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Wednesday, June 13, 2012
New Mexico In Depth, a New Organization Receives Kellogg Foundation Grant
Great news for New Mexico; a new organization will focus on public-interest journalism in N.M.
As some of you may know DFNM received a DFA/NN scholarship to attend the Netroots Nation where many online journalists of all sorts gather to share ideas of what works and does not work. DFNM attended with the specific interest of finding out how current online media earn revenue. How are others doing this work of getting important information out to citizens being able to make ends meet? Basically the answers were not very promising.
Then there is this fabulous news this morning!
"The W. K. Kellogg Foundation has awarded $525,000 to New Mexico In Depth, a new organization whose goal is to foster, promote and publish journalism in the public interest."
Two veteran journalists – Trip Jennings and Heath Haussamen –will lead New Mexico In Depth as it produces its own investigative reports and forges partnerships with existing media outlets around New Mexico in a bid to nurture a culture of ambitious journalism that tackles big questions and complex issues. Our focuses will include education, poverty, health and politics.
Jennings will serve as executive director and Haussamen will serve as deputy director. The two-year funding commitment from the Kellogg Foundation means New Mexico In Depth will begin publishing later this year. NewMexico In Depth is also funded in part by the McCune Charitable Foundation.
Jennings is an award-winning veteran journalist who has worked at newspapers across the nation, including in California, and Georgia. Besides working at the Albuquerque Journal and Santa Fe NewMexican, Jennings was part of a team that started the New Mexico Independent, an influential online newspaper.
Haussamen, a former award-winning newspaper reporter who worked with Jennings at the Independent, is the editor and publisher of the political news website NMPolitics.net. He plans to continue operating NMPolitics.net while working with New Mexico In Depth.
“We are inspired by Kellogg’s belief in the importance of probative journalism that ventures beyond the daily events to seek to explain what it all means to New Mexicans,” Jennings said.
“We’re excited by the potential New Mexico In Depth has to foster a stronger journalistic culture in our state,” Haussamen said. “We’re thrilled to be able to devote time and resources to building partnerships that make that a reality.”
This is such exciting news for New Mexico. Heath Haussamen NMpolitics.net has a great write up on this award. Heath also provided DFNM with the following statement:
"Deep, probative journalism is essential in our democracy, and our media desperately needs help in this area. Just today, The announced 200 layoffs as it struggles to adapt to the new world of Internet publishing. We hope to be part of the solution in New Mexico."
A huge Thank You to Trip Jennings and Heath Haussamen for stepping up for New Mexico's people and going the extra effort to apply for and receive this grant. And a huge Thank You to the Kellogg Foundation for seeing the need for investment in online media in the Land of Enchantment! We in New Mexico need the online media sources to continue to educate the people, bring fresh awareness to complex topics. Remember: Knowledge is power!
June 13, 2012 at 10:45 AM in Journalism, Media | Permalink
This is a great opportunity. I hope the project will be cutting edge and really will bring us news that will benefit the 99%.
Posted by: bg | Jun 14, 2012 8:59:25 AM
Miracles happen! This is excellent news and would be even better news for New Mexico's dearly departed state treasure, Bob Johnson. One day at lunch, the former UPI reporter and ED of NM FOG, told me nothing of what I had learned of journalism form and professional ethics would apply. He opined that editors and investors had slowly turned the profession into a cheap imitation of its' more profitable archenemy: public relations. Congrats to both of you. Please remember Bob!
Posted by: Tiffany FISER | Jun 14, 2012 10:22:17 AM
Thanks to Kellogg for recognizing the need for something beyond the current kind of reporting...and who better to do in-depth, fair and accurate work? Congratulations to Trip and Heath! And as for FOG...some think it has been hijacked too by it's conflicts! Thanks Tiffany for reminding us about Bob. Onward......
Posted by: Diane Denish | Jun 14, 2012 12:00:19 PM
Great news or New Mexico! We need on-line Woodwards and Bernsteins now more than ever, and Heath and Trip are among New Mexico's best.
Posted by: Senator Dede Feldman | Jun 15, 2012 2:03:16 PM