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Wednesday, August 08, 2012
US Senate Candidate Martin Heinrich Makes the DFA - Dean Dozen
Martin Heinrich's campaign for US Senate received a very special endorsement today, Representative Heinrich made the Dean Dozen! The Heinrich campaign called Democracy for New Mexico and expressed their excitement over this honor. It is indeed an honor, and make note Martin is the first DFA Dean Dozen US Senate candidate endorsement for this year 2012. This means the Howard Dean founded organization Democracy for America (DFA) has put much faith in Heinrich as a leader for the people of NM and DFA recognizes the challenge for him to win against the republican money machine which will be and already is spreading falsehoods and exaggerations about Martin and his record.
The following is from the Democracy for America announcement today.
The Dean Dozen is DFA's highest level of endorsement -- a guarantee from our one million members that we will do whatever it takes to win in November. We reserve that endorsement for the 12 candidates who we know will stand up and work for real Americans.
Today, we're announcing our first six candidates:
- Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01)
- Joe Miklosi (CO-06)
- Shelli Yoder (IN-09)
- Jose Hernandez (CA-10)
- Kathy Boockvar (PA-08)
- Martin Heinrich (NM-Sen)
These are progressive fighters. They're candidates in close races who we know can win -- and who will win with your help today. DFA asks us to pitch in $12 to help the candidates.
This blog; Democracy for New Mexico does some collaborating with the huge country wide group Democracy for America. Consider DFA the mother ship and DFNM is a dingy out floating in the waters. DFNM is the scout, we watch the horizon and report back. However DFA has many scouts and when choosing the Dean Dozen they pull them all in, we are but one piece of the puzzle. Both blogs were started at the same time right after Howard Dean's bid for president came to an end. Howard started the "You've got the Power" movement, which touched and inspired people like my late partner Barbara Wold and myself to this very day.
You've Got the Power Martin!!
August 8, 2012 at 04:50 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink
Congratulations, Martin! Please use some of the donations to get some more attractive yard signs than the drab ones you have now.
Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Aug 9, 2012 7:26:02 AM