci pitched Pacheco as a "family values" candidate: that's CODE for "NO WAY are we going to let gays marry much less have equal rights." Right, Paul? You'd never vote to allow families like mine to marry in NM. Not even vote for domestic partnerships to give my family the same benefits yours gets, right, Paul? (My partner and I actually got married in Canada in 2003, celebrated our 25th anniversary this August, but neither our partnership nor our marriage is recognized in NM. Yet.) I betcha you wouldn't vote for legislation that would recognize my rights to determine care for my wife in the hospital. Or help pass laws that would assure that she, not the government, inherits my estate, right?
So I'm calling you out, saying, hey there, YOU, sir, are indeed "homo-phobic." This is 2012. We just had a watershed election. Marriage equality passed in three more states (Maine, Maryland, Washington) and Minnesota voted AGAINST enshrining hatred in their state constitution. So, you know what, CODE doesn't work like it used to. Based on the mailings that went out supporting your campaign, I'm calling you out: you're homophobic. BUT if you want to sit down over coffee, I'd be more than willing to continue this conversation in person. And if I'm too nasty for you, based on the "shocking language and disgusting emails" Tami claims I've sent, I'd be happy to set you up with other gay or lesbian families to meet and talk with. They might also be your constituents. No more nasty emails, no more nasty flyers, no more "code." How about having a conversation?
Yesterday's Posts from People for Paul Pacheco's Facebook Page:
Paul Pacheco: To everyone who has supported us during this trying time, I want to thank each and everyone of you. We won't know for a couple days until the recount is final. My opponents supporters are still sending nasty emails, the lastest one today accusing me of being homo-phobic. I can't tell you how weary I am of their constant, relentless lies about my character and I am hopeful that this will be over soon. Thanks again and we will keep you updated, your thoughts and prayers have kept us going!
Tami De-Nio Pacheco: I love you! I'm sorry you've had to go through all this nastiness. Maybe I'll put together all of MaryEllen Capek's emails and let the world know who she really is. From dirty language to ugliness unrivaled, she has really has shown who they really are. I was shocked at the language and disgusting emails she sent throughout the campaign and continues to today. Very sad...
November 9, 2012 at 02:29 PM in 2012 Legislature Races, Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, Guest Blogger | Permalink
I won't speculate about his leanings, but he certainly is using code for his base, and whatever he believes, he wants his base to believe that he will not tolerate certain things.
And if he is making a tacit promise, he may have to keep it for the sake of those who are homophobic or intolerant or otherwise seek to deny civil rights to a certain group of people.
Good luck to Marci Blaze!
Posted by: bgnh | Nov 9, 2012 6:55:10 PM