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Friday, October 19, 2012
Represenative Nate Gentry Tells Constituents "No Negative Attacks will come from him."
NM State Representative Nate Gentry told his constituents he would be doing no negative attacks, just the facts will be put out in his name. This Rep. Gentry said just hours before a negative flier from Rep Gentry attacking his opponent was received in his constituents mailboxes.
Below is a short video of Representative Nate Gentry stating he will not be doing any personal negative attacks, he will just be stating the facts. All candidates got a chance to speak at the Loma del Rey Neighborhood Association meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Rep. Gentry must have forgotten that he had put in the mail that same day a personal negative attack of his opponent, Mary Ellen Broderick. See below Hoodie front, and Hoodie back.
As Rep. Nate Gentry says in his statement at the neighborhood association, he is only sending out facts. The flier sent out to his constituents states that Mary Ellen Broderick sides with child killers! Facts, really Rep. Gentry, only facts you will send out?
It is a fact that Mary Ellen Broderick does support the current law of NM which does not allow the Death Penalty. The repeal of the NM Death Penalty law was fought for many years in the Roundhouse. The death penalty was repealed on March 18, 2009, no more eye for an eye as the way we govern, no more outrageous expenses born by the people of NM for this law.
Barbara Wold followed this topic and wrote about it on many occasions within this DFNM blog, her post regarding the signing of the new law abolishing the death penalty and instituting life without parole can be see here.
Other facts regarding the repeal of the death penalty and House District 30: both of the most recent Republican and Democratic representatives of District 30 voted in favor of replacing the death penalty with life without parole. Neither of them received negative comments from their constituents. 67% of New Mexicans supported the repeal. New Mexicans believe that the millions wasted on having the law on the books should be spent on preventing violence against children, promoting public safety and compensating victims, while keeping dangerous murderers locked up for life. Read the following link for other meaningful information regarding the Repeal of the Death Penalty.
Furthermore, it is telling Republican Representative Nate Gentry is using the Hoodie image on the front of this peice. What are the underlying fear tactics being messaged with that simple Hoodie image. Think about the Trayvon Martin killing this spring; a young black man was killed by someone protecting his neighborhood. The man saw someone who should not be in his neighborhood with a hoodie on and dark skinned and confronted him and killed him. Trayvon was carrying skittles and a soft drink.
None of these images go unseen and unrecognized for the fear mongering racist imaging they are meant to display.
Young americans are tired of the fear tactics and racists behavior of the fear mongers. A group called Hoodie Vote was started with a mission of getting young people fed up to vote.
Below is a great video of an activist at Netroots Nation 2012 explaining the Hoodie Vote project.
In summary let's use this fear-mongering message from NM Representative Nate Gentry to GOTV for New Mexico.
Go volunteer for a campaign, Rep. Nate Gentry's opponent Democrat Mary Ellen Broderick needs help on the ground, door to door, meeting the voters, tell them who Mary Ellen really is. Mary Ellen does not side with the child killers! Nothing could be further from the truth. Let's stand up together with volunteer action to say no to these divisive attacks.
We need jobs, we need excellent education, we do not need more fear-mongering
Please sign up to volunteer at Elect Mary Ellen HD30 website or call 417-9139.
October 19, 2012 at 05:13 PM in 2012 General Election, 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, Netroots Nation, Racial Minorities | Permalink
Come walk with me for Mary Ellen Broderick! As the last person I canvassed in her district said, "She's a good person!"
Posted by: Proud Democrat | Oct 20, 2012 9:52:10 PM
That is an incredible distortion of the death penalty issue.
Child killers rarely got the death penalty when legal. Child killers usually turn out to be a parent or relative. As tragic as the crime of murder, the death penalty is completely unrelated to justice and is more about base revenge. Taking "sides" has nothing to do with justice.
I find myself feeling defensive and even a bit protective about Mary Ellen especially as she is on the side of justice.
Posted by: qofdisks | Oct 21, 2012 6:32:33 PM
Thank you Gofdisks and proud dem! Many people who received the flier are outraged by the imagery and message as well. People have called me and I am sure the Nate campaign has recieved some neg response for this overthetop flier. A few constituents I met this weekend while door knocking actually said that learning I was against the death penalty actually sealed their vote for me.
Posted by: Mary Ellen | Oct 22, 2012 9:31:50 AM