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Friday, October 05, 2012
NM GOP Trains Poll Workers in Voter Suppression from ProgressNowNM
On October 4, 2012, ProgressNow New Mexico released an undercover video showing a Republican and Tea Party leader training “poll challengers” to illegally deny thousands of legal New Mexico voters a ballot on Election Day. To see the whole story click here.
Undercover video recorded by ProgressNow New Mexico shows the Republican Party training poll challengers in illegal tactics that could potentially restrict the voting rights of as many as 1-in8 New Mexicans in November.
A recording of the September 26th official "Poll Challenger Training" conducted by the Republican Party shows a GOP & Tea Party leader giving false and/or misleading information about voting rights and regulations to the training's attendees. The training was replete with misinformation about ID requirements, the use of provisional ballots, assistance for Spanish-speaking citizens, change of address requirements, and the rights of the disabled at the polls.
The group even created it's own poll challenger guide complete with instructions on how to demand ID and force legal voters to vote by provisional ballot in blatant contradiction with election law.
The tactics disseminated at the Republican "Poll Challenger Training" have the potential to restrict the voting rights of New Mexicans throughout the state by making it harder for eligible voters to exercise their civic duty and by compromising the integrity of the entire state electoral process.
Once ProgressNow NM broke the story it started moving swiftly across the web. ThinkProgress promoted it on their front-page and Salon.com already published a piece.
But, The Nation caught up with Rep. Steve Pearce to ask his opinion about issue. He told them that these illegal tactics are the way the GOP will take back New Mexico. Really:
Pearce appeared to be aware of the NM GOP’s poll watching efforts, and supported them. “We’re simply saying that we’re going to start, we’re going to take it back it into our hands,” said Pearce. “We should check for ID since you have to show an ID to do anything in America.” He did, however, admit that doing so would be against the law. “Its against New Mexico law to check for ID,” the congressman conceded.
ProgressNow says "We aren't going to let them get away with this. State GOP leaders like Steve Pearce are encouraging their own party to break the law and we need your help to bring pressure to stop them."
Please help ProgressNow NM get this story out to the media in New Mexico and across the country. We can’t let Tea Party extremists break the law and bully voters into staying home on election day. Take a minute to give to help us keep up the pressure on Tea Party trainers to stop training challengers to bully our voters.
After you give, share it on Twitter and Facebook; email it to your friends; call your local news station. Whatever you can do to spread the word. New Mexicans need to know the tactics being used by those who want to limit voting rights and compromise the integrity of our election.
October 5, 2012 at 10:19 AM in 2012 General Election, Action Alerts, Election Reform & Voting, ProgressNow New Mexico | Permalink
Well, I guess that means that Democrats need to volunteer at the polls to keep an eye out for shenanigans. Know the law and pass out voter's rights printed on Democratic campaign literature, web-sites etc.
Posted by: qofdisks | Oct 5, 2012 9:50:49 PM
qofdisks is correct. Volunteer for election protection, or better yet, work for the county clerk at the polls, preferably as a presiding judge. Any challenger who demands ID not required by law at the Voting Convenience Center at which I am Presiding Judge will have a short day. I'll have them removed, after politely correcting them ONCE.
Presiding Judges: know the law and brook no bullshit.
Posted by: Proud Democrat | Oct 6, 2012 8:29:10 PM
Our Otero county chair emailed our list the verbatim rules 1-2-21 through 1-2-26 from the election Handbook. One in particular that is NOT listed in the fake handbook, is:
1-2-24. Challengers; identification badges.
At all times while they are present in the polling place, challengers shall
wear uniform identification badges designating them as authorized
challengers of the political party which they represent.
They shall not wear any other form of identification, party or candidate
pins. The secretary of state shall prescribe the form and materials of such
badges and such badges shall be furnished to the challengers by the
presiding judge upon presentation of their written appointments.
History: 1953 Comp., § 3-2-22, enacted by Laws
1969, ch. 240, § 43.
Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Oct 12, 2012 9:09:09 PM