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Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Senator Lisa Curtis; Letter to the Editor, re: Commissioner Wiener
To download the letter to the editor, click here. Letter to the Editor Michael Wiener.
Letter to the Editor
“The fat guy smoking Pall Malls, he says he almost married one of those girls. Honest. He met her in a bar one of the last times he was in the Philippines and fell in love, almost bought her a ring and took her home. It didn’t work out, though, and he doesn’t say why because it doesn’t really matter. He shrugs.
The skinny kid with the knobby head understands. Same thing happened to him, sort of. She was 19, beautiful, didn’t wear makeup or anything. She was so…what’s the word? Simple. You know? “Just give her the American necessities and those are, like, her luxuries,” he tells the fat guy. “Let her live like a queen.”
The fat guy grins. His front teeth are missing, and he’s got hair like an oil slick, long and black and greasy. Oh yeah, lots of those girls want an American husband, and they’re not picky, either. “As long as you’re not married and you’ve got an income,” the guy says, “you’re good to go.”
It’s four o’clock in the morning in a Japanese airport, thirteen hours out of Detroit Metro, on a layover in Nagoya before the last 1,700 miles to Manila. The fat guy and the skinny kid found each other in the smoking lounge as if they had picked up a shared scent, a couple of misfit white guys dragging halfway around the planet.”[i]
Does this sound familiar? This story out of GQ five years ago goes on about buying girls for sex and walking around with them through Angeles City in the Philippines. It talks about the fake birth certificate that lies the little 13 year old girl being forced to dance in one of those clubs is 19. This place Commissioner Wiener has been going to for years sells children, boys and girls, and is well-known to the misfit white guys as the easy place to buy children for sex.
We have representative government. This is my district. I have three teenage girls – one who is 13 – and Michael Wiener does not represent my family. So he will not voluntarily resign. My district, Senate District 21, gets out and votes. We do not have lynch mobs, like Michael Wiener suggests. It is my job to speak for my constituents, and I want it to be loud and clear that all – each and every one of the constituents in my district that have talked about Michael Wiener- are appalled and disgusted by the plain truth of those photos.
“He was nervous his first time. It’s kind of weird, the way you can buy a girl for a couple of bucks, a different one every night, every hour if you want, walk around town with her and not even pretend it’s anything more than a cash transaction.”[ii]
Sometimes we vote people into office and sometimes we vote them out. I have faith that the republican members of my district will come out in droves on June 5th and vote Michael Wiener out of office. There will be no lynch mob for you, Mr. Wiener. As the Senator for this district, and more importantly as a lawyer that goes after the perpetrators of childhood sexual abuse under the civil law – I do promise to watch you. Those photos were a gift to your constituents, and all of us that work to protect children. We know who we have, now it is the job of the voters to do our duty. It is the American way. You do not represent us here in Senate District 21. We want you out!
Lisa K. Curtis
Senator District 21
[i] Read More https://www.gq.com/news-politics/big-issues/200703/phillipine-sex-clubs-global-sex-trade-part-1#ixzz1tX3Fi8w7
[ii] “The sex trade, Part 1: Pleasure at Any Price”, GQ, Sean Lynn, March 2007
May 2, 2012 at 01:00 PM in 2012 Bernalillo County Commission Race, Guest Blogger, Republican Party | Permalink
Thank you, Lisa for bringing this truth forward. We need to stand up for these young women (and men). What a terrible reality, and even worse that these men take advantage of them.
I'm pretty sure that the public shaming will have no effect on MW, but we have to keep talking about it.
Posted by: bg | May 3, 2012 11:56:47 PM