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Saturday, May 12, 2012
Tell the EPA: No to new uranium mining!
Photo above from League of Individuals for the Environment, Inc website.
From the SouthWest Organizing Project
An important petition is circulating that we wanted to make sure you saw. Our friends at the New Mexico Environmental Law Center are urging folks to make their voices heard to the EPA, about a proposal to renew uranium mining in Navajo communities in New Mexico.
The Law Center has been working with Eastern Navajo Dine Against Uranium Mining (ENDAUM) for many years to stop mining from resuming. As you may know, Navajo communities are still waiting for the clean-up and closure of 100's of toxic uranium mines that litter the landscape in western New Mexico and into Arizona.
Here is a message from the Law Center with a link to the petition created by ENDAUM's Larry King, saying NO to new uranium mining:
Something unprecedented has happened: the EPA agreed to revisit its 1989 decision to sacrifice a portion of the aquifer beneath the Navajo community of Church Rock. Now it is reviewing an "aquifer exemption" that it granted to uranium mining company Hydro Resources, Inc.
If this permit is revoked, it will make it difficult - if not impossible- for the company to commence mining in Church Rock.
Please sign our national: Change.org petition and tell the EPA: Don't sacrifice Navajo water
for uranium mining.
A message from Larry J. King:
"I am Diné (Navajo) and live in Church Rock, NM - only yards away from a proposed new uranium mine. As a resident and former miner, I have experienced the effects of uranium exploitation first-hand. This could be our last chance to stop this mine.
Please sign this petition, and help us tell the EPA to revoke this permit."
May 12, 2012 at 01:08 PM in Action Alerts, Environment, Native Americans, Uranium | Permalink