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Thursday, November 15, 2012
11/15: Pit Rule Update from SWOP
From SouthWest Organizing Project
Pit Rule Update
The Oil Conservation Commission is scheduled to meet today- Thursday 11/15/12 at 9:00 AM in Santa Fe. They are finishing up deliberations and expected to make a final decision on changes to the Pit Rule requested by groups representing the oil and gas industry. Their decision could weaken the rule which would have dire effects on the environment and public health in New Mexico.
The pit rule requires oil and gas companies to line their pits of toxic waste.Before the the pit rule, New Mexico had thousands of cases of groundwater contamination from oil and gas pits but since the pit rule has been in place there have been no cases of contamination at sites covered by the rule.
The pit rule holds oil and gas companies accountable making them pay for cleaning up contamination from pits instead of using taxpayer money.
That is why we are having a Pit Rule Forum today at 6:30 @ the SWOP office.
WHAT: Pit Rule Forum
WHEN: Thursday, November 15th @ 6:30 PM
WHERE: SWOP Offices 211 10th St. SW
We will be discussing the results of the hearing and writing letters to the editor in response to this important issue. Please join us. Food and refreshments will be provided. Translation will be available.
Contact: Dustin 505-204-0023
November 15, 2012 at 10:13 AM in Action Alerts, Mining, Regulation | Permalink