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Friday, May 04, 2012
Marty Chavez Releases First Ad on May 2nd
“Balloon” Reinforces No-Nonsense Approach to Delivering Results
The former Albuquerque Mayor and current Congressional candidate Marty Chavez will air his first television ad.
The ad was sent to supporters via email and previewed for Facebook fans on Wednesday. Titled “Balloon,” the spot reinforces that to get things done in Congress, sometimes you have to 'yank' the politicians who 'go wherever the wind blows' in the right direction.
Marty also talks about his plans to deliver results for central New Mexican families including ending the Bush tax cuts for the top 1%, protecting the Affordable Care Act and making New Mexico THE leader in clean energy jobs.
May 4, 2012 at 09:00 AM in Candidates & Races, Martin Chavez, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Television | Permalink
I read that Chavez is only spending about $5,000 on this ad. His fundraising must be really bad for it to be so small. At least it makes sense why he won't return the $5,000 in campaign cash he took from his indicted girlfriend. He apparently had to spend it on this ad. Every dollar must be necessary, no matter how tainted.
Posted by: Downtown Progressive | May 5, 2012 4:54:44 PM