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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
9/14: Women, Wine and Chocolate!
Emerge New Mexico Annual CelebrationEmerge New Mexico Annual Celebration
If you want women in office you must buy tickets to this event! If you are a Man and want to be part of the Emerge Men's Alliance click Emerge New Mexico Annual Celebrationhere!
Also Emerge Men's Alliance is hosting the Bake Sale at Women,Wine and Chocolate 2012.
The Emerge Men's Alliance are a group of men who believe in the power of Democratic women, and support empowering women to be leaders through the work they do to support women professionally and personally, and through their generous and steadfast support of Emerge.
Members of the Emerge Men's Alliance affirm that by sharing power, resources, and knowledge, our communities will benefit from women's leadership. Emerge sincerely thanks the Honorary Co-Chairs of the Emerge Men's Alliance, Senator Jeff Bingaman and Senator Tom Udall, who have stood up for women's rights time and time again and are standing up once again to lead this important group of allies. Please view the members of the Emerge Men's Alliance below, and if you'd like to join this group, it's not too late!
Come join us for this important great event. Support women running for offices. We will have fun and be around strong women who have determination to break through the glass ceiling of politics. From the school boards to congress; women are on the move to represent and fight for our communities!
September 11, 2012 at 09:14 AM in Democrat, Events, Women's Issues | Permalink