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Thursday, November 08, 2012
Democracy in New Mexico Election 2012
That is exactly what we did on Tuesday November 6th, we exercised our right of being a Democracy in action. Here is the definition of Democracy in websters dictionary:
a: government by the people; especially: rule of the majority
b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
Yes, I am disappointed I did not win my own bid for the NM State House of Representative District 30, but the people of HD 30 spoke and I end this race grateful and wiser. I am grateful for the support of so many friends, I had so many people helping me. I am grateful for so many people within HD 30 opening their doors and thoughts to me on this journey. I am wiser that these are not simple times and I learned more people are hurting and disenfranchised than what I even thought.
I am still going to fight the good fight. In the words of Paul Wellstone and something Eric Griego would remind us all of often: We all do better when we all do better.
Representative Ken Martinez had a great quote in the Journal today: "New Mexicans have rejected the politics of personal destruction and instead have chosen the Democratic agenda of strengthening our working families."
Personal destruction in lieu of leadership, ideas, facts and solutions. Let's not forget that the quest for supreme power is vested in us, the people. Even when hundreds of thousands of dollars are meant to sway us, the power is still in our hands not the people we elect, now more than ever. The democrats held on to and even gained a couple seats in the NM State House of Representatives, that is a success for the people of NM.
Some of the races have not been finalized: Marci Blaze is still fighting to represent the people of HD 23. Marci endured a vicious, money invested onslaught race and was attacked over and over by Republican Paul Pacheco. That district remains tight and is having an automatic recount.
Democrat Liz Thomson won House Seat 24 against incumbent Republican Conrad James. Emily Kane (HD15) won, Stephanie Richards (HD43) won in Los Alamos, Christine Trujillo (HD25) won, Georgene Louis (HD26) won and Patricia Roybal-Caballero (HD13) won, just to mention a few of the great women who will be serving the people of NM. Women stepped up and ran for office across the state and across the country, these strong women were coached and supported by other strong women and men.
Other strong women who won are Karen Montoya for PRC, and Chief Judge Barbara Vigil will be our next Supreme Court Judge, as well as Monica Zamora well be our next Court of Appeals Judge.
Thank goodness Senator Michael Sanchez survived his vicious race. Costing countless of thousands of dollars spent by Reform NM PAC Jay McClesky on behalf of the Martinez administration.
A huge congratulations to Martin Heinrich, Michelle Lujan Grisham, Ben Ray Lujan your work is going to be very important shaping this countries future. And I believe you are the leaders to do just that.
Lastly, Thank the Universe that Obama won for four more years. Our country having Romney as the leader for four years was frightening. What did that man really believe? What do any of the republicans really believe at any level of government anymore?
The money spent all together on all the races around the country to try to sway the will of the people could feed a small nation, like ours.
Let's remember there are many honest, hardworking, play it fair, people who deserve huge kudos! Kudos for all the efforts to the many volunteers and staff and caring people who worked so hard for our Democracy for this critical election of 2012. Democracy is not about money and destruction. Democracy is about we the people.
November 8, 2012 at 06:27 PM in 2012 General Election, Democrat, Economy, Populism, Election Reform & Voting, Republican Party | Permalink
Mary Ellen, thank you for running in HD 30. I believe the future of the Democratic Party locally is in expanding our efforts into places where we haven't done well historically, especially Albuquerque's Northeast heights. With good candidates and dedicated volunteer efforts to register voters and turn out a blase electorate, we can win more seats in the near future.
HD 30 is a rough piece of turf for Democrats, but we make it smoother by going out there and espousing our nurturant values. It is a long-term task, but you have given us a head start. Thank you for sticking your neck out!! Nate Gentry certainly did his best to chop it off. However, the politics of fear and hatred will not prevail. We have your back!
Posted by: Proud Democrat | Nov 9, 2012 1:12:07 PM
It may be that SM shot herself in the foot when she unsuccessfully took on the Democratic leadership. Maybe the Dems will elect more progressive leaders who will whip the vote against her more effectively.
That will be entertaining!
Posted by: bg | Nov 9, 2012 6:50:16 PM